Versatile Data Kit 0.1
Package versions
The versions of VDK components released under VDK 0.1 are:
Main components
What's Changed
- [WIP] vdk-server: wire up the implementation with the plugin by @tpalashki in #186
- [control-service]:fix memoryToMB conversion overflow in KubernetesService by @mrMoZ1 in #462
- [draft]vkd-heartbeat: Add execution API to vdk heartbeat by @mrMoZ1 in #116
- [vdk-core]: Post-ingestion specification by @doks5 in #492
- [vdk-plugins][vdk-server]: Remove authentication imports by @doks5 in #609
- base: initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #29
- builds: make pre-requisites explicit by @tozka in #61
- cicd/control service: set dockerhub account for default imagePullSecrets by @tozka in #550
- cicd: fix gitlab runners by @tozka in #39
- contro-service: revert some logic related to false-positive emails by @tpalashki in #460
- control service cicd: add deploy demo/cicd environment scripts by @tozka in #55
- control service: rename data job api distribution by @tozka in #59
- control-serivice: clean up api documentation by @tozka in #489
- control-serivice: make smtp server configurable by @tozka in #490
- control-service,gitlab-ci: move end job to top level project by @tozka in #71
- control-service-base: upgrade JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 by @ivakoleva in #207
- control-service/vdk-cli/vdk-heartbeat: set Pipeline ID as op_id for vdk-heartbeat run by @tozka in #654
- control-service: extend PATCH deployments semantics by @tozka in #464
- control-service: Add Data Job Executions to the graphql by @kostoww in #265
- control-service: Add logging for keytab secret creation by @mrMoZ1 in #498
- control-service: Add username to executions by @doks5 in #159
- control-service: Add vdk-heartbeat image by @doks5 in #281
- control-service: Allow for additional labels for CS deployment by @gageorgiev in #318
- control-service: Allow for additional labels in deployment pod by @gageorgiev in #325
- control-service: Bump builder job version in helm by @doks5 in #473
- control-service: CI/CD improvements by @mivanov1988 in #76
- control-service: Change dep additional labels to be set using YML by @gageorgiev in #338
- control-service: Classify OOM as User Errors by @doks5 in #479
- control-service: Convert debug logs to info by @doks5 in #257
- control-service: Create Github repository on Helm install by @tpalashki in #64
- control-service: Data Job Executions GraphQL API returns null propert… by @mivanov1988 in #659
- control-service: Data Jobs API documentation changes by @ivakoleva in #77
- control-service: Document variables supported for configuring logs UR… by @mivanov1988 in #612
- control-service: Expose configuration properties by @mrMoZ1 in #60
- control-service: Failed to log the HttpTrace object fix by @ivakoleva in #102
- control-service: Fix JsonSyntaxException when cancelling execution by @mrMoZ1 in #192
- control-service: Fix authentication when pulling images by @YanaZhivkova in #456
- control-service: Format logs in JSON by @gageorgiev in #308
- control-service: GraphQL executions query IT tests by @mivanov1988 in #546
- control-service: GraphQL executions query by @mivanov1988 in #478
- control-service: Helm ingress support for by @inbobev in #88
- control-service: Include additional labels for service template by @gageorgiev in #255
- control-service: Introduce Executions in GraphQL Schema/API by @kostoww in #150
- control-service: Make fluentdconfig configurable by @gageorgiev in #74
- control-service: Properly classify requirements.txt errors by @doks5 in #437
- control-service: Release 1.2.16 by @gageorgiev in #343
- control-service: Remove logging of credentials in builder by @doks5 in #458
- control-service: Remove upper limit of the graphql query for page size by @kostoww in #232
- control-service: Remove upper limit of the graphql query for page size by @kostoww in #242
- control-service: Turn-off debug mode for builder script by @doks5 in #469
- control-service: Update Builder Job Version in helm by @doks5 in #467
- control-service: Update by @YanaZhivkova in #439
- control-service: Update Helm chart by @tpalashki in #78
- control-service: Update the GraphQL model with the last execution by @tpalashki in #486
- control-service: ability to add offset to dates in logs URL by @mivanov1988 in #644
- control-service: ability to deploy a data job before all it tests by @mivanov1988 in #539
- control-service: add IT for graphQL sort, filter by next run by @mrMoZ1 in #564
- control-service: add component readme and by @tozka in #109
