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v1.2.8 Update Changelog

Hooder edited this page Jun 17, 2023 · 2 revisions


  • Support RuneLite's new faster scene loading.
  • Make flashing lightning effects more subtle.
  • Textures and other visual changes to Beneath Cursed Sands areas and the Goblin Village.


Hooder (35):
      Print full path when watching a specific file
      Handle NPE in case interface buffer mapping fails
      Format static and injected fields
      Clear staging & model buffers directly after use instead of post frame
      Consistently use `GL_STREAM_DRAW` for combined static & dynamic geometry buffers
      Load new scenes in a separate thread
      Improve `ModelPusher` performance by around 10%
      Tone down flashing effects for more realism
      Bump version to 1.2.8
      Reset model counters also when OpenCL is in use
      Use actual underlay IDs when selecting underlays
      Properly handle multiple `loadScene` calls before `swapScene`
      Remove unnecessary logging
      Add AABB constructor from region ID
      Change AABB intersection behaviour to not count adjacent AABBs
      Fix Isle of Souls tutorial Area definition
      Add usage notice to EnvironmentManager#useWinterTheme
      Replace scene bounds with scene region IDs
      Fix object lights with new scene loading
      Bump RuneLite version to 1.10.+
      Workaround for incorrect environment during scene loads
      Remove sand from a trapdoor in Sophanem
      Partially fix tiles in Necropolis
      Apply flat normals where appropriate in Ruins of Ullek
      Properly hide all lights if set to None
      Fix object lights and world lights in instances
      Minor Tombs of Amascut lobby fixes
      Remove redundant coordinate transform functions
      Move POH reload tracking to EnvironmentManager
      Fix object lights in instances assembled from multiple planes
      Correct light positions that were off by half a tile
      Add static imports for Perspective constants
      Switch from environment variables to system properties
      Fix alignment of lights for all TileObjects
      Add safe `localToWorld` coordinate transform for points outside the scene

SirFancyBacon (1):
      Goblin Village overhaul (#192)