- #19248 feat: add support for comments in adhoc clauses (@villebro)
- #18214 feat(docker-compose): add TAG option (@villebro)
- #17641 fix(sqla): make text clause escaping optional (@villebro)
- #18566 fix(plugin-chart-echarts): area chart opacity bug (@villebro)
- #17980 fix: css template API response, less data (@dpgaspar)
- #17984 fix: Change default SECRET_KEY, improve docs and banner warning on de… (@dpgaspar)
- #17981 fix: API logger output (@dpgaspar)
- #18006 fix: SQL Lab sorting of non-numbers (@etr2460)
- #17573 fix(sqllab): Floating numbers not sorting correctly in result column (@lyndsiWilliams)
- #17961 fix: update slug name (@pkdotson)
- #17992 fix: dashboard reload crash (@pkdotson)
- #18048 fix(dashboard): scope status of native filter not update (@stephenLYZ)
- #16869 fix: handle TIME column serialization (@frafra)
Database Migrations
- #17335 feat: Certify Charts and Dashboards (@geido)
- #17078 chore(engine): Translate fractional time grains—requires @superset-ui bump (@john-bodley)
- #16849 chore: db migrate timeseries_limit_metric to legacy_order_by (@zhaoyongjie)
- #14015 feat(filter-set): Add filterset resource (@ofekisr)
- #16454 feat: add certifiedby & certification details fields to the edit dataset columns fields (@pkdotson)
- #16549 feat(dashboard): Native filters - add type to native filter configuration (@m-ajay)
- #16301 fix: remove mergepoint from past migration (@etr2460)
- #17353 feat: Drill ODBC/JDBC Impersonation feature (@Z0ltrix)
- #17006 feat: Custom filters control (@simcha90)
- #16889 feat: upgrade docker image to py38 and add support for py39 (@villebro)
- #16903 feat: add Firebolt DB engine spec (@apurva-sigmoid)
- #16862 feat: add Databricks ODBC engine spec (@betodealmeida)
- #16628 feat: Add Private Google Sheets to dynamic form (@AAfghahi)
- #16219 feat: added extraEnvRaw variable to load values from other secrets in Helm chart (@elyzov)
- #16795 feat: handle temporal columns in group bys (@betodealmeida)
- #16770 feat: add support for JOIN in Druid (@betodealmeida)
- #16533 feat: Add Cypress makefile cmds (@hughhhh)
- #16607 feat: add resample operator in post processing (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16683 feat: add global max row limit (@villebro)
- #16703 feat: Helm chart: Support hostAliases (@xasx)
- #16660 feat: add support for generic series limit (@villebro)
- #16695 feat: show nice error page in prod (@betodealmeida)
- #16527 feat: adding logging to validation (@AAfghahi)
- #16680 feat(sqla): add time grain and time column to jinja params (@villebro)
- #16618 feat: feature flag configurable custom backend (@dpgaspar)
- #16593 feat: Tabs in column (@simcha90)
- #16375 feat: Backend Validation for Creation Method (@AAfghahi)
- #16535 feat: Add Aurora Data API engine spec (@betodealmeida)
- #14449 feat: Add parquet upload (@exemplary-citizen)
- #16234 feat: add function list to auto-complete to Clickhouse datasource (@Slach)
- #16394 feat: Draggable and Resizable Modal (@geido)
- #16404 feat: add activate command (@hughhhh)
- #16386 feat: config to customize bootstrap data overrides (@suddjian)
- #16361 feat: Add extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts to all main containers (@cccs-tom)
- #16327 feat: Add new dev commands to Makefile (@hughhhh)
- #16335 feat: improve embedded data table in text reports (@betodealmeida)
- #16318 feat(sqla): apply time grain to all temporal groupbys (@villebro)
- #16281 feat: timezone editor (@AAfghahi)
- #16119 feat(explore): make dnd controls clickable (@kgabryje)
- #15149 feat(dao): admin can remove self from object owners (@villebro)
- #16201 feat: Allow users to connect via legacy SQLA form (@hughhhh)
- #15686 feat: import configuration from directory (@betodealmeida)
- #16090 feat(explore): each control can define its own canDrop for dnd (@kgabryje)
- #16136 feat: add profiling to Superset pages (@betodealmeida)
- #17945 fix(dashboard): scope status of filter not update in dashboard metadata (@stephenLYZ)
- #17349 fix(Dashboard): Check validity of control item (@geido)
- #17842 fix(dashboard): update native filter info in metadata is not updated (@stephenLYZ)
- #17835 fix: resolve tests for 1.4 (@eschutho)
- #17781 fix(dashboard): commit update once (@serenajiang)
- #17766 fix: Remove positions from json_metadata (@geido)
- #17330 fix: import should accept old keys (@eschutho)
- #17570 fix: Save properties after applying changes in Dashboard (@geido)
- #17707 fix(Dashboard): Copy dashboard with duplicating charts 500 error (@geido)
- #16041 fix: set correct schema on config import (@betodealmeida)
- #17386 fix(sqllab): Have table name tooltip only show when name is truncated (@corbinrobb)
- #17431 fix: use full resultType with csv download on chart in dashboard (@eschutho)
- #17419 fix: avoid escaping bind-like params containing colons (@villebro)
- #17311 fix: Revert "fix(native-filters): Fix update ownState" (@etr2460)
- #17183 fix(Dashboard): Handle undefined tab when collapsing tabs (@geido)
- #17133 fix: sql lab crash caused by invalid template (@graceguo-supercat)
- #17123 fix(explore): remove unnecessary parameters from the explore url (@suddjian)
- #17117 fix: undefined error when anonymous user browses dashboards or charts (@wijnanjo)
- #17068 fix(sqllab): Hover tooltip flashes in SQL Lab (@lyndsiWilliams)
- #17100 fix: prevent caching error pages (@etr2460)
- #17080 fix: accept headers on import (@betodealmeida)
- #17029 fix(other): column name in created content on profile page (@jinghua-qa)
- #17018 fix: Exclude SUPERSET_DEFAULT from the list of available color schemes (@geido)
- #16998 fix: ensure known dashboard id is used in save first (@pkdotson)
- #17330 fix: import should accept old keys (@betodealmeida)
- #17345 fix: clear 'delete' confirmation (@betodealmeida)
- #17338 fix: add fallback and validation for report and cron timezones (@eschutho)
- #17265 fix: Allow users to update database in Dataset Edit Modal (@hughhhh)
- #17124 fix: update values for default timezone selector (@eschutho)
- #17176 fix(AlertReportModal): Text Area Change (@AAfghahi)
- #17201 fix(explore): Metrics disappearing after removing metric from dataset (@kgabryje)
- #16994 fix: Unnecessary queries when changing filter values (@michael-s-molina)
- #17003 fix: letter format of sort chart in dashboard edit (@jinghua-qa)
- #16997 fix(sqllab): SqlJsonExecutionContext.query null pointer (@serenajiang)
- #16912 fix: FilterableTable result div width (@lyndsiWilliams)
- #16978 fix: Use production build config for cypress tests and fix webpack (@etr2460)
- #17089 fix: Color consistency (@geido)
- #17034 fix: show onhover menu only in edit mode (@pkdotson)
- #17013 fix: Verify when null value should be undefined in Select (@geido)
- #17263 fix(sqllab): Bugfix for tracking url transformation (@CodeingBoy)
- #16976 fix(cli): fail CLI script on failed import/export (@EBoisseauSierra)
- #17181 fix(native-filters): Fix update ownState (@simcha90)
- #17027 fix: error alert levels again (@etr2460)
- #17026 fix: error alerts again (@etr2460)
- #17015 fix: error alerts js crash (@etr2460)
- #17023 fix: Filtering db names while creating dataset is not working (@michael-s-molina)
- #17174 fix: use typing_extension instead (@hughhhh)
- #17167 fix(Explore): Undefined owners (@geido)
- #17140 fix(filter-indicator): show filters handled by jinja as applied (@villebro)
- #17111 fix: escape bind-like strings in virtual table query (@villebro)
- #17113 fix: Bump FAB to 3.3.4 (@dpgaspar)
- #17084 fix(dashboard): race condition between hydrating dashboard and set active tabs (@kgabryje)
- #17063 fix: Owners selection in dataset edit UX (@hughhhh)
- #17044 fix: clear modal state after adding dataset (@betodealmeida)
- #17040 fix: Loading indicator of table and schema selectors (@michael-s-molina)
- #17019 fix(gsheets): bug fix for private sheets (@AAfghahi)
- #17007 fix(dashboard): Race condition when setting activeTabs with nested tabs (@kgabryje)
- #16945 fix: rolling and cum operator on multiple series (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16941 fix: check if owners are actually being updated in
PUT /datasets/<id>
(@hughhhh) - #16822 fix(BigQuery): explicitly quote columns in select_star (@betodealmeida)
- #16988 fix: When click on "View all" from favorite tab, get error (@michael-s-molina)
- #16968 fix: Revert "fix: RBAC hide right menu (#16902)" (@eschutho)
- #16958 fix(build): make npm linking work pt. 2 (@villebro)
- #16930 fix: replace absolute difference with difference in compareOperator (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16946 fix(query_object): missing series validation not raised an exception (@ofekisr)
- #16931 fix: replace absolute difference with difference in legacy charts (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16902 fix: RBAC hide right menu (@hughhhh)
- #16921 fix: Native filters cyclic dependency (@michael-s-molina)
- #16925 fix: Unable to add dataset (@michael-s-molina)
- #16923 fix(Explore): Handle undefined operatorId (@geido)
- #16871 fix(Explore): Clear filter value when changing columns (@geido)
- #16906 fix: Inclusive sign in time range display (@michael-s-molina)
- #16908 fix: Disable lazy loading for the Database selector (@michael-s-molina)
- #16895 fix: time comparison can't guarantee the accuracy (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16859 fix: Fix Uniqueness check before update for Sqllab Overwrites (@hughhhh)
- #16899 fix(GSheets): Fixing DB Connections Bug (@AAfghahi)
- #16876 fix: Removing parent filter causes incorrect state of child filter (@michael-s-molina)
- #16896 fix(sqla): allow series limit without subquery support (@villebro)
- #16877 fix(native-filters): Overhead when changing the filter name (@michael-s-molina)
- #16867 fix(build): enable hot reloading of linked packages (@villebro)
- #16851 fix(dashboard): Fill form with the latest values when undo in native filters (@geido)
- #16854 fix(native-filters): ignore unset filter box time range (@villebro)
- #16840 fix(gallery): Hide the bottom info section when no chart is being selected (@stephenLYZ)
- #16828 fix(native-filters): emitted filter label format (@villebro)
- #16831 fix(native-filters): filter indicator stale state (@villebro)
- #16758 fix(helm): Exit init script immediately on error (@sourcecode-glitch)
- #16837 fix(SqlLab): display tooltip when disabled (@AAfghahi)
- #16836 fix: 500 tab title (@etr2460)
- #16833 fix: Updates the selected values when changing the native filter type, column or default value (@michael-s-molina)
- #16800 fix: list Db2 as supported databases (@shawnzhu)
- #16763 fix: show Import button only if has perms (@betodealmeida)
- #16768 fix: encode rison characters when searching (@betodealmeida)
- #16767 fix: typo in log (@betodealmeida)
- #16769 fix: handle CTEs with comments on is_select (@betodealmeida)
- #16754 fix: only fetch db function when db exists in sql lab (@eschutho)
- #16753 fix: save query should use the correct sql (@eschutho)
- #16736 fix: update execution logs and states for alerts (@eschutho)
- #16656 fix: set importer as owner (@betodealmeida)
- #16674 fix: report with timeout chart (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16706 fix: Ignores case and special keys when searching in the Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16700 fix(explore): make clicked dnd filters unique (@villebro)
- #16666 fix: Select refactoring known issues (@geido)
- #16624 fix(dataset): create ES-View dataset raise exception #16623 (@aniaan)
- #16696 fix: remove useless-suppression for pylint (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16608 fix: Normalise
File Endings (@gvee-uk) - #16668 fix: reset perf logger timer for soft navigation for SPA pages (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16639 fix: Ensure alerts & reports aren't schduled when flag is off (@jfrag1)
- #16629 fix: pybabel extract fails (@hushaoqing)
- #16621 fix(dashboard): label colors included in explore url (@kgabryje)
- #16632 fix(dnd): make clicked dnd metrics unique (@villebro)
- #16570 fix(tests): make parquet select deterministic with order by (@villebro)
- #16531 fix: Adds a loading message when needed in the Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16461 fix(datasets): add support for removing owners (@villebro)
- #16472 fix: select database fix (@AAfghahi)
- #16411 fix: make chart rerender on timeseries columns change (@pkdotson)
- #16511 fix: stop endless loading when dataset no longer exist (@pkdotson)
- #16469 fix: sql lab refetch button (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16451 fix: create example DB if needed (@betodealmeida)
- #16478 fix: Revert "chore: Changes the DatabaseSelector and TableSelector to use the new Select component" (@etr2460)
- #16477 fix(explore): JS error for creating new metrics from columns (@ktmud)
- #16437 fix(explore): update overwrite button on perm change (@villebro)
- #16417 fix(dashboard): undo and redo buttons weird alignment (@MaxHuiYYDS)
- #16413 fix: setupPlugin in chart list page (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16367 fix: Disable Slack notification method if no api token (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16408 fix: Revert "fix(explore): let admin overwrite slice" (@rusackas)
- #16419 fix(explore): retain chart ownership on query context update (@villebro)
- #16391 fix: Show cross filter option only when cross filter is enabled (@michael-s-molina)
- #16323 fix: Return original document title when leaving a dashboard (@geido)
- #16397 fix(api): return total count on related endpoint (@villebro)
- #16410 fix: regex for multi-region IPs (@AAfghahi)
- #16405 fix(pylint): Fix master (@john-bodley)
- #16366 fix: show run button when time series column is updated. (@pkdotson)
- #16383 fix: big number default date format (@etr2460)
- #16380 fix: ensure certified fields are populated in metrics (@pkdotson)
- #16360 fix: import dashboard w/o metadata (@betodealmeida)
- #16330 fix: Fix parsing onSaving reports toast when user hasn't saved chart (@hughhhh)
- #16355 fix: columns/index rebuild (@betodealmeida)
- #16324 fix: Blank space in Change dataset modal without warning message (@geido)
- #16347 fix: send CSV pivoted in reports (@betodealmeida)
- #16329 fix: adjust initial state of report modal (@eschutho)
- #16322 fix(explore): reordering columns with dnd sometimes glitching (@kgabryje)
- #16306 fix: pass correct report_format (@eschutho)
- #16303 fix: allow reports to update query_context (@betodealmeida)
- #16296 fix: revert "disable text reports for now" (@betodealmeida)
- #16243 fix: reverting Dataset names (@AAfghahi)
- #16297 fix: rename Databricks (@betodealmeida)
- #16280 fix: set dashboard mine tab to created_by filter (@pkdotson)
- #16275 fix: Fix table height in Change dataset modal when pagination is off (@geido)
- #16290 fix(explore): let admin overwrite slice (@villebro)
- #16272 fix(dashboard): unset empty time filter indicator (@villebro)
- #16257 fix: disable text reports for now (@betodealmeida)
- #16232 fix: Stop the scrollbar in the Change Dataset modal from scrolling down to the pagination component (@geido)
- #16168 fix(Dashboard): Omnibar dropdown visibility and keyboard commands (@geido)
- #16250 fix: skip perms on query context update (@betodealmeida)
- #16235 fix: Revert "feat: Changing Dataset names (#16199)" (@AAfghahi)
- #16060 fix(Explore): Show the tooltip only when label does not fit the container in METRICS/FILTERS/GROUP BY/SORT BY of the DATA panel (@geido)
- #16192 fix(Explore): Show the tooltip only when label does not fit the container in the Dataset panel (@geido)
- #16194 fix(viz): deduce metric name if empty (@villebro)
- #16211 fix: pyinstrument dependency (@betodealmeida)
- #16145 fix: Hide Safari default tooltip (@geido)
- #16056 fix: Make sheet_name into a
(@hughhhh) - #16137 fix: test_import_2_slices_for_same_table (@betodealmeida)
- #15659 fix: Make db service use correct env file (@jongillham)
- #15762 fix: Align alert solid small svg center (@duynguyenhoang)
- #17964 chore: bump FAB to 3.4.3 (@dpgaspar)
- #17894 chore: bump gunicorn to 20.1.0 (@mporracindie)
- #17420 chore: Bump FAB to 3.4.0 (@kamalkeshavani-aiinside)
- #17752 chore: add release to pip requirements (@eschutho)
- #17724 ci: temp fix for mysqlclient on an OS regression bug (@dpgaspar)
- #17702 chore(sql): clean up invalid filter clause exception types (@villebro)
- #17579 chore(datasets): Sanitizing /save response (@craig-rueda)
- #17005 ci: skip unnecessary test steps (@villebro)
- #16609 chore: Select component refactoring - SelectAsyncControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #17037 chore(Dashboard): Disable save button in Native Filters when an error is present (@geido)
- #16940 chore(Dashboard): Highlight errored filters on the left pane of the Native Filters form plus several enhancements (@geido)
- #17065 chore: add logging on successful data uploads (@eschutho)
- #16990 chore: Translates the favorite filter param (@michael-s-molina)
- #16965 chore: upgrade superset-ui dependencies (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16510 chore: Select component refactoring - SelectControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16943 chore: Moves spec files to the src folder - iteration 7 (@michael-s-molina)
- #16935 chore: Moves spec files to the src folder - iteration 6 (@michael-s-molina)
- #16917 refactor: sql lab command: separate concerns into different modules (@ofekisr)
- #16874 chore(native_filter): feature on by default (@junlincc)
- #16910 chore: add certified columns to top of list (@pkdotson)
- #16927 chore: Moves spec files to the src folder - iteration 5 (@michael-s-molina)
- #16919 chore: Adds the drag icon (@michael-s-molina)
- #16880 chore: Moves the stylesheets folder to the assets folder (@michael-s-molina)
- #16916 ci: check npm lockfile version (@villebro)
- #16852 refactor: sql lab: handling command exceptions (@ofekisr)
- #16857 chore: Upgrades Storybook to version 6.3.8 to make it compatible with Webpack 5 (@michael-s-molina)
- #16819 chore: move repro steps up in issue template (@junlincc)
- #16442 chore: Select component refactoring - TimeSeriesColumnControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16446 chore: Select component refactoring - SaveModal - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16445 chore: Select component refactoring - PropertiesModal - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16440 chore: Select component refactoring - DndColumnSelectControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16423 chore: Select component refactoring - MetricControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #15777 chore: Select component refactoring - FilterControl - Iteration 5 (@geido)
- #16850 chore: bump superset-ui to 0.18.8 (@villebro)
- #16843 refactor: sqllab: move sqllab ralated enumns and utils to more logical place (@ofekisr)
- #16809 chore: upgrade to Node 16 (@villebro)
- #16823 chore: Remove immutable.js (@etr2460)
- #16807 chore: bump superset to 0.18.6 (@villebro)
- #16784 chore: Update documentation on schema changes (@frafra)
- #16672 chore: Update OpenAPI definition /database/available (@WingCode)
- #16626 test: RTL overhaul - hackathon (@lyndsiWilliams)
- #14429 chore: Moves the images folder to the assets folder (@michael-s-molina)
- #16701 chore: Upgrade Webpack to v5 (@kgabryje)
- #14431 chore: Moves messageToasts to the components folder (@michael-s-molina)
- #16393 refactor: Changes the list views to use the new Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16483 refactor: Changes the DatabaseSelector and TableSelector to use the new Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16762 chore: log URI before downloading data on import (@betodealmeida)
- #16732 chore: add browser info to template (@junlincc)
- #16748 ci: bump npm to version 7 (@villebro)
- #16741 chore: Upgrade immer package version (@simcha90)
- #16725 chore: bump superset-ui 0.18.5 (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16627 other: Provide option to add environment variables to only supersetNode (@dd-willgan)
- #16693 chore: add semantic title to the pull request template (@suddjian)
- #16720 chore: bump path-parse module in websocket sidecar app (@rusackas)
- #16712 chore: Improves the Select component to avoid additional queries when all values have been loaded (@michael-s-molina)
- #16589 chore(pylint): Remove top-level disable (@john-bodley)
- #16540 chore: Add option to set a custom color scheme as default (@suddjian)
- #16669 chore: bump sasl (@eschutho)
- #16287 chore(pylint): Reenable too-many-lines check (@john-bodley)
- #16682 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: move all logic from view to Command class (@ofekisr)
- #16677 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: use execution context instead of query (@ofekisr)
- #16676 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate flask response creation concern (@ofekisr)
- #16675 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: extract methods (@ofekisr)
- #16653 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate setting query limit concern (@ofekisr)
- #16649 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate query rendering concern (@ofekisr)
- #16647 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate validate query concern (@ofekisr)
- #16646 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate save query concern (@ofekisr)
- #16638 chore: Writes the tests for the new Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16615 chore: Bump FAB to 3.3.2 (@dpgaspar)
- #16617 chore: Pylint downgrade (@amitmiran137)
- #16587 chore: Merges latest Select changes (@michael-s-molina)
- #16545 perf(dashboard): decrease number of rerenders of FiltersBadge (@kgabryje)
- #16525 perf(dashboard): reduce rerenders of DragDroppable (@kgabryje)
- #16601 chore(deps): bump superset-ui to 0.18.2 (@villebro)
- #16595 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate concern into ad hod method (@ofekisr)
- #16548 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: encapsulate ctas parameters (@ofekisr)
- #16568 docs: update security page for small typos (@joeADSP)
- #16559 chore: bump emotion to help with cache clobbering (@eschutho)
- #16563 chore: bump superset-ui to 0.18.1 (@zhaoyongjie)
- #16544 chore: bump superset-ui to 0.18.0 (@villebro)
- #16546 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: extract to method for code reusing (@ofekisr)
- #16449 refactor: sql_json view endpoint: separate getting and checking existi… (@ofekisr)
- #16447 chore: Make View Query Modal draggable and resizable in Dashboard (@geido)
- #16470 chore: remove myself from codeowners on Preset integration (@willbarrett)
- #16496 docs: update entries for v1.2 and v1.3 (@villebro)
- #16390 chore: Docs/superset1.3 release notes (@srinify)
- #16473 docs: Make code snippet usable with required imports in configuration doc (@shawnzhu)
- #16421 perf(dashboard): decouple redux props from dashboard components (@kgabryje)
- #16444 perf(dashboard): reduce number of rerenders of Charts (@kgabryje)
- #16463 chore(ci): bump pylint to 2.10.2 (@villebro)
- #16466 chore: fixed slack invite link (@srinify)
- #16362 refactor(explore): improve typing for Dnd controls (@ktmud)
- #16441 refactor: sql_json view endpoint (@ofekisr)
- #16415 docs: make FEATURE_FLAGS.md reference a link (@suddjian)
- #16420 chore(viz): bump superset-ui to 0.17.87 (@villebro)
- #16422 chore: Removes the TODOs and uses the default page size in AlertReportModal (@michael-s-molina)
- #16144 chore: Changes the AlertReportModal to use the new Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16273 chore: Enhance Omnibar (@geido)
- #16334 chore: Changes the DatabaseSelector and TableSelector to use the new Select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16392 chore: Displays the dataset description in a tooltip in the datasets list (@michael-s-molina)
- #16388 chore(pylint): Enable useless-suppression check (@john-bodley)
- #16148 test: Functional RTL for email report modal II (@lyndsiWilliams)
- #16286 docs: document FLASK_APP_MUTATOR (@shawnzhu)
- #16353 chore(viz): bump deckgl plugin to 0.4.11 (@villebro)
- #16113 docs: add VkusVill and TechAudit to users list (@ETselikov)
- #16350 chore: bump superset-ui to v0.17.85 (@rusackas)
- #16320 chore(explore): make metric/column search input clearable (@kgabryje)
- #16308 docs: Add Care to users list of Apache Superset (@alandao2021)
- #16285 refactor: re-arrange dashboard page js bundles (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16288 chore(explore): remove unnecessary favstar redirect (@villebro)
- #16266 chore(pylint): Reenable raise-missing-from check (@john-bodley)
- #16264 chore(pylint): Reenable too-few-public-methods check (@john-bodley)
- #16263 chore(pylint): Reenable import-outside-toplevel check (@john-bodley)
- #16268 chore(pylint): Reenable too-many-locals check (@john-bodley)
- #16256 chore(pylint): Reenable ungrouped-imports check (@john-bodley)
- #16138 chore(pylint): Reenable super-with-arguments check (@john-bodley)
- #16252 chore: Improves the flow to create a new chart (@michael-s-molina)
- #16227 chore: upgrade mypy and add type guards (@villebro)
- #16146 chore(pylint): Bump Pylint to 2.9.6 (@john-bodley)
- #16200 chore: Shows the dataset description in the gallery dropdown (@michael-s-molina)
- #16213 chore: bump py version for integration test (@hughhhh)
- #16215 chore: Add feature flags to PR template (@junlincc)
- #16163 chore: remove TerserPlugin step for build (@mistercrunch)
- #15386 build: Removed jsx-remove-data-test-id usage from code for multi-build-variant testing (@adam-stasiak)
- #16074 refactor: proper TypeError handling in memoize decorator (@sabiroid)
- #16110 refactor: remove unnecessary dataset queries from dashboard requests (@graceguo-supercat)
- #16129 docs: update install-from-scratch instructions for CentOS (@jberkus)
- #16043 chore: Replaces the select for a dropdown button in the CSS editor (@michael-s-molina)
- #16048 chore: Changes the RefreshIntervalModal component to use the new select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16064 chore: Changes the dashboard properties modal to use the new select component (@michael-s-molina)
- #16101 docs: fix link and clarify postgres install instructions (@nytai)
- #16040 refactor: adopt --app as celery global option (@john-bodley)