- Issue 785 - Loading cache for resampling scene fails with numpy 1.16.3 (PR 787)
- Issue 777 - Log warning and error messages are not printed to console (PR 778)
- Issue 776 - africa projection yields CRSError when saving dataset (PR 780)
- Issue 774 - ABI Level 1b long_name when reflectances and brightness temperatures are calculated
- Issue 766 - MODIS l1b reader seems to switch latitude and longitude for 500m data (PR 781)
- Issue 742 - GOES16/17 netcdf reader fails with rasterio installed
- Issue 649 - Make MTG-I reader work (PR 755)
- Issue 466 - Fix deprecation warnings with xarray, dask, and numpy
- Issue 449 - Adding coastlines to single channel not working
In this release 9 issues were closed.
- PR 787 - Loading resample cache with numpy 1.16.3 (785)
- PR 781 - Fix longitude/latitude being swapped in modis readers (766)
- PR 780 - Fix builtin areas to be compatible with rasterio (776)
- PR 778 - Fix NullHandler not allowing warning/error logs to be printed to console (777)
- PR 775 - Fix 'abi_l1b' reader not updating long_name when calibrating
- PR 770 - Fix typo for mersi2/abi/ahi using bidirection instead of bidirectional
- PR 763 - Fix AVHRR tests importing external mock on Python 3
- PR 760 - Avoid leaking file objects in NetCDF4FileHandler
- PR 759 - Fix the avhrr_l1b_gaclac to support angles, units and avhrr variants
- PR 755 - Update MTG FCI FDHSI L1C reader for latest data format (649)
- PR 470 - Switched
- PR 773 - Improve Scene.show documentation
- PR 771 - Update pull request template to include AUTHORS and flake8 changes
In this release 13 pull requests were closed.
- PR 761 - Fix mersi2_l1b reader setting sensor as a set object
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 758 - RuntimeError with NetCDF4FileHandler
- Issue 730 - Rewrite introduction paragraph in documentation (PR 747)
- Issue 725 - Update 'viirs_edr_active_fires' reader to read newest algorithm output (PR 733)
- Issue 706 - Add reader for FY3D MERSI2 L1B data (PR 740)
- Issue 434 - Allow readers to filter the available datasets configured in YAML (PR 739)
In this release 5 issues were closed.
- PR 757 - Fix MODIS L1B and L2 readers not reading geolocation properly
- PR 754 - Fix optional modifier dependencies being unloaded for delayed composites
- PR 750 - Add missing warnings import to geotiff writer
- PR 752 - Add scanline timestamps to seviri_l1b_hrit
- PR 740 - Add FY-3D MERSI-2 L1B Reader (mersi2_l1b) (706)
- PR 739 - Refactor available datasets logic to be more flexible (434)
- PR 738 - Remove unused area slice-based filtering in the base reader
- PR 733 - Update VIIRS EDR Active Fires (725)
- PR 728 - Add VIIRS Fire Temperature rgb
- PR 711 - Replace usage of deprecated get_proj_coords_dask
- PR 611 - Add MODIS L2 reader
- PR 580 - Allow colormaps to be saved with geotiff writer
- PR 532 - Add enhancement for VIIRS flood reader
In this release 14 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 679 - Cannot save a multiscene animation - imagio:ffmpeg warning
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- PR 731 - Fix viirs sdr reader to allow ivcdb files in the sdr directory
- PR 726 - Bugfixes in the Electro-L reader ()
- PR 729 - Add "extras" checks to check_satpy utility function
- PR 724 - Add codeowners
In this release 4 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 716 - Reading the EUMETSAT compact viirs format returns wrong platform name (J01 instead of NOAA-20) (PR 717)
- Issue 710 - Question (maybe a bug): Why does RBG array exported with scn.save_dataset contain values greater than 255 ?
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- PR 721 - Consistent platform id attribute across NAT + HRIT SEVIRI readers
- PR 719 - Fix VIIRS 'night_fog' RGB composite recipe to use M12 instead of M14
- PR 718 - Fix 'seviri_l1b_hrit' reader's area creation for pyproj 2.0+
- PR 717 - Fix 'viirs_compact' and 'viirs_l1b' readers to return WMO/Oscar platform name (716)
- PR 715 - Fix hurricane florence demo download to only include M1 files
- PR 712 - Fix 'mitiff' writer not clipping enhanced data before scaling to 8 bit values
- PR 709 - Fix datetime64 use in 'seviri_l1b_hrit' reader for numpy < 1.15
- PR 708 - Fix 'seviri_0deg' and 'seviri_iodc' builtin areas (areas.yaml) not matching reader areas
- PR 713 - Add links to source from API documentation
In this release 9 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 698 - Read WKT geotiff
- Issue 692 - sdr_viirs_l1b reader fails in 0.13, recent master, Works with version 0.12.0 (PR 693)
- Issue 683 - Question: Change image size when saving with satpy.save_dataset (PR 691)
- Issue 681 - incorrect data offset in HSD files (PR 689)
- Issue 666 - Add drawing of lat lon graticules when saving dataset (PR 668)
- Issue 646 - Add 'demo' subpackage for accessing example data (PR 686)
- Issue 528 - Support dask version of PySpectral (PR 529)
- Issue 511 - Add/update documentation about composites and compositors (PR 705)
In this release 8 issues were closed.
- PR 700 - Mask out invalid values in the precipitation probability product
- PR 693 - Fix VIIRS SDR reading of visible channels at nighttime (692)
- PR 689 - Fix Himawari HSD reader's incorrect header information (681)
- PR 688 - Fix offset correction in seviri_l1b_hrit
- PR 685 - Fix bug in Scene.resample causing AssertionError
- PR 677 - Fix MultiScene save_animation when distributed isn't installed
- PR 675 - Do not pass
to the filehandler creation
- PR 691 - Add Scene.aggregate method (python 3 only) (683)
- PR 686 - Add demo subpackage to simplify test data download (646)
- PR 676 - Feature add nightfog modis
- PR 674 - Use platform ID to choose the right reader for AVHRR GAC data
- PR 671 - Add satellite position to dataset attributes (seviri_l1b_hrit)
- PR 669 - Add ocean-color for viirs and modis
- PR 668 - Add grid/graticules to add_overlay function. (666)
- PR 665 - Add reader for VIIRS Active Fires
- PR 645 - Reader for the SAR OCN L2 wind product in SAFE format.
- PR 565 - Add reader for FY-3 VIRR (virr_l1b)
- PR 529 - Add dask support to NIRReflectance modifier (528)
- PR 707 - Add ABI Meso demo data case and clean up documentation
- PR 705 - Document composites (511)
- PR 701 - Clarify release instructions
- PR 699 - Rename SatPy to Satpy throughout documentation
- PR 673 - Add information about GDAL_CACHEMAX to FAQ
In this release 23 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 641 - After pip upgrade to satpy 0.12 and pyproj 2.0.1 got pyproj.exceptions.CRSError
- Issue 626 - Issue loading MODIS Aqua data (PR 648)
- Issue 620 - Add FAQ about controlling number of threads for pykdtree and blas (PR 621)
- Issue 521 - Interactively set the Calibration Mode when creating the Scene Object (PR 543)
In this release 4 issues were closed.
- PR 664 - Fix Scene.crop with RGBs and multidimensional data
- PR 662 - Fix masked resampling when dataset dtype is integer
- PR 661 - Fix CTTH composite not to mark invalid data as cloud-free
- PR 660 - Fix seviri_l1b_hrit prologue/epilogue readers
- PR 655 - Fix yaml load to be compatible with pyyaml 5.1
- PR 652 - Fix resampling of ancillary variables when also first class datasets
- PR 648 - Add wrapped line support for metadata in modis_l1b reader (626)
- PR 644 - Fix the modis overview not to sun normalize the IR channel
- PR 633 - Fix VIIRS HNCC composite passing xarray objects to dask
- PR 632 - Fixing start and end times when missing in the CF writer
- PR 647 - Switch python-hdf4 dependencies to pyhdf
- PR 643 - In cira_strech clip values less or equal to 0 to avoid nans and -inf.
- PR 642 - Bugfix pps2018 cpp products
- PR 638 - Add processing-mode and disposition-mode to the avhrr-l1b-eps file name
- PR 636 - Facilitate selection of calibration coefficients in seviri_l1b_hrit
- PR 635 - Add local caching of slicing for data reduction
- PR 627 - Add DNB satellite angles (DNB_SENZ, DNB_SENA) to VIIRS SDR reader
- PR 557 - Improve the SAR-C reading and Ice composite
- PR 543 - Calibration mode can now be passed via a keyword argument (521)
- PR 538 - Support CLASS packed viirs files in viirs_sdr reader
- PR 659 - DOC: Refer to PyTroll coding guidelines
- PR 653 - DOC: Fix small typos in documentation
- PR 651 - Rename changelog for releases before 0.9.0
- PR 621 - Add FAQ items on number of workers and threads (620)
In this release 24 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 601 - MultiScene 'save_animation' fails if "datasets=" isn't provided (PR 602)
- Issue 310 - Create MultiScene from list of files (PR 576)
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- PR 616 - Fix geotiff writer being unimportable if gdal isn't installed
- PR 615 - Fix confusing error in abi_l1b reader when file fails to open
- PR 607 - Fix VIIRS 'histogram_dnb' compositor not returning new data
- PR 605 - Fix enhancements using dask delayed on internal functions
- PR 602 - Fix MultiScene save_animation not using dataset IDs correctly (601, 601)
- PR 600 - Fix resample reduce_data bug introduced in #582
- PR 614 - Support for reduced resolution OLCI data
- PR 613 - Add 'crop' and 'save_datasets' to MultiScene
- PR 609 - Add ability to use dask distributed when generating animation videos
- PR 582 - Add 'reduce_data' keyword argument to disable cropping before resampling
- PR 576 - Add group_files and from_files utility functions for creating Scenes from multiple files (310)
- PR 567 - Add utility functions for generating GeoViews plots (541)
In this release 12 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 584 - DayNightCompositor does not work with eg overview_sun as the day part (PR 593)
- Issue 577 - Creation of composites using
modifier fails with VIIRS SDR data - Issue 569 - Can not show or save ABI true color image (RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log)
- Issue 531 - Mask space pixels in AHI HSD reader (PR 592)
- Issue 106 - Warnings
In this release 5 issues were closed.
- PR 594 - Fix VIIRS L1B reader not using standard 'y' and 'x' dimension names
- PR 593 - Fix sunz_corrected modifier adding unnecessary x and y coordinates (587, 584)
- PR 592 - Fix masking of AHI HSD space pixels (531)
- PR 589 - Fix dask not importing sharedict automatically in dask 1.1+
- PR 588 - Fix start_time type in seviri_l1b_nc reader
- PR 585 - Fix geotiff writer not using fill_value from writer YAML config
- PR 572 - Fix VIIRS SDR masking and distracting colors in composites
- PR 570 - Fix CF epoch for xarray compat
- PR 563 - Fix StopIteration and python 3.7 compatibility issue in MultiScene
- PR 554 - Fix AreaDefinition usage to work with newer versions of pyresample
- PR 561 - Add AHI HRIT B07 files for high resolution night data
- PR 590 - Add FAQ page to docs
- PR 575 - Add page for data download resources
- PR 574 - Add code of conduct
In this release 14 pull requests were closed.
- PR 560 - Fix available_composite_ids including inline comp dependencies
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 555 - GOES-16 geolocation seems off when saving as TIFF
- Issue 552 - GOES Composites failling (PR 553)
- Issue 534 - Support GOES-15 in netcdf format from Eumetcast (
reader) (PR 530) - Issue 527 - [SEP] Reader naming conventions (PR 546)
- Issue 518 - Make bilinear interpolation dask/xarray friendly (PR 519)
- Issue 467 - Flake8-ify all of satpy (PR 515)
- Issue 459 - How to colorize images
- Issue 449 - Adding coastlines to single channel not working (PR 551)
- Issue 337 - Plot true color by using VIIRS SDR
- Issue 333 -
to detail unavailable items - Issue 263 - How to get the available dataset names from the reader
- Issue 147 - SEVIRI HRIT reading: More userfriendly warning when no EPI/PRO files are present (PR 452)
In this release 12 issues were closed.
- PR 556 - Fix turning off enhancements in writers for float data
- PR 553 - Fix DifferenceCompositor and other compositors when areas are incompatible (552, 552)
- PR 550 - Fix AHI HRIT file patterns so area's ID is correct
- PR 548 - Fix ratio sharpening compositors when the ratio is negative
- PR 547 - Fix EWA resampling for new versions of pyresample
- PR 542 - Fix palette application for pps 2018 products
- PR 508 - Fix the cf_writer to accept single-valued time coordinate variable
- PR 558 - Make counts available in ahi_hsd
- PR 551 - Fix image overlays for single band data (requires trollimage 1.6+) (449)
- PR 549 - Fix nwcpps ct palette from v2018 to be backwards compatible
- PR 546 - Rename readers to meet new reader naming scheme (527)
- PR 545 - Add configurable parameters to solar zenith correctors
- PR 530 - Add reader for Goes15 netcdf Eumetsat format (534)
- PR 519 - Add xarray/dask bilinear resampling (518)
- PR 507 - Change default enhancement for reflectance data to gamma 1.5
- PR 452 - Improve handling of missing file requirements in readers (147)
- PR 533 - Fix copy/paste error in readers table for viirs_l1b
- PR 515 - Fix all flake8 errors in satpy package code (467)
- PR 546 - Rename readers to meet new reader naming scheme (527)
- PR 507 - Change default enhancement for reflectance data to gamma 1.5
In this release 20 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 491 - Area definition of incomplete SEVIRI images
- Issue 487 - Resampling a User Defined Scene
- Issue 465 - Native resampler fails with 3D DataArrays (PR 468)
- Issue 464 - Drawing coastlines/borders with save_datasets (PR 469)
- Issue 453 - Review subclasses of BaseFileHander (PR 455)
- Issue 450 - Allow readers to accept pathlib.Path instances (PR 451)
- Issue 445 - Readthedocs builds are failing
- Issue 439 - KeyError when creating true_color for ABI
- Issue 417 - Add custom string formatter for lower/upper support
- Issue 414 - Inconsistent units of geostationary radiances (PR 490)
- Issue 405 - Angle interpolation for MODIS data missing (PR 430)
- Issue 397 - Add README to setup.py description (PR 443)
- Issue 369 - Mitiff writer is broken (PR 480)
In this release 13 issues were closed.
- PR 510 - Make sure a discrete data type is preserved through resampling
- PR 506 - Remove dependency on nc_nwcsaf_msg
- PR 504 - Change unnecessary warning messages to debug
- PR 496 - Add more descriptive names to AHI readers AreaDefinition names
- PR 492 - Fix thinned modis reading in 'hdfeos_l1b' reader
- PR 480 - Fix 'mitiff' writer to use 'base_dir' properly (369)
- PR 476 - Fix handling of navigation in a grib file with lons greater than 180
- PR 473 - Change combine_metadata to average any 'time' fields
- PR 471 - Fix offset between VIS+IR and HRV navigation for hrit seviri
- PR 469 - Fix attributes not being preserved when adding overlays or decorations (464)
- PR 468 - Fix native resampling when RGBs are resampled (465)
- PR 458 - Fix the slstr reader for consistency and tir view
- PR 456 - Fix SCMI writer not writing fill values properly
- PR 448 - Fix saving a dataset with a prerequisites attrs to netcdf
- PR 447 - Fix masking in DayNightCompositor when composites have partial missing data
- PR 446 - Fix nc_nwcsaf_msg reader's handling of projection units
- PR 503 - Add two luminance sharpening compositors
- PR 498 - Make it possible to configure in-line composites
- PR 488 - Add the check_satpy function to find missing dependencies
- PR 481 - Refactor SCMI writer to be dask friendly
- PR 478 - Allow writers to create output directories if they don't exist
- PR 477 - Add additional metadata to ABI L1B DataArrays
- PR 474 - Improve handling of dependency loading when reader has multiple matches
- PR 463 - MSG Level1.5 NetCDF Reader (code and yaml file) for VIS/IR Channels
- PR 455 - Ensure file handlers all use filenames as strings (453)
- PR 451 - Allow readers to accept pathlib.Path instances as filenames. (450)
- PR 442 - Replace areas.def with areas.yaml
- PR 441 - Fix metop reader
- PR 438 - Feature new olcil2 datasets
- PR 436 - Allow on-the-fly decompression of xRIT files in xRIT readers
- PR 430 - Implement fast modis lon/lat and angles interpolation (405)
- PR 501 - Add DOI role and reference to Zinke DNB method
- PR 489 - Add a first version on how to write a custom reader
- PR 444 - Fix the readers table in the sphinx docs so it wraps text
- PR 443 - Add long_description to setup.py (397)
- PR 440 - Fix CI badges in README
- PR 485 - Deprecate 'enhancement_config' keyword argument in favor of 'enhance'
In this release 37 pull requests were closed.
- PR 433 - Fix native_msg readers standard_names to match other satpy readers
- PR 432 - Fix reader config loading so it raises exception for bad reader name
- PR 428 - Fix start_time and end_time being lists in native_msg reader
- PR 426 - Fix hrit_jma reader not having satellite lon/lat/alt info
- PR 423 - Fixed that save_dataset does not propagate fill_value
- PR 421 - Fix masking and simplify avhrr_aapp_l1b reader
- PR 413 - Fix calculating solar zenith angle in eps_l1b reader
- PR 412 - Fix platform_name and sensor not being added by avhrr eps l1b reader
- PR 415 - Add hrit_jma file patterns that don't include segments
In this release 9 pull requests were closed.
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- PR 409 - Fix viirs_sdr reading of aggregated files
- PR 406 - Fix Scene crop so new areas are consistent with resolution (336)
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- PR 402 - Fix 'platform_name' metadata in ACSPO and CLAVR-x readers
- PR 401 - Wrap solar and satellite angles in xarray in AVHRR AAPP reader
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 388 - SCMI Writer raises exception with lettered grids (PR 389)
- Issue 385 - No platform_name and sensor in dataset metadata for avhrr_aapp_l1b reader (PR 386)
- Issue 379 - Data is not masked when loading calibrated GOES HRIT data (PR 380)
- Issue 377 - Unmasked data when using DayNightCompositor (PR 378)
- Issue 372 - "find_files_and_readers" doesn't work on Windows (PR 373)
- Issue 364 - Unable to load individual channels from VIIRS_SDR data.
- Issue 350 - Creating a Scene object with NOAA-15/18 data
- Issue 347 - No image is shown in Jupyter notebook via scene.show()
- Issue 345 - Future warning - xarray (PR 352)
In this release 9 issues were closed.
- PR 395 - Fix DayNightCompositor not checking inputs areas
- PR 391 - Fix native resampler using SwathDefinition as an AreaDefinition
- PR 387 - Fix enhancement config loading when yaml file is empty
- PR 386 - Add platform_name and sensor in avhrr_aapp_l1b reader (385)
- PR 381 - Fix keyword arguments not being properly passed to writers
- PR 362 - Replace np.ma.mean by np.nanmean for pixel aggregation
- PR 361 - Remove Rayleigh correction from abi natural composite
- PR 360 - Fix lookup table enhancement for multi-band datasets
- PR 339 - fixed meteosat native georeferencing
- PR 359 - Add examples from pytroll-examples to documentation
In this release 10 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 344 - find_files_and_reader does not seem to care about start_time! (PR 349)
- Issue 338 - Creating a Scene object with Terra MODIS data
- Issue 332 - Non-requested datasets are saved when composites fail to generate (PR 342)
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- PR 355 - Fix ABI L1B reader losing file variable attributes
- PR 353 - Fix multiscene memory issues by adding an optional batch_size
- PR 351 - Fix AMSR-2 L1B reader loading bytes incorrectly
- PR 349 - Fix datetime-based file selection when filename only has a start time (344)
- PR 348 - Fix freezing of areas before resampling even as strings
- PR 343 - Fix shape assertion after resampling
- PR 342 - Fix Scene save_datasets to only save datasets from the wishlist (332)
- PR 341 - Fix ancillary variable loading when anc var is already loaded
- PR 340 - Cut radiances array depending on number of scans
In this release 9 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 328 - hrit reader bugs (PR 329)
- Issue 323 - "Manual" application of corrections
- Issue 320 - Overview of code layout
- Issue 279 - Add 'level' to DatasetID (PR 283)
- Issue 272 - How to save region of interest from Band 3 Himawari Data as png image (PR 276)
- Issue 267 - Missing dependency causes strange error during unit tests (PR 273)
- Issue 244 - Fix NUCAPS reader for NUCAPS EDR v2 files (PR 326)
- Issue 236 - scene.resample(cache_dir=) fails with TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
- Issue 233 - IOError: Unable to read attribute (no appropriate function for conversion path)
- Issue 211 - Fix OLCI and other readers' file patterns to work on Windows
- Issue 207 - Method not fully documented in terms of possible key word arguments
- Issue 199 - Reading Modis file produce a double image
- Issue 168 - Cannot read MODIS data
- Issue 167 - KeyError 'v' using Scene(base_dir=, reader=) (PR 325)
- Issue 165 - HRIT GOES reader is broken (PR 303)
- Issue 160 - Inconsistent naming of optional datasets in composite configs and compositors
- Issue 157 - Add animation example (PR 322)
- Issue 156 - Add cartopy example
- Issue 146 - Add default null log handler
- Issue 123 - NetCDF writer doesn't work (PR 307)
- Issue 114 - Print a list of available sensors/readers
- Issue 82 - Separate file discovery from Scene init
- Issue 61 - Creating composites post-load
- Issue 10 - Optimize CREFL for memory
In this release 24 issues were closed.
- PR 331 - Adapt slstr reader to xarray&dask
- PR 329 - issue#328: fixed bugs loading JMA HRIT files (328)
- PR 326 - Fix nucaps reader for NUCAPS EDR v2 files (244, 244)
- PR 325 - Fix exception when Scene is given reader and base_dir (167)
- PR 319 - Fix msi reader delayed
- PR 318 - Fix nir reflectance to use XArray
- PR 312 - Allow custom regions in ahi-hsd file patterns
- PR 311 - Allow valid_range to be a tuple for cloud product colorization
- PR 303 - Fix hrit goes to support python 3 (165)
- PR 288 - Fix hrit-goes reader
- PR 192 - Clip day and night composites after enhancement
- PR 315 - Add slicing to Scene
- PR 314 - Feature mitiff writer
- PR 307 - Fix projections in cf writer (123)
- PR 305 - Add support for geolocation and angles to msi reader
- PR 302 - Workaround the LinearNDInterpolator thread-safety issue for Sentinel 1 SAR geolocation
- PR 301 - Factorize header definitions between hrit_msg and native_msg. Fix a bug in header definition.
- PR 298 - Implement sentinel 2 MSI reader
- PR 294 - Add the ocean color product to olci
- PR 153 - [WIP] Improve compatibility of cf_writer with CF-conventions
In this release 20 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 286 - Proposal: search automatically for local config-files/readers
- Issue 278 - msg native reader fails on full disk image
- Issue 277 - msg_native reader fails when order number has a hyphen in it (PR 282)
- Issue 270 - How to find the value at certain latitude and longtitude
- Issue 269 - How to intepret the parameter values in AreaDefinition
- Issue 268 - How to find the appropriate values of parameters in Scene.resample() function using Himawari Data
- Issue 241 - reader native_msg using
- Issue 218 - Resampling to EPSG:4326 produces unexpected results
- Issue 189 - Error when reading MSG native format
- Issue 62 - msg_native example
- Issue 33 - Load metadata without loading data
In this release 11 issues were closed.
- PR 290 - Fix unicode-named data loading
- PR 285 - Fix native_msg calibration bug
- PR 282 - Fix native_msg reader for ROI input and multi-part order file patterns (277)
- PR 280 - Fix CLAVR-x reader to work with xarray
- PR 274 - Convert ahi hsd reader to dask and xarray
- PR 265 - Bugfix msg native reader
- PR 262 - Fix dependency tree to find the best dependency when multiple matches occur
- PR 260 - Fix ABI L1B reader masking data improperly
- PR 293 - Switch to netcdf4 as engine for nc nwcsaf reading
- PR 292 - Use pyresample's boundary classes
- PR 291 - Allow datasets without areas to be concatenated
- PR 289 - Fix so UMARF files (with extention .nat) are found as well
- PR 287 - Add production configuration for NWCSAF RDT, ASII products by Marco Sassi
- PR 283 - Add GRIB Reader (279)
- PR 281 - Port the maia reader to dask/xarray
- PR 276 - Support reducing data for geos areas (272)
- PR 273 - Msg readers cleanup (267)
- PR 271 - Add appveyor and use ci-helpers for CI environments
- PR 264 - Add caching at the scene level, and handle saving/loading from disk
- PR 262 - Fix dependency tree to find the best dependency when multiple matches occur
In this release 20 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 227 - Issue Reading MSG4
- Issue 225 - Save Datasets using SCMI (PR 228)
- Issue 215 - Change
to something else (PR 220) - Issue 208 - Strange behaviour when trying to load data to a scene object after having worked with it (PR 214)
- Issue 200 - Different mask handling when saving to PNG or GeoTIFF (PR 201)
- Issue 176 - Loading viirs natural_color composite fails (PR 177)
In this release 6 issues were closed.
- PR 259 - Fix writer and refactor so bad writer name raises logical exception
- PR 257 - Fix geotiff and png writers to save to a temporary directory
- PR 256 - Add 'python_requires' to setup.py to specify python support
- PR 253 - Fix ABI L1B reader to use 64-bit scaling factors for X/Y variables
- PR 250 - Fix floating point geotiff saving in dask geotiff writer
- PR 249 - Fix float geotiff saving on 0.8
- PR 248 - Fix unloading composite deps when one of them has incompatible areas
- PR 243 - Remove ABI composite reducerX modifiers
- PR 252 - Use rasterio to save geotiffs when available
- PR 239 - Add CSPP Geo (geocat) AHI reading support
In this release 10 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 179 - Cannot read AVHRR in AAPP format
- PR 234 - Bugfix sar reader
- PR 231 - Bugfix palette based compositor concatenation
- PR 230 - Fix dask angle calculations of rayleigh corrector
- PR 229 - Fix bug in dep tree when modifier deps are modified wavelengths
- PR 228 - Fix 'platform' being used instead of 'platform_name'
- PR 224 - Add helper method for checking areas in compositors
- PR 222 - Fix resampler caching by source area
- PR 221 - Fix Scene loading and resampling when generate=False
- PR 220 - Rename Scene's
- PR 219 - Fixed native_msg calibration problem and added env var to change the …
- PR 214 - Fix Scene not being copied properly during resampling
- PR 210 - Bugfix check if lons and lats should be masked before resampling
- PR 206 - Fix optional dependencies not being passed to modifiers with opts only
- PR 187 - Fix reader configs having mismatched names between filename and config
- PR 185 - Bugfix nwcsaf_pps reader for file discoverability
- PR 177 - Bugfix viirs loading - picked from (xarray)develop branch
- PR 163 - Bugfix float geotiff
- PR 232 - Add ABI L1B system tests
- PR 226 - EARS NWCSAF products reading
- PR 217 - Add xarray/dask support to DayNightCompositor
- PR 216 - Fix dataset writing so computations are shared between tasks
- PR 213 - [WIP] Reuse same resampler for similar datasets
- PR 212 - Improve modis reader to support dask
- PR 209 - Fix enhancements to work with xarray
- PR 205 - Fix ABI 'natural' and 'true_color' composites to work with xarray
- PR 204 - Add 'native' resampler
- PR 203 - [WIP] Feature trollimage xarray
- PR 195 - Add ABI-specific configs for Airmass composite
- PR 186 - Add missing nodata tiff tag
- PR 180 - Replace BW and RGBCompositor with a more generic one
- PR 155 - Add contributing and developers guide documentation
In this release 1 issue and 31 pull requests were closed.