- control-service: add custom logback-spring.xml config by @mrMoZ1 in #111
- control-service: add enabled flag of deployments to the database by @tpalashki in #421
- control-service: add execution states to GraphQL schema by @tozka in #87
- control-service: add execution status fail/success to graphql schema by @mrMoZ1 in #518
- control-service: add executions logging api by @tozka in #259
- control-service: add git ssl enabled flag by @mivanov1988 in #182
- control-service: add kaniko job builder by @tozka in #152
- control-service: add kaniko job-builder to Gitlab CI by @tozka in #156
- control-service: add last execution info to the data_job table by @tpalashki in #480
- control-service: add logging when updating last execution by @tpalashki in #657
- control-service: add logsUrl to DataJobExecution model by @mivanov1988 in #608
- control-service: add namespace label to Prometheus alerts by @tpalashki in #442
- control-service: add release instructions by @tozka in #93
- control-service: add tag Properties by @tozka in #132
- control-service: add team to job deployment by @versatile-data-kit-dev in #505
- control-service: add telemetry webhook by @tozka in #66
- control-service: add tracking for and automatic release of locks by @tpalashki in #639
- control-service: add unit test for jobs repository by @tpalashki in #423
- control-service: adopt job builder version 1.2 by @tpalashki in #195
- control-service: algorithm for building logs URL by @mivanov1988 in #607
- control-service: base module generating javadoc fix by @ivakoleva in #129
- control-service: bugfix on the execution cancellation api by @mrMoZ1 in #215
- control-service: bump python model version by @tozka in #276
- control-service: change CI/CD to release a new version on each PR merge by @tpalashki in #357
- control-service: change default image.pullPolicy by @mivanov1988 in #578
- control-service: change how termination status is updated by @tpalashki in #555
- control-service: change latest_job_termination_status converter by @mivanov1988 in #375
- control-service: change the query format of nested executions by @tpalashki in #572
- control-service: cicd initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #67
- control-service: classify DeadlineExceeded status as User Error by @tpalashki in #446
- control-service: clean up Git repository creation in the Helm chart by @tpalashki in #209
- control-service: clean up metrics for deleted data jobs by @tpalashki in #429
- control-service: data job execution statuses refinement by @mivanov1988 in #574
- control-service: deduplicate dependencies license report information by @ivakoleva in #52
- control-service: deprecated Data Jobs API endpoints cleanup by @ivakoleva in #89
- control-service: do not log stracktrace in debug log by @tozka in #151
- control-service: enable integration tests by @mivanov1988 in #127
- control-service: expose alerting metrics for execution cleanup job by @mrMoZ1 in #420
- control-service: expose datajob base image in helm by @tozka in #112
- control-service: extend GraphQL execution data fetcher by @mivanov1988 in #496
- control-service: extend pod termination message by @mivanov1988 in #337
- control-service: extend pod termination message by @mivanov1988 in #364
- control-service: failed data job deployment fix by @ivakoleva in #114
- control-service: fix LockAcquisitionException by @mivanov1988 in #667
- control-service: fix NPE in JobExecutionCleanup service by @mrMoZ1 in #470
- control-service: fix NPE when non-datajob cron job exists by @tozka in #491
- control-service: fix NullPointerException when reading job deployment status by @tpalashki in #326
- control-service: fix OOM classification as User error by @tpalashki in #534
- control-service: fix a bug in the GraphQL implementation by @tpalashki in #552
- control-service: fix a bug when updating the notification status by @tpalashki in #494
- control-service: fix bug in bad deployment metadata by @tozka in #315
- control-service: fix control service cicd deployment configuration by @tpalashki in #317
- control-service: fix deploy notifications and add cc mails by @tozka in #544
- control-service: fix docker registry URLs by @tozka in #94
- control-service: fix false-positive alert notifications by @tpalashki in #379
- control-service: fix graphql NPE when sorting null description or team by @mrMoZ1 in #452
- control-service: fix graphql executions loading by @mivanov1988 in #632
- control-service: fix graphql schema by @mivanov1988 in #664
