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Releases: PowerShell/PSReadLine

PSReadLine v2.2.5 Servicing Release

03 May 20:04
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2.2.5 - 2022-05-03

Re-package the v2.2.4-beta1 version to v2.2.5 as an official servicing release.
You can get the v2.2.5 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.

PSReadLine v2.2.4-beta1 Release

27 Apr 22:35
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2.2.4-beta1 - 2022-04-27

You can get the v2.2.4-beta1 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Sync ReadKeyProc thread with pipeline thread (#3294)
  • Update build to use net462 (#3285)

The changes are required to fix PowerShell/vscode-powershell#3937 as well as the reported failure related to the "Queue empty" exception, which happens a lot recently with the latest preview of PowerShell VSCode extension.

PSReadLine v2.2.3 Servicing Release

20 Apr 21:54
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2.2.3 - 2022-04-20

You can get the v2.2.3 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Respect cancellation in ReadOneOrMoreKeys() (#3274, #3280)

The changes are required by PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#1751 to fix the long standing ReadKey issue.

PSReadLine v2.2.2 GA Release

22 Feb 19:53
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2.2.2 - 2022-02-22

You can get the v2.2.2 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Update to use the 1.0.0 version of Microsoft.PowerShell.Pager (#3206)
  • No need to clear lines when it's not a menu completion rendering (#3199)

PSReadLine v2.2.1-rc1 Release

28 Jan 19:56
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2.2.1-rc1 - 2022-01-28

You can get the v2.2.1-rc1 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Update build agent to use PSMMS2019-Secure per requirement (#3174, #3187)
  • Update the HelpInfoURI to point to the latest help content (#3171)
  • Update the version of PowerShell nuget packages to 7.2.0 (#3170)
  • Update with updated links to content helping get set up (#3149, #3152) (Thanks @cgorshing!)
  • Make Ctrl+r and Ctrl+s in Vi edit mode work the same way as in Emacs edit mode (#3148) (Thanks @davetapley!)
  • Make HistorySearchBackward and HistorySearchForward able to navigate the list view (#3144)

PSReadLine v2.2.0-beta5 Release

07 Jan 00:59
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2.2.0-beta5 - 2022-01-06

You can get the v2.2.0-beta5 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Improve RecomputeInitialCoords to be more robust and handle a couple special cases (#3074)
  • Add BasicScrollingConsole to support test cases for scrolling up scenarios (#3081)
  • Fix the regex matching in the issue-triage script (#3082, #3110, #3113)
  • Skip the AST analysis when command-line input has any parsing errors (#3075)
  • Trigger the GitHub action by issue-open event (#3041)
  • Fix the double quotes in the comment text for duplicate-issue handling (#3029, #3030)
  • Update GitHub action to handle the TypeLoadException issue (#3025)
  • Handle screen buffer scrolling correctly for inline dynamic help (#2951)
  • Fix 2 menu completion issues that happen when we need to scroll screen buffer (#2949)

PSReadLine v2.2.0-beta4 Release

28 Oct 00:57
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2.2.0-beta4 - 2021-10-27

You can get the v2.2.0-beta4 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • [Low-risk Breaking Change] Generate OnIdle event only if the editing buffer is empty (#2934)
  • Add private contract delegate for PSES to handle idle (#1679)
  • Disable warning for the private contract field used by PSES (#2935)
  • Reset all ANSI attributes before changing color in rendering to avoid color leaking (#2925)
  • Make the default sensitive history scrubbing function a little smarter (#2921)
  • Generate ADO SBOM for PSReadLine (#2918)
  • Update the issue templates to use form templates (#2898, #2900, #2917)
  • Update the inline suggestion rendering to not exceed the max window buffer (#2892)
  • VI Mode: "Undo" now leaves the cursor under the position at the start of the deletion (#2045) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Update CreateCharInfoBuffer to support continuous 'NextLineToken' (#2880)
  • Fix GotoBrace to handle the case when the text buffer is empty (#2879)
  • Fix rendering when continuation prompt is an empty string (#2875)
  • Release mutex when facing AbandonedMutexException (#2867)
  • Migrate the release build to use the 1ES agent pool and also fix the API scan (#2859)
  • Pass the cancellation token along instead of using the default one (#2636)
  • Don't ignore ConsoleKey.Packet type as that is simply Unicode (#2632)

PSReadLine v2.2.0-beta3 Release

01 Jun 23:07
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2.2.0-beta3 - 2021-06-01

You can get the v2.2.0-beta3 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Update the use of the prediction interface to adapt to the breaking changes introduced in PowerShell 7.2.0-preview.6 (#2524)
  • Fix a null-ref exception in DynamicHelpImpl (#2292)

PSReadLine v2.2.0-beta2 Release

23 Feb 22:36
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2.2.0-beta2 - 2021-02-23

You can get the v2.2.0-beta2 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Update PSReadLine corresponding to the prediction interface updates (#2225)
  • Add white spaces to the emacs dispatch table (#2223)
  • Add the SelectCommandArgument bind-able function (#2222) (Thanks @ThePSAdmin for the idea!)
  • Move prediction functions to a new group (#2211)
  • Remove LineIsMultiline in favor of multi-line agnostic algorithms (#1125) (#2047) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Add the "Dynamic Help" feature to PSReadLine (#1777)
  • Prevent crash in GotoFirstNonBlankOfLine (#2050) (#2051) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Refactor the usage of _clipboard (#2022) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Make d0 to delete to the start of the current logical line in a multiline buffer in VI mode (#2002) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Add github action to pre-triage new issues (#2117, #2118)
  • Highlight the install command in (#2088) (Thanks @jiriurban21!)
  • Deleting backward to or until a character should preserve the character under the cursor (#2007) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Use d^ to delete from the first non-blank character of a logical line (#2001) (Thanks @springcomp!)
  • Update nuget.config based on guidance (#2003)
  • Update the release build to use ESRP signing and unify the compliance job (#1983)
  • Add readonly modifier to some private fields (#1984)
  • Add argument selection handler to the sample profile (#1947) (Thanks @ThePSAdmin!)
  • Fix three issues with the menu completion (#1946)

PSReadLine v2.2.0-beta1 Release

05 Nov 04:31
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v2.2.0-beta1 - 11/4/2020

You can get the v2.2.0-beta1 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following changes:

  • Add the prediction ListView and also hook up with the CommandPrediction APIs introduced in PS 7.1 (#1909)
    • Please see the PR description of #1909 for details about the Predictive IntelliSense feature.
    • NOTE: the prediction ListView has been mainly tested in the Windows edit mode. Testing in the Emacs and VI edit modes is very minimum as of today. But we will spend more time improving its user experience in these 2 edit modes.
  • Update the release build to work with new module artifacts (#1930)