v4.0.1 (2018-10-05)
[DHFPROD-653] - #799 ⁃ Tests failing on AWS if host is set to ELB host
[DHFPROD-760] - #873 ⁃ RFE: Single location for all resource configuration
[DHFPROD-789] - FlowManager.getFlow() and Mlcp flows failing with ELB
[DHFPROD-1045] - #1120 ⁃ On Harmonize flow page, the plus sign for Options is not aligned
[DHFPROD-1126] - #1183 ⁃ Outdated references to dhf.xqy
[DHFPROD-1175] - gradle mlUndeploy is throwing 401 unauthorized error
[DHFPROD-1248] - LoadUserModules not loading mappings if force load is set to 'false'
[DHFPROD-1250] - #1279 ⁃ main.sjs not properly updated during upgrade
[DHFPROD-1278] - QuickStart uninstall status is delayed
[DHFPROD-1299] - Installation/Uninstallation fails when App-Services set to ssl/cert-auth
[DHFPROD-1343] - QuickStart install has 404 not found error message when changing the data-hub modules db name
[DHFPROD-1346] - Test failures in VPC environment in AWS
[DHFPROD-1368] - Incompatibility between DHF and DHaaS with respect to usage of 'finalClient'
[DHFPROD-1374] - Unable to load user modules from gradle
[DHFPROD-1376] - Unable to create flows with "FlowDeveloper" role
[DHFPROD-1378] - Unable to getFlow()
[DHFPROD-1399] - DHS - hubRunFlowTask is failing as final AppServer details are MISSING
[DHFPROD-1402] - DHS - hubExportJobs and hubDeleteJobs are failing due to missing indexes in Jobs Database
[DHFPROD-1373] - Unable to load hub modules in DHaaS environment
[DHFPROD-1375] - Specify permissions for modules in gradle.properties
[DHFPROD-1380] - Replace java client api static binary to publicly available one
[DHFPROD-1329] - On upgrade, new databases created should not have default names
[DHFPROD-1084] - Upgrade improvements - Doc and e-node changes
[DHFPROD-1085] - Upgrade to 3.0 overall guidance
[DHFPROD-1087] - Upgrade instructions
[DHFPROD-1228] - Integrated Testing for DHaaS in a simulated environment
[DHFPROD-1229] - Install DHF via lambda/appdeployer task
[DHFPROD-1234] - Create roles and test DHF with hardened RBAC model for DHaaS
[DHFPROD-1240] - Release DHaaS-related work as 4.0.1
[DHFPROD-1251] - Integrated Testing for DHaaS in a 'real' environment
[DHFPROD-1261] - Document differences in managing a data hub on-prem. vs in DHaaS
[DHFPROD-1310] - Refactor DHF to use a single modules database (again)
[DHFPROD-1335] - Deprecate mlLoadBalancerHosts with error checking
v4.0.0 (2018-09-11)
[DHFPROD-859] - #989 ⁃ DHF 3.0 upgrade path not clear
[DHFPROD-890] - #1009 ⁃ 9.0-5 Upgrade : make sure to update the path of the rewriter on the Trace Server
[DHFPROD-1100] - #1155 ⁃ Upgrading in Quickstart (with Quickstart.war) doesn't always work
[DHFPROD-1174] - Running input flow after fresh install from a DHF project doesnt surface all the previously saved maps
[DHFPROD-1252] - XDMP-NOSUCHDB error on running hubUpdate task to upgrade to 4.0.0
[DHFPROD-1254] - QuickStart project needs to be initialized although DHF is already installed
[DHFPROD-1298] - Installation fails with non default staging modules db
[DHFPROD-1308] - Traces are created after disabling traces
[DHFPROD-1309] - Incorrect content.sjs generated for input flows when 'requireEs' set to true
[DHFPROD-434] - #458 ⁃ Document the roles available and what each one does
[DHFPROD-495] - #673 ⁃ Problem with clipboard button
[DHFPROD-651] - #796 ⁃ Hub tracing fails (silently) if XQuery plugins return XML
[DHFPROD-774] - Compatibiilty -- quickstart 3.0 to 3.1
[DHFPROD-788] - #893 ⁃ accept header ignored by /v1/resources/flow
[DHFPROD-790] - #894 ⁃ Clearer documentation with respect to the Java prerequisite
[DHFPROD-791] - gradlew hubInfo task returns garbage
[DHFPROD-797] - #902 ⁃ xml options in entity-config get saved with JSON content and fail to deploy
[DHFPROD-844] - #976 ⁃ add mldeploy step
[DHFPROD-847] - #979 ⁃ list ports in use by dhf
[DHFPROD-848] - #977 ⁃ explain databases created by dhf project
[DHFPROD-850] - #980 ⁃ Update documentation for transform renames
[DHFPROD-872] - #1000 ⁃ XML Processing Instructions break DHF ingest
[DHFPROD-927] - #1029 ⁃ The total number of jobs is incorrect after running a flow
[DHFPROD-931] - #1034 ⁃ UI messaging on entity that has no properties on Map
[DHFPROD-933] - #1036 ⁃ Unable to save map
[DHFPROD-942] - #1051 ⁃ On mapping, a data that starts with a number then followed by non-number character is interpreted as number
[DHFPROD-944] - #1052 ⁃ Scaffolding allows white space in the Entity properties.
[DHFPROD-945] - #1053 ⁃ incorrect label for triggers db setting in QS advanced options.
[DHFPROD-948] - #1057 ⁃ Trace UI is showing nothing on ingested xml document
[DHFPROD-958] - #1061 ⁃ DHF is not being installed from quick-start UI
[DHFPROD-1001] - Unable to set different SSL context for (staging, final)client and (staging, final)manageclient
[DHFPROD-1008] - TrustManager is not set when creating client objects
[DHFPROD-1017] - #1104 ⁃ Some icons on QuickStart UI login page are missing if you start QuickStart war
[DHFPROD-1033] - Differences in <attachments> content in the envelope generated by xqy and sjs
[DHFPROD-1034] - Unmapped properties shows up as null with mapping generated content.sjs
[DHFPROD-1045] - #1120 ⁃ On Harmonize flow page, the plus sign for Options is not aligned
[DHFPROD-1046] - The source xpath returns incorrect result with mapping generated content.sjs
[DHFPROD-1051] - #1124 ⁃ Map doesn't retain the properties if you change the source (on map revisit)
[DHFPROD-1061] - #1134 ⁃ Unable to create a harmonize flow that uses the mapping if not redeploying the modules
[DHFPROD-1062] - #1135 ⁃ After creating and modeling the map, the first mapping property on content.sjs is not indented
[DHFPROD-1065] - #1138 ⁃ Performance decrease if you have multiple maps
[DHFPROD-1074] - #1144 ⁃ Able to save an entity with duplicate property names
[DHFPROD-1082] - #1146 ⁃ Harmonized flow with mapping on second entity is broken
[DHFPROD-1094] - #1151 ⁃ Cannot edit the source of an already existing map
[DHFPROD-1096] - #1153 ⁃ HTTP 500: Internal Server Error while retrieving a map with a name
[DHFPROD-1097] - #1154 ⁃ Overlapped facet counts if it has 4 digits or more
[DHFPROD-1110] - #1165 ⁃ content.sjs creates incorrect variables for properties having underscore in the entity
[DHFPROD-1112] - #1166 ⁃ Hub Graphic corrupted / missing
[DHFPROD-1113] - #1168 ⁃ content.xqy generates extract-instance-X() with empty mapping
[DHFPROD-1114] - #1170 ⁃ Mapping doesnt allow to save an edited version of a map
[DHFPROD-1118] - Mapping generates incorrect content
[DHFPROD-1119] - #1175 ⁃ Click of + button for entity 2 mapping when on a map for entity 1 doesnt bring up the new-map modal
[DHFPROD-1120] - #1176 ⁃ Able to create maps with duplicate names
[DHFPROD-1122] - #1179 ⁃ Map created from QuickStart should not be deployed to Modules database until map is saved
[DHFPROD-1124] - #1180 ⁃ Updating description of a mapping should prompt to Save the map again
[DHFPROD-1125] - #1181 ⁃ Using an invalid source URI should first check for validity before resetting existing selection/mapping
[DHFPROD-1127] - #1184 ⁃ Input flow/mlcp failing in QuickStart when any datatype other than string is used
[DHFPROD-1131] - source xpath generates JS content with syntax error
[DHFPROD-1151] - #1201 ⁃ Issue when using a collector on a huge amount of URIs
[DHFPROD-1159] - #1217 ⁃ ResourceNotFound exception if mapping name contains whitespace
[DHFPROD-1164] - Overflowing mapping value if it's too long
[DHFPROD-1165] - #1229 ⁃ Tracing database exist on DHF Upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
[DHFPROD-964] - Upgrade testing from DHF-3.0.0 to DHF-3.1.0
[DHFPROD-225] - Design and implement security model to preempt needs for PII story
[DHFPROD-338] - Atomic return value as a response header
[DHFPROD-640] - JSON Schema for API First function declaration
[DHFPROD-909] - Create E2E test Plan for Flat Model-to-Model mapping
[DHFPROD-911] - Create test plan for Security policy
[DHFPROD-924] - Investigate and create POC to create framework to run unit and integration tests for sprint boot layer API's
[DHFPROD-1056] - Document PII support
[DHFPROD-234] - Flat model-to-model mapping
[DHFPROD-1084] - Upgrade improvements - Doc and e-node changes
[DHFPROD-1078] - Update tutorial to showcase model-to-model mapping
[DHFPROD-1085] - Upgrade to 3.0 overall guidance
[DHFPROD-1087] - Upgrade instructions
[DHFPROD-1101] - Technical story: Understand the upgrade path
[DHFPROD-1103] - Documentation for model-to-model mapping
[DHFPROD-1133] - Execute the DHF Release (4.0)
[DHFPROD-1168] - Release notes for 4.0
[DHFPROD-1192] - Return e-node modules to modules db
[DHFPROD-1194] - Provide modules, schemas and triggers databases for FINAL
[DHFPROD-254] - Document Error Codes
[DHFPROD-278] - API Service Developer can generate Java database function
[DHFPROD-279] - Data Service Developer can support proxy requests in the appserver
[DHFPROD-307] - Data Architect manipulates the mapping of property-to-property
[DHFPROD-308] - Data Architect can run flow
[DHFPROD-311] - API Service Developer can generate simplest Java proxy function
[DHFPROD-341] - Mapping experience for long lists of attributes
[DHFPROD-346] - API Service Developer can generate a Java proxy with payloads
[DHFPROD-350] - API Service Developer can generate a class from a bundle
[DHFPROD-351] - PII Configuration artifacts get deployed to data hub
[DHFPROD-583] - Default document permissions (read) for harmonized entities
[DHFPROD-606] - Default document permissions (update) for harmonized entities
[DHFPROD-607] - API Service Developer can generate a Java database function with multipart payloads
[DHFPROD-608] - Build a demo that showcases pii
[DHFPROD-612] - API Service Developer can map Java datatypes to server datatypes
[DHFPROD-615] - API Service Developer can call a database function from AWS middle tier
[DHFPROD-619] - Move base support for generated classes into the Java API
[DHFPROD-625] - Toggle PII on entity property as part of modeling UI activities
[DHFPROD-666] - Data Service Developer can opt into efficient but constrained HTTP transport
[DHFPROD-678] - Determine what is PII
[DHFPROD-816] - CLONE - Default document permissions (read + write) for harmonized entities
[DHFPROD-819] - CLONE - Default document permissions (update) for harmonized entities
[DHFPROD-839] - Security vulnerability in package-lock.json
[DHFPROD-949] - Ability to change source doc
[DHFPROD-956] - Execute the code generation from Gradle
[DHFPROD-1024] - Orient example in tutorial to current model to model mapping scenario (eg all same source doc)
v3.0.0 (2018-05-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update Spring Batch example to version 1.4.0 #622
- Update writers to be batched vs individualized - delete/dupe #617
- Quickstart data hub job status/error popup needs word wrap #582
- Export traces #571
- Create gradle command to generate a TDE Template #551
- Allow specifying flow options for harmonization flows run from quickstart #504
- Migration guidance from 1.0 (8) to 2.0 (9) #373
Fixed bugs:
- Loading documents through input flow is failing #883
- gradlew quick-start:e2eLaunch could not find or load main class com.marklogic.quickstart.Application #877
- Tutorial: version numbers don't match #852
- Example in documentation is incorrect #845
- README.md link to "Data Hub Framework website" in "Advanced Hub Usage" is broken #837
- defaults are missing on hub init tab #833
- Getting Started Tutorial: More issues #818
- Running input flow produces error "MISSING_CURRENT_TRACE" and the documents are not loaded #814
- Missing dhf.sjs when creating a new flow (blocker) #813
- Upgrade npmVersion to 5.6.0 on build.gradle to avoid error on Windows #804
- Tutorial link hard coded to old (2.0.3) release #801
- Reverse DB EndToEndFlowTests fail on AWS #800
- quickstart harmonize flow view elides tab labels to meaninglessness #798
- QuickStart Browse Data throws XDMP-LEXVAL #797
- Documents are not shown under Browse Data STAGING database after running the input flow #788
- Remove mimetypes from gradle config #780
- Install screen on quickstart is broken, unable to install hub [blocker] #778
- Run undeploy tasks with configured mlManageUsername #766
- Error when running gradlew mlUndeploy #762
- MLCPBean doesn't have -ssl option #760
- mlDeploy fails when run by an LDAP user with full admin rights #759
- QuickStart won't connect to HTTPS-enabled App Services #752
- Search results on jobs page is showing the wrong results when searching for "input" jobs #746
- Trace view is not displayed after clicking the trace link #738
- One entity's indexes configurations clobber all the others' #711
- When modeling Order entity, needs to add element range index on "id" property #705
- Quickstart tutorial doesn't have $version on content.sjs, but the screenshots have it #701
- QuickStart harmonize flow settings not persisted during browser session #684
- Primary key is not retained if it's clicked first when adding a property #679
- Huge ID lists from a collector fail with FRAGTOOLARGE if Tracing is on #658
- Old entity name is still retained on property entities type #651
- run-flow rest extension is not setting a default job-id #620
- Tutorial - Can not create "Harmonize Orders" flow #602
- Collector's disk queue is filling up #601
- QuickStart Project Initialize does not recognize change to hostname #585
- Object type changed after upgrade to Hub 2.0 so fields are missing or undefined #583
- The mlUndeploy task does not completely remove a data hub #580
- MLCP failing on INPUT FLOW after upgrade #579
- info block for JSON #577
- QuickStart - Browse Data does not display content for certain URIs #557
- Add Spring-Batch jobRepo configuration to data-hub-JOBS database & app-server? #493
- Added Price, but didn't see it in the Product entity #408
- A trace is created with an invalid format #397
- Hub (un)install time on windows is horrible #253
- Add --disable-host-check to allow external access #773 (wooldridge)
Closed issues:
- Some broken links on docs-3.0 DHF Tutorial #930
- Data Hub Framework website links still refer to old marklogic-community address #899
- Error when harmonising literal in triple #878
- One of the links to the data hub framework website on readme.md is broken #864
- Tutorial: need a goal #854
- Clean up inconsistencies in content/instance in documentation #848
- Error when trying to run mlDeploy from online store example on development branch #835
- Include verb in example curl command #808
- Code edited externally not updating on quickstart editor windows #795
- Harmonization fails #756
- Missing custom webservices in DHF #716
- problem with instance-json-from document when extracting array of string #708
- Final content.sjs is out of date in tutorial #676
- Add documentation for gradle task to uninstall data-hub #670
- Clarify docs: REST resources can be added without being connected to an entity #629
- Update Hub ES code to get inline with newer ES features #553
- Example: Single-step ingest #476
- Invoking harmonize flow via post-commit trigger fails with non-admin user #378
- Getting Started tutorial shows a stack trace for step 8, sub-step 6 #316
- Refine JavaDocs #222
- Epic: MDM support #126
Merged pull requests:
- 3.x develop fast forward #958 (aebadirad)
- Add Javadoc info to docs README #956 (wooldridge)
- Add javadocs version 3.0.0 to docs #955 (wooldridge)
- Update Java Client API dependency to 4.0.4 #954 (grechaw)
- Fix old finished example link #952 (wooldridge)
- Fix links in Tutorial Wrapping Up #951 (wooldridge)
- Fix link to QuickStart .war file in tutorial #950 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-646 misc 3.x docs fixes #949 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-646 remove link in setup, no content #948 (wooldridge)
- Fix update test develop #947 (grechaw)
- DHFPROD-663 improve sample-data setup info #946 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-493, DHFPROD-646 3.x documentation updates #945 (wooldridge)
- Updated legal notices #944 (grechaw)
- QuickStart UI fixes for 2.x-develop #942 (wooldridge)
- Develop #941 (aebadirad)
- E2e/save index new entity #940 (ayuwono)
- DHFPROD-502 fix tutorial, primary key does not add element range index #939 (wooldridge)
- First pass on 2.x flow upgrade to 3, and removing unneeded modules #938 (aebadirad)
- Updating Issue #578: Update the deletion message #937 (mhuang-ml)
- Develop #936 (aebadirad)
- DHFPROD-675 add index confirm for save new entity #935 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-496 crop terminal screenshot in tutorial #934 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-496 make consistent with current tutorial #933 (wooldridge)
- Latest batch of develop approved changes #932 (aebadirad)
- Add let variable declarations #929 (wooldridge)
- Update README for docs branch #928 (wooldridge)
- E2E/bug fixes -- tests for some bug fixes #927 (ayuwono)
- DHFPROD-646 3.x documentation, Tutorial #926 (wooldridge)
- Updating Issue #578: Update the deletion message #925 (mhuang-ml)
- DHFPROD-646 3.x documentation, Understanding #924 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-646 3.x documentation, Ingest #923 (wooldridge)
- Entity box css fix #922 (ayuwono)
- Develop #921 (aebadirad)
- Develop update #920 (aebadirad)
- Updating Issue #578: Update the deletion message #919 (mhuang-ml)
- DHFPROD-664 adjust offset, size of new entities in UI #918 (wooldridge)
- Fix for Issue #578 #917 (clockworked247)
- Rework of fix for issue #557 where URI in request to /doc API #916 (clockworked247)
- Rework of fix for issue #557 where URI in request to /doc API #915 (clockworked247)
- Fixes #582 - should be reviewed for UX before merging. #914 (clockworked247)
- Fix tab bar layout issue #798 #913 (clockworked247)
- DHFPROD-730 update “content” to “instance” in docs #912 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-496 update tutorial documentation for 3.x #911 (wooldridge)
- Fix tab bar layout issue #798 #909 (clockworked247)
- Fixing Issue #440: Adding example w/ gradle props #908 (mhuang-ml)
- Fixing Issue #440: Adding example w/ gradle props #907 (mhuang-ml)
- Data hub job status/error popup word wrap change #906 (clockworked247)
- Update 3.x from head #905 (aebadirad)
- Updating the docs for the repo move #904 (aebadirad)
- Update urls for the repository move #903 (aebadirad)
- DHFPROD-497 fix property index selection #900 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-496 fix QuickStart naming in app #898 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-496 add let variable declarations #896 (wooldridge)
- Update README.md #891 (aebadirad)
- Fixing Issue #578: Adding deletion dialog #889 (mhuang-ml)
- Ignore mlcp test. False failures occur and the test is redundant #885 (grechaw)