- control-service: fix helm image tag type by @mivanov1988 in #661
- control-service: fix helm push comand during service release by @tpalashki in #334
- control-service: fix job monitoring by @mivanov1988 in #641
- control-service: fix lastDeployedDate and lastDeployedBy by @mivanov1988 in #615
- control-service: fix sample documentation by @tozka in #142
- control-service: fix set vdk version be to set on image by @tozka in #499
- control-service: fix spelling errors in CHANGELOG by @tozka in #107
- control-service: fix vdk-heartbeat authorization issue by @tozka in #380
- control-service: generating javadoc fix by @ivakoleva in #108
- control-service: give Control Service permission to read logs by @tozka in #295
- control-service: graphQL api - add job success/fail rate by @mrMoZ1 in #535
- control-service: graphQL filter by jobName, startTimeLte, endTimeLte by @mrMoZ1 in #551
- control-service: graphQL improved job executions sorting by end_time by @mrMoZ1 in #495
- control-service: graphQl add sorting by notifications by @mrMoZ1 in #582
- control-service: graphql add execution fail/success query by @mrMoZ1 in #515
- control-service: helm charts initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #44
- control-service: ignore late Kubernetes event by @tpalashki in #409
- control-service: implement DELETE Job execution REST API by @mrMoZ1 in #140
- control-service: implement Execution Logging API by @tozka in #271
- control-service: implement authorization by @tpalashki in #294
- control-service: improve integration tests stability by @mivanov1988 in #619
- control-service: improve integration tests stability by @mivanov1988 in #634
- control-service: improve list executions api correctness by @mivanov1988 in #322
- control-service: improve logging during job monitoring by @tpalashki in #653
- control-service: improve performance of executions loading by @mivanov1988 in #660
- control-service: install trino flavor of vdk-heartbeat by @tozka in #282
- control-service: integration tests fix by @mivanov1988 in #229
- control-service: job builder initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #53
- control-service: make graphql sorting consistent by @mivanov1988 in #633
- control-service: make image registry configurable by @tozka in #100
- control-service: mark job executions as failed in case of user error by @mivanov1988 in #205
- control-service: merge multiple monitor classes into one by @tpalashki in #414
- control-service: model gradle wrapper upgrade by @ivakoleva in #69
- control-service: model initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #36
- control-service: modify the GraphQL data fetcher by @tpalashki in #533
- control-service: pass builder extra arguments by @tozka in #174
- control-service: passing data job arguments through execute API by @mrMoZ1 in #267
- control-service: pin CI/CD to helm 3.6.3 by @mivanov1988 in #269
- control-service: publish job-builder image by @tozka in #85
- control-service: reduce the k8s job deadline to 12 hours by @tpalashki in #466
- control-service: refactor monitoring logic to improve encapsulation by @tpalashki in #391
- control-service: release 1.2.0 of the helm chart by @tozka in #92
- control-service: release 1.2.1 by @tozka in #106
- control-service: release 1.2.10 by @tozka in #285
- control-service: release 1.2.11 by @tozka in #301
- control-service: release 1.2.12 by @mivanov1988 in #313
- control-service: release 1.2.13 by @tpalashki in #320
- control-service: release 1.2.14 by @tpalashki in #332
- control-service: release 1.2.15 by @tpalashki in #335
- control-service: release 1.2.2 by @tozka in #113
- control-service: release 1.2.3 by @ivakoleva in #141
- control-service: release 1.2.4 by @ivakoleva in #147
- control-service: release 1.2.5 by @tozka in #158
- control-service: release 1.2.6 by @mrMoZ1 in #164
- control-service: release 1.2.9 by @mivanov1988 in #266
- control-service: release helm chart version 1.2.8 by @tpalashki in #210
- control-service: release v1.2.3 by @ivakoleva in #124
- control-service: release version 1.2.7 by @tpalashki in #187
- control-service: remove comments at astart of helm templates by @tozka in #49
- control-service: remove data job name suffix by @mivanov1988 in #260
- control-service: remove legacy default value by @tozka in #270
- control-service: remove unused methods and classes in KubernetesService by @tozka in #457
- control-service: remove/disable log4j references by @tpalashki in #640
- control-service: removed not necessary annotations by @mivanov1988 in #637
