v0.17.18 (2016-03-16)
v0.17.17 (2016-03-16)
Closed issues:
- create alternative backend for logging #64
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade mesos.interface to 0.24.1 #329 (nhandler)
- Allow 'paasta re.start -c' to use a list of clusters #328 (nosmo)
v0.17.16 (2016-03-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix
paasta status -vv
#325 (giuliano108) - Display more data when doing the healthcheck during local-run #321 (solarkennedy)
v0.17.15 (2016-03-11)
Closed issues:
- setting 'disable: true' in a chronos job is a noop unless you also 'paasta stop' the job #283
Merged pull requests:
- Mesos 0.24.1 Passes Tests! #317 (nhandler)
- Use authentication with mesos in itests #316 (nhandler)
- Print metastatus free resources alongside total resource capacity #315 (nosmo)
- Make FileLogWriter, which writes json-formatted log lines to a specified file. #313 (EvanKrall)
- Do the mesos upgrade again #312 (nhandler)
- added clean_up_zookeeper_autoscaling to environment.py #310 (mjksmith)
- increased test coverage for marathon_tools #309 (mjksmith)
- fixed the default autoscaling config args #308 (mjksmith)
- fixed a log line in generate_deployments_for_service #307 (mjksmith)
- ensure disabled flag is considered when computing config hash for chr… #306 (Rob-Johnson)
- added an autocomplete to rollback git shas #305 (mjksmith)
- Added more explicit start/stop/restart messages #302 (solarkennedy)
- Add stdout/err tail snippet to paasta status -vv (PAASTA-3268) #301 (giuliano108)
- Order tasks in verbose paasta status #295 (drolando)
- Added an autoscaling_method field #290 (mjksmith)
- Update docs to note Marathon env_var_prefix #286 (nhandler)
- Pluggable log systems #281 (EvanKrall)
v0.17.14 (2016-03-07)
Closed issues:
- Can't run paasta itests when using docker http api #287
alerts when a job is disabled #284
Merged pull requests:
- Redo mesos.cli upgrade #304 (nhandler)
- Allow paasta to use docker http api #300 (keshavdv)
- refactored create_complete_config #298 (mjksmith)
- Remove disabled field from chronos soa-configs #293 (Rob-Johnson)
- send OK event when a chronos job has been disabled #292 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.17.13 (2016-03-04)
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Upgrade mesos.cli for mesos 0.24.1 upgrade" #297 (nhandler)
- added autoscaling docs #296 (mjksmith)
- respect the alert_after param in check_chronos_jobs #291 (Rob-Johnson)
- Mesos 0.24.1 #289 (nhandler)
v0.17.12 (2016-03-04)
Merged pull requests:
- Set MARATHON_PORT env variable in local-run #285 (nhandler)
- Upgrade mesos in itests to 0.24.1 #233 (nhandler)
v0.17.11 (2016-03-03)
Closed issues:
- paasta metastatus should show units in output #277
- paasta fsm generating bad config #270
- paasta start/stop/restart should provide helpful hints if it can't talk to git #269
- error running metastatus -vv #257
- Rename /state.json endpoint in conjunction with mesos 0.24.x to 0.25.x upgrade #232
Merged pull requests:
- Fix an output bug in paasta check #282 (mjksmith)
- add a note about the parents field in yelpsoa-configs #280 (Rob-Johnson)
- added docs for deploy groups string interpolation #279 (mjksmith)
- fix some dead links in the docs #278 (Rob-Johnson)
- Updated /state endpoint for mesos 0.25.x upgrade #276 (ameya-pandilwar)
- Allow marathon instance counts to be read from zookeeper #275 (mjksmith)
- Added a more friendly error message when git isn't reachable. #274 (solarkennedy)
- Use returncode instead of sys.exit in the paasta cli #273 (solarkennedy)
- Add extra_constraints and pool to schemas for paasta validate #272 (nhandler)
- Added missing pool docs #271 (solarkennedy)
- Fix metastatus -vv #262 (nhandler)
v0.17.10 (2016-02-25)
Merged pull requests:
v0.17.9 (2016-02-25)
Closed issues:
- PORT exported by paasta makes it difficult to do dockerfiles according to best practices #152
Merged pull requests:
v0.17.8 (2016-02-24)
v0.17.7 (2016-02-24)
v0.17.6 (2016-02-24)
v0.17.5 (2016-02-24)
v0.17.4 (2016-02-24)
v0.17.3 (2016-02-23)
v0.17.2 (2016-02-23)
Merged pull requests:
v0.17.1 (2016-02-23)
Closed issues:
- Rename
#243 - we should validate that a given service.instance parent exists before trying to deploy #148
- add validation for chronos job parents #97
Merged pull requests:
- Renamed --deploy_group to --deploy-group #264 (ameya-pandilwar)
- made setup_chronos_jobs handle non-existant jobs #263 (mjksmith)
