All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.0-rc.5 (2024-02-06)
- comms: correctly initialize hidden service (#6124) (0584782)
- libtor: prevent metrics port conflict (#6125) (661af51)
1.0.0-rc.4 (2024-02-02)
- fix horizon sync after smt upgrade (#6006)
- do validation after adding utxos and txs (#6114) (7d886e6)
- export transaction (#6111) (70d5ad3)
- fix horizon sync after smt upgrade (#6006) (b6b80f6)
- initial horizon sync from prune node (#6109) (2987621)
- smt verification (#6115) (78a9348)
- wallet add restart validation to start (#6113) (5c236ce)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2024-01-29)
- add search kernels method to nodejs client (#6082) (0190221)
- prevent runtime error with compact error input (#6096) (69421f5)
- update api (#6101) (47e73ac)
- update codeowners (#6088) (58a131d)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2024-01-18)
- add tari address as valid string for discovering a peer (#6075) (a4c5bc2)
- make all apps non interactive (#6049) (bafd7e7)
- make libtor on by default for nix builds (#6060) (b5e0d06)
- fix small error in config.toml (#6052) (6518a60)
- tms validation correctly updating (#6079) (34222a8)
- wallet coinbases not validated correctly (#6074) (bb66df1)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2023-12-14)
1.0.0-rc.0 (2023-12-12)
- add paging to utxo stream request (#5302)
- add optional range proof types (#5372)
- hash domain consistency (#5556) (64443c6f)
- consistent output/kernel versions between sender and receiver (#5553) (74f9c35f)
- New Gen block (#5633)
- Validator mr included in mining hash (#5615)
- Monero merkle proof change (#5602)
- Merge mining hash has changed
- remove timestamp from header in proto files (#5667)
- comms/dht: limit number of peer claims and addresses for all sources (#5702)
- comms: use noise XX handshake pattern for improved privacy (#5696)
- update faucet for genesis block (#5633)
- limit monero hashes and force coinbase to be tx 0 (#5602)
- add validator mr to mining hash (#5615)
- replace utxo MMR with SMT (#5854)
- update key parsing (#5900)
- proto: remove proto timestamp wrapper types (#5833)
- proto: remove proto bytes for std bytes (#5835)
- upgrade bitflags crate (#5831)
- improve block add where many orphan chain tips existed (#5763)
- lmdb flag set wrong on database (#5916)
- add validator mmr size (#5873)
- completed transaction use bytes for transaction protocol (not hex string) in wallet database (#5906)
- new faucet for esmeralda (#6001)
- dont store entire monero coinbase transaction (#5991)
- ups the min difficulty (#5999)
- network specific domain hashers (#5980)
- add aux chain support for merge mining (#5976)
- disable console wallet grpc (#5988)
- add one-sided coinbase payments (#5967)
- fix opcode signatures (#5966)
- remove mutable mmr (#5954)
- move kernel MMR position to
(#5956) - standardize gRPC authentication and mitigate DoS (#5936)
- fix difficulty overflow (#5935)
- update status (#6008)
- add miner timeout config option (#5331) (aea14f6)
- chat ffi (#5349) (f7cece2)
- chat scaffold (#5244) (5b09f8e)
- improve message encryption (#5288) (7a80716)
- p2p: allow listener bind to differ from the tor forward address (#5357) (857fb55)* add extended mask recovery (#5301) (23d882e)
- add network name to data path and --network flag to the miners (#5291) (1f04beb)
- add other code template types (#5242) (93e5e85)
- add paging to utxo stream request (#5302) (3540309)
- add wallet daemon config (#5311) (30419cf)
- define different network defaults for bins (#5307) (2f5d498)
- feature gates (#5287) (72c19dc)
- fix rpc transaction conversion (#5304) (344040a)
- add metadata signature check (#5411) (9c2bf41)
- add optional range proof types (#5372) (f24784f)
- added burn feature to the console wallet (#5322) (45685b9)
- improved base node monitoring (#5390) (c704890)
- refactor configuration for chat so ffi can create and accept a config file (#5426) (9d0d8b52, breaks #, #, #)
- ui for template registration in console wallet (#5444) (701e3c23, breaks #, #, #)
- sparse merkle trees (#5457) (f536d219* proof of work audit part 2 (#5495) (af32f96f
- improve recovery speed (#5489) (d128f850)
- add consistent ban reason for sync (#5729) (9564281)
- add mempool min fee (#5606) (15c7e8f)
- ban peer unexpected response (#5608) (02494ae)
- change default script to PushPubKey (#5653) (f5b89ad)
- chat ffi status callback (#5583) (f68b85f)
- chat message fetching pagination (#5594) (2024357)
- chat-ffi logging (#5591) (159959c)
- cleanup errors (#5655) (c1737b9)
- fix formatting block (#5630) (49732f6)
- improve block sync error handling (#5691) (251f796)
- new message callback to chat-ffi (#5592) (bbd543e)
- peer sync limiter (#5445) (548643b)
- remove inherent iterator panic (#5697) (7f153e5)
- remove orphan validation and only validate on insertion (#5601) (41244a3)
- remove unused wasm_key_manager (#5622) (508c971)
- update faucet for genesis block (#5633) (ffb987a)
- update genesis blocks (#5698) (b9145b3)
- add (de)serialize to BalancedBinaryMerkleTree (#5744) (c53ec06)
- add config for grpc server methods (#5886) (a3d7cf7)
- add insert function to SMT (#5776) (5901b4a)
- add overflow checks to change and fee calculations (#5834) (9725fbd)
- allow multiple initial sync peers (#5890) (e1c504a)
- apply obscure_error_if_true consistenlty (#5892) (1864203)
- ban bad block-sync peers (#5871) (5c2781e)
- chat ffi verbose logging options (#5789) (24b4324)
- chatffi simpler callbacks and managed identity and db (#5681) (79ab584)
- chatffi: better message metadata parsing (#5820) (9a43eab)
- chatffi: get conversationalists (#5849) (d9e8e22)
- chatffi: message metadata (#5766) (a9b730a)
- chatffi: tor configuration (#5752) (1eeb4a9)
- chat: read receipt feature (#5824) (d81fe7d)
- cli add list of vns for next epoch (#5743) (d2a0c8c)
- comms: allow multiple messaging protocol instances (#5748) (3fba04e)
- consistent handling of edge cases for header sync (#5837) (3e1ec1f)
- enable multiple coinbase utxos (#5879) (49e5c9c)
- failure of min difficulty should not add block to list of bad blocks (#5805) (38dc014)
- improve block add where many orphan chain tips existed (#5763) (19b3f21)
- make prc errors ban-able for sync (#5884) (4ca664e)
- prevent possible division by zero in difficulty calculation (#5828) (f85a878)
- print warning for wallets in direct send only (#5883) (6d8686d)
- reduce timeouts and increase bans (#5882) (df9bc9a)
- replace utxo MMR with SMT (#5854) (ca74c29)
- up the timeout for comms (#5758) (1054868)
- update key parsing (#5900) (59d7ceb)
- update randomx (#5894) (e445244)
- adaptable min difficulty check (#5896) (76f323c)
- add robustness to monero block extra field handling (#5826) (597b9ef)
- add validator mmr size (#5873) (fd51045)
- completed transaction use bytes for transaction protocol (not hex string) in wallet database (#5906) (61256cd)
- add aux chain support for merge mining (#5976) (6723dc7)
- add constant time comparison for grpc authentication (#5902) (2fe44db)
- add getheaderbyhash method to grpc-js (#5942) (ebc4539)
- add one-sided coinbase payments (#5967) (89b19f6)
- bans for bad incoming blocks (#5934) (7acc44d)
- block endless peer stream (#5951) (16b325d)
- block wallets from sending if BN connection stale (#5949) (18d5f57)
- compile out the metrics (#5944) (fa2fb27)
- create min dust fee setting (#5947) (8f5466c)
- disable console wallet grpc (#5988) (883de17)
- dont store entire monero coinbase transaction (#5991) (23b10bf)
- enable revealed-value proofs (#5983) (f3f5879)
- fix difficulty overflow (#5935) (55bbdf2)
- grpc over tls (#5990) (b80f7e3)
- limit max number of addresses (#5960) (40fc940)
- move kernel MMR position to
(#5956) (cdd8a31) - network specific domain hashers (#5980) (d7ab283)
- node grpc: add grpc authentication to the node (#5928) (3d95e8c)
- remove panics from applications (#5943) (18c3d0b)
- sender and receiver protocols use bytes (not hex string) in wallet database (#5950) (4cbdfec)
- warnings for untrusted urls (#5955) (e2e278c)
- hazop findings (#6020) (a68d0dd)
- add miner input processing (#6016) (26f5b60)
- add wallet ffi shutdown tests (#6007) (3129ce8)
- fix hazop findings (#6017) (0bc62b4)
- make base node support 1 click mining (#6019) (d377269)
- update faucets (#6024) (394976c)
- update status (#6008) (e19ce15)
- console wallet use dns seeds (#6034) (b194954)
- update tests and constants (#6028) (d558206)
- add Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (#5351) (72daaf5)
- added missing log4rs features (#5356) (b9031bb)
- allow public addresses from command line (#5303) (349ac89)
- clippy issues with config (#5334) (026f0d5)
- default network selection (#5333) (cf4b2c8)
- make the first output optional in the wallet (#5352) (bf16140)
- remove wallet panic (#5338) (536d16d)
- wallet .h file for lib wallets (#5330) (22a3a17)
- comms: only set final forward address if configured to port 0 (#5406) (ff7fb6d)
- deeplink to rfc spec (#5342) (806d3b8)
- don't use in memory datastores for chat client dht in integration tests (#5399) (cbdca6f)
- fix panic when no public addresses (#5367) (49be2a2)
- loop on mismatched passphrase entry (#5396) (ed120b2)
- use domain separation for wallet message signing (#5400) (7d71f8b)
- use mined at timestamp in fauxconfirmation (#5443) (f3833c9f, breaks #, #, #)
- fix custom wallet startup logic for console wallet (#5429) (0c1e5765, breaks #, #, #)
- balanced_mp: removes some panics, adds some checks and new tests (#5432) (602f416f, breaks #, #, #)
- comms: validate onion3 checksum (#5440) (0dfdb3a4, breaks #, #, #)
- wallet-ffi: don't block on start (#5437) (27fe8d9d, breaks #, #, #)
- mmr: support zero sized balanced merkle proof (#5474) (ef984823
- wallet: use correct output features for send to self (#5472) (ce1f0686
- covenant nit picking (#5506) (301ca495
- overflow of target difficulty (#5493) (822dac60
- coinbase recovery (#5487) (48dd157a)
- core:
- core/base_node: safe
cast in horizon sync (#5503) (fb3ac60b - core/consensus: include
max size into coinbase weight calculation (#5501) (4554cc5f - core/keymanager: use tokio rwlock for keymanagers (#5494) (229aee02
- core/transactions: resolve or remove TODOs (#5500) (4a9f73c7
- core/weighting: remove optional and define correct rounding for usize::MAX (#5490) (38c399a2
- mempool: remove TODOs and other minor changes (#5498) (a1f24417
- mempool should use the correct version of the consensus constant (#5549) (46ab3ef0)
- mempool fetch_highest_priority_txs (#5551) (f7f749c4
- remove optional timestamp verification bypass (#5552) (b5a5bed2)
- update code coverage approach (#5540) (7a9830ed
- use correct TOML field for console wallet network address (#5531) (70763dde
- llvm-tools installed correctly (#5534) (4ab4b965)
- push test coverage even if some tests fail (#5533) (053c748d
- console-wallet: fix possible subtract underflow panic in list (#5535) (8d5e8e6e
- core: disable covenants for all networks except igor and localnet (#5505) (308f5299
- add a not before proof (#5560) (11f42fb0
- borsh sized serialization should be fallible (#5537) (53058ce2
- add documentation to covenant crate (#5524) (442d75b0
- covenants audit (#5526) (dbb59758
- add validator mr to mining hash (#5615) (91db6fb)
- add-peer also dials the peer (#5727) (cc8573a)
- addition overflow when coinbase + fees is too high (#5706) (13993f1)
- adds bans for horizon sync (#5661) (826473d)
- ban peers if they send a bad protobuf message (#5693) (58cbfe6)
- better timeout for lagging (#5705) (5e8a3ec)
- check bytes remaining on monero blocks (#5610) (1087fa9)
- comms/dht: limit number of peer claims and addresses for all sources (#5702) (88ed293)
- comms: check multiple addresses for inbound liveness check (#5611) (3937ae4)
- comms: dont overwrite ban-reason in add_peer (#5720) (3b9890b)
- comms: greatly reduce timeouts for first byte and noise handshake (#5728) (47a3196)
- comms: only permit a single inbound messaging substream per peer (#5731) (c91a35f)
- comms: timeout and ban for bad behaviour in protocol negotation (#5679) (d03d0b5)
- comms: use noise XX handshake pattern for improved privacy (#5696) (d0ea406)
- core: always pass the correct timestamp window to header validatior (#5624) (29700c3)
- dht: add SAF bans (#5711) (594e03e)
- dht: limit peer sync and ban on server-caused errors (#5714) (b3f2dca)
- duplicate tari header in monero coinbase (#5604) (f466840)
- error out the stx protocol if the sender sends unsupported data (#5572) (8a085cd)
- handle out of sync errors when returning mempool transactions (#5701) (b0337cf)
- handle target difficulty conversion failure (#5710) (431c35a)
- header sync (#5647) (4583eef)
- horizon sync (#5724) (660a5c1)
- horizon_sync: check for leftover unpruned outputs (#5704) (dc5cfce)
- horizon_sync: check max number of kernels/utxos from peer (#5703) (5e4f3c2)
- horizon_sync: try sync with next next peer if current one fails (#5699) (a58ec1f)
- limit monero hashes and force coinbase to be tx 0 (#5602) (2af1198)
- make sure all needed libs are required for chatffi (#5659) (241ca67)
- memory overflow panic (#5658) (304e40f)
- miner delay attack (#5582) (bece2d0)
- minor fixes for multiple address support (#5617) (efa36eb)
- monero fork attack (#5603) (9c81b4d)
- only allow a monero header if it serializes back to the same data (#5716) (e70c752)
- peer connection to stale nodes (#5579) (eebda00)
- potential u64 overflow panic (#5688) (f261b79)
- prevent access violation when running multiple vms at the same time (#5734) (18aead2)
- remove potential u64 overflow panic (#5686) (90a8a21)
- remove tari prefix and only allow one mergemining tag (#5722) (3a7c227)
- remove timestamp from header in proto files (#5667) (403b0c6)
- save dial result on error (#5717) (c66af69)
- sorted edge case (#5590) (f7b2193)
- sparse Merkle tree key querying (#5566) (623839f)
- syncing from prune node (#5733) (166f469)
- sync: remove mem::take in all syncs (#5721) (a48e430)
- sync: unify ban logic in all sync processes (#5713) (4b2b28b)
- update peers seed for esme (#5573) (0f6b750)
- add lock height and kernel features checks on default transactions (#5836) (1f87226)
- ban peer if it sends bad liveness data (#5844) (eb40fc4)
- change truncate_from_bits to from_bits (#5773) (fb18078)
- chat ffi seed peers (#5786) (c04996f)
- chatffi: return and read from ptrs (#5827) (dd2eddb)
- comms+dht: mark peers as online inbound connection,join (#5741) (e8413ea)
- diagrams: missing quotes for messaging diagram (#5750) (a8f6eb5)
- diagrams: missing quotes for protocol negotiation diagram (#5751) (45c20a3)
- don't ban a peer for sending a banned peer (#5843) (12f8a75)
- fix erroneous warning message (#5846) (8afcd8b)
- get rid of possible 'expect' (#5794) (467a8d4)
- grpc request overflows (#5812) (36d72e8)
- handle possible underflow in smt (#5769) (558e6f2)
- listing mode is synced (#5830) (ff5a5d8)
- mempool panic (#5814) (754fb16)
- p2p: enable auto join when online (#5738) (eb74bbb)
- panic overflow (#5819) (af31ba1)
- possible exception in request_context (#5784) (6c8e2d3)
- potential index out of bounds (#5775) (f17ac6b)
- potential overflow (#5759) (5c93e35)
- potential overflow (#5778) (1d1332d)
- potential sync stuck (#5760) (c5ed816)
- recovery passphrase flow (#5877) (4159b76)
- remove peer (#5757) (4c48a26)
- remove statement from sparse Merkle tree proofs (#5768) (d630d11)
- stuck on sync (#5739) (33b37a8)
- unwraps in rpc client (#5770) (6f0d20a)
- proto: remove proto bytes for std bytes (#5835) (491ed83)
- proto: remove proto timestamp wrapper types (#5833) (43b994e)
- upgrade bitflags crate (#5831) (dae7dd9)
- lmdb flag set wrong on database (#5916) (60efd35)
- tariscript: protect compare and check height from underflows (#5872) (aa2ae10)
- display (#5982) (8cce48c)
- fix opcode signatures (#5966) (dc26ca6)
- fix the windows installer (#5938) (3e65a28)
- fix the windows installer auto build (#5939) (a138b78)
- shutdown: is_triggered returns up-to-date value without first polling (#5997) (49f2053)
- standardize gRPC authentication and mitigate DoS (#5936) (623f127)
- tariscript: multisig ordered signatures and pubkeys (#5961) (14e334a)
- update
handling (#5973) (12e84f4) - new faucet for esmeralda (#6001) (4eccc39)
- remove mutable mmr (#5954) (0855583)
- ups the min difficulty (#5999) (fc1e555)
- chat: chat client possible panics (#6015) (cf66c51)
- chat build (#6026) (15793b7)
- remove duplicate config settings (#6029) (662af28)
0.49.0-rc.0 (2023-04-12)
- wallet: use ECDH shard secret for burn mask with claim pubkey (#5238)
- wallet: ensure burn shared keys and hashes match dan layer (#5245)
- add claim public key to OutputFeatures (#5239)
- change signature construction to allow better HW support (#5282)
- move key manager service to key_manager (#5284)
- add igor faucet (#5281)
- reset dates for networks (#5283)
- add paging to utxo stream request (#5302)
- add necessary trait bounds to balanced merkle tree (#5232) (3b971a3)
- update tari-crypto to v0.16.8 (#5236) (c9d355b)
- wallet: use ECDH shard secret for burn mask with claim pubkey (#5238) (78838bf)
- add claim public key to OutputFeatures (#5239) (3e7d82c)
- reset esmeralda (#5247) (aa2a3ad)
- added FFI function
#5252 (#5263) (4b09b59) - change signature construction to allow better HW support (#5282) (82d2dcb)
- improved passphrase flow (#5279) (ac21da6)
- added auxiliary callback to push base node state changes #5109 (#5257) (b7f7d31)
- move key manager service to key_manager (#5284) (d50ed02)
- reset dates for networks (#5283) (d6342a4)
- add extended mask recovery (#5301) (23d882e)
- add network name to data path and --network flag to the miners (#5291) (1f04beb)
- add other code template types (#5242) (93e5e85)
- add paging to utxo stream request (#5302) (3540309)
- add wallet daemon config (#5311) (30419cf)
- define different network defaults for bins (#5307) (2f5d498)
- feature gates (#5287) (72c19dc)
- fix rpc transaction conversion (#5304) (344040a)
- added transaction revalidation to the wallet startup sequence #5227 (#5246) (7b4e2d2)
- immediately fail to compile on 32-bit systems (#5237) (76aeed7)
- wallet: correct change checks in transaction builder (#5235) (768a0cf)
- wallet: ensure burn shared keys and hashes match dan layer (#5245) (024ce64)
- windows path format in log4rs files (#5234) (acfecfb)
- ffi hot fix (#5251) (9533e40)
- reduce warn log to debug in utxo scanner (#5256) (3946641)
- wallet sending local address out to network (#5258) (6bfa6f9)
- ensures mutable MMR bitmaps are compressed (#5278) (dfddc66)
- resize transaction tab windows (#5290) (bd95a85), closes #4942 #5289 #12365
0.48.0-pre.1 (2023-03-08)
- comms: dial if connection is not connected (#5223) (0a060b6)
- export error types for balance merkle tree (#5229) (9db0501)
- fix compile error using decimal-rs 0.1.42 (#5228) (6edbb1c)
0.48.0-pre.0 (2023-03-07)
- peer_db: more accurate peer stats per address (#5142)
- use consensus hashing API for validator node MMR (#5207)
- consensus: add balanced binary merkle tree (#5189)
- add favourite flag to contact (#5217) (0371b60)
- add indexer config (#5210) (cf95601)
- add merge proof for balanced binary merkle tree (#5193) (8962909)
- consensus: add balanced binary merkle tree (#5189) (8d34e8a)
- log to base dir (#5197) (5147b5c)
- peer_db: more accurate peer stats per address (#5142) (fdad1c6)
- add grpc commitment signature proto type (#5200) (d523f1e)
- peer seeds for esme/igor (#5202) (1bc226c)
- remove panics from merged BBMT verification (#5221) (a4c5fce)
- source coverage ci failure (#5209) (80294a1)
- use consensus hashing API for validator node MMR (#5207) (de28115)
- wallet reuse existing tor address (#5092) (576f44e)
- wallet: avoids empty addresses in node identity (#5224) (1a66312)
0.47.0-pre.0 (2023-02-27)
0.46.0 (2023-02-21)
- add key commitment to database main key AEAD (#5188)
- add key commitment to database main key AEAD (#5188) (95bc795)
- add more burn details to burn command (#5169) (e417e57)
- print out warning if wallet grpc connections fails (#5195) (4e1cb38)
0.45.0 (2023-02-14)
- refactor database encryption (#5154)
- update
parameters (#5140)
- add
node {word} is in state {word}
(33360cd) - add get tari address to wallet (1b0ed0b)
- add graceful shutdown of base node (c9797c5)
- add kill signal to cucumber nodes (4cb21dc)
- add shutdown clone (ac956c9)
- consolidate stealth payment code (#5171) (b7747a2)
- fix miner (7283eb2)
- gracefully shutdown grpc server (947faf6)
- refactor database encryption (#5154) (41413fc)
- refactor key-related field operations to be atomic (#5178) (1ad79c9)
- remove unused dependencies (#5144) (a9d0f37)
- stagenet network (#5173) (d2717a1)
- update
parameters (#5140) (4c4a056) - wallet FFI cucumber (795e717)
- wallet password change (#5175) (7f13fa5)
- couple fixes for cucumber (ad92e11)
- dht/test: ban peers who send empty encrypted messages (#5130) (86a9eaf)
- do not propagate unsigned encrypted messages (#5129) (d4fe7de)
- feature flag separation for validation (#5137) (0e83463)
- panic on overflow in release mode (#5150) (5f5808b)
- potential ban (#5146) (9892da6)
- test: broken address test (#5134) (6b125af)
- wallet-grpc: return correct available balance and add timelocked_balance (#5181) (e001125)
0.44.1 (2023-01-19)
0.44.0 (2023-01-18)
- prune mode sync (#5124)
- add tx_id_to export (#5126) (7eeeff4)
- increase wallet FFI error codes (#5118) (d5db596)
- provide password feedback (#5111) (a568e04)
- add burnt utxos to side chain query (#5125) (fb2fa4b)
- automatically set base node fetures on startup, sign only if necessary (#5108) (9aa9436)
- dht: check for empty body contents in initial msg validation (#5123) (48bf2d9)
- prune mode sync (#5124) (8fa076a)
- vanity_id example should create id with base node features (#5107) (3b21199)
0.43.3 (2023-01-12)
- add new igor seeds (#5106) (61d1b5e)
- add to/from json string for unblinded utxo in wallet ffi (#5098) (af25b63)
- add const to FixedHash::zero (#5084) (2d1bc82)
- console wallet spacing and naming (#5025) (e4a6303)
- functional wallet encryption (issue #5007) (#5043) (7b2311e)
- header sync start info (#5086) (df53843)
- header sync stuck trying to sync from base node (#5080) (0961f49)
- improved encryption key handling (#5027) (b2bed79)
- update message and signature key types (#5064) (a94189d)
- use range proof batch splitting (#5081) (70c522b)
- wallet errors (#5045) (9b16ffb)
0.43.2 (2022-12-19)
- ci: pin ci to ubuntu 20.04 (#5047) (1cafba7)
- core: fix build issues and add ban check listening (#5041) (774ab7a)
- core: fixes stale chain metadata being sent to listening state (#5039) (aaf99b7)
- support arbitrary range proof batching (#5049) (3dd10bd)
0.43.1 (2022-12-12)
0.43.0 (2022-12-08)
- input and output signatures (#4983)
- add utxo import and export for ffi (#4999) (9cda0bb)
- improve logging of dropped channel (#5013) (4650153)
- remove duplicate errors (#5009) (0c9477b)
- revalidate invalid utxo (#5020) (f418d73)
- base_layer/core: fixes incorrect validator node merkle root calculation (#5005) (951c0d6)
- ci: wallet ffi build fix (#4993) (5145368)
- coinbase extra info is not checked (#4995) (af95b45)