- control-service: return and udpate vdkVersion in Deployment by @tozka in #476
- control-service: set build job impagePullPolicity to default to IfNot… by @tozka in #549
- control-service: set correct properties api url for cicd by @tozka in #105
- control-service: set job execution end time during the sync by @mivanov1988 in #310
- control-service: set job-builder version to 1.1 by @tozka in #157
- control-service: set start time only on new executions by @mivanov1988 in #382
- control-service: split DataJobTerminationStatusIT by @mivanov1988 in #617
- control-service: spring job for deleting old executions from database by @mrMoZ1 in #58
- control-service: synchronize job execution statuses by @mivanov1988 in #258
- control-service: synchronize job executions in status submitted by @mivanov1988 in #312
- control-service: trivial update to the by @tpalashki in #367
- control-service: update readme with correct helm repo by @tozka in #131
- control-service: update release doc by @tozka in #143
- control-service: update the K8S job monitoring logic by @tpalashki in #563
- control-service: update the last execution state on job completion by @tpalashki in #506
- control-service: update the prometheus rules by @tpalashki in #256
- control-service: vdk version was being overwritten when not set by @tozka in #593
- control-service:fix vdk heartbeat uses older versions of dependecies by @tozka in #642
- create initial repository documentation by @tozka in #1
- examples: Add requirements file to ingest csv by @doks5 in #226
- examples: Incremental ingestion from DB example by @dvalkova in #646
- fix python coverage report by @tozka in #592
- gitlab-runners: remediate docker limits issue by @tozka in #40
- gitlab-runners: start runners in cicd namespace by @tozka in #41
- job-builder: release version 1.2 by @tpalashki in #191
- pipelines-control-service: initial commit by @mivanov1988 in #43
- pipelines-control-service: upgrade JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 by @ivakoleva in #208
- plugin-template: add sample tests by @tozka in #568
- plugins: Fix bugs in vdk-ingest-http by @doks5 in #95
- plugins: Initial commit for snowflake support by @doks5 in #178
- plugins: fix entry-point check by @tozka in #333
- plugins: set long_description_content_type to markdwon by @tozka in #38
- prototype: create a prototype for single command installation by @tpalashki in #169
- quickstart-vdk: Remove vdk-trino plugin by @gageorgiev in #264
- quickstart-vdk: add a new plugin by @tozka in #22
- quickstart-vdk: add vdk-server plugin by @tpalashki in #206
- quickstart-vdk: release docker image with bundled vdk by @tozka in #83
- remove duplicate by @tozka in #2
- taurus-vdk: delete unnecessary plugin by @tozka in #336
- update contacts section by @dakodakov in #137
- update_contacts_section by @dakodakov in #138
- vdk cicd: remove stages overrides by @tozka in #86
- vdk plugins: add descriptions to by @tozka in #21
- vdk plugins: add url & classifiers by @tozka in #79
- vdk-cli: Add --arguments option to vdk execute cli by @mrMoZ1 in #275
- vdk-cli: added execute --cancel to cli commands by @mrMoZ1 in #254
- vdk-control-cli-plugin: Fix regression by @mrMoZ1 in #417
- vdk-control-cli: Add debug logging for errors by @doks5 in #145
- vdk-control-cli: Add deployment verification tip by @gageorgiev in #289
- vdk-control-cli: Fix before_script being inherited too liberally by @gageorgiev in #18
- vdk-control-cli: Fix tests namespace by @gageorgiev in #292
- vdk-control-cli: Fix traceback shown for broken config.ini by @doks5 in #648
- vdk-control-cli: Hide Cannot-cleanup-archive warning by @doks5 in #652
- vdk-control-cli: Make sample job be runnable without error by @gageorgiev in #227
- vdk-control-cli: Rename namespaces by @gageorgiev in #238
- vdk-control-cli: Support 3.10 by @gageorgiev in #536
- vdk-control-cli: Team in execute start output by @doks5 in #125
- vdk-control-cli:
deploy --show
shouldn't print help if JSON by @gageorgiev in #302 - vdk-control-cli: add command to set vdk version by @tozka in #482
- vdk-control-cli: add missing typing hints by @tozka in #297
- vdk-control-cli: add vdk execute --logs by @tozka in #277
- vdk-control-cli: address security vulnerability by @tozka in #14
- vdk-control-cli: auto-create base config directory by @tozka in #376
- vdk-control-cli: autodetect if authentication is needed by @tozka in #305
- vdk-control-cli: automate release by @tozka in #220
- vdk-control-cli: bump vdk-control-service-api version by @mivanov1988 in #581
- vdk-control-cli: bump version by @tozka in #17
- vdk-control-cli: bump version of requests by @tozka in #23
- vdk-control-cli: bump version to 1.1.0 by @tozka in #68
- vdk-control-cli: change API client to vdk-control-service-api by @tozka in #65
- vdk-control-cli: change sampe job to new api (vdk.api) by @tozka in #213
- vdk-control-cli: clarify rest client errors by @tozka in #327
- vdk-control-cli: dependencies license report by @ivakoleva in #32
- vdk-control-cli: deploy -p $dir should not fail if team is not set by @tozka in #298
- vdk-control-cli: enable relase acceptance test by @tozka in #42
- vdk-control-cli: enable setting many options at once with vdk deploy by @tozka in #600
- vdk-control-cli: fix flaky unit tests by @tozka in #481
- vdk-control-cli: fix sample job to work by @tozka in #366
- vdk-control-cli: fix typo in readme by @tozka in #20
- vdk-control-cli: fix vdk create help by @tozka in #214
- vdk-control-cli: fix warning message not to crash by @tozka in #353
- vdk-control-cli: improve execute error handling by @doks5 in #135
- vdk-control-cli: initial commit by @tozka in #11
- vdk-control-cli: license information added by @ivakoleva in #47
- vdk-control-cli: make vdk create smarter by @tozka in #211
- vdk-control-cli: prefix all CI Job by @tozka in #70
- vdk-control-cli: properties plugin reusing control service api client by @tozka in #340
- vdk-control-cli: provide option to disable authentication by @tpalashki in #249
- vdk-control-cli: remove hidden from vdkcli execute by @tozka in #543
- vdk-control-cli: remove unnnecessary options by @tozka in #602
- vdk-control-cli: set rest api url for properties api by @tozka in #358
- vdk-control-cli: switch CI to main branch by @tozka in #12
- vdk-control-cli: use test_utils.assert_click_status for assertions by @tozka in #477
- vdk-core plugins: Change namespace to vdk.plugin by @gageorgiev in #296
- vdk-core plugins: Support 3.10 by @gageorgiev in #538
- vdk-core: Add test for ingestion to tables by @doks5 in #167
- vdk-core: Change the namespaces of vdk-core's tests by @gageorgiev in #236
- vdk-core: Delete example-command-defaults-hook plugin by @gageorgiev in #293
- vdk-core: Fix error in user code classified as Platform Error by @doks5 in #566
- vdk-core: Fix inclusion of exception message in log call by @gageorgiev in #601
- vdk-core: Fix ingesting NULL values by @gageorgiev in #222
- vdk-core: Fix ingestion wrong destination_table by @doks5 in #163
- vdk-core: Fix issue where plugin CI/CD is not triggering by @gageorgiev in #16
- vdk-core: Fix regression in job input error classifier by @doks5 in #577
- vdk-core: Fix vdk-core CICD triggering on unrelated changes by @gageorgiev in #37
- vdk-core: Fully managed cursor by @ivakoleva in #388
- vdk-core: Greenplum ingestion by @ivakoleva in #415
- vdk-core: Greenplum support by @ivakoleva in #361
- vdk-core: Initial commit by @gageorgiev in #13
- vdk-core: Introduce Ingestion Plugin execution sequence interfaces by @doks5 in #579
- vdk-core: Log version check error to DEBUG by @gageorgiev in #594
- vdk-core: Make ingest method router store method keys in lowercase by @gageorgiev in #154
- vdk-core: PostgreSQL support by @ivakoleva in #190
- vdk-core: Publish release candidate distribution and image by @YanaZhivkova in #624
- vdk-core: Raise exception if Data Job has no steps by @gageorgiev in #279
- vdk-core: Reenable plugin CICD, fix vdk-plugin-control-cli imports by @gageorgiev in #216
- vdk-core: Release acceptance test job added to CI/CD by @YanaZhivkova in #656
- vdk-core: Remove @table column from base ingestion code by @YanaZhivkova in #170
- vdk-core: Remove click.echo calls, print calls by @gageorgiev in #287
- vdk-core: Remove databases from DB_DEFAULT_TYPE description by @gageorgiev in #272
- vdk-core: Remove misleading ingester docs by @doks5 in #307
- vdk-core: Remove reference to taurus from main namespace by @gageorgiev in #212
- vdk-core: Revise parts of the IIngesterPlugin Interface by @doks5 in #672
- vdk-core: Rework new version printout by @gageorgiev in #575
- vdk-core: Setup IDE section of simplified by @YanaZhivkova in #28
- vdk-core: Support Python 3.10 by @gageorgiev in #528
- vdk-core: Validate plugin entry point during build stage by @gageorgiev in #316
- vdk-core: add termination message writer plugin by @mivanov1988 in #219
- vdk-core: allow iterable for send_tabular_data_for_ingestion by @tozka in #155
- vdk-core: build script extra URLs of package indexes fix by @ivakoleva in #34
- vdk-core: change how we keep execution_id by @mrMoZ1 in #381