- added string interpolation to deploy groups #259 (mjksmith)
- validate dependent jobs' parents - issue 148 #245 (giuliano108)
- re-ordered default deploy order in fsm #242 (mjksmith)
v0.17.0 (2016-02-17)
Closed issues:
- error in check_marathon_services_replication when a task hasn't started #258
Merged pull requests:
- marathon tasks with started_at of None are now unhealthy #261 (mjksmith)
- No longer use paasta_execute_in_container for command healthchecks. #260 (solarkennedy)
- made metastatus catch when no dashboard in configured #253 (mjksmith)
v0.16.34 (2016-02-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Update paasta check sensu_check and smartstack_check to pass soa_dir #254 (nhandler)
- Revert "Revert "Mark for deployment tags take2"" #252 (nhandler)
v0.16.33 (2016-02-11)
Closed issues:
- Control tags besides start/stop are all interpreted as stop. #223
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Mark for deployment tags take2" #250 (nhandler)
- Added experimental script to kill old marathon deployments #249 (solarkennedy)
- made metastatus read from /etc/paasta to get dashboards #248 (mjksmith)
- fix typo in docs #247 (Rob-Johnson)
- Fixed typo in docs/source/deploy_groups.rst #246 (drolando)
- Use verbose flags instead of debug in paasta logs #244 (solarkennedy)
- Added metastatus -vv #234 (mjksmith)
- Mark for deployment tags take2 #231 (nhandler)
v0.16.32 (2016-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for disk resource isolation #241 (nhandler)
- removed unnecessary arg from generate_deployments.get_desired_state #240 (mjksmith)
- reduced kill_orphaned_docker_containers runtime #239 (mjksmith)
- made paasta metastatus display total cpu and mem on critical status #237 (mjksmith)
- paasta status - show the value of schedule_time_zone (PAASTA-2389) #235 (giuliano108)
v0.16.31 (2016-02-05)
Closed issues:
- update chronos_schema.json to support dependent jobs #217
- If container dies, fail healthcheck (local-run) #213
- allow a string or array value for the 'parents' key of a dependent job #149
- Show the status of a job's parents in paasta status #96
Merged pull requests:
- Added experimental manual mesos task reconciliation script (orphan killer) #238 (solarkennedy)
- Add extra_constraints, which doesn't override default constraints. #236 (EvanKrall)
- Upgrade mesos.interface to 0.23.1 #230 (nhandler)
- Fail fast when contained dies in local-run. Resolves #213 #229 (asottile)
- Add jsonschema to setup.py #228 (asottile)
- Add a new itest to assert new services have a desired_state of start #227 (nhandler)
- Fix typo #226 (asottile)
- Update chronos json schema #217 #224 (giuliano108)
- allow a string or array value for the 'parents' key of a dependent job #219 (giuliano108)
- Added documentation for deploy groups #218 (mjksmith)
- fsm now generates configs that use deploy groups #208 (mjksmith)
- Show details of parents in output of
paasta status
#200 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.16.30 (2016-02-03)
v0.16.29 (2016-02-03)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.28 (2016-02-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Use json.dumps to get more consistent hash keys #221 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.27 (2016-02-02)
Closed issues:
- Stop Using Short GPG Key IDs #212
- Cannot fetch index base URL http://pypi.yelpcorp.com/ #77
Merged pull requests:
- Use full GPG fingerprints #215 (nhandler)
- Upgrade mesos to 0.23.1-0.2.61.ubuntu1404 #214 (nhandler)
- Catch the race between inspecting a marathon app that isn't running during a bounce. PAASTA-1721 #210 (solarkennedy)
- Gracefully handle killing a marathon task that is already dead. PAASTA-1219 #209 (solarkennedy)
- made paasta start/stop deploy-group aware #206 (mjksmith)
- Inject PAASTA_* variables into every task #196 (solarkennedy)
- Add healthcheck_mode to service config #194 (fede1024)
- Mark for deployment tags #190 (nhandler)
v0.16.26 (2016-01-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix regression from Yelp#179 where we … #211 (EvanKrall)
- added deploy_group to valid schemas for paasta check #207 (mjksmith)
v0.16.25 (2016-01-29)
Closed issues:
- Figure out how to launch both a 'scheduled' job and 'dependent' job at the same time #147
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.24 (2016-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