- currently newly created wallet does not prompt seed words (#5019) (#5022) (96cf8aa)
- improve key handling (#4994) (f069b14)
- input and output signatures (#4983) (a0f1d95)
- remove optionals from wallet set up (#4984) (33e6dbf)
- seed words should be used in wallet recovery (see issue #4894) (#5010) (68a9f76)
- show mined timestamp for import tx (#5012) (49a11d9)
- update randomx-rs dependency (#5011) (5361dd9)
0.42.0 (2022-12-02)
- core: sort validate set by shard key (#4952)
- implement validator node registration as per RFC-0313 (#4928)
- change log level ffi comms (#4973) (554e783)
- implement validator node registration as per RFC-0313 (#4928) (8569f7c), closes #4927
- log app version on startup (#4970) (2962028)
- relax zeroize (#4961) (a6e8991)
- relax zeroize dependencies (#4971) (10a19d5)
- remove extra validation (#4981) (3f1ebf6)
- reset broken sync (#4955) (01e9e7e)
- trigger validation on import (#4962) (163dce0)
- ci: update libtari_wallet_ffi sha256sums (#4968) (5de63d3)
- console wallet timestamp display (#4942) (baa196f)
- core: sort validate set by shard key (#4952) (349d429)
- hide sensitive data on tari repo (see issue #4846) (#4967) (bcc47e1)
- minimize potential memory leaks of sensitive data on the wallet code (#4953) (e364994)
- node gets banned on reorg (#4949) (5bcf6e5)
- wallet: fix wallet_setting keys (#4976) (f2cbe6f)
- wallet: invalid metadata sig when creating code template utxo (#4975) (a8e2e00)
- wallet: slightly improve error output for failed decryption (#4972) (b2370b1)
0.41.0 (2022-11-25)
- update commitment signature (#4943)
- add default grpc for localnet (#4937) (1e2d227)
- ci: expose iOS libwallet individually (#4951) (e69997c)
- only coinbase output features may have metadata set, and is of limited size; ref #4908 (#4960) (22b1330)
- replace consensus with borsh (#4920) (e669443)
- timestamp validation (#4887) (4be02b6)
- update commitment signature (#4943) (00e98f9)
- add hidden types and seed words to key manager (#4925) (0bdb568)
- ci: update GHA release process (#4945) (2af6c94)
- config cleanup (#4938) (68f990f)
- deleted_txo_mmr_position_to_height_index already exists error (#4924) (0269f11)
- remove unused ffi types and methods (#4948) (5703d02)
- use same instance of randomx factory for statemachine and validation (#4947) (9aed188)
0.40.2 (2022-11-18)
0.40.1 (2022-11-17)
0.40.0 (2022-11-16)
- add tari address for wallet to use (#4881)
- comms: spawn liveness check after address is final (#4919) (f558a11)
- remove fs2 dependency from tari_common (#4921) (dca7b06)
- updates for SafePassword API change (#4927) (92d73e4)
0.39.0 (2022-11-14)
- merges feature-dan into development (#4913)
- wallet: use KDFs on ECDH shared secrets (#4847)
- core: remove unused get_committees call from base node (#4880)
- refactor
, zeroize, and fix key derivation (#4860) - impl final tari pow algorithm (#4862)
- core: adds utxo and block info to get_template_registrations request (#4789)
- add block height to input request to get network consensus constants (#4856) (23b4313)
- add grpc to get shard key for public key (#4654) (0fd3256)
- add missing fields to grpc consensus constants interface (#4845) (ce6c22f)
- add static lifetime to emission amounts calculation (#4851) (5b0eb04)
- add validator node registration (#4507) (96a30c1)
- base_node_grpc_client: add getActiveValidatorNodes method (#4719) (cfa05be)
- core: add template registration sidechain features (#4470) (8ee5a05)
- core: add validator registration sidechain feature (#4690) (0fef174)
- core: store and fetch templates from lmdb (#4726) (27f77b2)
- impl final tari pow algorithm (#4862) (a580103), closes #4875
- mempool sync wait for node initial sync (#4897) (5526721)
- merges feature-dan into development (#4913) (539e758)
- remove tracing_subscriber (#4906) (956b279)
- base-node: use less harsh emoji for unreachable node (#4855) (2d90e91)
- ci: correct ARM64 builds (#4876) (7628692)
- ci: selectively revert resolver for arm64 builds (#4871) (cd88484)
- ci: update GHA set-output plus dependabot schedule for GHA (#4857) (f978507)
- comms/peer_manager: fix possible panic in offline calc (#4877) (c0d1f58)
- computation of vn mmr (#4772) (64002e9)
- core/metrics: set target difficulty as single value (#4902) (f625f73)
- core: add txo version checks to async validator (#4852) (2cf51b8)
- core: adds utxo and block info to get_template_registrations request (#4789) (9e81c7b)
- core: bring validator node MR inline with other merkle root code (#4692) (613b655)
- core: remove unused get_committees call from base node (#4880) (392d541)
- correct value for validator_node_timeout consensus constant in localnet (#4879) (bd49bf2)
- delete orphans if they exist (#4868) (6ff1c02)
- dht: use new DHKE shared secret type (#4844) (234571d)
- fix get shard key (#4744) (3a4dd50)
- fix validator node registration logic (#4718) (72018f4)
- force wallet sqlite to do checkpoint after db decryption (#4905) (55d1334)
- recover mined coinbase (#4896) (2028136)
- refactor
, zeroize, and fix key derivation (#4860) (b190c26) - remove tari script serialization fix migration (#4874) (44ed0c8)
- remove unused config for validator node (#4849) (df5d78e)
- wallet/grpc: add transaction id and template_address to template_reg response (#4788) (4060935)
- wallet: use KDFs on ECDH shared secrets (#4847) (3d1a51c)
0.38.8 (2022-10-25)
- add deepsource config (dceea99)
- add more detailed error mapping for the ffi (#4840) (b27391e)
- add multisig script that returns aggregate of signed public keys (#4742) (c004e30)
- add opcode versions (#4836) (c8abe99)
- better FFI feedback from transaction validation (#4827) (3c97be4)
- comms: adds periodic socket-level liveness checks (#4819) (2bea05f)
- base-node: use Network::from_str to parse network in cli (#4838) (47d279e)
- comms/rpc: measures client-side latency to first message received (#4817) (02b8660)
- core: dont request full non-tip block if block is empty (#4802) (becff0f)
- core: increase sync timeouts (#4800) (87dfab5)
- core: periodically commit large transaction in prune_to_height (#4805) (700a007)
- dht: fix over allocation for encrypted messages (#4832) (d29a64c)
- dht: zeroize AEAD keys on drop (#4843) (9957222)
- list-connections (#4841) (23b2c9a)
- remove clear_on_drop dependency (#4848) (9edbbce)
0.38.7 (2022-10-11)
- core: only resize db if migration is required (#4792) (4811a57)
- miner: clippy error (#4793) (734db22)
0.38.6 (2022-10-11)
- base-node: add client connection count to status line (#4774) (8339b1d)
- move nonce to first in sha hash (#4778) (054a314)
- remove dalek ng (#4769) (953b0b7)
- batch rewind operations (#4752) (79d3c47)
- ci: fix client path for nodejs (#4765) (c7b5e68)
- core: only resize db if migration is required (#4792) (4811a57)
- dht: remove some invalid saf failure cases (#4787) (86b4d94)
- fix config.toml bug (#4780) (f6043c1)
- miner: clippy error (#4793) (734db22)
- p2p/liveness: remove fallible unwrap (#4784) (e59be99)
- tari-script: use tari script encoding for execution stack serde de/serialization (#4791) (c62f7eb)
0.38.6 (2022-10-11)
- base-node: add client connection count to status line (#4774) (8339b1d)
- move nonce to first in sha hash (#4778) (054a314)
- remove dalek ng (#4769) (953b0b7)
- batch rewind operations (#4752) (79d3c47)
- ci: fix client path for nodejs (#4765) (c7b5e68)
- dht: remove some invalid saf failure cases (#4787) (86b4d94)
- fix config.toml bug (#4780) (f6043c1)
- p2p/liveness: remove fallible unwrap (#4784) (e59be99)
- tari-script: use tari script encoding for execution stack serde de/serialization (#4791) (c62f7eb)
0.38.5 (2022-10-03)
- add sql transactions to encumbering queries (#4716) (a25d216)
- change priority in mempool to take into account age (#4737) (0dad9e8)
- clients: add base node and wallet client crates (#4722) (9d06408)
- core/sync: add sync error status (#4705) (6178548)
- core/sync: adds
sync status (#4698) (abde8e8) - different default grpc ports for different networks (#4755) (933126e)
- improve bn command mode timeouts (#4712) (e7b0b8f)
- improve the TMS validation process (#4694) (030bece)
- improve txo validation logic (#4689) (2b5afcf)
- tariscript: adds ToRistrettoPoint op-code (#4749) (8f872a1)
- trigger mempool sync on lag (#4730) (1e22a03)
- wallet optimize output manager db operations (#4663) (25c4d99)
- add a macos dependency to compile libtor (#4720) (b41226c)
- base_node/grpc: audit of error handling (#4704) (595e334)
- base-node/grpc: fixes panic if invalid kernel mr is given (#4693) (80af7fa)
- burned reorg (#4697) (08773f4)
- ci: add cargo cache, reduce Ubuntu dependencies and action on pull_request (#4757) (33e0dc2)
- cli wallet cucumber (#4739) (62384f9)
- clients: fix tari nodejs client proto paths (#4743) (88b75dc)
- comms/peer_manager: add migration to remove onionv2 addresses (#4748) (a92f205)
- comms/rpc: increase max frame size limit for rpc requests (#4724) (239b64b)
- comms: fixes edge case where online status event does not get published (#4756) (aab729a)
- core/mempool: improve perf of retrieve transactions (#4710) (f55762e)
- core: broken doctests (#4763) (4cbb378)
- core: improve logging of dropped reply channels (#4702) (9768f02)
- core: use compact inputs for block propagation (#4714) (c659275)
- dht/encryption: greatly reduce heap allocations for encrypted messaging (#4753) (195df85)
- ffi tests (#4713) (4551ac3)
- fixes cargo check (#4729) (851ba1d)
- mined tx being invalid (#4735) (24e396d)
- refactor incorrect cucumber test on burn funds via cli (#4679) (cd183ef)
- sync handling and increase reorg speed in mempool (#4706) (a3b529a)
- wallet: fixes bug in fetch_by_commitment (#4703) (97b01c2)
0.38.4 (2022-09-16)
- add burn funds command to console wallet (see issue #4547) (#4655) (0242b1d)
- comms: simplify and remove possibility of deadlock from pipelines and substream close (#4676) (f41bcf9)
- fix potential race condition between add_block and sync (#4677) (55f2b9c)
- p2p: remove DETACH flag usage (#4682) (947f64f)
- reinsert transactions from failed block (#4675) (8030364)
- stray clippy error (#4685) (a709282)
- wallet: mark mined_height as null when pending outputs are cancelled (#4686) (209ee3d)
0.38.3 (2022-09-13)
- ci: libtor build on Ubuntu (#4644) (6f69276)
- comms/messaging: fix possible deadlock in outbound pipeline (#4657) (3fcc6a0)
- core/sync: handle deadline timeouts by changing peer (#4649) (5ed997c)
- fee estimate (#4656) (d9de2e0)
- replace Luhn checksum with DammSum (#4639) (c01471a)
0.38.2 (2022-09-08)
- comms/rpc: detect early close in all cases (#4647) (0125051)
- exclude libtor from windows build (#4631) (dffea23)
0.38.1 (2022-09-07)
- allow user to select specific UTXOs when sending transactions #4514 (#4523) (4b40e61)
- attempt to recognize the source of a recovered output (#4580) (095196b)
- ci: merge non-critical & long-running CI into one workflow (#4614) (a81228c)
- comms: update yamux and snow dependencies (#4600) (541877a)
- console and FFI should have setting to not choose outputs that reveal the address #4403 (#4516) (17bb64e)
- hide Coinbases that are in the process of being mined (#4602) (c6c47fc)
- let sql in wal mode provide async db, not app level spawn blocking (transaction service) (#4597) (e17c1f9)
- make sure duplication check happens first in mempool (#4627) (23e4894)
- remove spawn blocking calls from wallet db (wallet storage)(#4591) (77bb10d)
- add Grpc authentication to merge mining proxy (see issue #4587) (#4592) (004c219)
- change wallet log target from error to trace (see issue #4586) (183fa6e)
- cleanup logs (#4590) (66c8032)
- comms: only reap when number of connections exceeds threshold (#4607) (415f339)
- console_wallet: use cli.non_interactive instead of propmt to show seed words (#4612) (8ad67ab)
- dht: updates to message padding (#4594) (cf4f9bf)
- ffi wallet file for unknown type name (#4589) (5cbf9aa)
- outbound: reduce messaging protocol error to debug (#4578) (99cef05)
- reduces RPC error log to debug when domain-level RPC service returns an error (fixes #4579) (#4611) (86c030d)
- remove unused dependencies (#4624) (058f492)
- remove window resize (#4593) (896eff9)
- stop race condition in output encumbrance (#4613) (31e130a)
- update cargo versions (#4622) (07c1a29)
- use dht inbound error for decryption (Fixes #4596) (#4601) (d9ef267)
- wallet: detect base node change during long-running protocols (#4610) (2a2a8b6)
- wallet: use RPC pool connections for non-recovery utxo scanning (#4598) (7c9e22c)
0.38.0 (2022-08-31)
- replace AES-GCM with XChaCha20-Poly1305 (#4550)
- build: multiple targeted build types with options for docker builds (#4540) (7e7d053)
- comms/rpc: restrict rpc session per peer #4497 (#4549) (080bccf)
- console-wallet: detect local base node and prompt (#4557) (887df88)
- remove spawn blocking calls from wallet db (contacts service) (#4575) (7464581)
- remove spawn blocking calls from wallet db (key manager service) (#4564) (a5d5133)
- update tor seed nodes for esmeralda network (#4572) (c4cfc12)
- upgrade to tokio 1.20.1 (#4566) (777936a)
- cucumber: handles listHeaders response correctly (#4551) (3958dde)
- deserializer for SafePassword (#4565) (ee89960)
- ignored consensus tests (see issue #4559) (#4571) (397fe67)
- potential problem with not updating the OMS database (#4563) (c867279)
- remove assets and tokens tabs from tari console wallet (see issue #4543) (#4556) (11af787)
- removed
commands (#4567) (0b2a155) - replace AES-GCM with XChaCha20-Poly1305 (#4550) (85acc2f)
- resolve tests in (see issue #4561) (#4577) (c69245b)
- update rest of the crates to tokio 1.20 (#4576) (ad24bf7)
0.37.0 (2022-08-25)
- reset gen block for new faucets (#4534)
- core: replace block and transaction hashes with FixedHash type (#4533)
- change how sha3 difficulty is calculated (#4528)
- header consensus (#4527)
- add domain consensus hashing to all previous uses of default consensus hashing (#4522)
- add domain consensus hashing to all previous uses of default consensus hashing (#4522) (1885509)
- change how sha3 difficulty is calculated (#4528) (1843998)
- console-wallet: adds basic grpc authentication (#4532) (2615c1b)
- make stealth addresses the default for one sided in ffi #4423 (#4517) (e89ffac)
- merge grpc list headers commands (#4515) (18a88d7)
- show the banned reason if a peer was banned in the contacts (#4525) (f970f81)
base-node: fix messy output in base node console (#4509) (c2dfa23)
build: remove tari_validator_node from binary builds (#4518) (6df9cc8)
build: switch linux-arm64 builds to cross-rs (#4524) (69e8d0b)
comms/dht: fixes invalid peer ban on invalid encrypted msg signature (#4519) (7a2c95e)
comms: ignore dial cancel event when inbound connection exists (#4521) (a7040c5)
core: fix block consensus encoding and add tests (#4537) (0a9d5ef)
core: replace block and transaction hashes with FixedHash type (#4533) (501f550)
cucumber: update get_online_status function signature in cucumber (#4536) (a57eb12)
grpc inconsistent serialization of keys (see issue #4224) (#4491) (bdb262c)
re-add user agents to base node and console wallet (#4520) (3f60c44)
0.36.0 (2022-08-19)
- add hashing API use to base layer (see issue #4394) (#4447)
- change monero consensus encoding an update for hardfork v15 (#4492)
- core/covenants: update covenants to support OutputType enum (#4472)
- core: restrict output types to only those permitted by consensus (#4467)
- tariscript: use varints in tari script (de)serialization (#4460)
- apply hashing api to the mmr (#4445)
- burned commitment mmr calculation and cucumber prune mode (#4453)
- add hashing API use to base layer (see issue #4394) (#4447) (f9af875)
- apply hashing api to the mmr (#4445) (d6bab2f)
- core: restrict output types to only those permitted by consensus (#4467) (a481a06)
- move dan layer to new repo (#4448) (52bc2be)
- remove more dan layer code (#4490) (073de55)
- remove total_txs and rename total_weight in mempool (#4474) (02ed4d4)
- tariscript: use varints in tari script (de)serialization (#4460) (a0403e5)
- wallet: adds --stealth-one-sided flag to make-it-rain (#4508) (30dd70e)
- base_node_config: check_interval is 0 made base node is panicked (#4495) (ba4fbf7), closes #4399
- burned commitment mmr calculation and cucumber prune mode (#4453) (0c062f3)
- change monero consensus encoding an update for hardfork v15 (#4492) (2a3af27)
- ci: binary builds - remove tari_collectibles and lib deps for linux (#4454) (1f9968e)
- core/covenants: update covenants to support OutputType enum (#4472) (e21dfdb)
- fix transaction output hashing (#4483) (46d65fc)
- remove old folders from ci (#4455) (2c76031)
- remove use of hardcoded value (see issue #4451) (#4485) (37d38d6), closes /
- wallet always scan interactive payments (see #4452) (#4464) (0c595dd)
- wrong ban reason (#4461) (4788789)
0.35.0 (2022-08-11)
- comms: use domain hasher for noise DH key derivation (#4432)
- core: consensus hashing without extraneous length prefixes for each write (#4420)
- new esmeralda network (#4391)
- fix kernel mutability (#4377)
- dht: add message padding for message decryption, to reduce message length leaks (fixes #4140) (#4362)
- improve wallet key derivation by use of proper domain separation (see issue #4170) (#4316)
- add burned outputs (#4364)
- base_layer: new output field for minimum value range proof (#4319)
- accept 'esme' as network name on cli (#4401) (966aa0b)
- add burned outputs (#4364) (60f3877)
- add hashing api to wallet secret keys (#4424) (d944574)
- add quarantine and backup keys (#4289) (ed9f8cb)
- add sending to stealth address (command, grpc, gui) (#4307) (a897278)
- add tari_crypto hashing api support (#4328) (dba167b)
- add tari_scanner (#4280) (bd672eb)
- base_layer/core: add domain hashing wrapper for consensus encoding (#4381) (ad11ec5)
- base_layer: checkpoint quorum validation (#4303) (e1704f4)
- base_layer: checkpoint signature validation (#4297) (850e78f)
- base_layer: new output field for minimum value range proof (#4319) (5cff7a9)
- base_layer: remove the initial_reward field for contracts (#4313) (a7daf3a)
- base-node: adds
command (#4430) (b2563a2) - build arm64 binaries from json matrix (#4342) (53397e0)
- bump tari_crypto version -> v0.15.4 (#4382) (5dd7811)
- bump toolchain for GHA from nightly-2021-11-20 to nightly-2022-05-01 (#4308) (dbdadcf)
- bump toolchain for GHA from nightly-2021-11-20 to nightly-2022-05-01 for develop (#4329) (9797c19)
- comms: auto detects configured tor control port auth (#4428) (98a7b0c)
- dan/engine: add more engine primitives and add template context (#4388) (a481f89)
- dan/engine: adds single state storage interface (#4368) (954efea)
- dan/wasm: implement basic wasm module engine calls (#4350) (ad89150)
- dan: add WASM template invocation from user instruction (#4331) (d265c6f)
- dan: basic template macro (#4358) (594ca0e)
- dan: invocation of functions in templates (#4343) (3d92eb0)
- dan: template macro handles component state (#4380) (696d909)
- fix kernel mutability (#4377) (d25d726)
- mempool: remove transaction for locally mined blocks that fail validation (#4306) (15f41b3)
- multi-threaded vanity id generator (#4345) (32569da)
- new esmeralda network (#4391) (622763a)
- proposal acceptance signatures are submitted and validated (#4288) (2bf7efe)
- read tor cookies from a file (#4317) (c75d224)
- remove hash_digest type (#4376) (7b2750a)
- remove hashing domain and update key manager (#4367) (e805f1f)
- remove recovery byte (#4301) (a2778f0)
- show tari script properly in tari_explorer (#4321) (4a1b50e)
- support for stealth addresses in one-sided transactions (#4310) (c73de62)
- tari launchpad downstream merge (#4322) (222052f)
- vn: recognize abandoned state (#4272) (e42085a)
- add divide by zero check (#4287) (75a8f59)
- add hashing api on comms repo (see issue #4393) (#4429) (9f32c31)
- add more recent zero point for wallet birthday (see issue #4176) (#4275) (815c478)
- addmissing assets for contribution guide (#4434) (4c68408)
- address points in issue #4138 and companions (#4336) (2ca0672), closes #4333 #4170
- apply network config overrides from cli or else file (#4407) (222ef15)
- better coinbase handling (see issue #4353) (#4386) (5581044)
- burned output check (#4374) (3b30fdb)
- cap unlimited rpc connection (#4442) (4f1a4fe)
- clippy (#4437) (7078784)
- clippy: allow unused_mut for not(feature = "libtor") (#4425) (36ed59a)
- comms/tor: re-establish tor control port connection for any failure (#4446) (6d9ca81)
- comms: use domain hasher for noise DH key derivation (#4432) (c93182c)
- consolidate sql migrations (see issue #4356) (#4415) (91cd76f)
- core: consensus hashing without extraneous length prefixes for each write (#4420) (16ddc4e)
- core: edge case fix for chunked iterator (#4315) (8854ca1)
- core: use domain-separated kdf for encrypted value (#4421) (c5a0aef)
- default to esme (#4398) (8d9a448)
- dht: add message padding for message decryption, to reduce message length leaks (fixes #4140) (#4362) (b56c63a)
- fix flaky port number assignments in cucumber (#4305) (e8d4a00)
- fix new block handling of non-tip blocks (#4431) (ee757df)
- fix OSX GHA build fix by bumping OSX release (#4300) (fe5954d)
- force peer identity signature (#4387) (c901dbc)
- implement hashing api for dan layer (see issue #4392) (#4427) (f7c5e77)
- improve wallet key derivation by use of proper domain separation (see issue #4170) (#4316) (7a25028)
- key_manager: remove trailing '.' from hashing domains, fix WASM tests (#4378) (214a986)
- low entropy mac passphrase in cipher seed (see issue #4182) (#4296) (1c5ec0d)
- possible overflow in difficulty calculation (fixes #3923) companion (#4097) (ddb8453)
- prevent code injection (#4327) (5391938)
- recover all known scripts (#4397) (7502fd6)
- remove tari_common dep from keymanager (#4335) (5e3797f)
- remove winapi compile warning (#4440) (7611468)
- solve breaking changes introduced by new tari-crypto tag (#4347) (3c74064)
- transaction validation excess signature check (#4314) (f6342a5)
- use HashError for value encryption parts (#4302) (a0da287)
- use SafePassword struct instead of String for passwords (#4320) (a059b99)
- validator-node: only submit checkpoint if the leader (#4294) (fd55107)
- wallet database encryption does not bind to field keys #4137 (#4340) (32184b5)
- wallet seed_words command is broken (see issue #4363) (#4370) (1cabd70)
- wallet: implement
in wallet grpc (#4359) (6eae661) - wallet: update seed words for output manager tests (#4379) (bfcb95c)
0.34.0 (2022-07-08)
- core: include issuer public key in contract id hash (#4239)
- dan_layer: generate and add checkpoint signatures (#4261)
- add checkpoint_number to checkpoint with basic base layer validations (#4258)
- add checkpoint_number to checkpoint with basic base layer validations (#4258) (7b76141)
- add encryption service (#4225) (6ce6b89)
- add range proof batch verification to validators (#4260) (02d3121)
- add tari engine for flow and wasm functions (#4237) (a997934)
- base_layer: basic checkpoint validation (#4293) (045997a)
- comms: add or_optional trait extension for RpcStatus (#4246) (11fddf6)
- contract acceptance signatures are submitted and validated (#4269) (414be33)
- core: validates non-contract utxos have no sidechain features (#4259) (a8ba89f)
- dan_layer/core: track checkpoint number for each checkpoint submitted (#4268) (16e07a0)
- dan_layer: generate and add checkpoint signatures (#4261) (0f581ca)
- wallet: uses tip height to calc abs acceptance period (#4271) (480d55d)
- add saturating sub to prevent potential underflow (#4286) (56d184a)
- base-node: minor fixups for hex/type parsing and long running commands (#4281) (f910cce)
- core: include issuer public key in contract id hash (#4239) (ef62c00)
- dan_layer/core: include state root in checkpoint signature (#4285) (bcaabf0)
- vn: scan and save contracts without autoaccept (#4265) (a137f53)
- wallet: handle not found rpc error in utxo scanning (#4249) (bcd14c7)
0.33.0 (2022-06-30)
- core: add contract index to blockchain database (#4184)
- core: replace OutputFlags with OutputType (#4174)
- core: add side-chain features and constitution to UTXOs (#4134)
- comms: commit to public key and nonce in identity sig (#3928)
- dht: fixes MAC related key vuln for propagated cleartext msgs (#3907)
- core: define OutputFlags for side-chain contracts (#4088)
- add an encrypted value to the TransactionOutput (#4148) (01b600a)
- add encrypted_value to the UnblindedOutput (#4142) (f79d383)
- add FeePerGramStats to ffi library (#4114) (234d32f)
- add sender to instructions (#4234) (6c116ac)
- add validator node checkpointing (#4217) (8b0add0)
- base_layer: basic contract constitution validation (#4232) (c2efd5e)
- base_layer: basic validations for proposals, proposal acceptances and amendments (#4238) (64f8972)
- base_layer: validate acceptance window expiration on dan layer (#4251) (25e316b)
- base_layer: validate duplicated acceptances (#4233) (3d8a3b2)
- base_layer: validate that contract definitions are not duplicated (#4230) (0a2812c)
- base_layer: validation of committee membership in contract acceptances (#4221) (641844a)
- base-node: improve contract utxo scanning (#4208) (0fcde31)
- change tari explorer block view (#4226) (652cba3)
- console-wallet: add contract-definition init command (#4164) (8685e2f)
- console-wallet: generate issuer key for contract init-definition (#4202) (7317d6b)
- constitution publishing (#4150) (ba83b8f)
- contract acceptance publication (#4151) (d3d3e91)
- contract auto acceptance (#4177) (87f9969)
- core: add contract acceptance utxo features (#4145) (2636cb5)
- core: add contract index to blockchain database (#4184) (b7e97f4)
- core: add side-chain features and constitution to UTXOs (#4134) (ada3143)
- core: adds constitution UTXO features (#4121) (da5696a)
- core: define OutputFlags for side-chain contracts (#4088) (50993a3)
- core: impl consensus encoding for bool (#4120) (682aa5d)
- core: new output features for changes in contracts (#4169) (41570f6)
- miner: friendlier miner output (#4219) (4245838)
- publication of contract update proposal acceptances (#4199) (e3b2b9b)
- scan base node for constitutions (#4144) (310a2d2)
- swap dalek bulletproofs for bulletproofs-plus (#4213) (46f9bb8)
- use tari_crypto's updated "extended pedersen commitment factory" (#4206) (50ce20a)
- validator_node: add global db (#4210) (3965267)
- validator-node: add logging (#4189) (2ed859f)
- validator-node: allow network to be configured via cli (#4190) (6a4c1a4)
- vn: record contract states (#4241) (92ae4ab)
- wallet selects previous checkpoint for spending (#4236) (90a5ec3)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create covenant (#4115) (dd65b4b)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create output features (#4109) (f8fa3ec)
- wallet: add help for wallet cli commands (#4162) (859b7d3)
- wallet: adds contract_id to outputs db (#4222) (6f331f8)
- wallet: new cli commands to initialise proposals and amendments (#4205) (40cbd50)
- wallet: new command to publish a contract definition transaction (#4133) (b4991a4)
- wallet: new command to publish a contract update proposal (#4188) (0e3bee0)
- wallet: publish contract amendment (#4200) (edcce4a)
ci: sort .license.ignore locally before diff (#4106) (8594754)
comms: commit to public key and nonce in identity sig (#3928) (5ac6133)
contract-index: adds support for ContractAmendment to contract index (#4214) (a41d0c9)
core: don't allow coinbase transactions in mempool (#4103) (46450d5)
dht: fixes MAC related key vuln for propagated cleartext msgs (#3907) (1e96d45)
hotstuff: fix bug where decide state was listening for wrong message (#4160) (fe7b304)
integration_test: fix wallet-cli integration tests (#4132) (4464064)
test: integration test for validator node is broken (#4192) (16d6ba5)
test: unifying dan layer integration tests (#4175) (f3495ee)
validator-node: return error if contract_id empty for publish_contract_acceptance grpc (#4191) (8874114)
vn scanning: only scan since last scan and restart accepted contracts (#4252) (43b4a53)
wallet: select only basic utxos when building a transaction (#4178) (42269ae)
wallet: use correct type for contract_id in the contract constitution file format (#4179) (669a1bd)
0.34.0 (2022-07-08)
- core: include issuer public key in contract id hash (#4239)
- dan_layer: generate and add checkpoint signatures (#4261)
- add checkpoint_number to checkpoint with basic base layer validations (#4258)
- add checkpoint_number to checkpoint with basic base layer validations (#4258) (7b76141)
- add encryption service (#4225) (6ce6b89)
- add range proof batch verification to validators (#4260) (02d3121)
- add tari engine for flow and wasm functions (#4237) (a997934)
- base_layer: basic checkpoint validation (#4293) (045997a)
- comms: add or_optional trait extension for RpcStatus (#4246) (11fddf6)
- contract acceptance signatures are submitted and validated (#4269) (414be33)
- core: validates non-contract utxos have no sidechain features (#4259) (a8ba89f)
- dan_layer/core: track checkpoint number for each checkpoint submitted (#4268) (16e07a0)
- dan_layer: generate and add checkpoint signatures (#4261) (0f581ca)
- wallet: uses tip height to calc abs acceptance period (#4271) (480d55d)
- add saturating sub to prevent potential underflow (#4286) (56d184a)
- base-node: minor fixups for hex/type parsing and long running commands (#4281) (f910cce)
- core: include issuer public key in contract id hash (#4239) (ef62c00)
- dan_layer/core: include state root in checkpoint signature (#4285) (bcaabf0)
- vn: scan and save contracts without autoaccept (#4265) (a137f53)
- wallet: handle not found rpc error in utxo scanning (#4249) (bcd14c7)
0.33.0 (2022-06-30)
- core: add contract index to blockchain database (#4184)
- core: replace OutputFlags with OutputType (#4174)
- core: add side-chain features and constitution to UTXOs (#4134)
- comms: commit to public key and nonce in identity sig (#3928)
- dht: fixes MAC related key vuln for propagated cleartext msgs (#3907)
- core: define OutputFlags for side-chain contracts (#4088)
- add an encrypted value to the TransactionOutput (#4148) (01b600a)
- add encrypted_value to the UnblindedOutput (#4142) (f79d383)
- add FeePerGramStats to ffi library (#4114) (234d32f)
- add sender to instructions (#4234) (6c116ac)
- add validator node checkpointing (#4217) (8b0add0)
- base_layer: basic contract constitution validation (#4232) (c2efd5e)
- base_layer: basic validations for proposals, proposal acceptances and amendments (#4238) (64f8972)
- base_layer: validate acceptance window expiration on dan layer (#4251) (25e316b)
- base_layer: validate duplicated acceptances (#4233) (3d8a3b2)
- base_layer: validate that contract definitions are not duplicated (#4230) (0a2812c)
- base_layer: validation of committee membership in contract acceptances (#4221) (641844a)
- base-node: improve contract utxo scanning (#4208) (0fcde31)
- change tari explorer block view (#4226) (652cba3)
- ci: build both x86/arm64 docker images from GHA (#4204) (28a8f8b)
- console-wallet: add contract-definition init command (#4164) (8685e2f)
- console-wallet: generate issuer key for contract init-definition (#4202) (7317d6b)
- constitution publishing (#4150) (ba83b8f)
- contract acceptance publication (#4151) (d3d3e91)
- contract auto acceptance (#4177) (87f9969)
- core: add contract acceptance utxo features (#4145) (2636cb5)
- core: add contract index to blockchain database (#4184) (b7e97f4)
- core: add side-chain features and constitution to UTXOs (#4134) (ada3143)
- core: adds constitution UTXO features (#4121) (da5696a)
- core: define OutputFlags for side-chain contracts (#4088) (50993a3)
- core: impl consensus encoding for bool (#4120) (682aa5d)
- core: new output features for changes in contracts (#4169) (41570f6)
- miner: friendlier miner output (#4219) (4245838)
- publication of contract update proposal acceptances (#4199) (e3b2b9b)
- scan base node for constitutions (#4144) (310a2d2)
- swap dalek bulletproofs for bulletproofs-plus (#4213) (46f9bb8)
- use tari_crypto's updated "extended pedersen commitment factory" (#4206) (50ce20a)
- validator_node: add global db (#4210) (3965267)
- validator-node: add logging (#4189) (2ed859f)
- validator-node: allow network to be configured via cli (#4190) (6a4c1a4)
- vn: record contract states (#4241) (92ae4ab)
- wallet selects previous checkpoint for spending (#4236) (90a5ec3)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create covenant (#4115) (dd65b4b)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create output features (#4109) (f8fa3ec)
- wallet: add help for wallet cli commands (#4162) (859b7d3)
- wallet: adds contract_id to outputs db (#4222) (6f331f8)
- wallet: allow UTXO selection by specific outputs and by token (#4227) (f2a7e18)
- wallet: new cli commands to initialise proposals and amendments (#4205) (40cbd50)
- wallet: new command to publish a contract definition transaction (#4133) (b4991a4)
- wallet: new command to publish a contract update proposal (#4188) (0e3bee0)
- wallet: publish contract amendment (#4200) (edcce4a)
ci: sort .license.ignore locally before diff (#4106) (8594754)
comms: commit to public key and nonce in identity sig (#3928) (5ac6133)
contract-index: adds support for ContractAmendment to contract index (#4214) (a41d0c9)
core: don't allow coinbase transactions in mempool (#4103) (46450d5)
dht: fixes MAC related key vuln for propagated cleartext msgs (#3907) (1e96d45)
hotstuff: fix bug where decide state was listening for wrong message (#4160) (fe7b304)
integration_test: fix wallet-cli integration tests (#4132) (4464064)
test: integration test for validator node is broken (#4192) (16d6ba5)
test: unifying dan layer integration tests (#4175) (f3495ee)
validator-node: return error if contract_id empty for publish_contract_acceptance grpc (#4191) (8874114)
vn scanning: only scan since last scan and restart accepted contracts (#4252) (43b4a53)
wallet: select only basic utxos when building a transaction (#4178) (42269ae)
wallet: use correct type for contract_id in the contract constitution file format (#4179) (669a1bd)
0.32.12 (2022-07-11)
0.32.11 (2022-07-11)
0.32.10 (2022-07-07)
- add mined_timestamp to wallet.db (#4267) (c6c9832)
- wallet_ffi: added mined_timestamp to TariUtxo (#4284) (6e1b3da)
- improve GHA docker image builds (#4257) (2c01421)
- removed code duplication in TariUtxo conversion (#4283) (455d161)
0.32.9 (2022-07-06)
0.32.8 (2022-07-04)
0.32.7 (2022-06-30)
0.32.6 (2022-06-29)
- ci: build both x86/arm64 docker images from GHA (#4204) (28a8f8b)
- wallet_ffi: add coin join and split (#4218) (af6c834)
- wallet: allow UTXO selection by specific outputs and by token (#4227) (f2a7e18)
0.32.5 (2022-06-20)
- generate wallet ffi header file automatically (#4183) (665f1f7)
- wallet_ffi: wallet_get_utxos() (#4209) (1b30524)
0.32.4 (2022-06-10)
- daily-tests: use environment variable to set custom seed words (#4086) (3773bba)
- wallet-ffi: adds FFI wallet_get_utxos() and test_wallet_get_utxos() (#4180) (9770402)
- better message for failed software update check (#4100) (f33a503)
- block-sync: check coinbase maturity (#4168) (38b4af7)
- dht: optimisation, no decrypt if public key dest doesn't match (#4131) (987972c)
0.32.3 (2022-05-23)
0.32.1 (2022-05-20)
- add FeePerGramStats to ffi library (#4114) (6f14034)
- add mempool fee per gram stats to transaction service (#4105) (34fd58a)
- dht: add feature to optionally bundle sqlite (#4104) (498248e)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create covenant (#4115) (121149a)
- wallet_ffi: new ffi method to create output features (fixed flag size for dibbler) (#4118) (cf3a1e6)
- core: set reorg metrics on header sync rewind (#4087) (354bae2)
- possible overflow in difficulty calculation (fixes #3923) (#4090) (e8d1091)
- single allocation for block header consensus encoding (#4101) (aa85738)
- tx importing status to correctly reflect the origin (#4119) (63a0df6)
- wallet header: remove function argument (#4092) (cf91e91)
- wallet: add default value for wait stage (#4089) (810d9ff)
- wallet: use network specified by cli/envvar in console wallet (#4096) (7f2252a)
0.32.0 (2022-05-10)
- major config rework. Config files should be recreated (#4006)
- allow network to be set by TARI_NETWORK env var (#4073) (c27be5c)
- collectibles: add list assets command (#3908) (5b726a6)
- merge mining proxy: check achieved Monero difficulty before submitting to Tari basenode (#4019) (b09fa76)
- p2p: adds tor.forward_address setting (#4070) (8c78717)
- tari_explorer: add total hashrate chart (#4054) (9e0ec36)
- add Environment cfg source and remove --create-id (#4018) (e59e657)
- base-node: assign correct base dir to tor identity (#4081) (1464f8b)
- dht: saf storage uses constructs correct msg hash (#4003) (e1e7669)
- dht: sets file default for DHT db (#4030) (5b125e7)
- dns-seeds: use correct cloudflare resolver default (#4029) (c95e589)
- fix github integration tests (#4008) (aa143c6)
- github actions (#4014) (a03392e)
- ignore test that timeout in github action (#4010) (6c5471e)
- key-manager: remove floating point math from mnemonic code (#4064) (c2d60b3)
- launchpad build docker images (#4042) (50e2812)
- launchpad: fix config presets (#4028) (1b8b274)
- long running and non critical github action (#4009) (3b8cb8b)
- makes header consensus encoding infallible (#4045) (5ebf129)
- only count base nodes in peers count in base node status (#4039) (190d75a)
- prevent seed peer address from being overwritten unless newer (#4085) (59b76c3)
- support safe non-interactive mode (#4072) (b34f79d)
- test_output_manager_sqlite_db(_encrypted) (#4025) (7a6f980)
- update daily test configuration (#4049) (b15d682)
- wallet: do not prompt for password if given in config (#4040) (fc1aa65)
- wallet: ensure block hash exists (#4083) (a258984)
- weird behaviour of dates in base node banned peers (#4037) (7097185)
0.31.1 (2022-04-06)
- clippy error when not on unix (#4000) (7e38259)
- fix NodeIdentityHasNoAddress when creating new node identity (#4002) (76b526e)
0.31.0 (2022-04-05)
- add config setting to resize terminal (#3920) (ce697bd)
- add less aggressive txn cancelling (#3904) (40bedde)
- check file perms on identity files (#3958) (7f381d3)
- implement qr code for base node (#3977) (2f618a2)
- remove spawn blocking calls from wallet db (output manager service) (#3982) (cbf75ca)
- update committee from the committee definions TXs (#3911) (0b29c89)
- wallet: send a cancel message to a receiver when it responds to a canceled transaction (#3976) (96d24c6)
- another fix for the recovery daily test (#3978) (73365a4)
- estimated hashrate calculation is incorrect (#3996) (4587fc0)
- recovery daily test reporting of uT was rounding incorrectly (#3992) (b5797b7)
- separate watch loop for the non-interactive mode (#3979) (9bf6503)
0.30.2 (2022-03-29)
- add output option to the status command (#3969) (aabb653)
- revert changes to key manager branch seed strings (#3971) (db688aa)
0.30.1 (2022-03-28)
- add mmr check to reconstructed block and mempool validation for unique excess signature (#3930) (b8f9db5)
- dht: monitor and display warning for min ratio for TCPv4 nodes (#3953) (c4070ff)
- gracefully handle recovering a duplicate output in LibWallet (#3903) (bcd1418)
- listen to terminal events in the watch mode (#3931) (869abd3)
- metrics: add UTXO set size to base node metrics (#3932) (08ecabc)
- script to produce coverage report for wallet (#3938) (48eb86e)
- base-node: disable SAF auto requests (#3919) (b34503b)
- bug in block timing grpc method (#3926) (1c7adc0)
- correct main path for wallet rpc client (#3934) (b36295c)
- fix ffi import external utxo from faucet (#3956) (3480323)
- fix handling of creating faux transaction for recovered outputs (#3959) (c5eb9e5)
- fix Tor ID deserialization issue (#3950) (c290ab9)
- launch the watch command on start (#3924) (7145201)
- sync: adds extra checks for sync stream termination (#3927) (dd544cb)
- sync: ban peer if sending invalid prev_header (#3955) (384ab0c)
- wallet: ensure that identity sig is stored on startup (#3951) (b8d08ed)
- wallet: tor identity private key needs to be serialized (#3946) (a68614e)
0.30.0 (2022-03-16)
- change hash to use consensus encoding (#3820)
- aligned tables left (#3899) (1279773)
- consensus: check blockchain version within valid range (#3916) (faf23f3)
- change hash to use consensus encoding (#3820) (3a2da1d)
0.29.0 (2022-03-14)
Existing nodes should delete their databases and resync.
- add recovery byte to output features (#3727)
- add support for specifying custom messages for scanned outputs in libwallet (#3871)
- add committee management utxo (#3835)
- add committee management utxo (#3835) (50fe421)
- add contacts liveness service to base layer wallet (#3857) (0d96ea3)
- add contacts status to tui (#3868) (30bf86b)
- add liveness call to wallet GRPC (#3854) (9ab832a)
- add logging of cancelled outputs when transaction is rejected (#3863) (d28703d)
- add recovery byte to output features (#3727) (c9985de)
- add support for make-it-rain command (#3830) (0322402)
- add support for specifying custom messages for scanned outputs in libwallet (#3871) (0d7f8fc)
- adds get-mempool-tx command (#3841) (a49b1af)
- base-node: allow status line interval to be configured (#3852) (427463d)
- collectibles: add basic window menu items (#3847) (c8ebe5b)
- dht: convenience function for DHT to discover then connect (#3840) (da59c85)
- update committee selection from collectibles (#3872) (daf140d)
- update console wallet notifications (e3e8b3d)
- update FFI client user agent string (4a6df68)
- validator-node: committee proposes genesis block w/ instructions (#3844) (68a9f76)
- add bound for number of console_wallet notifications (033db2a)
- block-sync: use avg latency to determine slow sync peer for block sync (#3912) (f091c25)
- core: correctly filter pruned sync peers for block sync (#3902) (bfdfce6)
- dht: use blocking tasks for db calls (1832416)
- fix flakey
integration test (#3866) (ab52f5e) - fix merge mining proxy pool mining (#3814) (407160c)
- improve sha3 pool mining (#3846) (be75c74)
- remove critical tag from flaky cucumber test (#3865) (64b72de)
- update metadata size calculation to use FixedSet.iter() (dbbe095)
- update wallet logging config (7675e75)
- validator-node: fix consensus stall after genesis (#3855) (64efeff)
- wallet: minor wording fix on transactions tab (#3853) (fd32bc9)
0.28.1 (2022-02-17)
- add persistence of transaction cancellation reason to wallet db (#3842) (31410cd)
- cli: resize terminal height (#3838) (9026152)
- resize base node terminal on startup (#3827) (00bc6e2), closes #1728
- sync: switch peers when max latency is exceeded (#3741) (9e4af94)
- update console wallet tui (#3837) (3403db6)
- validator-node: initial state sync implementation (partial) (#3826) (ee4b52d)
- wallet: add grpc method for setting base node (#3828) (8791e93)
- daily test (#3815) (815ba8e)
- dan: include state_root in node hash (#3836) (5cda980)
- update RFC links and README (#3675) (#3839) (22416a1)
- wallet: fix aggressive disconnects in wallet connectivity (#3807) (86e0154)
0.28.0 (2022-02-10)
- add scanned transaction handling for one-sided payments with callbacks (#3794)
- wallet_ffi: add base node connectivity callback to wallet ffi (#3796)
- ability to compile on stable rust (#3759) (c19db92)
- add logging and config to collectibles (#3781) (96a1e4e)
- add scanned transaction handling for one-sided payments with callbacks (#3794) (5453c9e)
- add specific LibWallet error code for “Fee is greater than amount” (#3793) (5aa2a66)
- base-node: add base node prometheus metrics (#3773) (7502c02)
- base-node: add number of active sync peers metric (#3784) (3495e85)
- collectibles: add delete committee member button (#3786) (51f2f91)
- prevent ambiguous output features in transaction protocols (#3765) (f5b6ab6)
- re-use scanned range proofs (#3764) (ffd502d)
- read asset definitions from base layer (#3802) (86de08b)
- validator_node: add get_sidechain_block p2p rpc method (#3803) (74df1d0)
- wallet_ffi: add base node connectivity callback to wallet ffi (#3796) (66ea697)
- bump flood ban messages config (#3799) (bbd0e1e)
- coinbase output recovery bug (#3789) (beb299e)
- comms: minor edge-case fix to handle inbound connection while dialing (#3785) (2f9603b)
- core: fetch_header_containing_*_mmr functions now take a 0-based mmr position (#3749) (f5b72d9)
- core: fix potential panic for sidechain merkle root with incorrect length (#3788) (b3cc6f2)
- core: reduce one block behind waiting period (#3798) (cc41f36)
- ffi: missing param in header.h (#3774) (7645a83)
- ffi: mut pointers should be const (#3775) (d09ba30)
- fix rustls and trust-dns-client after version bump (#3816) (e6e845c)
- improved image handling in collectibles (#3808) (4b22252)
- minor fixes on collectibles (#3795) (cfc42dd)
- text explorer show sha-3 correctly + minor fixes (#3779) (a5dacf2)
0.27.2 (2022-01-28)
0.27.0 (2022-01-28)
- ffi: Add commitment_signature_create and destroy (#3768)
- ffi: add features, metadata_signature and sender_offset_public_key to import_utxo (#3767)
- collectibles: add form validation error when committee not set (#3750) (dfdaf4b)
- console-wallet: shift+tab to go to prev tab (#3748) (9725f5f)
- explorer: better view on mempool (#3763) (caa2837)
- ffi: Add commitment_signature_create and destroy (#3768) (2df8193)
- ffi: add features, metadata_signature and sender_offset_public_key to import_utxo (#3767) (7d8aa69)
- show error if IPFS upload fails (#3746) (b58cf4c)
- update the available balance in console wallet (#3760) (d3edfe5)
- fix attempting to validate faux transaction (#3758) (7de1b23)
- fix cucumber test for standard recovery (#3757) (1d58977)
- properly decrypt imported faux tx when reading from db (#3754) (997b74b)
- use of branch seed in key manager (#3751) (ec92919)
0.26.1 (2022-01-26)
- collectibles: add form validation error when committee not set (#3750) (dfdaf4b)
- console-wallet: shift+tab to go to prev tab (#3748) (9725f5f)
- show error if IPFS upload fails (#3746) (b58cf4c)
- properly decrypt imported faux tx when reading from db (#3754) (997b74b)
- use of branch seed in key manager (#3751) (ec92919)
0.26.0 (2022-01-25)
- generate new dibbler genesis block (#3742)
- core: add missing consensus encoding length byte rangeproof & covenants (#3730)
- core: add missing consensus encoding length byte rangeproof & covenants (#3730) (d56da1a)
- ensure that features are set when syncing peers (#3745) (8efd2e4)
- move config to one file (9f9a46c)
0.25.1 (2022-01-24)
- add icon to mining node (#3555) (4551a90)
- add sync progress grpc (#3722) (d47ad5e)
- validator node shows its public key on startup (#3734) (fc7da51)
- validator: add grpc identity rpc (#3731) (6d2a4a4)
0.25.0 (2022-01-21)
- don't include duplicate unique ID in same block template (#3713)
- reinstate 2 min blocks for dibbler (#3720)
- add command line arguments support to collectibles (#3714) (696f2ef)
- base_node: base node keeps track of historical reorgs (#3718) (79ffdec)
- collectibles: fix setup and unlock (#3724) (f98596d)
- collectibles: various ui fixes (#3726) (1cc51a9)
- comms: ensure signature challenge is constructed consistently (#3725) (e5173b7)
- don't include duplicate unique ID in same block template (#3713) (b501771)
- put libtor behind optional feature flag (#3717) (e850cf0)
- reinstate 2 min blocks for dibbler (#3720) (3c5890d)
0.24.0 (2022-01-18)
- fix tx and txo validation callback bug in wallet FFI (#3695)
- compact block propagation (#3704)
- add versioning to transaction(input,output,kernel) (#3709) (08995c7)
- compact block propagation (#3704) (274b7d9)
- enable optional libtor for macos/linux (#3703) (572168f)
- update faux transaction status when imported output is validated (#3684) (aaeb186)
0.23.0 (2022-01-13)
- mempool: optimisations,excess sig index,fix weight calc (#3691)
- comms: add signature to peer identity to allow third party identity updates (#3629)
- provide a compact form of TransactionInput (#3460)
- comms: optimise connection establishment (#3658)
- add 721 template stub (#3643) (5c276ee)
- add chain storage and mempool validation for unique asset ids (#3416) (7331b0c)
- add connect per site into the web extension (#3626) (75aa0a3)
- add dibbler testnet and genesis block (6f355f7)
- add file uploading to ipfs for asset create (#3524) (b1ee1df)
- add onboarding flow for web extension (#3582) (0c47bc8)
- add tari collectibles app (#3480) (eb46127)
- add wallet stub to collectibles app (#3589) (dfc3b92)
- collectibles: load asset registrations from base node on dash (#3532) (1fd5d03)
- comms: add signature to peer identity to allow third party identity updates (#3629) (c672d48)
- compile key manager to wasm and add javascript interface (#3565) (35790d6)
- covenants implementation (#3656) (8dfcf3a)
- create tari web extension application stub (#3535) (4a61c04)
- example to generate vanity node_ids (#3654) (40fd1f0)
- provide a compact form of TransactionInput (#3460) (834eff9)
- allow 0-conf in blockchain db (#3680) (246709a)
- comms: improve simultaneous connection handling (#3697) (99ba6a3)
- prefer configured seeds over dns seeds (#3662) (0f438aa)
- remove noise negotiation for debugging on bad wire mode (#3657) (eee73f7)
0.22.1 (2022-01-04)
- add GRPC call to search for utxo via commitment hex (#3666) (d006b67)
- add search by commitment to explorer (#3668) (18f6e29)
- base_node switching for console_wallet when status is offline (#3639) (ca5f0ee)
- custom_base_node in config (#3651) (2c677b8)
- improve wallet recovery and scanning handling of reorgs (#3655) (fe9033b)
- tari launchpad (#3671) (5dd9e1c)
- edge cases causing bans during header/block sync (#3661) (95af1cf)
- end stale outbound queue immediately on disconnect, retry outbound messages (#3664) (576a00c)
- return correct index for include_pruned_utxos = false (#3663) (80854b2)
0.22.0 (2021-12-07)
Base node users should delete their node databases and resync
- consensus: add tari script byte size limit check to validation (#3640)
- pruned mode: prune inputs, allow horizon sync resume and other fixes (#3521)
- sending one-sided transactions in wallet_ffi (#3634)
- multiple monerod addresses in tari merge mining proxy (#3628)
- separate peer seeds to (#3635)
- console wallet grpc_console_wallet_addresss config (#3619)
- add tcp bypass settings for tor in wallet_ffi (#3615)
- expose reason for transaction cancellation for callback in wallet_ffi (#3601)
- add ban peers metric (#3605) (65157b0)
- add bulletproof rewind profiling (#3618) (5790a9d)
- add page for detailed mempool in explorer (#3613) (970f811)
- add tcp bypass settings for tor in wallet_ffi (#3615) (1003f91)
- bad block list for invalid blocks after sync (#3637) (5969723)
- consensus: add tari script byte size limit check to validation (#3640) (53a5174)
- display network for console wallet (#3611) (7432c62)
- expose reason for transaction cancellation for callback in wallet_ffi (#3601) (3b3da21)
- implement dht pooled db connection (#3596) (2ac0757)
- improve wallet responsiveness (#3625) (73d862f)
- language detection for mnemonic seed words (#3590) (57f51bc)
- only trigger UTXO scanning when a new block event is received (#3620) (df1be7e)
- prevent banning of connected base node in wallet (#3642) (363b254)
- removed transaction validation redundant events (#3630) (c3dbdc9)
- sending one-sided transactions in wallet_ffi (#3634) (e501aa0)
- standardize output hash for unblinded output, transaction output and transaction input (#3592) (2ba437b)
- track ping failures and disconnect (#3597) (91fe921)
- use CipherSeed wallet birthday for recovery start point (#3602) (befa621)
- allow bullet proof value only rewinding in atomic swaps (#3586) (889796a)
- allow bullet proof value only rewinding off one-sided transaction (#3587) (f32a38f)
- be more permissive of responses for the incorrect request_id (#3588) (c0d625c)
- console wallet grpc_console_wallet_addresss config (#3619) (b09acd1)
- get-peer command works with public key again (#3636) (2e1500b)
- improve handling of old base nodes and reorgs in wallet recovery (#3608) (bb94ea2)
- minor improvements to available neighbouring peer search (#3598) (e59d194)
- multiple monerod addresses in tari merge mining proxy (#3628) (ddb9268)
- pruned mode: prune inputs, allow horizon sync resume and other fixes (#3521) (a4341a0)
- remove delay from last request latency call (eb8b815)
- remove delay from last request latency call (#3579) (c82a8ca)
- seed word parsing (#3607) (fff45db)
- separate peer seeds to (#3635) (326579b)
- update daily test start times and seed phrase (#3584) (8e271d7)
- use json 5 for tor identity (regression) (#3624) (7d49fa4)
0.21.2 (2021-11-19)
- add atomic swap refund transaction handling (#3573) (337bc6f)
- improve wallet connectivity status for console wallet (#3577) (e191e27)
0.21.1 (2021-11-17)
- add atomic swap htlc sending and claiming (#3552) (a185506)
- add error codes to LibWallet for CipherSeed errors (#3578) (2913804)
- add support for MultiAddr in RPC config (#3557) (9f8e289)
- get fee for transactions for stratum transcoder (#3571) (ccf1da0)
- implement multiple read single write for sqlite (#3568) (8d22164)
- implement prometheus metrics for base node (#3563) (433bc46)
- one-click installer - cli edition (#3534) (ec67798)
- trigger time lock balance update when block received (#3567) (11b8afa)
- wallet: import utxo’s as EncumberedToBeReceived rather than Unspent (#3575) (c286d40)
- avoid implicit using of the time crate (#3562) (23e8398)
- stop leak of value of recovered output (#3558) (e0f2187)
- use time crate instead of chrono (#3527) (d211031)
0.21.0 (2021-11-09)
- remove outdated wallet_ffi balance methods (#3528)
- rpc: read from substream while streaming to check for interruptions (#3548)
- add ffi get mnemonic wordlist (#3538) (d8e0ced)
- optimize transaction validation for wallet (#3537) (9064b83)
add check for old db encryption and provide warning (#3549) (69bbbdf)
add decision step between header sync and pruned/archival (#3546) (23e868a)
check for previously cancelled completed txn before accepting a repeat message (#3542) (911b83b)
prevent race condition between block propagation and sync (#3536) (6bbb654)
remove dns resolver config from cucumber tests, use default (#3547) (e17ee64)
rpc: read from substream while streaming to check for interruptions (#3548) (9194501)
update the seed words used in the Daily tests (#3545) (7696840)
use tcp tls backend for peer seed DNS resolution (#3544) (5b38909)
remove outdated wallet_ffi balance methods (#3528) (413757b)
0.13.0 (2021-11-04)
- implement new CipherSeed and upgrade encryption KDF (#3505)
- add a Rejected status to TransactionStatus (#3512) (c65a01c)
- add caching and clippy annotations to CI (#3518) (beacb9e)
- implement new CipherSeed and upgrade encryption KDF (#3505) (ef4f84f)
- edge case fix for integer pair iter (#3508) (097e3e2)
- header sync must allow transition to archival/pruned if tip is behind (#3520) (e028386)
0.12.0 (2021-10-29)
- wallet_ffi: add get_balance callback to wallet ffi (#3475)
- apps should not depend on other app configs (#3469)
- add decay_params method (#3454) (a027f32)
- add sql query to obtain balance (#3446) (e23ceec)
- apps should not depend on other app configs (#3469) (b33e8b5)
- improve logging for tari_mining_node (#3449) (db9eb96)
- optimize get transactions query (#3496) (e651a60)
- optimize pending transactions inbound query (#3500) (4ea02e7)
- revalidate all outputs (#3471) (9bd4760)
- tx weight takes tariscript and output features into account [igor] (#3411) (5bef3fd)
- wallet_ffi: add get_balance callback to wallet ffi (#3475) (930860d)
- add details to UnknownError (#3429) (dddc18f)
- add display_currency_decimal method (#3445) (1f52ffc)
- add sanity checks to prepare_new_block (#3448) (76bc1f0)
- ban peer that advertises higher PoW than able to provide (#3478) (c04fca5)
- check SAF message inflight and check stored_at is in past (#3444) (fbf8eb8)
- correct panic in tracing for comms (#3499) (af15fcc)
- dht: discard encrypted message with no destination (#3472) (6ca3424)
- ensure that accumulated orphan chain data is committed before header validation (#3462) (80f7c78)
- fix config file whitespace issue when auto generated in windows (#3491) (996c047)
- fix confusing names in get_balance functions (#3447) (6cd9228)
- fix flakey rust tests (#3435) (7384201)
- fix recovery test reporting message (#3479) (335b626)
- improve responsiveness of wallet base node switching (#3488) (762cb9a)
- improve test Wallet should display transactions made (#3501) (6b3bac8)
- prevent tari_mining_node from being able to start without a valid address for pool mining (#3440) (92dee77)
- remove consensus breaking change in transaction input (#3474) (d1b3523)
- remove is_synced check for transaction validation (#3459) (53989f4)
- remove unbounded vec allocations from base node grpc/p2p messaging (#3467) (5d7fb20)
- remove unnecessary wallet dependency (#3438) (07c2c69)
- sha256sum isn't available on all *nix platforms (#3466) (6f61582)
- typo in console wallet (#3465) (401aff9)
- u64->i64->u64 conversion; chain split height as u64 (#3442) (43b2033)
- upgrade rustyline dependencies (#3476) (a05ac5e)
- validate dht header before dedup cache (#3468) (81f01d2)
0.11.0 (2021-10-08)
- new transaction and output validation protocol (#3421)
- allow tor proxy to be bypassed for outbound tcp connections (#3424) (6a5982e)
- new transaction and output validation protocol (#3421) (6578d1e), closes #3191 #3352 #3383 #3391 #3394 #3400 #3417
- update coinbase handling for new tx and output validation (#3383) (8b546c9)
- allow env override of mining node pool settings (#3428) (423dbe1)
- auto update cucumber tests, reduced timeout (#3418) (ce17627)
- don't display an error when there is no message to be read in tari_mining_node (#3409) (eb4b560)
- handle recovering a duplicate output (#3426) (f9c9201)
- network switching (#3413) (9a369a0)
- only allow one session per peer for block/header sync (#3402) (06da165)
- reduce console wallet tui memory usage (#3389) (ca1e9fd)
- update default sha3 pool address in readme and config (#3405) (dae656a)
- update message on finding a valid share in tari_mining_node (#3408) (7c13fde)
- updates to daily recovery test (#3433) (8ac27be)
- use intermediate u64 to calculate average (#3432) (ff6bc38)
0.10.1 (2021-10-01)
- add substream count to list-connections (#3387) (965cac2)
- display weight, #inputs, #outputs in wallet for txn (#3393) (6d57cbd)
- get-peer supports partial node id lookup (#3379) (e5af5f7)
- implement DHT protocol versioning, includes #3243 (#3377) (d676bba)
- improve console wallet responsiveness (#3304) (73017a4)
- merge consensus breaking changes in #3195 #3193 with weatherwax compatibility (#3372) (79c9c1d)
- additional check for cancelled transactions (#3369) (ac5f26e)
- fix console wallet tick events endless loop edge case at shutdown (#3380) (b40a98f)
- fix debouncer delay bug (#3376) (4ac2fb2)
- iOS linker error workaround (#3401) (58105d3)
- mempool stats reflects unconfirmed pool (#3398) (596ea4a)
- pressing b key should not clear existing base node in console wallet (#3364) (e594c5f)
- relative paths for logs is now relative to data path instead of current execution directory (#3365) (e164c2b)
- remove unnecessary range proof verify and fix test temp disk usage (#3334) (eeb62a6)
- resolved feature flags for openssl vendoring (#3287) (30343d4)
- wallet recovery (#3366) (2fde873)
0.10.0 (2021-09-17)
- add base installer stubs (#3281) (074034b), closes #3102
- add get-db-stats command (#3274) (d785f4f)
- add logging of Monero PoW data to debug merge mining (#3276) (b0bf982)
- ping-peer command (#3295) (a04a2a6)
- rpc response message chunking (#3336) (496ff14)
- show status avx2 feature and randomx count and flags (#3261) (e2d8d1f)
- update+notifications for console wallet (#3284) (faa27fc)
- always grow database when asked to resize (#3313) (603bcb3)
- ban header sync peer if no headers provided (#3297) (570e222)
- block sync validation (#3236) (fd081c8)
- ci: add quotes to pr title ci (29247c2), closes #3254
- dead_code lint error when base_node_feature is not set (#3354) (7fa0572)
- dedup sql error when deleting many entries (#3300) (7e58845)
- disable P2P transaction negotiation while recovery is in progress (#3248) (844e6cf)
- disconnected node was never ready (#3312) (dfc6fd2)
- fix median timestamp index (#3349) (0757e9b)
- fix regression in cucumber tests for wallet ffi step (#3356) (481f3c9)
- handle stream read error case by explicitly closing the substream (#3321) (336f4d6)
- invalid forced sync peer now returns configerror (#3350) (8163ef8)
- prevent immediate run of wallet recovery on cron script (#3260) (969b306)
- randomx memory usage (#3301) (52e409d), closes #3104 #3103
- reduce overly-eager connection reaping for slow connections (#3308) (9a0c999)
- remove explicit panic from rpc handshake on io error (#3341) (c2ebfc8)
- remove sqlite from windows installer and scripts (#3362) (b2b6912)
- resolved design flaw in wallet_ffi library (#3285) (2e6638c)
- stop MTP attack (#3357) (a82638a)
- update balance after pending transaction is created (#3320) (47bafbf)
- update block explorer to use local grpc (#3348) (fc1e120)
- update cucumber tests for walletffi.feature (#3275) (38191d3)
- wait couple rounds for no pings to send an event (#3315) (2dcc0ea)
- add ability to bypass rangeproof (#3265) (055271fc)
- allow network to be selected at application start (#3247) (8a36fb56)
- add Igor testnet (#3256) (0f6d3b1c)
- improve basenode switch from listening to lagging mode (#3255) (9dc335f6)
- allow DHT to be configured to repropagate messages for a number of rounds (#3211) (60f286b3)
- base_node prompt user to create id if not found (#3245) (6391941f)
- add support for forcing sync from seeds (#3228) (d1329320)
- wallet: add tab for error log to the wallet (#3250) (098f25dc)
- make logging less noisy (#3267) (4798161b)
- remove cucumber walletffi.js file that got re-included in rebase (#3271) (77c92565)
- auto update continuously checks auto_update_check_interval is disabled (#3270) (b3bff31c)
- revert mining_node default logging config (#3262) (edc1a2b9)
- off-by-one causing "no further headers to download" bug (#3264) (3502b397)
- small display bug (#3257) (d1bb7377)
- send transactions to all connected peers (#3239) (16f779ed)
- add periodic connection check to wallet connectivity service (#3237) (8c7066bc)
- fix base_node_service_config not read (#3251) (80066887)
- daily wallet recovery fixes (#3229) (6970230d)
- remove OpenSSL from Windows runtime (#3242) (0048c3bc)
- add status output to logs in non-interactive mode (#3244) (6b91bb63)
- exit command and free up tokio thread (#3235) (d924beb6)
- show warnings on console (#3225) (3291021c)
- edge-case fixes for wallet peer switching in console wallet (#3226) (f577df8e)
- chain error caused by zero-conf transactions and reorgs (#3223) (f0404273)
- bug in wallet base node peer switching (#3217) (878c317b)
- division by zero (8a988e1c)
- improve p2p RPC robustness (#3208) (211dcfdb)
- wallet: add NodeId to console wallet Who Am I tab (#3213) (706ff5e5)
- wallet_ffi: fix division by zero during recovery (#3214) (abd3d849)
- add
to all comms RPC clients (#3227) (b5b62238)
- base nodes should delete their database and resync
- add sync rpc client pool to wallet connectivity (#3199) (305aeda1)
- wallet: add network selection to wallet_ffi (#3178) (f0f40b20)
- fix console wallet buffer size bug (#3200) (b94667fd)
- ensure peers are added to peer list before recovery starts (#3186) (5f33414a)
- enforce unique commitments in utxo set (#3173) (23a7d64c)
- cleanup stratum config terminal output in tari_mining_node (#3181) (6c38f226)
- wallet: handle receiver cancelling an inbound transaction that is later received (#3177) (c79e53cf)
- set robust limits for busy a blockchain (#3150) (c993780a)
- update handling of SAF message propagation and deletion (#3164) (cedb4efc)
- improve prune mode to remove panics (#3163) (05f78132)
- better method for getting an open port in cucumber tests (2d9f3a60)
- fix utxo scan edge case when pc awakes from sleep (#3160) (5bdc9f39)
- ban peer when merkle roots mismatch (39ddd337)
- fix search_kernel command (#3157) (dc99898e)
- introduce cache update cool down to console wallet (#3146) (5de92526)
- add timeout to protocol notifications + log improvements (#3143) (77018464)
- fix GRPC GetTransactionInfo not found response (#3145) (0e0bfe0f)
- fix cucumber transaction builder reliability (#3147) (d4a7fdd3)
- wallet:
- wallet connectivity service (#3159) (54e8c8e4)
- add a shared p2p rpc client session pool to reduce rpc setup time (#3152) (778f9512)
- miningcore transcoder (#3003) (ee9a225c)
- mining_node: mining worker name for tari_mining_node (#3185) (48a62f98)
- update LibWallet
method to include valid TariScript (#3139) (cc6de2ab) - update LibWallet recovery task event handling (#3142) (0861d726)
- improve reliability of get block template protocol in mm proxy (#3141) (6afde62f)
- replace usage of RangeProof MR with Witness MR (#3129) (bbfc6878)
- fix prune mode sync (#3138) (d0d1d614)
- update transaction and block validator to use full deleted map (#3137) (4f1509e6)
- bug that causes non p2p apps to panic on startup (#3131) (389dd748)
- console wallet now recognises comms settings (#3121) (162e98bf)
- add persistent dedup cache for message hashes (#3130) (08f2675d)
- comms:
- tcp-only p2p protocol listener (#3127) (6fefd18a)
- wallet: add extra feedback to recovery monitoring callback in Wallet FFI (#3128) (02836b09)
- console wallet now recognises comms settings (#3121) (162e98bf)
- accumulated block data bitmap now contains current stxo indexes (#3109) (77b1789d)
- fix prune mode sync bug introduced in TariScript (#3082) (b374e7fd)
- accumulated block data bitmap only contains current stxo indexes (d8440437)
- don't log tor control port password (#3110) (12320ec8)
- reduce UTXO batch size query limit to account for 4MB frame size (#3098) (c4f5a875)
- update transaction status from broadcast if already minedi (#3101) (32fe3d26)
- run wallet on windows terminal if present. (#3091) (bd017bca)
- fallback to default flags if rxcache initialization fails (#3087) (eace2ffe)
- update parsing of
config field (#3081) (1f20252b) - fix bug in wallet FFI header file (#3075) (a835032d)
- update
crate feature flags to exclude git2 from lib_wallet build (#3072) (a54d87f2) - improve transaction receive protocol logic (#3067) (60de24c9)
- wallet:
- accumulated block data bitmap now contains current stxo indexes (#3109) (77b1789d)
- fix prune mode sync bug introduced in TariScript (#3082) (b374e7fd)
- accumulated block data bitmap only contains current stxo indexes (d8440437)
- add networking grpc calls to wallet and base node (#3100) (17f37fb6)
- add support for
multiaddrs to dns resolver (#3105) (6d48dbe8) - Add support for
multiaddrs to dns resolver (db384c05) - add one-sided txns to make-it-rain (#3084) (043f27d6)
- wallet: add contact lookup in wallet. (#3096) (92993d7a)
- fix missing edge case in header sync (#3060) (0f0fb856)
- remove unstable impl trait from Tari comms (#3056) (08b019f0)
- fix db update error (#3063) (b95d558f)
- remove unimplemented Blake pow algo variant (#3047) (347973e3, breaks #)
- fix small issues related to #3020 (#3026) (da1d7579)
- update connectivity manager defaults (#3031) (229830e5)
- check minimum number of headers for calc-timing (#3009) (b3522027)
- fix
Unique Constraint
bug when requesting a coinbase output at same height (#3004) (537db06f) - cancel faux transaction when imported UTXO is invalidated (#2984) (472c3086)
- update console wallet on one sided payment import (#2983) (f45cdc46)
- fix prune mode (#2952) (f7dc3a44)
- fix ChainStorageError after a reorg with new block (#2915) (7e99ea59)
- improve error messages in tari applications (#2951) (e04c884e)
- merge dev, update peer seeds (#2974) (94ffd185)
- implement cucumber tests for one-sided recovery and scanning (#2955) (b55d99fe)
- update rust nightly toolchain (#2957) (812a1611)
- update failing rust tests (#2961) (ed17fee3)
- wallet: increment wallet key manager index during recovery (#2973) (c9fdeb3d)
- remove unimplemented Blake pow algo variant (#3047) (347973e3
- ffi:
takes seed words for recovery (#2986) (a2c6b17d
- bundle openssl dependency (#3038) (7fd5c286)
- bundle sqlite dependency (#3036) (7bd13411)
- add tari script transaction data structures (#3064) (266b5f1c)
- implement metadata comsig on txn output (#3057) (8ecbb1f2)
- software auto updates for base node (#3039) (cf33cdb5)
- add zero conf tx (#3043) (742dd9e6)
- network separation and protocol versioning implementation (#3030) (2c9f6999)
- add filtering of abandoned coinbase txs to console wallet (#3032) (ae15fd9c)
- add input_mr and witness_mr to header (#3041) (65552cbd)
- Change script_signature type to ComSig (#3016) (adb4a640)
- update app state when base node is set by command/script mode (#3019) (4a499564)
- add sender signature to txn output (#3020) (7901b3ca)
- display local time instead of UTC. Add new wallet commands. (#2994) (b3760202)
- mininal merkle proof for monero pow data (#2996) (ac062e57)
- modify gamma calculation for TariScript (c88d789e)
- fix birthday attack vulnerability in tari script offset (#2956) (5174de0d)
- improve LWMA (#2960) (db303e8c)
- ffi:
takes seed words for recovery (#2986) (a2c6b17d) - wallet: