All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, with an added List of PRs
section and links to the relevant PRs on the individal updates. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.0.0 (2021-05-21)
- When searching by source names, any "VAST" prefix on the name will be silently removed to make searching for published VAST sources easier #536.
- Added acknowledgements and help section to docs #535.
- Added
to store the current software version and updated release documentation #532. - Added created and last updated dates to doc pages using mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin #514.
- Added support for glob expressions when specifying input files in the run config file #504
- Added
to silence Django 3.2 warnings #507 - Added lightgallery support for all images in the documentation #494.
- Added new entries in the documentation contributing section #494.
- Added new entries in the documentation FAQ section #491.
- Added new home page for documentation #491.
- Added dark mode switch on documentation #487.
- Added .env file information to documentation #487.
- Added further epoch based association information to documentation page #487.
- Added script to auto-generate code reference documentation pages #480.
- Added code reference section to documentation #480.
- Added new pages and sections to documentation #471
- Added
so make it easier for Miniconda users to get the non-Python dependencies #472. - Added
#472. - Added
#472. - Added image add mode run restore command 'restorepiperun' #463
- Added documentation folder and files for
and CI #433 - Added add image to existing run feature #443
- Added networkx to base reqiurements #460.
- Added CI/CD workflow to run tests on pull requests #446
- Added basic regression tests #425
- Added image length validation for config #425
- Changed source naming convention to
to match VAST-P1 paper (Murphy, et al. 2021) convention #536 - Updated npm packages to resolve dependabot security alert #533.
- Updated homepage text to reflect new features and documentation #534.
- Changed layout of source detail page #526.
- Updated mkdocs-material to 7.1.4 for native creation date support #518.
- Updated developing docs to specify the main development branch as dev instead of master #521.
- Updated tests to account for relation fix #510.
- All file examples in docs are now enclosed in an example admonition #494.
- Further changes to layout of documentation #494.
- Changed arrow file generation from
#503. - Changed layout of documentation to use tabs #491.
- Dependabot: Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 #482.
- Replaced run config .py format with .yaml #483.
- Changed docs VAST logo to icon format to avoid stretched appearence #487.
- Bumped Browsersync from 2.26.13 to 2.26.14 #481.
- Dependabot: Bump prismjs from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 #469.
- Changed non-google format docstrings to google format #480.
- Changed some documentation layout and updated content #471.
- Changed the
dependency tovaex-arrow
#472. - Set
in the basic association test config #472. - Bumped minimum Python version to 3.7.1 #472.
- Replaced npm package
, a fork which drops the dependency on the deprecatednode-sass
which is difficult to install #472. - Changed the installation documentation to instruct users to use a PostgreSQL Docker image with Q3C already installed #472.
- Changed 'cmd' flag in run pipeline to 'cli' #466.
- Changed
#433 - Changed forced extraction name suffix to run id rather than datetime #443
- Changed tests to run on smaller cutouts #443
- Changed particles style on login page #459.
- Dependabot: Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 #436
- Fixed the broken link to the image detail page on measurement detail pages #528.
- Fixed simbad and ned external search results table nan values #523.
- Fixed inaccurate total results reported by some paginators #517.
- Removed excess whitespace from coordinates that get copied to the clipboard #515
- Fixed rogue relations being created during one-to-many functions #510.
- Fixed JS9 regions so that the selected source components are always on top #508
- Fixed docstring in #494.
- Fixed arrow files being generated via the website #503.
- Fixed a bug that returned all sources when performing a cone search where one of the coords = 0 #501
- Fixed the missing hover tool for lightcurve plots of non-variable sources #493
- Fixed the default Dask multiprocessing context to "fork" #472.
- Fixed Selavy catalogue ingest to discard the unit row before reading the data #473.
- Fixed initial job processing from the UI #466.
- Fixed links in
#464. - Fixed basic association new sources created through relations #443
- Fixed tests running pipeline multiple times #443
- Fixed particles canvas sizing on login page #459.
- Fixed breadcrumb new line on small resolutitons #459.
- Fixed config files in tests #430
- Fixed sources table on measurement detail page #429.
- Fixed missing meta columns in parallel association #427.
- Removed
from settings and env file #538. - Removed
from run configuration file #538. - Removed importsurvey command and #538.
- Removed SurveySource, Survey and SurveySourceQuerySet models #538.
- Removed email and Slack links from docs footer #535.
- Removed bootstrap as the required version is bundled with startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 #533.
- Removed
softlink as it is no longer used #494. - Removed
from the dependancies #503. - Removed
files. Development dependency management moved to Poetry #472. - Removed
#472. - Removed
#433 - Removed aplpy from base requirements #460.
- #538 feat: Removed survey source models, commands and references.
- #536 feat: changed source naming convention.
- #535 doc: added help and acknowledgement doc page.
- #534 feat: Update homepage text.
- #532 feat, doc: Versioning.
- #533 dep: updated npm deps; removed bootstrap.
- #528 fix: fixed broken image detail link.
- #526 feat: Updated source detail page layout.
- #518 dep: Updated mkdocs-material for native creation date support.
- #523 fix: Fixed external search results table nan values.
- #521 doc: update doc related to default dev branch.
- #517 fix: pin djangorestframework-datatables to 0.5.1.
- #515 fix: remove linebreaks from coordinates.
- #514 dep: Added created and updated dates to doc pages.
- #510 fix: Fix rogue relations.
- #508 fix: Draw selected source components on top in JS9.
- #504 feat: Add glob expression support to yaml run config.
- #507 fix: set default auto field model.
- #494 doc, dep: Docs: Added lightgallery support, layout update, minor fixes and additions.
- #503 fix, dep: Change arrow file generation from vaex to pyarrow.
- #501 fix: fix broken cone search when coord = 0
- #491 doc: Updated the docs layout, home page and FAQs.
- #493 fix: Fix bokeh hover tool for lightcurve plots.
- #482 dep: Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2.
- #483 feat: replace run config .py files with .yaml.
- #487 doc: Minor documentation improvements.
- #481 dep: Bump Browsersync from 2.26.13 to 2.26.14.
- #469 dep: Bump prismjs from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0.
- #480 feat: Code reference documentation update.
- #471 feat: Documentation update.
- #472 feat: Simplify install.
- #473 fix: discard the selavy unit row before reading.
- #466 fix: Fixed initial job processing from the UI.
- #463 feat: Added image add mode run restore command.
- #433 doc: add documentation GitHub pages website with CI.
- #443 feat, fix: Adds the ability to add images to an existing run.
- #460 dep: Removed aplpy from base requirements.
- #446 feat: CI/CD workflow.
- #459 fix: Fix particles and breadcrumb issues on mobile.
- #436 dep: Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8.
- #430 fix: Test config files.
- #425 feat: Basic regression tests.
- #429 fix: Fixed sources table on measurement detail page.
- #427 fix: Fixed missing meta columns in parallel association.
0.2.0 (2020-11-30)
- Added a check in the UI running that the job is not already running or queued #421.
- Added the deletion of all parquet and arrow files upon a re-run #421.
- Added source selection by name or ID on source query page #401.
- Added test cases #412
- Added askap-vast/forced_phot to pip requirements #408.
- Added pipeline configuration parameter,
, to filter measurement pairs before calculating aggregate metrics #407. - Added custom 404.html and 500.html templates for error pages #415
- Added ability to export measurement_pairs.parqyet as an arrow file #393.
- Added new fields to detail pages and source and measurement tables #406.
- Added new fields to source query page (island flux ratio, min and max fluxes) #406.
- Added min, max flux values to sources and agg min island flux ratio field #406.
- Added island flux ratio column to measurements, component flux divided by total island flux (peak and int) #406.
- Added a maximum number of images for runs through the UI #404.
- Added the ability to run a pipeline run through the UI #404.
- Added
status to the list of pipeline run statuses #404. - Added the dependancy
that enables scheduled tasks to be processed #404. - Added source tagging #396.
- Added link to measurement table from the lightcurve to source detail page #387.
- Added 'epoch based' parameter to pipeline run detail page #387.
- Adds basic commenting functionality for sources, measurements, images, and runs #368.
- Custom CSS now processed with Sass: Bootstrap and sb-admin-2 theme are compiled into a single stylesheet #370.
- Added
which contains generator functions #382. - Range and NaN check on new source analysis to match forced extraction #374.
- Added the ability for the pipeline to read in groups of images which are defined as a single
#277. - Added the ability of the pipeline to remove duplicated measurements from an epoch #277.
- Added option to control separation measurements which are defined as a duplicate #277.
- Added the ability of the pipeline to separate images to associate into unique sky region groups #277.
- Added option to perform assocication of separate sky region groups in parallel #277.
- Added new options to webinterface pipeline run creation #277.
- Added
column run model #277. - Added links to tables and postage stamps on source detail page #379.
- Updates image
from current run when not originally provided #377. - Added csv export button to datatables on webinterface #363.
- Added support for Excel export button to datatables on webinterface (waiting on datatables buttons fix) #363.
- Added column visibility button to datatables on webinterface #363.
- Added dependancy datatables-buttons 1.6.4 #363.
- Added dependancy jszip (required for Excel export) #363.
- Adds
to run model #362. - Adds steps to populate new measurement count fields in pipeline run #362.
- Source order from the query is preserved on source detail view #364.
- Setting
to specify a directory relative to the user's home directory to scan for FITS and text files to use in a Run initialised with the UI #361. - Adds a node graph to accompany the lightcurve that shows which measurement pairs exceed the default variability metric thresholds (
Vs >= 4.3
,|m| >= 0.26
) #305. - Adds the
model to store two variability metrics for each flux type: Vs, the t-statistic; and m, the modulation index. The maximum of these metrics are also added to theSource
model for joinless queries. These metrics are calculated during the pipeline run #305. - Adds radio buttons to change the lightcurve data points between peak and integrated fluxes #305.
- Fills out information on all webinterface detail pages #345.
- Adds frequency information the measurements and images webinterface tables. #345.
- Adds celestial plot and tables to webinterface pipeline detail page #345.
- Adds useful links to webinterface navbar #345.
- Adds tool tips to webinterface source query #345.
- Adds hash reading to webinterface source query to allow filling from URL hash parameters #345.
- Add links to number cards on webinterface #345.
- Added home icon on hover on webinterface #345.
- Added copy-to-clipboard functionality on coordinates on webinterface #345.
- Renamed 'alert-wrapper' container to 'toast-wrapper' #419.
- Changed alerts to use the Bootstrap toasts system #419.
- Bumped some npm package versions to address dependabot security alerts #411.
- Images table on pipeline run detail page changed to order by datetime by default #417.
- Changed config argument
#393. - Naming of average flux query fields to account for other min max flux fields #406.
- Expanded
to includeDjangoQ
and UI job scheduling information #404. - Shifted alerts location to the top right #404.
- Log file card now expanded by default on pipeline run detail page #404.
- Changed user comments on source detail pages to incorporate tagging feature #396.
- Updated RACS HiPS URL in Aladin #399.
- Changed home page changelog space to welcome/help messages #387.
- The
field in the Run model has been renamed todescription
. Acomment
many-to-many relationship was added to permit user comments on Run instances #368. - Moved sb-admin-2 Bootstrap theme static assets to NPM package dependency #370.
- Refactored bulk uploading to use iterable generator objects #382.
- Updated validation of config file to check that all options are present and valid #373.
- Rewritten relation functions to improve speed #307.
- Minor changes to association to increase speed #307.
- Changes to decrease memory usage during the calculation of the ideal coverage dataframe #307.
- Updated the
logic to account for epochs #277. - Updated the job creation modal layout #277.
- Bumped datatables-buttons to 1.6.5 and enabled excel export buttton #380.
- Bumped datatables to 1.10.22 #363.
- Changed
layout on datatables #363. - Changed external results table pagination buttons on source detail webinterface page pagination to include less numbers to avoid overlap #363.
- Changes measurement counts view on website to use new model parameters #362.
- Lightcurve plot now generated using Bokeh #305.
- Multiple changes to webinterface page layouts #345.
- Changes source names to the format
#345. - Simplified webinterface navbar #345.
- Excludes sources and pipeline runs from being listed in the source query page that are not complete on the webinterface #345.
- Clarifies number of measurements on webinterface detail pages #345.
- Changed
labels toN/A
on the webinterface #345.
- Fixed pipeline run DB loading in command line runpipeline command #401.
- Fixed nodejs version #412
- Fixed npm start failure #412
- All queries using the 2-epoch metric
now operate onabs(Vs)
. The originalVs
stored in MeasurementPair objects is still signed #407. - Changed aggregate 2-epoch metric calculation for Source objects to ensure they come from the same pair #407.
- Fixed new sources rms measurement returns when no measurements are valid #417.
- Fixed measuring rms values from selavy created NAXIS=3 FITS images #417.
- Fixed rms value calculation in non-cluster forced extractions #402.
- Increase request limit for gunicorn #398.
- Fixed max source Vs metric to being an absolute value #391.
- Fixed misalignment of lightcurve card header text and the flux type radio buttons #386.
- Fixes incorrently named GitHub
settings variable that prevented users from logging in with GitHub #372. - Fixes webinterface navbar overspill at small sizes #345.
- Fixes webinterface favourite source table #345.
- Removed/Disabled obsolete test cases#412
- Removed
#408. - Removed 'selavy' from homepage measurements count label #391.
- Removed leftover
file #391. - Removed
, this file is now produced by compiling the Sass (scss/**/*.scss
) files with Gulp #370. - Removed any storage of
in the pipeline #382. - Removed
package #305. - Removed
, content moved topipeline.css
- #421 feat: Delete output files on re-run & UI run check.
- #401 feat: Added source selection by name or id to query page.
- #412 feat: added some unit tests.
- #419 feat: Update alerts to use toasts.
- #408 feat: use forced_phot dependency instead of copied code.
- #407 fix, model: modified 2-epoch metric calculation.
- #411 fix: updated npm deps to fix security vulnerabilities.
- #415 feat: Added custom 404 and 500 templates.
- #393 feat: Added measurement_pairs arrow export.
- #406 feat, model: Added island flux ratio columns.
- #402 fix: Fixed rms value calculation in non-cluster forced extractions.
- #404 feat, dep, model: Completed schedule pipe run.
- #396 feat: added source tagging.
- #398 fix: gunicorn request limit
- #399 fix: Updated RACS HiPS path.
- #391 fix: Vs metric fix and removed pipeline/
- #387 feat: Minor website updates.
- #386 fix: fix lightcurve header floats.
- #368 feat: vast-candidates merger: Add user commenting
- #370 feat: moved sb-admin-2 assets to dependencies.
- #382 feat: Refactored bulk uploading of objects.
- #374 feat, fix: Bring new source checks inline with forced extraction.
- #373 fix: Check all options are valid and present in validate_cfg.
- #307 feat: Improve relation functions and general association speed ups.
- #277 feat,model: Parallel and epoch based association.
- #380 feat, dep: Enable Excel export button.
- #379 feat: Add links to source detail template.
- #377 fix: Update image bkg path when not originally provided.
- #363 feat, dep: Add export and column visibility buttons to tables.
- #362 feat, model: Added number of measurements to Run DB model.
- #364 feat: preserve source query order on detail view.
- #361 feat, fix: restrict home dir scan to specified directory.
- #372 fix: fix social auth scope setting name.
- #305 feat: 2 epoch metrics
- #345 feat, fix: Website improvements.
0.1.0 (2020-09-27)
First release of the Vast Pipeline. This was able to process 707 images (EPOCH01 to EPOCH11x) on a machine with 64 GB of RAM.
- #347 feat: Towards first release
- #354 fix, model: Updated Band model fields to floats
- #346 fix: fix JS9 overflow in measurement detail view
- #349 dep: Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.20
- #348 dep: Bump django from 3.0.5 to 3.0.7 in /requirements
- #344 fix: fixed aladin init for all pages
- #340 break: rename pipeline folder to vast_pipeline
- #342 fix: Hotfix - fixed parquet path on job detail view
- #336 feat: Simbad/NED async cone search
- #284 fix: Update Aladin surveys with RACS and VAST
- #333 feat: auth to GitHub org, add logging and docstring
- #325 fix, feat: fix forced extraction using Dask bags backend
- #334 doc: better migration management explanation
- #332 fix: added clean to build task, removed commented lines
- #322 fix, model: add unique to image name, remove timestamp from image folder
- #321 feat: added css and js sourcemaps
- #314 feat: query form redesign, sesame resolver, coord validator
- #318 feat: Suppress astropy warnings
- #317 fix: Forced photometry fixes for #298 and #312
- #316 fix: fix migration file
- #310 fix: Fix run detail number of measurements display
- #309 fix: Added JS9 overlay filters and changed JS9 overlay behaviour on sources and measurements
- #303 fix: Fix write config feedback and validation
- #306 feat: Add config validation checks
- #302 fix: Fix RA correction for d3 celestial
- #300 fix: increase line limit for gunicorn server
- #299 fix: fix admin "view site" redirect
- #294 fix: Make lightcurves start at zero
- #268 feat: Production set up with static files and command
- #291 fix: Bug fix for forced_photom cluster allow_nan
- #289 fix: Fix broken UI run creation
- #287 fix: Fix forced measurement parquet files write
- #286 fix: compile JS9 without helper option
- #285 fix: Fix removing forced parquet and clear images from piperun