- vdk-core: check correct ingestion format by @doks5 in #115
- vdk-core: configuration managment bugfixes by @tozka in #368
- vdk-core: configure correct attempt, execution and op id. by @tozka in #383
- vdk-core: define clearly public interfaces by @tozka in #443
- vdk-core: dependencies license report by @ivakoleva in #31
- vdk-core: disable per-attempt notifications by default by @tpalashki in #122
- vdk-core: enable setting all vdk options using config file by @tozka in #365
- vdk-core: expose job config in config-help by @tozka in #126
- vdk-core: extend pod termination message by @mivanov1988 in #347
- vdk-core: fail job if job template fails by @tozka in #416
- vdk-core: fix coverage reports by @tozka in #355
- vdk-core: fix ingester error handling by @tozka in #179
- vdk-core: fix issue in default values overriding set values by @tozka in #172
- vdk-core: fix misconfigured description breaks help by @tozka in #171
- vdk-core: fix unit tests by @tozka in #323
- vdk-core: improve config help documentation by @tozka in #119
- vdk-core: improve help by @tozka in #328
- vdk-core: ingester exception if no method by @tozka in #354
- vdk-core: license information added by @ivakoleva in #46
- vdk-core: make Job input variables private by @tozka in #62
- vdk-core: make sure ingest failure causes data job failure by @tozka in #173
- vdk-core: managed connection commit/rollback support by @ivakoleva in #189
- vdk-core: pass team explicitly to plugin properties client by @tozka in #330
- vdk-core: plugins license information added by @ivakoleva in #48
- vdk-core: prefix CI jobs by @tozka in #73
- vdk-core: print python version with
vdk version
by @tozka in #627 - vdk-core: provide needed error details for vdk run by @tozka in #626
- vdk-core: refactor notification configuration by @tozka in #128
- vdk-core: rename Data Jobs Development Kit to Versatile Data Kit by @tozka in #201
- vdk-core: set INGESTER_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTES_THRESHOLD default to 500KB by @tozka in #291
- vdk-core: show default values in vdk config-help by @tozka in #433
- vdk-core: simplify log line by @tozka in #570
- vdk-core: support full smtp configuration by @tozka in #134
- vdk-core: update description of ingester_should_raise_exception_on_fa… by @tozka in #177
- vdk-core: update testing readme by @tozka in #613
- vdk-core: vdk config-help usability improvements by @tozka in #408
- vdk-core: vdk run logging levels by @tozka in #483
- vdk-core: vdk-logging-json by @gageorgiev in #80
- vdk-csv-example: Add example csv file by @doks5 in #237
- vdk-csv: add new plugin - vdk ingest-csv command by @tozka in #161
- vdk-csv: fix examples to use correct command by @tozka in #280
- vdk-csv: improve docs by @tozka in #176
- vdk-heartbeat: Add option for multiple env var names by @doks5 in #324
- vdk-heartbeat: Fix constantly running CI/CD by @doks5 in #75
- vdk-heartbeat: Fix namespaces by @gageorgiev in #244
- vdk-heartbeat: Fix vdk-heartbeat CI/CD script by @doks5 in #63
- vdk-heartbeat: Introduce VDK Heartbeat by @doks5 in #51
- vdk-heartbeat: Make oauth2 refresh token optional by @YanaZhivkova in #567
- vdk-heartbeat: Make vdk version configurable by @YanaZhivkova in #576
- vdk-heartbeat: Make vdkcli_oauth2_uri and control_api_url optional by @YanaZhivkova in #540
- vdk-heartbeat: Remove taurus.vdk module by @gageorgiev in #252
- vdk-heartbeat: Support 3.10 by @gageorgiev in #537
- vdk-heartbeat: Test Trino templates execution by @YanaZhivkova in #290
- vdk-heartbeat: add flag to disable manual execution test by @tozka in #240
- vdk-heartbeat: automate release by @tozka in #246
- vdk-heartbeat: bump version to 0.4.11 by @tozka in #101
- vdk-heartbeat: fix CICD by @tozka in #103
- vdk-heartbeat: fix encoding when reading job execution logs by @tpalashki in #319
- vdk-heartbeat: improve a bit documentation by @tozka in #241
- vdk-heartbeat: improve logging by @tozka in #314
- vdk-heartbeat: make sure op_id is passed everywhere by @tozka in #571
- vdk-heartbeat: make sure trino job install vdk-trino by @tozka in #284
- vdk-heartbeat: show last job execution logs by @tozka in #304
- vdk-heartbeat: switch to vdk.api namespace by @tozka in #239
- vdk-heartbeat: trino ingestion test by @mivanov1988 in #514
- vdk-impala: Allow users to specify SYNC_DDL and query pool in config by @gageorgiev in #611
- vdk-impala: Classify impala errors as User error if needed by @gageorgiev in #649
- vdk-impala: Cleanup of DecoratedSqLite3MemoryDbPlugin during test phase by @ivakoleva in #670
- vdk-impala: Create plugin by @gageorgiev in #485
- vdk-impala: Error handling and recovery support by @gageorgiev in #589
- vdk-impala: Fix issue caused by timeout parameter having a float value by @gageorgiev in #590
- vdk-impala: Move time.sleep fix to conftest by @gageorgiev in #620
- vdk-ingest-http, vdk-ingest-file: Remove two log calls by @gageorgiev in #288
- vdk-ingest-http: Add support for compression and ingestion result by @ivakoleva in #623
- vdk-ingest-http: Fix wrong namespace by @gageorgiev in #303
- vdk-ingest-http: add functional test by @tozka in #199
- vdk-ingest-http: send all payloads as one http request by @tozka in #200
- vdk-kerberos-auth: add functional tests by @tpalashki in #668
- vdk-kerberos-auth: introduce a new plugin by @tpalashki in #629
- vdk-kerberos-auth: provide variable to specify krb5.conf configuration by @tpalashki in #666
- vdk-logging-json: Allow for logging of the stack trace by @gageorgiev in #371
- vdk-logging-json: Convert newlines to tabs by @gageorgiev in #253
- vdk-logging-json: Escape double quotes in message by @gageorgiev in #341
- vdk-logging-json: Escape newlines in log messages by @gageorgiev in #121
- vdk-logging-json: Format logs before initializing job by @gageorgiev in #286
- vdk-logging-json: Revert to escaping newline chars by @gageorgiev in #283
- vdk-logging-json: pass op_id attribute to logs by @tozka in #569
- vdk-logging-ltsv: improve by @tozka in #25
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: Fix import namespaces by @gageorgiev in #243
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: Remove vdkcli from help/err msgs by @YanaZhivkova in #228
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: add enable skip logic flag and set execution id correctly by @mrMoZ1 in #378
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: adopt vdk-core change PropertiesServiceClient by @tozka in #331
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: change long_description_content_type to markdown by @tozka in #30
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: define vdk-control-cli configuration options by @tozka in #339
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: fix hard-coded strings and extend the plugin tests by @tozka in #384
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: improve by @tozka in #27
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: introduce job execution skipping functionality by @mrMoZ1 in #321
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: remove explicit authentication in skip logic by @tozka in #342
- vdk-plugin-control-cli: remove unused code by @tozka in #562
- vdk-plugins: Fix release job template by @gageorgiev in #556
- vdk-plugins: Move all plugins into separate directory by @gageorgiev in #553
- vdk-plugins: Update by @tpalashki in #614
- vdk-server, vdk-trino: Fix namespaces by @gageorgiev in #311
- vdk-server: Fix vdk-control-cli import namespace by @gageorgiev in #248
- vdk-server: Wire up external containers (Git, Docker) with the service by @tpalashki in #194
- vdk-server: add an option to check the installation status by @tpalashki in #251
- vdk-server: attempt to address a problem on some environments by @tpalashki in #278
- vdk-server: clean up the default configuration during uninstall by @tpalashki in #234
- vdk-server: configure default rest url during Control Service installation by @tpalashki in #231
- vdk-server: disable authentication during server installation by @tpalashki in #250
- vdk-server: expose control service outside of the cluster by @tpalashki in #203
- vdk-server: expose port 443 on the Kind cluster by @tpalashki in #273
- vdk-server: fix git server installation by @tpalashki in #183
- vdk-server: fix several typos by @tpalashki in #263
- vdk-server: improve user experience by @tpalashki in #218
- vdk-server: remove write_default_authentication_disable by @tozka in #603
- vdk-server: usability fixes by @tozka in #299
- vdk-snowflake: Add Snowflake Connection by @doks5 in #196
- vdk-snowflake: Add plugin configurations by @doks5 in #197
- vdk-snowflake: Add usage to README by @doks5 in #202
- vdk-snowflake: Refactor plugin code by @doks5 in #221
- vdk-snowflake: Uncomment release step by @doks5 in #224
- vdk-sqlite & ingest-http: fix mistaken config name by @tozka in #198
- vdk-sqlite: Ensure ingestion uses the implemented SQLite connection by @gageorgiev in #160
- vdk-sqlite: Ensure target is set reasonably when ingesting by @gageorgiev in #181
- vdk-sqlite: Fix directory issue by @gageorgiev in #123
- vdk-sqlite: Fix sqlite-query bug caused by no cursor description by @gageorgiev in #453
- vdk-sqlite: Handle column mismatch error by @doks5 in #245
- vdk-sqlite: Implement ingestion to SQLite by @gageorgiev in #139
- vdk-sqlite: add new plugin by @tozka in #72
- vdk-sqlite: auto-create table if it does not exists by @tozka in #422
- vdk-test-utils: Apply changes after fully managed cursor merge by @ivakoleva in #522
- vdk-test-utils: Change namespace to vdk.plugin by @gageorgiev in #300
- vdk-test-utils: Move connection test util func to vdk-test-utils by @gageorgiev in #598
- vdk-test-utils: Release vdk-test-utils by @gageorgiev in #217
- vdk-test-utils: add IngestIntoMemoryPlugin by @tozka in #162
- vdk-test-utils: improve by @tozka in #24
- vdk-trino, vdk-greenplum: Fix ingestion by @gageorgiev in #547
- vdk-trino: Add fact snapshot template by @YanaZhivkova in #84
- vdk-trino: Add unit tests for templates using reserved words by @YanaZhivkova in #133
- vdk-trino: Automatically start Trino server for templates local testing by @YanaZhivkova in #96
- vdk-trino: Ensure tests would catch the 'LIKE view' issue by @gageorgiev in #359
- vdk-trino: Escape identifiers in templates by @YanaZhivkova in #110
- vdk-trino: Fix creating a table using 'LIKE view' by @gageorgiev in #356
- vdk-trino: Implement SCD2 template without alter table rename by @YanaZhivkova in #50
- vdk-trino: Rename template from snapshot to periodic_snapshot by @YanaZhivkova in #98
- vdk-trino: Trino Ingestion by @gageorgiev in #168
- vdk-trino: Update templates documentation by @YanaZhivkova in #185
- vdk-trino: add plugin to detect user errors by @tozka in #650
- vdk-trino: extract TrinoConfiguration in separate module by @tozka in #628
- vdk-trino: improve by @tozka in #26
- vdk/cicd: add gitlab runners installer by @tozka in #9
- vdk/cicd: initial integration with Gitlab CI by @tozka in #4
- vdk: Update by @tozka in #7
- vdk: add new stage (pre_release_image) and fix trigger rules by @tozka in #631
- vdk: add some initial badges and logo by @tozka in #385
- vdk: delete top level CHANGELOG by @tozka in #153
- vdk: fix badges by @tozka in #597
- vdk: fix technical error by @tozka in #6
- vdk: improve badges, address some minor things from CII evaluaotin by @tozka in #596
- vdk: team config definition being overriding team value by @tozka in #166
- vdk: update contributing and readme by @tozka in #5
- vdk: update with link to cicd by @tozka in #144
- vdk: update gitignore by @tozka in #130
- versatile data kit logos by @dakodakov in #413
- versatile-data-kit: Fix --help command truncation by @gageorgiev in #225
- versatile-data-kit: Fix Ingestion from CSV Example by @YanaZhivkova in #223
- versatile-data-kit: Fix copyright license by @gageorgiev in #180
- versatile-data-kit: Fix typos in README and CONTRIBUTING by @gageorgiev in #188
- versatile-data-kit: From DB to DB Ingestion Example by @YanaZhivkova in #149
- versatile-data-kit: Include DL join link by @gageorgiev in #104
- versatile-data-kit: Include a non-expiring Slack invite link by @gageorgiev in #81
- versatile-data-kit: Include link to public Slack workspace by @gageorgiev in #19
- versatile-data-kit: Ingestion from CSV Example by @YanaZhivkova in #175
- versatile-data-kit: REST API Ingestion Example by @gageorgiev in #148
- versatile-data-kit: Remove references to Data Lake/Data Warehouse by @gageorgiev in #233
- versatile-data-kit: Rename REST API ingestion example directory by @gageorgiev in #204
- versatile-data-kit: SQLite processing example by @gageorgiev in #118
- versatile-data-kit: Setup pre-commit hook by @gageorgiev in #10
- versatile-data-kit: clarify some steps in by @tozka in #35
- versatile-data-kit: fix bad links in README by @tozka in #407
- versatile-data-kit: vdk-health dockerfile by @gageorgiev in #523
New Contributors
- @tozka made their first contribution in #1
- @gageorgiev made their first contribution in #10
- @mivanov1988 made their first contribution in #29
- @YanaZhivkova made their first contribution in #28
- @ivakoleva made their first contribution in #34
- @doks5 made their first contribution in #51
- @tpalashki made their first contribution in #64
- @mrMoZ1 made their first contribution in #60
- @inbobev made their first contribution in #88
- @dakodakov made their first contribution in #137
- @kostoww made their first contribution in #232
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #374
- @versatile-data-kit-dev made their first contribution in #505
- @dvalkova made their first contribution in #646
Full Changelog: