What's Changed
- [Blazor] Use static AppOriginUri everywhere - #5941 (@campersau)
- [Android] SelectableItemsViewAdapter: update SelectableViewHolder on selection changes - #6249 (@antonfirsov)
- Remove nuspec for old stuff - #6245 (@rmarinho)
- Add test for #6239; Add tests and equivalent fix for HorizontalStackLayoutManager - #6258 (@hartez)
- Cleanup code format - #6242 (@rmarinho)
- Let's see if we can make these tests stable - #6241 (@hartez)
- fix width constraint when measuring stacklayout children - #6239 (@tmijieux)
- Swap out virtual view when navigating to new Shell Item - #6109 (@PureWeen)
- [android] update AOT profiles - #6238 (@jonathanpeppers)
- [Windows] Fix ListView menu events not working - #6230 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Add single target build ProjectCapability - #4791 (@mattleibow)
- Support dotnet build with UseMauiCore - #6186 (@mattleibow)
- Use infinity for measure constraints when determining auto sizes - #6217 (@hartez)
- Improved Shell benchmark - #6167 (@pictos)
- Use known row/column width/height when doing initial measure - #6137 (@hartez)
- Ignore menu code pre iOS13 - #6205 (@PureWeen)
- Add Try/Catch wrapper around iOS StatusBar rendering - #6201 (@drasticactions)
- Fix TitleView swapping behavior on Android/WinUI - #6195 (@PureWeen)
- Clean-up and fix VisualTreeElementExtensions hit testing - #5892 (@antonfirsov)
- [Android] Fix crash adding/removing SwipeItems dynamically in the SwipeView - #6053 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Create custom Automation Peer for MauiButton - #6139 (@PureWeen)
- [Windows] Avoid Released event fired twice - #6184 (@jsuarezruiz)
- [Windows] Avoid highlight default color in Label Spans - #6185 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Views spanning both auto and star cells should not contribute to the Auto size - #6106 (@hartez)
- Remove the hard Tizen dependency - #6172 (@mattleibow)
- Remove old maestro feeds - #6131 (@mattleibow)
- Blazor Hybrid Android Prevent Repeated Blazor Instantiation - #6143 (@TanayParikh)
- Create Flyout.Details inside Fragment - #6023 (@PureWeen)
- Remove Build Tasks that are now implicitly included - #6130 (@PureWeen)
- Include margin in Frame's DesiredSize - #6114 (@hartez)
- Static content hot reload update - #6124 (@SteveSandersonMS)
- Fix WinUI class libraries a bit better - #6089 (@mattleibow)
- Adds Tizen backend - #2360 (@rookiejava)
- Use the correct text in the [Obsolete] attributes - #6079 (@mattleibow)
- Remove uses-sdk from the manifest - #6113 (@mattleibow)
- Static content hot reload (CSS only for now) - #6097 (@SteveSandersonMS)
- [iOS] Add vertical text alignment to Editor - #5996 (@rmarinho)
- Leave the content panel active on the Windows scrollview at all times - #6087 (@hartez)
- BlazorWebView API review changes: Shared sources - #5982 (@MackinnonBuck)
- Update ASP.NET Core Packages to 6.0.4 And Remove Coherent Dependency - #6014 (@TanayParikh)
- Always use the MSIX tooling - #6068 (@mattleibow)
- Fix AppTitleBarHeight to match caption button heights - #5811 (@PureWeen)
- Make RC1 current version in bug report template - #6039 (@jfversluis)
- Maui Windows unpackaged app fails to start - #5979 (@eerhardt)
- Remove downcasts in BlazorWebView - #5984 (@Eilon)
- Don't destroy fragments when switching tabs - #6005 (@PureWeen)
- Keep the text wrapping/truncation and max lines stuff in Controls - #5936 (@hartez)
- Fix typo in XML doc - #6001 (@SteveSandersonMS)
- [android] Update to latest AndroidX packages with better Trimmable support. - #5889 (@jpobst)
- WinForms/WPF/MAUI-Windows API review changes - #5998 (@SteveSandersonMS)
- Add pending changes in Alerts (RTL, Keyboard) - #5739 (@jsuarezruiz)
- [iOS] Fix crashing converting GradientPaint to GradientBrush - #5997 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Blazor Hybrid Android API Changes - #5988 (@TanayParikh)
- Use SizeToFit when measuring Editor on iOS with infinite constraints - #5981 (@hartez)
- Match in-tree order of targets with workloads and fix some WinUI issues - #5923 (@mattleibow)
- Update iOS / Mac Catalyst Blazor Hybrid APIs - #5919 (@TanayParikh)
- Allow non-dot decimal separator in BindingExpression - #5005 (@jfversluis)