- added support for old bugged refs/tags #205 (mjksmith)
- make release no longer breaks PEP8 #204 (mjksmith)
- Use acutal running tasks for marathon_services_running_here_works itest #203 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.23 (2016-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
- metastatus now prints an error when marathon is configured & unreachable #202 (mjksmith)
- made cleanup_chronos_jobs send OK on sensu #191 (mjksmith)
- Enabled deploy_groups #177 (mjksmith)
v0.16.22 (2016-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
- made cleanup_chronos_jobs remove all non-paasta jobs #201 (mjksmith)
- skip dependent jobs if they are created before their parent #199 (giuliano108)
- made cleanup_marathon_jobs send sensu OK events #198 (mjksmith)
v0.16.21 (2016-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.20 (2016-01-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Converts marathon's
to the local tz #195 (mjksmith) - Remove tags chronos jobs #193 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.16.19 (2016-01-27)
Closed issues:
- Misleading error message with local-run -p #192
v0.16.18 (2016-01-27)
Closed issues:
- Make 'paasta check' call 'paasta validate' #128
Merged pull requests:
- Pick a smartstack port randomly, instead of always picking highest existing + 1. #189 (EvanKrall)
- Fixed bugs introduced in the generate deployments rebase #188 (mjksmith)
- WIP: Implement 'pool': An attribute & constraint that lets you split a cluster #187 (EvanKrall)
- Make tox faster #186 (EvanKrall)
- added a HOST variable to docker containers #185 (mjksmith)
- Make paasta check call validate (Closes #128) #161 (nhandler)
v0.16.17 (2016-01-25)
Closed issues:
- Marathon 'bean is not valid' errors during crossover bounce cause itest failures #172
- remove 'versioned' chronos jobs #158
Merged pull requests:
- Install deps during manpages #183 (asottile)
- chronos now gives sensu the full job id of a failed task #181 (mjksmith)
- Catch the 'bean not found' error. Fixes #172 #180 (solarkennedy)
- Add http://pre-commit.com hooks #175 (asottile)
v0.16.16 (2016-01-22)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.15 (2016-01-22)
Closed issues:
- deploy_chronos_services isn't shuffling #154
paasta check
doesn't consider chronos-*.yaml for deploy.yaml checks #110- Update paasta help #3
Merged pull requests:
- Force python2.7 in other tox environments #176 (asottile)
- fixed paasta_metastatus -vv when there are no mesos slaves #174 (mjksmith)
- Fixed formatting for very verbose paasta metastatus #173 (mjksmith)
- Remove tags chronos jobs #171 (Rob-Johnson)
- Remove PYTHONPATH hax when running tests #170 (asottile)
- Pick an ephemeral port better #169 (asottile)
- made InstanceConfig take service, cluster and instance as args #167 (mjksmith)
- Added contrib location and purge_chronos_jobs #166 (solarkennedy)
- Add --yelpsoa-config-root argument to 'paasta check' #165 (nhandler)
- Allow users to set accepted_resource_roles in marathon yamls. #164 (EvanKrall)
- add docs for schedule time zone field #163 (Rob-Johnson)
- Consider chronos*.yaml for deploy checks (Closes: #110) #162 (nhandler)
- Make deploy_chronos_services shuffle #160 (nhandler)
- Fixed a bug where non-smartstack services would fail to send alerts when they start failing #145 (mjksmith)
- Added a script to drain and kill a marathon app as gracefully as possible #143 (mjksmith)
v0.16.14 (2016-01-14)
Closed issues:
- setup_chronos_job does not clean up old jobs #146
- write integration tests for launching a dependent job #141
- lookup the latest full job for a 'service.instance' parent #140
- theres a bogus help message in
check\_chronos\_jobs -h
#139 - Update 'paasta validate' schemas to be more complete/accurate #129
- paasta local-run doesn't handle chronos jobs correctly #124
Merged pull requests:
- Run command inside sh c local run #159 (nhandler)
- Update itest to use chronos 2.4.0-0.1.20151007110204.ubuntu1404 #157 (nhandler)
- Extend schemas #156 (nhandler)
- remove assumptions from paasta validate tests #153 (Rob-Johnson)
- update the description of check_chronos_jobs #151 (Rob-Johnson)
- First support for creating dependent jobs - Fixes #140, #141, #146 #150 (Rob-Johnson)
- fixed a testcase for utils.guess_instance #144 (mjksmith)
- Improve the human readable state of services depending on their type #133 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.13 (2016-01-07)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Consolidate/tighten up filtering of marathon apps so status and bounc… #142 (EvanKrall)
- Fix local-run healthchecks when using custom soadir argument #138 (keshavdv)
- Paasta validate itests #136 (nhandler)
- Validate chronos #134 (nhandler)
v0.16.12 (2016-01-05)
Closed issues:
- support a 'parents' field in Chronos job configuration. #94
- If multiple marathon apps exist (e.g
paasta restart
during a bounce), crossover bounce might kill your only registered instances #20
Merged pull requests:
- Added 0 principle #137 (solarkennedy)
- Added a --service argument to paasta check. Closes #130 #132 (solarkennedy)
- Begin testing against marathon 11 #120 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.11 (2015-12-14)
Closed issues:
- paasta local-run --pull fails without --interactive #131
- paasta check doesn't allow overriding of service name #130
Merged pull requests:
- Lots of updates to help sections and therefore man pages #125 (solarkennedy)
- Fix some sys.stderr.writes that don't have their newlines #123 (asottile)
- Add 'paasta validate' command #107 (nhandler)
v0.16.10 (2015-12-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Dependent jobs field #122 (Rob-Johnson)
- Nix paasta_cli => to just cli #121 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.9 (2015-12-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove extra context from replication check output for performance reasons #117 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.8 (2015-12-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix InvalidJobNameError in marathon_services_running_here #119 (EvanKrall)
- Use https internal pypi #118 (asottile)
- Autodetect the instance in local-run #105 (solarkennedy)
- Make local-run stream the docker-pull with /dev/null as stdin #104 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.7 (2015-12-08)
v0.16.6 (2015-12-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump max_consecutive_failures to 30 (5 minutes) #101 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.5 (2015-12-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Make backoff_seconds work as a function of the instance count. #102 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.4 (2015-12-08)
Closed issues:
- paasta local-run --interactive default cmd is "b a s h" #115
- paasta local-run --help crashes #114
- automate builds with pypi #35
Merged pull requests:
- Added docs explaining the difference between difference service modes #113 (solarkennedy)
- Documented the relationship between instance and nerve_ns better #112 (solarkennedy)
- Support --version instead of version #109 (asottile)
- Fix --help for local-run and add a test #108 (asottile)
v0.16.3 (2015-12-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Setup Travis autodeploy configs #103 (tomelm)
- Paasta rollback now accepts none, one or a list of instances. #99 (zeldinha)
- Enabled local-run to work on docker images on registries instead of building locally #88 (solarkennedy)
v0.16.2 (2015-11-30)
Closed issues:
- 0.16.1 Release Broke 'paasta status' #91
- http://paasta.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ references y/paasta #57
Merged pull requests:
- Fix scale condition poistion #100 (dichiarafrancesco)
- remove hardcoded docker registry location #93 (Rob-Johnson)
- bump scribereader version in line with aed1812b917daba17a5fd8f1a0fe9b… #92 (Rob-Johnson)
- Only allow the itest_% Makefile target to run at Yelp #90 (nhandler)
- More smartstack.yaml docs: explanation of the top level, and moving a… #89 (EvanKrall)
- Bump scribereader requirement #86 (asottile)
v0.16.1 (2015-11-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Minor fixups to setup.py #87 (asottile)
- Added paasta_rollback command #79 (zeldinha)
- Add emergency scale feature #74 (dichiarafrancesco)
- Make local-run default to use bash if set to be interactive #73 (solarkennedy)
- drain_method_params affect drain_method, not bounce_method. Also fix uwsgi typo. #58 (EvanKrall)
- Flesh out docs for smartstack.yaml #47 (EvanKrall)
v0.16.0 (2015-11-23)
Merged pull requests:
- don't use vars() to check for scribereader #80 (Rob-Johnson)
- update dh-virtualenv location #78 (Rob-Johnson)
- Update Flynn comparison #76 (titanous)
- Added first pass at paasta-contract transplant #75 (solarkennedy)
v0.15.9 (2015-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Added automatic changelog #71 (solarkennedy)
- Use dulwich for mark for deployment #68 (solarkennedy)
v0.15.8 (2015-11-20)
v0.15.7 (2015-11-20)
Closed issues:
paasta logs
should fail gracefully when scribereader depedency is missing #63
Merged pull requests:
- active_only=True doesn't work with chronos. Let's try it with False. #70 (mrtyler)
- Mrtyler rejigger status #69 (mrtyler)
- execute docker pull before running container #67 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.15.6 (2015-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
- fail gracefully if you try and run paasta logs without scribe existing #66 (Rob-Johnson)
- Some refactoring related to the argument 'clusterinstance' #65 (zeldinha)
v0.15.5 (2015-11-19)
v0.15.4 (2015-11-19)
Closed issues:
- Opensource some sort of Mesos ->SmartStack (nerve) bridge #13
Merged pull requests:
v0.15.3 (2015-11-18)
Merged pull requests:
- add missing scribereader dependency when building internally #62 (Rob-Johnson)
- reject jobs with an interval more frequent than 60s #59 (Rob-Johnson)
- Added reproducible principle #56 (solarkennedy)
- Add coveralls support #43 (nhandler)
v0.15.2 (2015-11-16)
Merged pull requests:
- upgrade marathon and chronos-python #55 (Rob-Johnson)
- Fix typo in README #52 (chriskuehl)
- Use the right srvname #51 (mrtyler)
- Added paasta principles #50 (solarkennedy)
v0.15.1 (2015-11-12)
Closed issues:
- comparison table updated against autodesk/ochopod #49
Merged pull requests:
- fix marathon package naming in requirements.txt #48 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.15.0 (2015-11-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing grammar error #46 (nickrobinson)
- Make setup_chronos_job handle the situation where the docker image isn't available #44 (solarkennedy)
- Run itests in travis #42 (nhandler)
- Bump yelp-clog to 2.2.10 #41 (EvanKrall)
- Fixup make targets #40 (Rob-Johnson)
- Install tox in travis #39 (nhandler)
- Fix some typos in comparison.md #38 (nhandler)
- Add a note about our IRC channel to the README #37 (nhandler)
- Add initial .travis.yml #36 (nhandler)
- Added more words and docker swarm comparison #34 (solarkennedy)
- delete unused wizard-y code #33 (mrtyler)
- Remove deps #32 (Rob-Johnson)
- Sort jobs so that we really clean up old ones #31 (mrtyler)
- More comparison docs, added flynn #29 (solarkennedy)
v0.14.1 (2015-11-10)
Closed issues:
- paasta metastatus should only report "enabled" chronos jobs #25
Merged pull requests:
- remove pgrp management; it doesn't work properly #28 (Rob-Johnson)
- only show enabled jobs in paasta metastatus + cleanup test mocks #27 (Rob-Johnson)
- Make paasta code / itests pass on servers with no paasta configuration #26 (solarkennedy)
- refactor lookup_chronos_jobs #24 (mrtyler)
- remove remove_tag_from_job_id #22 (mrtyler)
- Metastatus verbose mode #21 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.13.11 (2015-11-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Make tab completions work in zsh #19 (nhandler)
- Fix more tests to work on a non yelp dev box #18 (solarkennedy)
- Remove references to internal CEP/SCF stuff #17 (solarkennedy)
- Fix chronos bouncing to properly delete chronos jobs #16 (solarkennedy)
- sorting hat #15 (mrtyler)
- Consolidate dockerfiles #14 (solarkennedy)
v0.13.10 (2015-11-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Added first pass at getting started doc #12 (solarkennedy)
- Use a glob to only read json files out of /etc/paasta/ #11 (solarkennedy)
v0.13.9 (2015-11-02)
Merged pull requests:
v0.13.8 (2015-10-30)
Merged pull requests:
- distribute the check_chronos_jobs script properly #10 (Rob-Johnson)
- Redo the chronos bounce code to be easier to read and actually clean up old jobs #7 (solarkennedy)
v0.13.7 (2015-10-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Update chronos_serviceinit to use LastRunState #5 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.13.6 (2015-10-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Ensure chronos jobs have docker credentials to pull from the private registry #4 (solarkennedy)
v0.13.5 (2015-10-27)
Merged pull requests:
v0.13.4 (2015-10-26)
v0.13.3 (2015-10-26)
Merged pull requests:
- add check_chronos_jobs script #1 (Rob-Johnson)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator