- #200 - Add fetch translation metadata capability when getting locales contributed by oooooh (yyuc)
- #196 - Search function returns NULL value
- #193 - Added ability to search for a user by a custom user field (Issue #192) contributed by SPorter (StephenMP)
- #192 - Cannot search for user by custom user field
- #191 - Issue #109 contributed by SPorter (StephenMP)
- #189 - Added the ability to find a user by querying by the user's phone contributed by SPorter (StephenMP)
- #188 - Get Ticket by Custom Field Value Too Slow
- #187 - GetAllUsers fails with 401 Unauthorized
- #185 - Adding the ability to mark requests as solved. contributed by Dan VanWinkle (dvanwinkle)
- #184 - There is no method to mark a request as solved +enhancement
- #183 - #182 fix: Adds paging and sorting to Request requests contributed by Dan VanWinkle (dvanwinkle)
- #182 - Cannot page or sort Requests +enhancement
- #181 - #158: Added fields formatted_phone and phone to the To & From Models contributed by Dan VanWinkle (dvanwinkle)
- #180 - Added Request for Open Requests contributed by Dan VanWinkle (dvanwinkle)
- #179 - Search by type2 contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #178 - Search by anonymous type like SearchFor(..). contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #177 - Pr 175 changes contributed by Elizabeth Schneider (mozts2005)
- #176 - Implement Anonymous type in Search api. contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #175 - Exception improvements contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #174 - Exceptions contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #173 - Get Multiple Users, Side-Loading and Int-Long fixes. contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #172 - Exceptions contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #171 - Exception improvements contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #170 - Implement show_many endpoint for Users +enhancement
- #169 - Issue #165 Fixed request body failure contributed by (dcrowe)
- #168 - Revert "Issue #165 Fixed null-ptr error in RunRequest; Fixed incorrec… contributed by (dcrowe)
- #167 - Issue #165 Fixed null-ptr error in RunRequest; Fixed incorrect except… contributed by (dcrowe)
- #166 - Async methods rasie AggregateException instead of the actual exception#numeric
- #165 - Async methods rasie AggregateException instead of the actual exception
- #164 - Modify existing User Identity +enhancement
- #163 - UserIdentity.UserId and Search.Result.Id are INT but should be LONG +fix
- #162 - Support Sideloading with Ticket Comments +enhancement
- #161 - Issue149 targets contributed by (CKCobra)
- #160 - Issue #157 changed the user and organization to use IDictionary<string, object> for custom Fields. contributed by Elizabeth Schneider (mozts2005)
- #159 - #123: changed the Macro Action Value property to be a IList of string and to use custom converter contributed by Elizabeth Schneider (mozts2005)
- #158 - Missing fields formatted_phone & phone in Ticket.Via.Source.To & .From +enhancement
- #157 - Can't update user with boolean custom field
- #156 - Ticket import contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #155 - Ticket Import and Bulk Ticket Import contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #154 - Issue 150 - Implement CRUD operations for Triggers contributed by (CKCobra)
- #153 - Implement New Schedules API contributed by (CKCobra)
- #152 - Issue #124 - Implement Organization Memberships contributed by (CKCobra)
- #151 - Issue #120 - Fixed Spelling - GetInrementalTicketExport to GetIncrementalTicketExport contributed by (CKCobra)
- #150 - Add CRUD support for Triggers
- #149 - Add CRUD support for Targets
- #148 - Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md contributed by The Gitter Badger (gitter-badger)
- #147 - Voice integration and side-loading updates
- #146 - Implement Voice API integration to be able to open a ticket or user t… contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #145 - Implement side-loading objects in IndividualTicketResponse. contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #144 - Implement Side-Loading for Tickets contributed by Matt Nisnevich (mattnis)
- #143 - Ticket Side-Loading +enhancement
- #142 - clean up ZendeskUrl contributed by Elizabeth Schneider (mozts2005)
- #141 - Core.cs has a pretty bad null pointer error
- #139 - from 3.0.20 to 3.0.29 getting Unauthorized message
- #138 - Taking good work being done by good people contributed by Elizabeth Schneider (mozts2005)
- #137 - release v2 3.0.21
- #136 - File attachment support in the Help Center API +fix
- #135 - Search API - limit number of results returned +enhancement
- #134 - Update README.md contributed by Alan Christianson (alanc10n)
- #133- ADD. OAuth2 access token using in request headers. contributed by Andrey (aartiomov)
- #132 - New files added to the project contributed by Steve McNiven-Scott (sitefinitysteve)
- #131 - Project will not build?
- #130 - Nuget publish
- #129 - Major HelpCenter Overhaul contributed by Steve McNiven-Scott (sitefinitysteve)
- #128 - Failing HelpCenter Unit Tests
- #127 - Add support for a ticket to be associated with a brand when it is created. contributed by Owain Williams (AnturGyffrous)
- #126 - Implimented Article Search contributed by Steve McNiven-Scott (sitefinitysteve)
- #124 - Support OrganizationMembership API +enhancement
- #123 - Macro.Action.Value can also be an array +fix
- #122 - Problem when trying to update a ticket with custom fields
- #121 - Question re GetByPageUrl in incremental ticket export
- #120 - Spelling in method name: GetInrementalTicketExport +fix
- #119 - Bundled version is out-of-date +fix
- #118 - Added missing properties from SearchResult object. contributed by Damian Green (damiangreen)
- #117 - How to get the detailed json response from the exception thrown?
- #116 - Please provide ZendeskApi_v2 Create Ticket with Tags also sample Code in VB.net or C#
- #115 - Allow Paging of views in ExecuteView. Unit test. contributed by James Connell (automagic)
- #114 - Add requester_id support on Requests model contributed by Aaron (aarongundel)
- #113 - No support for Pagination..!!
- #112 - Create a method UploadAttachment with a Timeout parameter contributed by Marcotte Pierre-Antoine (tapamarcotte)
- #111 - Changed tags from iList to iList contributed by (AlexisVZ)
- #110 - Status in SearchFor Model.
- #109 - Unable to update organization after adding tag
- #108 - Issue with tickets created via Facebook Channel
- #107 - Add Help Center API support contributed by (peteallen)
- #106 - Changelog?
- #105 - Retrieving macros throws exception when a macro's action contains an array value
- #104 - Cant connect to Sandbox
- #103 - Add CustomFieldOptions.Id property contributed by (GillesBer)
- #102 - Some resources where not disposed contributed by Haroun Ben Hmida (HarounDemor)
- #101 - Change type of date/time fields from 'string' to 'DateTimeOffset' contributed by Gary Grossman (ggrossman)
- #100 - Update Ticket.cs contributed by Joe May (j0emay)
- #99 - Update Ticket.cs contributed by Joe May (j0emay)
- #98 - Api.Users.GetAllUsers() Only Returns First 100 Users
- #97 - RemotePhotoUrl Is Not Working
- #96 - requester locale_id always setting to zero.
- #95 - 422 Errors now when Requester email is not a known user
- #94 - nuGet version works on development machine, error on prodcution server
- #93 - trouble uploading app into my zendesk
- #92 - Interfaces for unit testing contributed by Andreas Sion (irq)
- #91 - problem when trying to update user with custom fields
- #90 - Macros.ApplyMacroToTicketAsync spawns lots of new threads
- #89 - Accessing more than one pages.
- #88 - Update url to ticket export tool contributed by Ken Dale (kendaleiv)
- #87 - Unprocessable Entity
- #86 - add subject field to search result object contributed by azadeh khojandi (Azadehkhojandi)
- #85 - pagination for search results - backward compatibility contributed by azadeh khojandi (Azadehkhojandi)
- #84 - License
- #83 - Add ticket metrics contributed by Amal Khezami (khezamian)
- #82 - TicketMetrics
- #81 - pagination for search results contributed by azadeh khojandi (Azadehkhojandi)
- #80 - Adding a method to get tickets by organisation that supports paging contributed by (kate-r)
- #79 - Unable to use Nuget Package due to bindingRedirect in Newtonsoft.Json Dependancy
- #78 - Help CenterAPI support
- #77 - How can I create User with Custom User Fields?
- #76 - How can I update user field?
- #75 - Update ZendeskApi.cs contributed by (bishnupokharel)
- #74 - Update Core.cs contributed by (bishnupokharel)
- #73 - Update User.cs contributed by (bishnupokharel)
- #72 - Tickets.GetMultipleTickets(Async) may fail for too many requested items +enhancement
- #71 - Use IEnumerable instead of List in requests contributed by Ken Dale (kendaleiv)
- #70 - Fix GetMultipleTickets(Async) throwing 400 Bad Request for single ticket id contributed by Ken Dale (kendaleiv)
- #69 - Minor text edit on README.md contributed by Ken Dale (kendaleiv)
- #68 - Add organization memberships to client +enhancement
- #67 - 422 Unprocessable Entity whilst attempting to create Ticket Fields
- #66 - Is it possible to manipulate Ticket Forms with the wrapper?
- #65 - Creating a request with token causes 401 unauthorized response
- #64 - How to get search result part by part.
- #63 - 422 Unprocessable Entity - I'm not even dealing with description!
- #62 - Updating issue, should not include 'via'
- #61 - Updating issue, loses set checkbox (boolean) custom fields
- #60 - CreateIssue (with Status = TicketStatus.Solved) returns Unprocessable Entity
- #59 - Unprocessable entity doesn't give more detail
- #58 - Fetching the requester of a ticket.
- #57 - Added Get ticket field by ID method contributed by David Frankland (DavidFrankland)
- #56 - Add support for ticket_form_id field contributed by Kevin Kuszyk (kevinkuszyk)
- #55 - OAuth2 and access tokens
- #54 - Fix: 403 error when using user name and password to authenticate against the api. contributed by Kevin Kuszyk (kevinkuszyk)
- #53 - Tests are failing with (401) Unauthorized error
- #52 - Get tickets by view ID?
- #51 - The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity.
- #50 - created_at property missing on Ticket Comment contributed by (jopierrelerm)
- #49 - Organizations go to the wrong endpoint
- #48 - Zendesk cannot accept Empty upload parameter anymore
- #47 - Referenced assembly 'ZendeskApi_v2_Net35' does not have a strong name
- #46 - Cannot access comments via API
- #45 - Added DeleteAttachment method contributed by Jonas Mølgaard (jomse)
- #44 - Added Attachment support for Topics contributed by Jonas Mølgaard (jomse)
- #43 - Added Uploads property to allow attaching files to a TopicComment contributed by Jonas Mølgaard (jomse)
- #42 - Add Attachment to a Topic does not work
- #41 - Creation of Articles
- #40 - Added OrganizationFields property to Organization contributed by Jonas Mølgaard (jomse)
- #39 - Enhanced async implementation and ApiToken support contributed by (fwwasol)
- #38 - Why is getLoginURL only available with .net 3.5 compiled apps?
- #37 - CreateTicket response is always null
- #36 - Nuget package dll for .net 4.0 project appears to be compiled as 4.5
- #35 - Topic names on search are null
- #34 - 422 and 404 errors when adding Requester to Ticket
- #33 - Creating a New Ticket
- #32 - Ticket.cs - could it be extended to add get ticket by userid?
- #31 - null comments don't work for me?
- #30 - Setting Proxy Credentials?
- #29 - Small problem in GetAllTickets()?
- #28 - I need to open the solution with Visual Studio 2010
- #27 - Operating as the user
- #26 - Compile to COM DLL usable with Access 2010?
- #25 - Get All Tickets For User by email address
- #24 - Is there any way to use token based authentication?
- #23 - QUESTION: How to get Complete Ticket List
- #22 - How can I set or update password of user ?
- #21 - Comment AuthorId
- #20 - Added support to get tickets by organization ID contributed by Adam Schaible (aschaible)
- #19 - Cannot deserialize the JSON array into type 'ZendeskApi_v2.Models.Organizations.GroupOrganizationResponse'
- #18 - Updating a Ticket's Status to 'solved' throws exception
- #17 - Failing build using NuGet package 2.3.8 with Nuget 2.1
- #16 - Documentation error?
- #15 - Deleting an Upload
- #14 - VS 2012 MVC 4 .NET 4.0 Adding Strongly-Type Views
- #13 - simple addition to get tickets by view contributed by Jared Wray (jaredwray)
- #12 - Using a token instead of a username/password
- #11 - Corrected custom fields on request contributed by Joel Potter (ithielnor)
- #10 - Change to SearchForOrganizations contributed by (bjerggaard)
- #9 - End User update custom field via Request function
- #8 - Suggestion about paging number
- #7 - Could not load Newtonsoft.json
- #6 - setting group when creating ticket
- #5 - Update custom fields issue
- #4 - Setting User Photo and getting User by ExternalID
- #3 - Create Ticket responds with "(422) Unprocessable Entity"
- #2 - Serialization issue when executing a view due to Zendesk REST API changes implemented on 07 Feb 13
- #1 - Errors When Deserialising Search Results