Releases: devtron-labs/devtron
Releases · devtron-labs/devtron
- fix: Nats server version upgrade (#2837)
- fix: K8s side resources error handled some unable to fetch some kinds in cluster (#2896)
- fix: helm and gitOps pipeline feature gap changes (#2891)
- fix: Adding /Deleting git material reflection in workflow editor and build & deploy (#2744)
- fix: issue resolved for notification on deployment trigger and telemetry summary event (#2893)
- fix: helm manifest output in deployment history (#2822)
- fix: sending appName in the response of getAppWorkflow API (#2879)
- fix: cluster not reachable handling (#2872)
- fix: bitbucket gitops config fixes (#2768)
- fix: updated sonarqube plugin script (#2855)
- fix: updated the description in sonarqube migration (#2853)
- fix: External Ci Trigger - Won't show images for manual Cd pipelines (#2802)
- fix: app create api bug fix if chart ref is different (#2851)
- fix: Dockerfile git repo delete tooltip view to build config (#2792)
- feat: Support of reuse container image in containers section in reference chart 4-17 (#2675)
- feat: Added Rollout chart 4.17 and Deployment chart 1.1 with canary using flagger and Istio support (#2910)
- feat: Codacy plugin integration (#2892)
- feat: Semgrep plugin integration (#2877)
- perf: Tracing observability tool integration (#2782)
- feat: Option for changing project in Helm apps and project assignment to CLI helm apps. (#2780)
- feat: Audit logs for resource deletion from devtron UI (#2791)
- feat: verify token function scope made public (#2856)
- feat: Sonarqube polling script update (#2846)
- feat: deployment status restructuring (#2825)
- docs: removed command to install a particular version of Devtron (#2888)
- docs: Updated file for Devtron chart (#2887)
- docs: added manage tags (#2907)
- docs: updated target platform (#2857)
- docs: updated aws external secret doc (#2781)
- docs: updated broken links and minor updates (resource browser) (#2844)
- docs: added cluster, k8s resource browser, k8s resource permission (#2787)
- fix: safe check added if cell value is not found in resource list (#2839)
- fix: cluster name passed in node metadata list (#2804)
- fix: Chart with nested directory (#2797)
- fix: Authenticator updated - handling api token (#2745)
- fix: Ci workflow status update when workflow stuck. (#2726)
- fix: Update Chart.yaml for security integration chart fix (#2771)
- fix: Helm app proxy chart auto fix (#2754)
- fix: No need to bounce orchestrator if SSO config are added/updated (#2753)
- fix: ArgoCD Connection Manager connection handling (#2702)
- feat: Resource viewer implementation for a cluster (#2811)
- feat: Deployment status restructuring (#2806)
- feat: added support for node-[delete, cordon, drain, taint edit] (#2805)
- feat: Cluster terminal multiple image support (#2815)
- feat: added new chart for job and cronjob with keda scaledjob support (#2749)
- docs: minor correction in ingress yaml (#2819)
- docs: updated cluster server url (#2816)
- docs: minor updates (#2800)
- docs: updated-global-configs (#2712)
- docs: added deployment status shows failed or degraded in troubleshooting section (#2795)
- docs: uninstall minor updates (#2788)
- docs: Updated devtron admin password reset doc (#2785)
- docs: deployment updates (#2769)
- docs: deployment template doc (#2770)
- docs: install command corrected (#2775)
- docs: broken links fixed in doc v0.6 (#2776)
- fix: specific error message if token is invalid while saving cluster (#2760)
- fix: Ignoring propagating invalid labels in app to values.yaml during deployment (#2734)
- fix: app clone response update for empty material and templates (#2717)
- fix: getting error message on deleting linked ci pipeline (#2732)
- fix: removed required validation for deployment template (#2713)
- fix: env variable tag bug in ci cd config (#2698)
- fix: Block deletion of devtronapp(devtron-operator chart) in helm apps (#2701)
- fix: migration down sql for 84 (#2706)
- Fix: Skip external ci webhook clone while app clone (#2704)
- fix: deployment template editor view support in create app api (#2697)
- Fix: External ci webhook response for api token. (#2699)
- fix: wf deletion bug and bulk cd pipeline req (#2693)
- fix: updated cluster connection status for update api (#2686)
- feat: Resource status for integration (#2620)
- feat: Cluster terminal access for Super Admins (#2654)
- feat: Dynamic handling of deployment templates (#2596)
- feat: Gitops or helm options for cd (#2673)
- feat: added BE support for allowing insecure tls connection in gitOps (#2738)
- Feat: External Ci webhook new interface, Deployment separated from build node. (#2664)
- docs: description for charts (#2646)
- docs: minor updates (#2)
- docs: webhook updates links (#2716)
- docs: webhook ci documentation updates (#2637)
- docs: add getting started doc (#2658)
- docs: broken links fixed (#2741)
- docs: external-links-docs (#2679)
- minor updates (#2722)
- fix for app type setting (#2723)
- task: updated environment variables in pre/post cd workflow request (#2727)
- Revert "feat: added BE support for allowing insecure tls connection in gitOps (#2738)" (#2739)
- minor updates (#2742)
- sql migration error fix (#2695)
- External links extention for app level (#2573)
- added support for giving names in wf bulk deletion req (#2690)
- fix: Lifecycle hook failing due to default values (#2671)
- fix: unblocked pre cd auto trigger in case of manual cd (#2666)
- fix: app_id ambiguous fix (#2661)
- fix: checking git material active status for multiple places : 1) while triggering ci 2) while getting commit info 3) while getting ci pipeline (#2636)
- fix:updated ciBuildType check in app create (#2652)
- Fix: user re create with super admin permission fix. (#2645)
- fix: sql scripts for replacing CronJob & Job chart name to Job & CronJob in tables (#2638)
- fix: changed the description for chart types, written update sql scripts (#2632)
- fix: corrected health url in auth whitelist list (#2629)
- fix: updated devtron-reference-chart directory (#2603)
- feat: Audit logs for docker and git repositories (#2655)
- feat: Exposed Devtron docker image in container as variable (#2639)
- docs: devtron readme - credentials update (#2663)
- docs: Image Pull Secret Doc (#2604)
- docs: updated url for the license file (#2662)
- doc: broken hyperlinks in doc fix (#2621)
- docs: fix in gcp installation and configuration command (#2614)
- chore: bump beta release to stable (#2677)
- Ingress Urls User level access Issue (#2659)
- chore: fixed release title for stable releases (#2626)
- chore: Updated stable to beta for nightly release (#2619)
- Docker checkout path Fix (#2616)
- feat : Auto inject Image pull secret while deploying devtron-app (#2547)
- Telemetry modifications (#2567)
- fix: Updated username for Prakarsh (#2575)
- fix: showing cicd module status as installing if devtron is installing with cicd module (#2576)
- fix: updated wiring for TelemetryEventClientExtended.go (#2588)
- fix: sql script semicolon fix (#2590)
- fix: deploymentApp creation check update (#2600)
- fix: health fix for nodes in resource tree for missing state (#2606)
- fix: Some Helm apps not visible fix (#2538)
- fix: hotfix for bitbucket panic (#2553)
- fix: schema.json of reference charts update (#2572)
- fix: ingress new-legacy issue (#2583)
- fix: fixed migration query in 90th verison (#2586)
- fix: Ingress pathtype if condition update (#2592)
- perf: Enforcer RBAC Cache Override Fix (#2608)
- feat: added support for cd pipelines bulk deletion (#2544)
- feat: Bulk build trigger (#2546)
- feat: App workflow and env overrides Clone and Delete api. (#2565)
- feat: Provide description for Chart Types (#2585)
- feat: Build With Dockerfile template and without dockerfile(using buildpack) (#2562)
- feat: deployment release counter exposed in post stage (#2555)
- docs: Added buildpack doc (#2543)
- docs: Modified the devtron install cmd with gcp cloud (#2580)
- docs: updated doc for aws secret manager (#2591)
- [closed] Throwing error if quickly login into dashboard before completion of the CICD installation #2571
- [closed] Feature: Need a unique value in post-deployment stage for every new deployment #2569
- [bug] Bug: Sometime some helm apps are not visible to the user who have access of the same #2537
- [enhancement] UX only: Simplifying Deployment template configuration #2319
- [enhancement][critical] Incoming Webhook CI Support to deploy app on devtron with image build on github action. #1293
- [closed] Feature: support for cd pipelines bulk deletion #2545
- [closed] Height issue in Create application card #2524
- [closed] Chart groups feature is not available in EA mode #2519
- [bug] Bug: Rbac for notification, channels & permission group listing do not work as expected #2518
- [closed] Feature: simplify deployment template #2488
- [enhancement] Feature: Ingress & Service Urls #2473
- [bug] Bug: User update API is giving successful but not reflecting the changes #2426
- [bug] Bug: Deployment status fixes #2407
- [closed] Adding Container Registry "Get Started" section > refreshing the page #2229
No changelog for this release.
- [closed] Feature: Adding a sample-docker-template for Kotlin language #2477
- [bug] Bug: We are not able to enter custom value in "Contianer-Image" filed in pre/post CI tasks #2472
- [closed] Make the logo text white. #2465
- [bug] Bug: Memory leak for some microservices #2463
- [closed] Feature: Validate cluster addition #2448
- [bug] Bug: GitOps (Argo CD) installation fails #2438
- [bug] Bug: Escape Key to close modals in Workflow editor - Devtron U #2414
- [enhancement] Rollback deployments to the previous configurations #2282
- [enhancement] Devtron is not working on ARM based Kubernetes nodes #1473