Release 2.0.0
All contributors of this project are happy to announce that a major version of this toolkit was released.
This version include :
- Full Typescript support
- Unique Date component
- Fixes about style & React component
A file has been created to follow all breaking changes happening in React component. First was about Date component.
As usual, issues & pull request are always welcome to improve this toolkit.
What's Changed
- [Button] font-weight : 400 by @vharny in #854
- feat(FileInput): reduce InputFile browse button width by @vharny in #846
- feat(form-input-number): use input number by @johnmeunier in #784
- feat(Date): bump react-datepicker to 3.X by @youf-olivier in #767
- [Restitution] Ajout classModifier & change type by @arnaudforaison in #852
- [Badge] ajout d'un état désactivé & centrage du contenu by @arnaudforaison in #855
- [Table] Simplification du composant Header by @arnaudforaison in #851
- [Select] Ajout de padding & couleur du text lors d'erreur by @arnaudforaison in #856
- [Alert] Centrage du bouton de fermeture by @arnaudforaison in #857
- Compatiblilité du repo avec NPM 7 by @arnaudforaison in #853
- [Help] Changement de police pour le i & ajustement padding by @arnaudforaison in #861
- Add logo into Footer by @arnaudforaison in #823
- feat(all): allow to import a specific component instead of all components by @xballoy in #843
- [Stepper] Alignement du texte & des séparateurs by @arnaudforaison in #863
- Ajout de conditions pour les release + matrice de compatibilité npm by @arnaudforaison in #869
- Ajustement du pipeline pour les releases by @arnaudforaison in #870
- Passage du build sous github action by @arnaudforaison in #871
- Pipeline gh action by @arnaudforaison in #872
- Pipeline build fix by @arnaudforaison in #873
- ci(workflow): add publish workflow by @arnaudforaison in #874
- ci(workflow): add publish by @arnaudforaison in #875
- fix(workflow): if on step by @arnaudforaison in #877
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #878
- ci(workflow): fix actions to publish by @arnaudforaison in #879
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #880
- ci(workflow): fix lerna yes prompt by @arnaudforaison in #881
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #882
- ci(workflow): fix conditions outputs string by @arnaudforaison in #883
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #884
- ci(workflow): fix npm auth by @arnaudforaison in #885
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #886
- ci(workflow): add gloabl for npm auth by @arnaudforaison in #887
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #888
- ci(workflow): add registry to lerna publish by @arnaudforaison in #889
- Revert "chore(release): publish v2.0.0-alpha.0 [skip ci]" by @arnaudforaison in #890
- [Tabs] Accepte un seul enfant comm tab by @arnaudforaison in #858
- [Collapse] max-height à 100vh quand ouvert by @arnaudforaison in #866
- build: add github action ci by @jforatier in #842
- Ajustement pour la release by @arnaudforaison in #893
- fix(storybook): add css not scss by @arnaudforaison in #894
- Feature/collapse card prop inverted by @vharny in #839
- fix(collapse): fix condition error by @arnaudforaison in #902
- Ajout de stories oubliées by @arnaudforaison in #899
- docs(migration): fixed a few typos and phrasings by @JLou in #901
- fix(modifier-hasiconRightOrLeft): put the correct version with camel … by @DanneelsSophie in #913
- [Doc] Ajout d'une section 'How to make and test a change in my context' by @jforatier in #896
- Migration Typescript global by @arnaudforaison in #806
- [Storybook] Organisation du menu comme Slash by @arnaudforaison in #916
- Ajout de Chromatic by @arnaudforaison in #928
- Update du publish by @arnaudforaison in #930
- Release on tag by @arnaudforaison in #931
- Mise à jour du package_lock by @arnaudforaison in #932
- Publication de pre-release pour les PR by @arnaudforaison in #935
- Supprime script npm de version by @arnaudforaison in #936
- Feature/storybook delete addon knobs by @samuel-gomez-axa in #934
- fix(sass): fixing issue #922 by @Hakan-Orak in #937
- build(npm): generation of module files & commonjs files by @JLou in #938
- Mise à jour des README de tous les composants by @Hakan-Orak in #925
- docs(title): prettier readme by @arnaudforaison in #941
- feature(helpmessage): change type helpmessage by @samuel-gomez-axa in #940
- Màj Storybook 6.4 by @arnaudforaison in #942
- Mise au propre des tests by @arnaudforaison in #944
- build(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 by @dependabot in #948
- Erreur des versions de dependances de certains packages by @arnaudforaison in #947
- feat(Restitution): allow ReactNode in value by @MartinWeb in #946
- refactor(Restitution): add children property and export RestitutionList by @MartinWeb in #950
- fix(modal): add classModifier prop by @samuel-gomez-axa in #960
- fix(Loader): remove inline css and refactor component by @MartinWeb in #963
- fix(form-core): put back fieldform and some JS version files by @samuel-gomez-axa in #955
- chore(deps): pin deps and update peerDeps for React 18 by @samuel-gomez-axa in #969
- fix radio & checkbox modifiers by @arnaudforaison in #972
- feat(Infos): allow ReactNode in word and definition infos by @MartinWeb in #965
- feat(FileInput): add new property to manage the translation ofr "Parc… by @jmittelette in #952
- Migration TS Date by @arnaudforaison in #943
- feat(Summary): allow ReactNode in messages array by @MartinWeb in #976
- fix(Restitution): add classModifier to ArticleRestitution and univers… by @MartinWeb in #959
- Fix typage withInput pour tous les composants Form by @arnaudforaison in #978
- fix(core): remove prop-types by @arnaudforaison in #993
- [DateInput] Suppression des props déstructurées et pas utilisées by @arnaudforaison in #990
- fix(Restitution): fixed HeaderRestitution's type missing classModifier by @JLou in #988
- fix(table): update documentation for paging component by @MartinWeb in #986
- fix(SelectInput): id consistency problem when empty prop value by @djedje72 in #987
New Contributors
- @jforatier made their first contribution in #842
- @Hakan-Orak made their first contribution in #937
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #948
- @MartinWeb made their first contribution in #946
- @jmittelette made their first contribution in #952
- @djedje72 made their first contribution in #987
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v2.0.0