- Fix backbutton visibility when popping - #5893 (@PureWeen)
- Fix Label.VerticalTextAlignment on Windows - #5623 (@bricelam)
- Add a vscode workspace and some build tasks - #5827 (@dellis1972)
- Updating SupportedOSPlatformVersion property in project templates - #5866 (@stmoor)
- Ensure GroupValueChangedMessage is received - #5646 (@cshung)
- [Blazor] Support unpackaged Win UI apps - #5880 (@javiercn)
- BlazorWebView public API tracking - #5672 (@SteveSandersonMS)
- Prevent ScrollView on Android and Windows from entering a bad layout state - #5897 (@hartez)
- Update WebAuthenticator sample package versions - #4945 (@martincostello)
- Fix some crashing tests - #5261 (@mattleibow)
- Don't do manifest things for unpackaged apps - #5896 (@mattleibow)
- #4013 fixed fontimagesource color and size loading issue - #5876 (@mkhamoyan)
- [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/Microsoft.Maui.Graphics - #5761 (@dotnet-maestro[bot])
- Something here is causing duplicate entries - #5891 (@mattleibow)
- Remove sdk versions from android manifests in templates - #5885 (@Redth)
- Also allow things to build with dotnet - #5875 (@mattleibow)
- Fix Windows local dotnet builds - #5870 (@mattleibow)
- Update WindowsAppSDK to 1.0.2 - #5869 (@mattleibow)
- Close Web Message Channel Ports in Android Blazor Hybrid - #5867 (@TanayParikh)
- Fix Android Radio Button - #5773 (@cshung)
- Less verbose Windows lifecycle logging - #5865 (@Redth)
- VersionTracking correctly handle version downgrades (e.g. via TestFlight) - #5829 (@jfversluis)
- Run all navigation through async update - #5744 (@PureWeen)
- Remove Default Storage Permission for Android SingleProject - #5853 (@TanayParikh)
- [Android] Clip Border content based on StrokeShape property - #5789 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Make Microsoft.Maui.Platform.PlatformVersion internal - #5860 (@akoeplinger)
- [Blazor] Initial support for configuring the underlying Web view settings - #5802 (@javiercn)
- [Controls] remove allow-listed Converters - #5670 (@StephaneDelcroix)
- Add MAUI and WPF Blazor Hybrid XAML namespaces - #5720 (@MackinnonBuck)
- [dualscreen] project/nuget for Surface Duo and other Android foldables - #5020 (@conceptdev)
- Fixing image shadows on Windows - #5763 (@VSadov)
- Remove NETSTANDARD1 defines - #5809 (@eerhardt)
- Revert Maestro bumps for now - #5838 (@mattleibow)
- Updating TargetFrameworks condition value - #5813 (@stmoor)
- Allow restricted permissions for Geolocation on Android - #5830 (@jfversluis)
- Surface exception for not supported phone number on iOS PhoneDialer - #5800 (@jfversluis)
- [Bug] [AppAction] [Android] Prevent AppAction double handling on Android - #5793 (@jfversluis)
- Remove trivial calls to GetTypeInfo - #5807 (@eerhardt)
- Use fallbacks for font sizes when getting font from Span on Android - #5680 (@Redth)
- Made MaxLength property consistent across all platforms - #5581 (@rachelkang)
- Remove unused cssFallbackTypeName on Element - #5805 (@eerhardt)
- [Windows] Fix crash setting Execute mode in Windows SwipeItems - #5798 (@jsuarezruiz)
- Update BlazorWebViewHandler.Android.cs - #5777 (@nextfool)
- Wire up WindowOverlay to the Window Density - #5718 (@Redth)
- Essentials Location Permissions Set result after cleanup of iOS LocationManager - #5795 (@jfversluis)
- Rename ApplicationId to ApplicationIdGuid for Windows - #5695 (@japarson)
- Fix ResourceDictionary template - #5736 (@jfversluis)
- Switch shell to using ToolbarHandler - #5667 (@PureWeen)
- Modal Size and fix modal touch events - #5644 (@PureWeen)
- Use SizeToFit for SearchBar when constraints are infinite - #5733 (@hartez)
- Exclude Templates folder from running device tests CI - #5737 (@jfversluis)
- Fix cake - #5712 (@cshung)
- Improve compatibility with Preview 14 - #5711 (@mattleibow)
New Contributors
- @nextfool made their first contribution in #5777
- @conceptdev made their first contribution in #5020
- @akoeplinger made their first contribution in #5860
- @martincostello made their first contribution in #4945
- @tmijieux made their first contribution in #6239
- @campersau made their first contribution in #5941
Full Changelog: 6.0.300-rc.1...6.0.300-rc.2