- Issue #883 quickstart cannnot load delimited text #884 (grechaw)
- DHFPROD-645 add -X PUT to curl command #881 (wooldridge)
- DHFPROD-731 display install tree as dynamic text #880 (wooldridge)
- Develop #879 (aebadirad)
- Dhfprod 602 issue780 mimetypes #876 (grechaw)
- DHFPROD-466 Improving tests for quickstart host config #875 (grechaw)
- updating quick-start test task to remove dependency on gui tests #867 (kkanthet)
- Develop fast forward the 3.x branch #859 (aebadirad)
- Last known good #858 (grechaw)
- Bugfixes, issues with truncation and mime types removal. #851 (grechaw)
- Remove mimetypes from deployed configuration #780 #850 (grechaw)
- 3.0.0 versioning update #847 (aebadirad)
- Develop #846 (aebadirad)
- Feature/dhfprod 522 java doc update #844 (aebadirad)
- Update MarkLogic server version in readme #843 (aebadirad)
- Truncate the response being logged to something reasonable #842 (aebadirad)
- Issue #557 fix #841 (clockworked247)
- DHFPROD-263 - addition of license and notice files #839 (aebadirad)
- Refactor of unit tests to make DHFPROD-630 actionable #838 (grechaw)
- fixing issue #833 #834 (paxtonhare)
- fixing bad writer.sjs paths #832 (paxtonhare)
- More harmonize flow validation #829 (ayuwono)
- Fix for DHFPROD-412, other failing tests #828 (srinathgit)
- Bugfix/dhfprod 660 #814 running input flow produces #816 (aebadirad)
- fixes #788 - db string comparison when setting query manager #812 (wooldridge)
- Fixing hard-coding of admin/admin in project setup #811 (grechaw)
- Upgrade to Angular CLI latest #805 (aebadirad)
- Feature/java doc updates #803 (aebadirad)
- Adding test for input flow using DMSDK #802 (srinathgit)
- Feature/sjs perf #789 (paxtonhare)
- Update README.md #787 (popzip)
- Add telemetetry call via eval + setup test for it #786 (aebadirad)
- Cert auth and simple SSL tests #785 (srinathgit)
- Fix for #778, return back precheck json string instead of directly re… #779 (aebadirad)
- E2E - more traces tests #776 (ayuwono)
- Add exposed SSL settings #772 (aebadirad)
- adding notes about quickstart not being supported #768 (dmcassel)
- adding support document #767 (dmcassel)
- E2E tests stabilization and traces tests #765 (ayuwono)
- Feature/3.x refactor #764 (aebadirad)
- Refactor install info #763 (dmcassel)
- #571 updating docs for Export Traces #761 (dmcassel)
- fixes for trace-ui #755 (dmcassel)
- E2E tests on jobs page #751 (ayuwono)
- making it a bit more clear #750 (paxtonhare)
- fixing tracing stuff #749 (paxtonhare)
- cleaning up things I noticed while working on docs #748 (dmcassel)
- #738 allowing for trace URIs with extensions #745 (dmcassel)
- fixing #711 #743 (paxtonhare)
- adding Windows instructions #742 (dmcassel)
- fixing #701 #741 (paxtonhare)
- fixing #620 #740 (paxtonhare)
- E2E tests on run harmonize with flow options #737 (ayuwono)
- #591 - Show 2.0 features for server versions >= 9 #646 (wooldridge)
- #622 - update to MarkLogic Spring Batch 1.7.0 #625 (sastafford)
v2.0.4 (2018-02-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Need ability to specify cluster hostnames in configuration, override automatic host detection #662
- Allow me to set custom SSL Context and Hostname verifiers #647
- Stream uris list #633
Fixed bugs:
- Collector throws null pointer exception when there is nothing to process #735
- SSL not working with collector #734
- Browse Data Entities Only Error #726
- Setting up QuickStart UI takes me to the update screen, then vicious cycle #698
- Performance example gradle hubinit task throws a directory error on windows #674
- deleting an entity property causes quickstart to forget the existing primary key/range index/required field settings #616
- DataMovementServices is holdover from DHF 1.0 #613
- Quickstart runs in 2.0 mode only for version 9, not > 9.x #591
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- 203 fixes #736 (paxtonhare)
- Export jobs ui #733 (dmcassel)
- updating CONTRIBUTING for e-node changes #732 (paxtonhare)
- Copyrights #731 (grechaw)
- Center the actions icons, narrow the space between them #730 (wooldridge)
- updating the performance example to run all combos of xqy,sjs,xml,json #729 (paxtonhare)
- DHFPROD-274 put sample data and model into an example project. #728 (grechaw)
- Feature/e node baby #727 (paxtonhare)
- React to changes in the harmonize flow options on blur #723 (wooldridge)
- reversing the order of the javadoc links #722 (paxtonhare)
- Tests for E2E/flow options #720 (ayuwono)
- Update for 2.0.3 javadocs and update version #719 (aebadirad)
- Export jobs #718 (dmcassel)
- Feature/617 write batching #717 (paxtonhare)
- Test on other hosts #715 (grechaw)
- Allow key-value options to be passed in for harmonization flows in UI #713 (wooldridge)
- Place ignore amps on several evals within code to prevent priviledge … #712 (aebadirad)
- Update harmonize flow options screenshots #710 (wooldridge)
- additional tests on login, advanced settings, and entities page #709 (ayuwono)
- Release 2.0.3 back to develop #707 (aebadirad)
- Fixing Issue #476: creating a single step example #697 (mhuang-ml)
- #551 Create gradle command to generate a TDE Template #685 (derms)
- 2.0.3 documentation & ml8 deprecation update #681 (aebadirad)
2.0.3 (2018-01-30)
v2.0.3 (2018-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Deprecate ML8 support #618
- MLCP options: Add ability to select individual files #413
- Long collection names wrap (ugly) #409
Fixed bugs:
- Dollar ($) sign on title and version on final document #704
- Quickstart doesn't have "Delimited Text Options" anymore, the documentation and tutorial should be changed #683
- Unable to load data on Input Flows #682
- double parent XML elements created when serializing complex type #619
- setting sourceDB in custom task extending RunFlowTaks in v2.0.2 fails #608
- Fixes to closing input stream as recommended @paxtonhare also clean u… #700 (aebadirad)
- Fixed #616 #627 (aebadirad)
Closed issues:
- Having issue in ingesting data via MLCP, with transform_module #667
- No job document after running input flow thru MLCP #665
- Unable to create Harmonize Flow #637
- Error on Harmonize batch on a F5 LB #632
- dhf.makeEnvelope does not include $version and $type #626
- gradle tasks broken in 2.0.1 #599
Merged pull requests:
- fixing borked tests #706 (paxtonhare)
- fixing failing test #703 (paxtonhare)
- fixing $version and $title #702 (paxtonhare)
- fixing #698 #699 (paxtonhare)
- Addressing a change to fix double-quotes being submitted through spri… #696 (aebadirad)
- Feature/fix for pr #649 #695 (aebadirad)
- Reverting the pull request for flow options for now #693 (aebadirad)
- Simple fix for #674 for windows to be able to create the directory fo… #692 (aebadirad)
- Feature/ssl fixup #690 (paxtonhare)
- Feature/#229 ml8 deprecation #687 (aebadirad)
- Return jobTicket that was previously created with new method to provi… #686 (aebadirad)
- removed older versions of MarkLogic #678 (dmcassel)
- Feature/harmonization options #677 (dmcassel)
- #673 disable the clipboard button for now; real fix later #675 (dmcassel)
- Feature/add whitelist #672 (paxtonhare)
- Fixing Issue #409: add dynamic sizing to facets #669 (mhuang-ml)
- Feature/ml8 deprecation #659 (aebadirad)
- Added resources needed for the tests I checked in #657 (dmcassel)
- Handle a null "range-path-index" value #656 (wooldridge)
- #504 send options along with harmonization flows #654 (dmcassel)
- fixing tests #652 (paxtonhare)
- fixing busted test for streaming uris #650 (paxtonhare)
- Issue 575 #649 (RobertSzkutak)
- fixed #633 #648 (paxtonhare)
- Issue 503 #645 (RobertSzkutak)
- Updates to the trace-ui as well to mirror ng client & material 2 upgr… #644 (aebadirad)
- Feature/fix for #608 custom source db #641 (aebadirad)
- Range indexes must be properties. #639 (dmcassel)
- #629 Clarifying directory structure #638 (dmcassel)
- #631 - moving to ml-gradle 3.3.0 #636 (aebadirad)
- Feature/ng cli upgrade #635 (aebadirad)
- Feature/fix for #608 custom source db #634 (aebadirad)
- updating ml-gradle version #631 (paxtonhare)
- adding list of dependencies #630 (dmcassel)
- Feature/update examples #624 (dmcassel)
- #580 this turned out to be a configuration inconsistency #610 (dmcassel)
- Revert "Feature/delete hub" #609 (dmcassel)
- fixing bad link #607 (paxtonhare)
- updating docs based on feedback #606 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #212 #605 (paxtonhare)
- added 2.0.2 docs to the docs site #604 (paxtonhare)
- Feature/delete hub #603 (dmcassel)
- updated dhf version #600 (paxtonhare)
- updating support info in LICENSE and README #597 (paxtonhare)
- #553 #595 (paxtonhare)
v2.0.2 (2017-12-04)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Main is executed in staging db even when setting -PsourceDB=Final #565
- Blank harmonization page #558
Closed issues:
- Add e2e tests for Quickstart #555
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/bug 558 #598 (dmcassel)
- fixed #565 #596 (paxtonhare)
- adding the userOrg property #586 (dmcassel)
- fixed #547 #568 (paxtonhare)
- Feature/delete old jobs #566 (dmcassel)
2.0.1 (2017-11-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Browse Data: Reset search when changing databases #535
Fixed bugs:
- Harmonization code generation fails for a relationships where entities hold mutual references #544
- Out of memory when flow has too many errors #543
- admin role required for quick start login #542
- mlWatch broken for deploying REST extensions #538
- Options not deployed for Final #529
Closed issues:
- Add README.md at top of examples folder #549
- Quickstart build fails #541
- hubPreinstallCheck, AdminConfig ignores SSL setting #539
- Enhance command line to build entity indexes via entity JSON descriptors #526
v2.0.1 (2017-11-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Harmonize Writer could benefit from more context like $type #564
- Update 2.x version checker to omit pre-release version #485
Fixed bugs:
- Error running sample product-catalog example #560
- Entity definition partially written, everything hosed #435
Closed issues:
- REST search options deployed to wrong location in modules db #567
- Getting MISSING_FLOW error when invoking from DMSDK #552
- Add support for mlcp -input_file_pattern #550
- Browse Data: not obvious that I needed to click Search #530
- Add detailed documentation on traces #527
- incorrect scaffolding #525
- Issue upgrade from rc1 to rc2 #511
- Create Performance Sample #492
- Prevent install if ports are in use #477
- MLCP fails if no "jobId" parameter specified even with trace off #426
- Test deploy against ssl enabled server #417
- Epic - error handling #289
Merged pull requests:
- Issue413 #559 (tcfenstermaker)
- adds performance sample #556 (joemfb)
v2.0.0 (2017-10-02)
Fixed bugs:
- mlWatch is deploying Flow XMLs on every iteration #522
- Can't login to quickstart with data-hub-user #519
- Error when settings gradle properties from task definition #518
- Basic auth not working #517
- Debug of run-flow transform breaks multipart requests and can't be turned off #516
- Bug in deploying Flows to MarkLogic #512
- Writer trace is firing twice #510
- Error loading XSD schemas #509
Closed issues:
- Can't run flows with spaces in the names from MLCP #523
- Better error handling on gradle hubRunFlow #514
- Move the Input Flow writer trace into main.(sjs|xqy) #513
- Links need updating #508
- Update to latest ml-gradle #505
- Input flow (mlcp) options aren't saved #481
v2.0.0-rc.2 (2017-09-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Fastload support for MLCP #490
- Refactor to use main.xqy #484
- Refactor classes that break openjdk #482
Fixed bugs:
- Next button not working when browsing to new hub project directory #502
- Quickstart gets stuck in Loading... with js error #501
- scaffolded flow from empty ES model has errors #495
- Need to properly escape the path for RegEx #494
- Files are being locked on Windows #450
Closed issues:
- Increase gradleVersion to 3.4 for the wrapper task #499
- MLCP 9.0.2 isn't backwards compatible #498
- Example: Make a barebones example for cmd line ninjas #497
- ML behind Firewall + different ports #489
- Ports 8010 and 8011 conflicting with Ops-Director #447
Merged pull requests:
- Support MLCP fastload #500 (RobertSzkutak)
v1.1.5 (2017-08-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Providing different source/dest DB for the hubRunFlow does not work #488
- Path to code has wrong slash on Windows #467
- Job status stuck on STARTED for Input Flows #466
- File not saving properly from quickstart to fix a bug #430
- Error on initial run of QuickStart GUI #394
- Error saving entity - collation not legal #337
Closed issues:
- collection name is hard coded in online store example #474
- add (rest-extension-user,read) to XML documents in modules-db #470
- column-width, or tooltip with full "Identifier" in traces table #469
- Initializing DHF Project against existing DB is dropping indexes #468
- Saving the changes in a flow code never finishes *sometimes* #462
- Sometimes a trace for a failed Harmonize job is not available/not existing #461
- Unable to ingest image (.png) documents using DHF Quick-Start application #420
- Load files into the data hub schemas database #288
- Ability to override uri for input flows #182
- Create concept of a domain #82
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/473 msb example #480 (sastafford)
- Some typos and suggestions #475 (patrickmcelwee)
v1.1.4 (2017-07-25)
v2.0.0-rc.1 (2017-07-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Cannot specify default permissions for data-hub-staging-MODULES db #434
Fixed bugs:
- MlcpRunner is being started improperly #452
- Code deploy fails when An entity is deleted #451
- error during data hub workshop #437
- when scaffolding code for an array, have it be empty list [] rather than null #432
- gradlew is generated without execute permission #428
- RunFlowTask using dyslexic string for hub key #419
Closed issues:
- Upgrade quick-start to mlcp 9.0.2 #465
- QuickStart app doesn't work on Internet Explorer 11 #463
- Redeploy modules removes trace and debugging settings #460
- Quickstart Application not working on Internet Explorer #456
- Envelope instance created does not include "info" #455
- Error when creating a harmonize flow based on entity definition #454
- tutorial link is 404: https://marklogic.github.io/marklogic-data-hub/ #449
- Changes to $options not persisting if set in headers or triples in Harmonization flow #448
- Input flow job (load-acme-tech) failing on 2.0.0-beta.1 #446
- Fix AppVeyor CI #445
- consider using windows compatible line breaks #444
- RFE: support setting log level #442
- Setting replica forest data path #441
- Replica forests not created from quick-start #439
- Error in documentation for the REST transform #433
- Harmonization hits maximum document size in collector output #427
- Create a checklist for making DHF releases #424
- Expose the ability to set the writer plugin's target database in gradle #423
- Document all gradle hub tasks #402
- Document query-only mode for plugins #368
- Generated code template from Entity for nested item hides vars (v2/Entities) #353
- Control what runs in update mode to minimize locking #300
- Library Modules not being autodeployed #299
- Uninstall doesn't always finish on the UI #266
- Consider name and description for data hub framework and tooling #175
v2.0.0-beta.1 (2017-05-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a code editor #418
Fixed bugs:
- Entity properties starting with a capital generate templates with a preceding dash in var names #350
v1.1.3 (2017-05-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Expose the ability to pass custom properties via gradle #416
- Add gradle wrapper to scaffolded project #415
- Entity view: show "Loading entities..." rather than "You don't have any entities yet" #411
- Better default document format for input flow #410
- Add button to sync indexes #393
- ugly scrollbars appear on project list in quickstart #385
- Handle Batch Flow Errors #379
- Default the harmonize collector to only get items in a standard input collection #344
- Add ability to specify source/target database for a Harmonize flow #319
Fixed bugs:
- MLCP options: Output URI Replace is not working as expected #414
- Can't do load on Windows #407
- Illegal/unsupported escape sequence in Windows 10 when creating entities #406
- Better feedback for client-side validation failures #398
- XQuery bug detected but not shown on QuickStart GUI #395
- Save Options in Input Flow doesn't save changes to 'Output URI Replace' #390
- Default forests are created/attached even with custom forest JSON definitions #389
- mlReloadModules may not work #386
- Can't run harmonize on 2.0.0-alpha.2 #382
- Compile issue #381
- When one item fails in a harmonize batch run, other items in the chunk do not get processed #279
Closed issues:
- Need to update my forest location while setting up the datahub framework; #356
- Harmonization flow not hitting staging port defined in gradle.properties #342
- gradle commands for flow creation #339
- gradle hubInit failing #307
- QuickStart App data loaded to incorrect directory? #251
- Allow Ingest to feed directly to conform w/o storing data #186
- DataHub::isInstalled() is not sufficient #165
- Auto Generate Indexes based on entity defs #105
- Allow Exploration on the staged, raw data #2
Merged pull requests:
- display a "Loading" message while retrieving entities #412 (dmcassel)
- disabled frame options in quickstart so it can be run inside an iframe #364 (ryan321)
v2.0.0-alpha.4 (2017-05-12)
v2.0.0-alpha.3 (2017-05-08)
v1.1.2 (2017-04-12)
Fixed bugs:
- null pointer exception on logout #383
Closed issues:
v1.1.1 (2017-03-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- customize session name to avoid conflicts #369
- Change Java Client API dependency to stable build #358
- Update Hub to use latest ml-gradle #355
Closed issues:
- Entities and custom modules fail to deploy - v1.1.0 #377
- See if we can bail if the gradle version is too low #376
- Unable to login marklogic using hub frame work received "500 Internal Server Error" #374
- gradle plugin gets confused about users #371
- can't put binary inside envelope #366
- MLCP can't find /etc/hadooop #365
- Add CLA requirement to CONTRIBUTING #361
- Bug: QuickStart Login screen: Long paths aren't completely visible in Chrome #354
Merged pull requests:
- Adds CLA requirement (#361) #363 (jmakeig)
- Adds CLA requirement (#361) #362 (jmakeig)
- Updates Java Client API dependency to stable build #359 (jmakeig)
v2.0.0-alpha.2 (2017-01-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow exernal data to be passed in to a flow's options-map #334
- Integrate with Entity Services #283
- show traces for a given flow #277
Fixed bugs:
- Returning json:object() isn't invoking ES serialization in flow #345
Closed issues:
- "No message available" when following Quick Start #352
- Add job-id to harmonized documents #351
- Entity modeling rendering incorrectly #347
v1.1.0 (2016-12-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Detect when running upgraded hub #322
Fixed bugs:
- if MarkLogic is not started, login reports "invalid username or password" #343
- Need gradle variables for Auth method for final, staging, etc #340
- Pagination not implemented on jobs page #320
Closed issues:
- Directory slashes when typing in paths #341
- Scaffolding generation failed #338
- Investigating slow performance in loading modules on Windows #336
- Input Flow - Output URI replace configuration doesn't stick on windows #335
- Keep user database settings separate from hub database settings #325
- Create a non-admin user for doing hub stuff #200
v2.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-11-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Visual entity type model editor #286
v1.0.2 (2016-11-22)
Fixed bugs:
- mlcp load from QuickStart GUI not loading data #331
Closed issues:
- Possible typo on wiki page #333
- Tutorial instruction - create entity "Employees" instead of "Employee" #330
- mlcp job is not getting run + console log button not showing #329
- Error Extension hubstats does not exist. #328
v1.0.1 (2016-11-08)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Log out why isInstalled() is failing #324
- Provide Build instructions for developers #323
- Add Link to the ML On Demand Courses #315
- upgrading RC5 to RC6 #306
- Allow users to clear out corrupt install #304
v1.0.0 (2016-10-25)
Fixed bugs:
- DeployViewSchemasCommand is failing installs #312
- File change watcher fires multiple times on Windows #308
- Clean Target database directory ? is confusing not working #305
Closed issues:
- Gradle Daemon causing working directory issues #314
- marklogic spring batch requires additional date sort operator #311
- Handling tab-delimited files #310
- Add issue template to the repo #309
- Last deployed time sometimes says 47 years ago #303
v1.0.0-rc.6 (2016-10-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Deadlock when evaling from writer #231
Closed issues:
- Update Trace UI in Trace server #302
- Trace enhancement: Not logging enough for error trace #301
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException #298
- Getting Started Tutorial - Sample code for Acme Tech header plugin does not update 'latest' variable #297
- Not all data is processed in harmonize flow when thread count is greater than 1 #296
- New Mlcp Error grabbing has false positives on windows #295
- Clarify that ML DHF is FOSS and not supported MarkLogic product #294
- custom thread count throws parsing error #292
- RC5: the ingest steps in quick start gives a exception and is not runned #291
- fix gradle tasks for run flow #290
- When exception is thrown, not all flow traces are persisted. #278
- Add ability to clear the Staging or Final database #198
- mlcp_transform needs profiling #162
v1.0.0-rc.5 (2016-09-27)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- chore: update java dependencies #287
- Github pages link error #285
- Module watch fails when you switch projects #284
- chore: fix appveyor build #282
- Lots of cache warnings #281
- Trace settings gets wiped out when content database is cleared #280
- Better distinguish between Entities and Flows #275
- Exception in Quick Start #274
- Setting up on Mac causes an issue with .war file #273
- rc4 - input flow UI jacked up on chrome/windows #272
- MLCP command is using deprecated command line flags #265
- QuickStart App: Status indicator on installation screen is out of view when text is enlarged #262
- Run Flow buttons inconsistent b/c Harmonize runs immediately #257
- QuickStart App data not loaded to correct collection #250
v1.0.0-rc.4 (2016-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Spring Batch Example #263
Closed issues:
- MLCP Command for CSV files is generated incorrectly #261
- update examples now that rc.2 is out #247
- UI rework based on new screen designs #70
v1.0.0-rc.3 (2016-08-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Better support for mixed flow and file type #228
Closed issues:
- better support for binaries #259
- Get traces is super slow #258
- Job Output window stuck and not close-able #256
- mlcp uri replace is busted when run from cygwin #255
- Enable tracing by default #254
- Clear modules / Redeploy #252
- quickstart should be deployable to an appserver under a subdir #249
- Install status window too narrow #248
- gradle tasks need to force deploy content #246
- Running MLCP on non-existing flow causes error #243
- Loading GlobalCorp dataset results in deadlocks #225
- Deploy modules button should clear out the modules first #214
- Better error handling for failed hub install #176
v1.0.0-rc.2 (2016-08-10)
Closed issues:
v1.0.0-rc.1 (2016-08-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Error in writer caused exception with tracing #235
- Failed test : DataHubTest.testInstallUserModules #106
Closed issues:
- Unable to run the harmonize flows #242
- ML Version is unnaceptable #241
- rename config to marklogic-config #239
- Allow many developers to share a server, each with their own Data Hub #237
- Change colors and icons to match other MarkLogic content/GUIs #236
- isInstalled fails on 9 nightly #216
- Tracing UI #210
- During install, list the artifacts being created #194
- Performance tracing #193
- Refactor the Spring Boot API #145
- Support index configuration as a part of pushbutton deploy. #10
v1.0.0-beta.6 (2016-06-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Need to specify collation in query in trace-lib.xqy #230
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Refactored the hub gradle integration #233 (paxtonhare)
v1.0.0-beta.5 (2016-05-03)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Refactor to Auto deploy code #197
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "fixed #197" #227 (paxtonhare)
- Tracing #226 (paxtonhare)
- fixing bug in restoring previous load options #223 (paxtonhare)
- 219 - Fix Bugs in Load Data Feature #220 (maeisabelle)
- Changes to fix JS errors in Swagger UI in master #218 (maeisabelle)
- enhance performance of hub install #217 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #197 #213 (divino)
v1.0.0-beta.4 (2016-04-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Minor improvements to Load Data Feature #205
Fixed bugs:
- File permission error running hadoop to do data load #89
Closed issues:
- Rename conform/conformance to harmonize #201
- Errors only flash on the GUI for a short time #192
- Investigate MLCP UI for creating MLCP cmd line options #164
- Examples need demo scripts #99
- DataHub.installUserModules should be "syncUserModules" #45
Merged pull requests:
- Fix mlcp windows issue 89 #215 (paxtonhare)
- 192 - Removed automatic closing of notification #208 (maeisabelle)
v1.0.0-beta.3 (2016-04-15)
Closed issues:
- Enable Tracing in the Hub #199
Merged pull requests:
- Harmonize #207 (paxtonhare)
- 205 - Minor load data improvements #206 (maeisabelle)
- 164 - Load data improvements #204 (maeisabelle)
- 164 - Load Data Improvements #203 (maeisabelle)
- Gradle fixes #202 (paxtonhare)
v1.0.0-beta.2 (2016-04-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Handle duplicate REST service extensions and transforms #143
Fixed bugs:
- Bug deploying rest services - maybe missing <hub:plugins> config ? #187
- Session invalidated bug #109
Closed issues:
- REST folder is being deployed as assets #189
- Create Hub example for simple gradle integration #184
- Error while loading data #179
- Uninstall hub results in error #177
- Define different func signatures for simple vs advanced Flows #174
- Revisit comments in plugin template files #168
- Add writer to scaffolding for conformance flow #115
- Make UI code more angular #104
- Swagger UI #75
- Swagger JSON Endpoint #74
- gradle plugin to run hub functions from a gradle project #58
Merged pull requests:
- 177 uninstall hub results in error #196 (divino)
- adding trace server, db, forests #195 (paxtonhare)
- fixing filenames for databases #191 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #187 #190 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #184 #188 (paxtonhare)
- prepping for beta 2 release #181 (paxtonhare)
- Get document type from the dataFormat of the entity #180 (divino)
- update plugin signatures #178 (paxtonhare)
v1.0.0-beta.1 (2016-04-01)
Closed issues:
- JsHint Error on Build #170
- Better error handling when session has expired #166
- Identifier ending up in json files #159
- conform content plugins don't work on json #158
- Automatically assign a collection to docs based on flow and entity names #142
- Remember latest load data parameter per flow #130
- Docs overhaul #103
- Add REST scaffolding #102
- Change detection should pick up REST changes #101
Merged pull requests:
- 130 - Remember the last input path per flow #172 (maeisabelle)
- Cleanup - Fix Jshint errors #171 (maeisabelle)
- set server.session.timeout=0 to make session last forever. #169 (divino)
- Add hr hub #167 (paxtonhare)
- 143 - Added validation for duplicate REST service extensions and transforms. #163 (maeisabelle)
- fixed #158 #161 (paxtonhare)
- 75 - Swagger UI to browse the Hub APIs #160 (maeisabelle)
v1.0.0-alpha.4 (2016-03-25)
Closed issues:
- HTTP Calls are cached in IE #156
- add sample data for tweets #154
- get_content transform not working for json files #152
- Support loading of compressed archives #149
- Don't reset User Prefs on logout #146
- Vet plugins isn't quite right #140
- for hl7 example change patientRecord to Patient #137
- Create Conformance flow not working #135
- Error on New Flow #133
- Hub wide modules folder for xqy/sjs #129
- Fix delay after deploying modules #114
- Detect (vet) bad user plugins #91
- Better file browsing on load-data #88
- Input Flow doesn't report back failures #67
Merged pull requests:
- fixed #156 -cached in ie #157 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #154 - added sample tweets #155 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #152 - get_content transform not working for json #153 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #146 - don't reset user prefs on logout #151 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #149 - load compressed archives #150 (paxtonhare)
- 142 - Add default collections when loading data using flows #148 (maeisabelle)
- 101 - Handle detection of REST directory #147 (maeisabelle)
- #104 make ui code more angular #144 (divino)
- fixed #140 - vet plugins not working correctly #141 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #137 - renamed patientrecords to Patients #139 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #135 - create conformance flow not working #136 (paxtonhare)
- 102 - Scaffolding for Rest #134 (maeisabelle)
- fixed #91 - check plugins during install for errors #132 (paxtonhare)
- #88 folder browser #131 (divino)
- adding a gradle plugin for the hub #128 (paxtonhare)
v1.0.0-alpha.3 (2016-03-15)
Closed issues:
- Add staging and final REST port as input during login #117
- New Flow button doesn't work #100
- Better summary on releases page #98
- Add Changelog #97
- remove explicit references to "hub in a box" and use "dhib" #85
- Create a build process #81
- When inserting a document from java, allow a flow to run #79
- Build an HL7 Hub #71
Merged pull requests:
- prepping for alpha.3 release #125 (paxtonhare)
- fixing namespace issues. opts. #124 (paxtonhare)
- adding the hl7 healthcare example #123 (paxtonhare)
- Enhance travis #122 (paxtonhare)
- removed Run button on Input Flows #120 (gmarintes)
- 67 input flow report failure #119 (gmarintes)
- 117 - Add staging and final REST ports in login page #118 (maeisabelle)
- #114 - Return the updated state after deploying the modules to remove the delay #116 (maeisabelle)
- changes on the REST directory are now detected #113 (gmarintes)
- adding input #112 (paxtonhare)
- changing data-hub-in-a-box to data-hub #111 (paxtonhare)
- 100 new flow and new entity button fix #110 (gmarintes)
- Updated "in-a-box" to "data-hub" and "data-hub-in-a-box" to "data-hub" #108 (maeisabelle)
- 79 - Run-flow transform #107 (maeisabelle)
v1.0.0-alpha.2 (2016-03-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Misleading stack trace about missing get-content.xml #87
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- prepping for alpha 2 drop #96 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #92 #95 (paxtonhare)
- prepping for first release. #93 (paxtonhare)
v1.0.0-alpha.1 (2016-03-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a button to deploy a User's hub modules #24
- Allow user to specify where local hub modules are located #23
- If installed, skip setup screen #22
- Allow the user to provide ML config info in a properties file or command line #21
- Determine whether or not hub is installed immediately after login #20
Closed issues:
- Standard Rest transform to get content only #76
- Update dir tree to reflect where REST stuff lives #73
- Ability to define search options #72
- Use Spring batch for batch running #62
- Prompt user to determine if they want sjs or xquery plugins #57
- Create a staging and tranformed database #56
- Add scaffolding for sjs, xslt #55
- Support JSON envelopes #54
- Domains should be called Entities #53
- Build jar instead of war for quickstart #52
- Scaffolding should distinguish between input and conformance flows #51
- add support for travis builds #47
- As a user I want to be able to cancel a running flow because I just want to do it for the lulz #44
- path for conformance plugins is wrong in xquery #41
- Need UI feedback when performing long-running tasks #40
- Quickstart is caching server state #39
- Update QuickStart to use Scaffolding class from data-hub jar #38
- Change INPUT and CANONICAL to lowercase #34
- Make the Input and Canonical flows optional #33
- Fix Hub Install and Uninstall in DataHub class #30
- As a developer or admin, from Quickstart Application, I want to deploy DHIB components to MarkLogic so that I can get started quickly and easily. #14
- As a data hub admin or developer, I want to setup the QuickStart application so that I can deploy and manage data hub via GUI #13
- Create a Spring Boot deployer to set up Tomcat #12
- define the Java Api #11
- Plugins should always have an overall function implementation #9
- Support config driven 'Collectors' to drive the list of transform tasks (like corb URIs query) #8
- Provide a spec for plugin or plugins. #5
- Pushbutton deploy - Allow easy deployment to different environments. #4
- Stage the data from source systems as raw documents in MarkLogic database #1
Merged pull requests:
- 72 define search options #90 (paxtonhare)
- Replaced domains with entities #86 (maeisabelle)
- fixed #76 - added transform to get content only #84 (paxtonhare)
- fixed #56 - created a staging and final database #83 (paxtonhare)
- Quick start cancel run flow #69 (gmarintes)
- Fix basic bugs #68 (paxtonhare)
- I stand corrected. There's a reason it's a war. #66 (paxtonhare)
- Fixed #62 - added spring batch to run jobs #65 (paxtonhare)
- Fixed #52 - create jar instead of war #64 (paxtonhare)
- 5 spec for plugins #63 (paxtonhare)
- added support for running MLCP using a dependency to MLCP jar instead… #61 (gmarintes)
- Quick-Start Install and Uninstall #60 (maeisabelle)
- more changes to the plugin signature #59 (paxtonhare)
- fixing #5 - updated spec for plugins #50 (paxtonhare)
- Quick start synching and ui #49 (gmarintes)
- Add travis support #48 (paxtonhare)
- fixing #30 - install now works #46 (paxtonhare)
- Quick-start synching, UI changes for messages, loading icon, etc. #43 (maeisabelle)
- fixing #41 path for xquery modules #42 (paxtonhare)
- Quick Start Input flow and synching #37 (maeisabelle)
- #33 - make input and canonical optional #35 (paxtonhare)
- Quick-Start Flows UI #32 (maeisabelle)
- Uninstall now working. #31 (paxtonhare)
- adding support for input and canonical in the dir tree #29 (paxtonhare)
- Quick start domains and flows #28 (maeisabelle)
- Added user plugin directory in setting up the Data Hub #27 (maeisabelle)
- Quick Start UI and configuration changes #26 (maeisabelle)
- #24 - adding the backend code to support deploying a user's modules #25 (paxtonhare)
- Quick-start Flows and Collectors backend changes and minimal main page changes #19 (maeisabelle)
- finalizing Plugin API. #18 (paxtonhare)
- Quick start connecting to DataHub API #17 (maeisabelle)
- Data hub unit test fix #16 (gmarintes)
- Quick start tomcat deployment and initial page #15 (maeisabelle)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator