Releases: epam/ketcher
Release 2.6.2 (November 18, 2022)
What's Changed
Release 2.6.2 is live!
In this release we have implemented some minor improvements for development process and fixed bugs.
Please be aware Ketcher 2.6.2 has been tested with Indigo version 1.8.1 (standalone and remote).
New features and improvements
- #1839 Removed lightweight tag from page title. Now, only the version of Ketcher is shown in page title without any additional information
- #1843 Added possibility to enable/disable redux-logger. New environment variable was introduced –
, which is set tofalse
by default.
Bug fixes
Release 2.6.1 (November 15, 2022)
What's Changed
New version of Ketcher 2.6.1 was released!
In this release we were focused on bug fixes and improvements of user experience.
Please be aware Ketcher 2.6.1 has been tested with Indigo version 1.8.0 (standalone and remote).
New features and improvements
- #1789 Paste area should have focus
- #1788 Update format when saving template library to SDF
- #1783 highlight the element tool from the right side button panel
- #1817 Change the default selection tool to the rectangle selection tool
- #1828 Wrong version of npm package is published
Ketcher 2.6.0 (November 4, 2022)
We are happy to announce that new version 2.6.0 of Ketcher has been released.
Ketcher 2.6.0 release was focused on adding support agents in reactions and updating of Ketcher API along with the delivery of other functions.
Please be aware Ketcher 2.6.0 has been tested with Indigo version 1.8.0 (standalone and remote).
The whole list of changes can be found below.
What's Changed
New features and improvements
- #1717: ketcher/example doc (or code) is broken. Updated docs @porcelain11 in #1721
- #1722: Implement addFragment method by @porcelain11 in #1759
- #1723: convert Daylight SMILES using indigo API by @LadaYudovina in #1726
- #1734: Support CDXML in Ketcher by @LadaYudovina in #1766
- #1753: Add dearomatize on load to settings in
- #1754: Add method set/get setting to the Ketcher API @porcelain11 in #1769
- #1755: Block UI when setMolecule is called @evgeniiFrolov1 in #1765
- #1757: Reduce unnecessary info API method calls @LadaYudovina at #1761
- Update by @yuleicul in #1742
- #1404: Text cannot be exported to pictures
- #1616: The added Reaction Plus to the structure is lost after applying the Layout
- #1700: PNG file is not shown in Remote
- #1701: SVG file is not shown in Remote
- #1709: Text nodes lose after save to SVG
- #1717: ketcher/example doc (or code) is broken fixed by @porcelain11 in #1721
- #1733: Ketcher creates invalid molfiles with "NaN" fixed by @evgeniiFrolov1 in #1779
- #1735: Update Ketcher format for text node fixed by @porcelain11 in #1737
- #1736: Can't save as an rxn file if reaction consists of two or more reaction arrows fixed by @LadaYudovina in #1749
- #1741: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'aid') fixed by @porcelain11 in #1748
- #1762: File with text saved in .ket format won't open fixed by @LadaYudovina in #1763
- #1792: Pasting Ket files with Unicode is failed fixed by @evgeniiFrolov1 in #1793
Ketcher 2.5.2 (September 13, 2022)
Ketcher 2.5.1 (June 17, 2022)
New features and improvements
- Add Hand tool #1306
- Add 'recognize' function to ketcher API #1468
- Form error messages redesign #1599
- R-Group definition changes when server functions are applied #1487
- Can't scroll up right toolbar in browser zoom #1667
- It is impossible to create s-group with repeat count more than 1000 #1657
- The Periodic table opens when user double-click an element from the Extended table. #1663
- Error in console when user clicks an atom in the Atom Palette/ Periodic Table while a bond is selected #1665
Ketcher 2.5.0 (May 30, 2022)
We are happy to announce that new version 2.5.0 of Ketcher has been released.
Ketcher 2.5 release was focused on improving the user experience and design of the application along with delivery of other functions.
It has fresh and updated icons combined with renewed color scheme and new canvas zoom approach. Fullscreen ability can provide great sketcher experience even if Ketcher is embedded in the small frame. File operations flows and other functions have received an improved flows and renewed dialog windows. Access to the Extended table became much more easy and Template library will now combine ready-for-use templates along with set of predefined functional groups.
Please be aware Ketcher 2.5 has been tested with Indigo version 1.7.1 (standalone and remote).
The whole list of changes can be found below.
New features and improvements
- Ketcher redesign (see related issues for details)
- Full-screen mode support for Ketcher #1273
- use iframe embed standalone version ketcher init error #1235
- Implement miew viewer with miew-react #1188
- Extend ketcher API: Add possibility to run server functions #1172
- Arrow Tool: Elliptical Arrows #1045
- Text Tool: Add special symbols #1044
- Option to save as InChIKey #1334
- Enabling wildcard atom button in top-level UI #1409
- Support of custom headers #1628
- Cannot deserialize input JSON if using Clean Up functionality on structure containing R-Groups #1391
- Via ketcher The size of mol displayed in the editor is inconsistent between calling ketcher.setMolecule()and direct copy and paste #1322
- An error message is displayed when server functions are applied to an R-group member with invalid stereocenters. #1452
- Functional Group abbreviation context menu can't be opened without selecting FG #1386
- Invisible enhanced flag interferes with user selection #1332
- Strict mode warnings in console #1290
- Button group is not be presented if ketcher is in a drawer #1325
- Focus lost on second symbol while trying to enter atom label #1294
- Incorrect vertical scrollbar when saving in Daylight SMILES format #1307
- Sending structure to renderer in molfile format instead of ketcher format #1300
- Structure check modal window causes error when closed right after update #1291
- Incorrect horizontal scrollbars in Save Structure modal window #1292
- Templates with simple objects are incorrect after refreshing the page #1276
- Shift between pointer and atom #1272
- ketcher-react not working out of the box with create-react-app #1241
- Error on opening .txt file #1149
- Settings - Preview images of structures (Templates Library, FG Library) do not respect global display settings #900
- Clear Canvas hotkey not working on MacOS #397
- can not setMolecule in onInit #1174
- Stereomarks and stereoflag are not displayed for templates with stereocenters #1258
- Atom IDs are not shown when settings specify to display them #1231
- Extra scrollbar in Data S-Groups modal when Field name contains long string #1312
- Tool refers to unmounted canvas instance when new file is opened #1057
- Open, Save and Reset buttons in Settings window looks unclickable (grey) #1350
- Incorrect double click behavior in Custom Templates window #1364
- No waiting for server to respond between Structure Check checkboxes turning on/off #1367
- The floating windows don't close after clicking on the ESC button #1504
- Different merging of templates from template list and from template library #1587
- It's not possible to select parts of different structures using the 'Shift' key. #1552
- It's possible to create a custom template with a duplicate name #1553
- Incorrect rendering of Data S-Group when it is applied to part of the cyclic structure #1575
- List/Not List atoms are converted to 'L#' symbols after the replacement of atoms by the R-group label is undone #1530
- Cannot deserialize input JSON if using server functionalities on a structure containing Not List atoms #1603
- Wrong sign for specific types while ket-generation #1600
- Unable to save a reaction in server formats if text is present on the canvas #1444
- Elements should be hidden when the attribute hiddenControls is used #1601
- The valence of monovalent atoms is displayed incorrectly in the structure after the Copy/Paste actions #1531
- The structure with reaction is displayed incorrectly after applying the Layout #1617
- R-Group definition changes when server functions are applied #1487
Ketcher 2.4.2 (February 21, 2022)
Ketcher 2.4.1 (January 13, 2022)
Ketcher 2.4.0 (December 30, 2021)
We are happy to announce that new version 2.4.0 of Ketcher has been released.
New features and improvements
- Add an error handler to inform a user about the server problems #555
- Implement support of Functional Groups #692
- Use Internal format to communicate with Indigo side #571
- Getting static files from ketcher-react package itself #857
- It should be impossible to add attachment point(s) to an atom with R-Group Label and vice versa #513
- 'Save As' Window - Rename 'Graph Format' to 'Ket Format' #837
- Redesign Error window #898
- Add warning message when saving structure with QUERY in Smiles format #712
- New design of modal windows #894
- 'Custom Templates' button isn't highlighted in black color when the user chouse Template to add on canvas #880
- Scrolling the left toolbar programmatically #779
- Update Ketcher API to allow to download structure in any formats #737
- Hiding buttons on the left menu #713
- Add global error handling #726
- Transform dialogs global css styles into css modules #277
- Styles are not component based #699
- Add the ability to turn off the auto fade of AND/OR stereo labels #689
- Make decomposition of arrow tool #696
- Add additional arrow types #697
- Implement resizing of arrows #698
- Decomposition of Copy button #707
- Copy drawing to the clipboard as an image #691
- Text Tool: Add Font Size #703
- When a user creates two connected double/triple bonds they should appear at a 180 degree angle #526
- Atom/Bond property should be applied for all selected objects #156
- onChange property on the ketcher-react #645
- Error message Convert error! IndigoException: inchi-wrapper: Indigo-InChI: InChI generation failed: Empty structure Code: 2. InChi for empty canvas #1058
- IndigoException: element: can not calculate valence on C, charge 0, connectivity 6 #995
- Reaction arrow and plus are removed after Clean Up action #1131
- Generate structure from InChI String - Incorrect structure rendering in Remote mode #824
- Calculated Values tool: When calculating reaction, there is different behavior in different modes #650
- When saving file in InChi format atom's alias is taken as query #656
- Server functions do not work with structures with dative/hydrogen bonds #668
- Atom is not changed if change in Label Edit window #1102
- 'generateImageAsync' method does not work in Remote mode #371
- Stereocenter labels color gradient does not work in Firefox #1163
- (E) and (Z) stereo labels appear so far from stereobonds after calculate cip action #1158
- It is impossible to change arrow when the arrow selected by selection tool #1151
- Benzene ring loses circle when exporting #838
- ket file with no nodes cannot be deserialized #1137
- Convert error! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'slice') on opening file in Extended Smiles format and Daylight Smiles format #1143
- S-Group: incorrect rendering when using structures from Template pallete and different options from S-Group Properties window #797
- 'Calculated Values' works incorrect for selected structure #1112
- Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'struct') error if connect two (or more) Cyclopentadiene(T) and click Aromatize #984
- Aromatic structure changes to not aromatic if try to connect with other structure #1093
- It is not possible to rotate R-group member if it was opened from file #1074
- Convert error if Load file as fragment and Ctrl+V #1052
- Redo action does not work for R-Group members if Cut->Paste->Undo->Redo #1054
- Structure shouldn't flipped when a part structure is selected #1029
- Error when apply 3D to empty canvas #1003
- Incorrect bond rendering on Benzene ring after dearomatize #1005
- Copy/Cut and Paste don't work with Plus #1036
- Error message when trying to calculate values of the structures with the hydrogen and dative bonds #540
- Copy/Past actions dont work for simple objects #1030
- Copy/Cut/Paste for any Arrow. If copy any arrow and past- Arrow Open Angle always pasted #1038
- Bond Tool - Double/ Triple bonds: When a user changing chain structure Double/ Triple bound should appear at a 180-degree angle #834
- Atom Generics (except A) and Special nodes are replaced with R# after saving in Daylight Smile format. #39
- Disable "Copy" button if nothing selected on the canvas #990
- Incorrect double bonds building #986
- Error message when try to open file with extension other than Custom files #962
- Not possible to expand Shape figure if it is selected #947
- Dependency installation failure #926
- Custom Templates - Templates duplicated when user saving templates with the same name #889
- Add possibility to hide elements by passing query parameter #862
- 'S-Group Properties' window - 'Absolute' radio button checked in all case #866
- S-Group tool - 'S-Group Properties' symbols are not clickable #850
- Hotkeys aren't working without previously clicking on canvas or any buttons #813
- Simple Objects - Shape Line: Wrong 'Shape Line' color when clicking on icon #786
- Simple Objects - Shape Rectangle: The error appears when drawing a rectangle of small height #787
- If User create simple molecule on canvas when it is minimum zoom value - molecule have increased distance between atoms. #180
- Stereo flag is overlapped with a structure #602
- Open from file window - File formats are duplicated #839
- Recognize molecule - Ketcher is broken when clicking the 'Recognize molecule' button #820
- If a structure with double bond(s) is the first structure created on the canvas the double bond is rendered incorrectly #517
- Save to Templates - Errors are appear when trying to save to templates structure with reaction arrow #821
- Save to Templates - The structure isn't displayed correctly in the 'Template edit' window when saving structure with Simple Objects #822
- Can not open InChi AuxInfo file in Standalone mode #667
- 'Template Edit' window: There is no 'Atom Id: xx, Bond Id: yy' text under the template image after changing Atom/Bond ID #807
- Template Library: there is no limit for input symbols when editing structure name or add new template in library #799
- Structure with NOT[] atom does not open #641
- Not all atom properties are shown if an Alias was set #674
- Stereo doesn't update after two bonds merge #684
- The gradient stays for mixed (&) stereomarks when 'Bonds Only' is selected in 'Color stereogenic centers' #677
- When selecting several structures with Segment Selection Tool they are not moving together #628
- Copy image fails in remote mode #1007
- Standalone mode. Error on saving chain structure with connected Double Cis/Trans Bond #1010
- Layout action do not work with structures with dative/hydrogen bonds #669
Ketcher 2.3.3 (November 17, 2021)
The main goal of release 2.3.3 is adding CDXML files support to standalone version and fixing some critical issues.
New features and improvements
- Support CDXML #920