Releases: Netcracker/KubeMarine
Releases · Netcracker/KubeMarine
What's Changed
- [CPDEV-100486] Support kernel parameters/modules per group/node by @ilia1243 in #639
- [CPDEV-100496] Ensure to use kubectl after wait for first control plane pods by @ilia1243 in #646
- [CPREQ-8730] - Feature/disable unattended upgrades by @Imadzuma in #649
- [CPDEV-101094] possibility to override etcdctl parameters by @Imadzuma in #651
- Fix unit tests on macos by @ilia1243 in #653
- [CPDEV-100676]_kubernetes.pods_for_pods_in_CrashLoopBackOff by @nikhil1697 in #655
- Update ruamel.yaml dependency by @ilia1243 in #657
- [CPDEV-101667] Fix broken default logging format by @ilia1243 in #660
- [PSUPCLPL-15272] IPIP connectivity check rework by @alexarefev in #652
- [CPDEV-101596] Rework of inventory compilation by @ilia1243 in #650
Full Changelog: v0.29.0...v0.30.0
What's Changed
- [CPDEV-96594] Changed MTU to 1430 by @igza0216 in #634
- [CPDEV-100505] Always dump finalized inventory for all procedures except
by @ilia1243 in #629 - [CPDEV-98316]_Doc_update by @nikhil1697 in #635
- Kubecheck doc update by @alexarefev in #631
- [CPDEV-98472]-Enabling_strong_crypto_support_by_default_for_kubelet by @nikhil1697 in #633
- Revise configuration of pylint and fix/suppress messages by @ilia1243 in #617
- [CPDEV-100414] Install and check thirdparties skipping SSL verification by @ilia1243 in #636
- [CPREQ-7712] Backward-compatible lightweight enrichment of connections by @ilia1243 in #632
- [PSUPCLPL-15188] Add a note about balancers to add_node procedure to MG by @n549 in #637
- [CPREQ-9137] - RockyLinux 9.3 support for Kubemarine by @pranavcracker in #643
- [PSUPCLPL-15067]support_k8s_v1.28.7&_nginx_ingress_v1.9.6 by @nikhil1697 in #638
- [PSUPCLPL-15213]-Node_not_found_error_when_running_add_node_procedure by @nikhil1697 in #641
- [CPDEV-95355] add_node and remove_node if there are notready workers by @akor0421 in #628
Full Changelog: v0.28.1...v0.29.0
What's Changed
- Doc Review relating to #596 by @shmo1218 in #603
- [CPDEV-98822] Remove default resolvConf from kubelet-config ConfigMap by @ilia1243 in #619
- [PSUPCLPL-14857] Change default MTU size for IPIP by @igza0216 in #624
- [CPDEV-98972] Kubemarine process is stuck if remote command is stuck by @ilia1243 in #623
- Import procedures explicitly on demand by @ilia1243 in #622
- [PSUPCLPL-13377] - Guide For OAuth2 authorization in Kubernetes by @pranavcracker in #574
- [PSUPCLPL-14914] FS mount options check by @alexarefev in #626
- [PSUPCLPL-14914] TG update by @alexarefev in #625
- [CPDEV-99413] Patch kubelet-config ConfigMap during upgrade by @ilia1243 in #627
Full Changelog: v0.28.0...v0.28.1
What's Changed
- Bump cryptography from 41.0.7 to 42.0.2 by @dependabot in #601
- Fix logging for python >= 3.11 by @ilia1243 in #600
- [CPDEV-98316]_Doc_need_to_update_table for_1.28.6_version_in_github by @nikhil1697 in #606
- [CPDEV-96115]-Enabling_strong_crypto_support_by_default by @nikhil1697 in #581
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 by @dependabot in #607
- [CPDEV-98931] Avoid interactive constants (exit) from site module by @ilia1243 in #614
- [CPDEV-98652] - parse url and provide creds as header in check_url_availability script by @Imadzuma in #610
- [CPDEV-93684] [CPDEV-93603] [PSUPCLPL-14888] Enrichment in three stages and procedure inventory compilation by @ilia1243 in #577
- [CPDEV-98165] Fix check_paas services.system.sysctl.config task failure by @n549 in #615
- [CPDEV-98920] Print supported configurations of 3rd-parties with versions compatibility by @ilia1243 in #613
- [CPDEV-98916] Disallow unrecognized --tasks, --exclude, --exclude-cumulative-points-methods by @ilia1243 in #611
- [CPDEV-98927] Finalized inventory loses overridden blank strings by @ilia1243 in #605
- [CPDEV-96116] - Disabling of Auto-mounting of tokens for Service accounts by @pranavcracker in #555
- [CPDEV-98316]_Doc_need_to_update_table for_1.28.6_version_in_github by @nikhil1697 in #608
- [CPDEV-98878] Expect calico-typha pods and deployment if enabled by @ilia1243 in #618
- Fix Missing Patch by @pranavcracker in #620
- Procedure
does not work by @ilia1243 in #621 - [CPREQ-8729] Improve paas_check_detected_incorrect_packages_versions_explanation by @nikhil1697 in #609
Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.28.0
What's Changed
- [PSUPCLPL-14594] Update IN with warnings about etc_hosts by @n549 in #594
- Remove temporary workaround in thirdparties sync tool by @ilia1243 in #593
- Maintenance mode support details by @theboringstuff in #596
- [PSUPCLPL-14328] Add new topics about VRRP, GARP and IPIP by @igza0216 in #587
- [CPDEV-95906] IPIP Encapsulation check by @alexarefev in #568
- [CPDEV-96712] - use formatted procedure inventory for merging with cluster.yaml by @Imadzuma in #599
- Disable package automatic discovery of setuptools by @ilia1243 in #602
- [PSUPCLPL-14607]-k8s_v1.28.6_support by @nikhil1697 in #598
- [CPDEV-96588] Kubemarine cluster reconfigure procedure by @ilia1243 in #592
- Mark kubemarine package to support type checking by @ilia1243 in #604
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.27.0
What's Changed
- [PSUPCLPL-14309] Maintenance guide update by @alexarefev in #575
- [CPDEV-96114] add keepalived globals and custom template support by @Imadzuma in #578
- [CPDEV-96929] Support of granular 3rd party updates per specific Kubernetes version by @ilia1243 in #585
- [CPREQ-8436] Clarify documentation Disable Anonymous Authentication for kube-apiserver by @ilia1243 in #588
- Allow plugins without installation procedures by @theboringstuff in #589
- Fix scheduler's patch name by @n549 in #590
- Improvements and fixes in GitHub workflows by @ilia1243 in #591
- [CPDEV-97376] Support of Kubernetes v1.29.1 by @ilia1243 in #576
Full Changelog: v0.25.1...v0.26.0
What's Changed
- [PSUPCLPL-13377] Instructions for cryptographic cipher suites by @pranavcracker in #570
- [CPDEV-82348] Manage primitive values represented as strings by @ilia1243 in #572
- [CPDEV-95723] Support release candidate version by @ilia1243 in #569
- [CPDEV-95920] Support KubeProxyConfiguration as services.kubeadm_kube-proxy section by @ilia1243 in #571
- [PSUPCLPL-14291] - add new TG section for kubemarine docker run issue by @Imadzuma in #579
- Update by @shmo1218 in #566
- [CPDEV-96370] - add secure registries doc examples by @Imadzuma in #580
Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.25.1
What's Changed
- [CPDEV-94991] Update by @vlar0816 in #549
- [CPDEV-94547] Rework network connectivity check and implement VRRP IP check by @ilia1243 in #551
- Fix incorrect detection of default services to check configuration by @ilia1243 in #558
- [CPDEV-93171] - do not export kubernetes resources by default by @Imadzuma in #553
- [CPDEV-93171] - clean kubernetes tmp dir before upgrade by @Imadzuma in #557
- [PSUPCLPL-14127] Kubernteset Dashboard check fails by @alexarefev in #559
- [CPDEV-95434] - fix cleanup command by @Imadzuma in #562
- [CPDEV-95314] Fix '202 Nodes pid_max correctly installed' test in check_paas by @n549 in #563
- [CPDEV-95324] Update 3rd-parties by @ilia1243 in #560
- [CPREQ-8282]-Certify_Kubemarine_for_RHEL_8.9 by @nikhil1697 in #564
- Add note about docker shim removal by @koryaga in #567
- [CPDEV-95468] Calico non-overlay by @alexarefev in #565
Full Changelog: v0.24.1...v0.25.0
What's Changed
- Kubelet server certificate improvement by @alexarefev in #529
- [CPDEV-84690] Improvement and fixes in Keepalived installation and removing balancers by @ilia1243 in #532
- [CPREQ-6280] added upgrade recommendation notes by @koryaga in #539
- [CPDEV-94459] Backup custom apt repositories by @ilia1243 in #537
- k8s v1.28.3 support by @koryaga in #542
- [CPDEV-94365] Add support for RHEL9 family, SELinux by @krang404 in #473
- [CPDEV-94449] Add RockyLinux 8.8 support by @nikhil1697 in #535
- [CPDEV-94200] Support new containerd registries endpoint format in migrate_cri by @ilia1243 in #533
- [CPDEV-94486] Add sysctl and audit rules validation by @ilia1243 in #540
- Increase mypy dependency by @ilia1243 in #548
- [CPDEV-94593] Upgrade to v1.28.3 issue by @alexarefev in #545
- [CPDEV-94448] Improve check_paas checks and logging by @ilia1243 in #536
- Remove outdated troubleshooting guide by @ilia1243 in #538
- [CPDEV-50513] Add nf_conntrack_max and NetworkManager config recommended for calico by @n549 in #546
- [CPDEV-94948] CoreDNS resolving issues by @alexarefev in #547
- [CPREQ-7974] Kubernetes hardening by @alexarefev in #541
- [CPDEV-95071] Add nf_conntrack to the list of modprobe's modules by @n549 in #552
- [CPDEV-95240] Reconfigure modprobe if configuration is outdated by @ilia1243 in #554
- Return patches from v0.24.0 by @ilia1243 in #556
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.1
What's Changed
- [CPDEV-91476] Insert license only to protected branches by @ilia1243 in #522
- [CPDEV-93148] [CPDEV-93149] Clarify kubernetes audit rules by @ilia1243 in #516
- [CPDEV-93591] Expose Calico Typha metrics by @ilia1243 in #517
- [CPDEV-93723] Restore from backup holding another Kubernetes version by @ilia1243 in #520
- [CPDEV-93091] Add dashboard ingress check to check_paas dashboard test by @n549 in #525
- [PSUPCLPL-7074]Update TG: Add Etcdserver Timeout Issue by @n549 in #518
- [CPDEV-93827] - add new containerd format support by @Imadzuma in #523
- [CPREQ-7712] Kubemarine version should start with 'v' by @ilia1243 in #521
- [CPDEV-93994] Minor fixes and tests refactoring by @ilia1243 in #526
- [CPDEV-94061] Restore resolv.conf before restoring of thirdparties by @ilia1243 in #527
- [CPDEV-94111] - fix ctr flags for new containerd format by @Imadzuma in #531
Full Changelog: 0.22.0...v0.23.0