All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.50.0 (2024-12-20)
2.49.0 (2024-12-16)
- add arabic translations (#1605) (1f4e473)
- add german translations (#1603) (d38e8e3)
- add italian translations (#1602) (5ea0af9)
- add new folder button (#1593) (f267fef)
- add spanish translations (#1604) (3c5bc1f)
- change categories with tags (#1587) (4bbdda8)
- update french translations (#1601) (7b25a4e)
- force release of 2.49.0 (b513c2f)
2.48.0 (2024-12-10)
- color issues and prefix for new player (#1586) (d93fa3d)
- link crashes iframe (#1591) (bdfa13c)
- remove display name (#1578) (f9f701a)
2.47.1 (2024-11-20)
2.47.0 (2024-11-19)
2.46.0 (2024-11-12)
- factor out create link modal (#1566) (cf440b5)
- refactor: update ShortLink types from SDK (#1562) (463432b)
- update query client and sdk for item visibility (#1563) (737d2ab)
2.45.0 (2024-11-04)
2.44.0 (2024-10-28)
- change library lang to item lang (#1543) (fc4885f)
- split upload csv endpoint (#1537) (944102c)
- submit individually file data for edit (#1552) (69191f0)
- clear selection on navigation (#1541) (c415d66)
- fix hide setting name (#1530) (9476623)
- remove getCurrentAccountLang and use from sdk (#1525) (d5f3986)
- update mui version to v6 (#1544) (d3bd11b)
2.43.0 (2024-10-17)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.119.1 (#1501) (cb64f4c)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.451.0 (#1509) (b2bcd40)
- update crop modal to not inflate image sizes (#1514) (f6cc03b)
2.42.1 (2024-10-09)
2.42.0 (2024-10-07)
- deps: update TanStack Query to v5 (#1446) (dfd7197)
- show hidden setting in visibility section (#1488) (0e1bed2)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.39.0 (#1467) (67e7cdf)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.446.0 (#1469) (f6e9ef1)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.447.0 (#1492) (e5d549c)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (#1379) (77206ea)
- fix edit modal content and navigation (#1499) (13a053c)
- german: update flagging feature text (#1484) (d999fc7)
- remove usage of
in component return (#1487) (9def0fb)
2.41.0 (2024-09-27)
2.40.0 (2024-09-27)
- disable guest row in membership table (#1479) (5d2c0b0)
- translate ar.json via GitLocalize (#1475) (9e92954)
- translate de.json via GitLocalize (#1474) (31e89c3)
- translate es.json via GitLocalize (#1473) (aa25da1)
- translate it.json via GitLocalize (#1476) (7f3ba1b)
- update french translations (#1472) (7f5546c)
2.39.0 (2024-09-23)
2.38.0 (2024-09-20)
- show item login message on customer pages (#1460) (7e44954)
- update SDK to v4.28.0 to get latest ZIP max size (#1441) (d521a67)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.7.7 (#1421) (be6875b)
- deps: update dependency filesize to v10.1.6 (#1439) (44050e6)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.15.1 (#1451) (0935b37)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.441.0 (#1455) (f5f27fb)
- deps: update dependency react-image-crop to v11.0.7 (#1440) (b1884b2)
- deps: update dependency stylis to v4.3.4 (#1442) (b317b89)
- deps: update graasp packages (#1450) (eda7d06)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.26.2 (#1445) (e999e6b)
- german: update translations (#1457) (0780256)
- update translations and dependencies (#1462) (3646eef)
2.37.0 (2024-09-13)
- deps: update dependency @air/react-drag-to-select to v5.0.10 (#1414) (da0d1da)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.12.7 (#1415) (f729c6e)
- deps: update emotion monorepo (#1378) (949d0c3)
- fix post item membership (#1427) (06414c2)
- udpate menu icons to lucide (#1432) (f14deae)
- update item menu icons (#1435) (ca3e099)
- update mode icons (#1434) (dfb9288)
2.36.0 (2024-08-19)
2.35.1 (2024-08-06)
2.35.0 (2024-08-06)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.26.0 (#1393) (c0ea556)
- does not trigger drag on mousedown svg (#1396) (8595ccf)
2.34.0 (2024-07-31)
- allow export item as raw file (#1385) (1bc4145)
- pass direction to theme provider (#1363) (0843cbd)
- remove Outdate and NotPublic states (#1367) (184affd)
- update map to show thumbnails (#1377) (8b757ec)
- use backend search for accessible and children (#1383) (fff5747)
- prevent map loop on i18n config (#1388) (4ac1f83)
- prevent modal calls on selection (#1387) (f78bb18)
2.33.0 (2024-07-24)
- add member validation alert (#1350) (110bf1c)
- add multi op for home, recycle bin, folder screens (#1354) (3440849)
- move publication status logic in backend (#1355) (50b2ae9)
- show modal when changing visibility of published item (#1359) (723547b)
- validate name as a required value (#1368) (d46dd8a)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.12.2 (#1365) (7f42d08)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.414.0 (#1366) (6c9d215)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v15 (#1358) (5398684)
- deps: update emotion monorepo to v11.13.0 (#1362) (fb98ad2)
- french: update translations (#1370) (b32e563)
- german: update translations (#1373) (82bfd76)
- italian: update translations (#1371) (7e45f9d)
- no display for loading state in bookmarks, published and recycled (#1369) (bd6d322)
- spanish: update translations (#1372) (4d395aa)
2.32.0 (2024-07-18)
- deps: update ag-grid monorepo to v31.3.4 (#1352) (596a444)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.12.1 (#1336) (92f31d0)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.16.4 (#1351) (4206ab5)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.25.0 (#1353) (e375a29)
- show link icon in table (#1347) (140cc81)
- use mui select for sizing (#1337) (f00eaf6)
2.31.0 (2024-07-15)
- allow current geoloc on map (#1314) (4fda73c)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.32.0 (#1317) (30c3072)
- deps: update dependency filesize to v10.1.4 (#1329) (5e7910b)
- deps: update dependency katex to v0.16.11 (#1319) (258b92c)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.402.0 (#1309) (924c1df)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.408.0 (#1327) (240177a)
- deps: update dependency react-image-crop to v11.0.6 (#1332) (f621b13)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (#1324) (a5773cb)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.16.0 (#1325) (05820cd)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.24.1 (#1311) (f9d95bd)
- warning about
using react-helmet-async (#1322) (d425527)
2.30.1 (2024-07-01)
- allow children search case (#1299) (1d7de28)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.118.0 (#1313) (68a9b1e)
- deps: update dependency react-qr-code to v2.0.15 (#1312) (949a64a)
- deps: update graasp packages (minor) (#1310) (b0fc421)
2.30.0 (2024-07-01)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.118.0 (#1308) (87bd02f)
- deps: update dependency leaflet-geosearch to v4 (#1289) (5892105)
- deps: update dependency react-qr-code to v2.0.15 (#1307) (3ab3da4)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v10 (#1290) (a6450b1)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.15.21 (#1287) (b68674b)
2.29.0 (2024-06-27)
2.28.0 (2024-06-13)
2.27.0 (2024-06-13)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.117.0 (#1277) (8ad36f8)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.7.2 (#1276) (062d1f3)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.394.0 (#1278) (6cc4903)
- deps: update dependency validator to v13.12.0 (#1280) (72cc47d)
- german: translations (#1271) (4a0786f)
- update app max height setting (#1285) (91b53bd)
2.26.0 (2024-06-10)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/sdk to v4.12.1 (#1264) (9825ea4)
- deps: update dependency filesize to v10.1.2 (#1240) (16a372e)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.11.5 (#1241) (ba5c3fc)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v14.1.2 (#1257) (2057989)
- deps: update dependency react-qr-code to v2.0.14 (#1242) (c7de7e8)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.15.19 (#1258) (ad34019)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.23.1 (#1243) (2814922)
- deps: update uppy packages (#1203) (711c8d8)
- link default to use showLinkButton = false (#1266) (fcba8e6)
2.25.0 (2024-06-05)
- allow apps to dynamically resize in builder (#1260) (9a74092)
- french: new item modal texts (#1263) (890be71)
2.24.0 (2024-05-29)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.116.0 (#1224) (02e80ad)
- embedding setting and iframe display (#1255) (6ad88e7)
2.23.0 (2024-05-23)
2.22.0 (2024-05-16)
- check permission before accessing geolocation (#1235) (ea97bd3)
- deps: remove dependency short-uuid to v5 (#1232) (2d6cf93)
- deps: update ag-grid monorepo to v31.3.2 (#1222) (cb85001)
- deps: update dependency @uppy/core to v3.11.3 (#1225) (201c2fe)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.378.0 (#1231) (4f5dd6b)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.15.18 (#1218) (5141451)
2.21.0 (2024-05-07)
- arabic: translations (#1230) (25c7966)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/sdk to v4.9.0 (#1192) (630f0fb)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.112.2 (#1186) (b77e98c)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.11.3 (#1199) (b6993d3)
- deps: update react monorepo to v18.3.1 (#1194) (96784ab)
- french: translations (#1228) (3601457)
- german: update translations (#1226) (90765f9)
- italian: translations (#1229) (b637dd3)
- spanish: translations (#1227) (657921e)
2.20.1 (2024-05-03)
2.20.0 (2024-05-02)
- allow license preview for license modal (#1201) (c6224f2)
- deps: update dependency lucide-react to v0.376.0 (#1196) (4054fc6)
2.19.1 (2024-04-29)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/sdk to v4.7.6 (#1179) (45c14c5)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.112.1 (#1181) (933bc93)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v14.1.1 (#1180) (4aa0c05)
- deps: update dependency stylis to v4.3.2 (#1178) (782681e)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.23.0 (#1182) (29e8bb4)
- improve settings page and overall (#1184) (0f3cb22)
- some margin inconsistencies (#1198) (b9dd11c)
2.19.0 (2024-04-23)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v3.5.0 (#1175) (51fef38)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/sdk to v4.7.5 (#1169) (db34935)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.27.0 (#1170) (e6ea1e7)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/ui to v4.15.1 (#1174) (5a62459)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.111.0 (#1125) (7f190b7)
2.18.0 (2024-04-18)
- deps: update ag-grid monorepo to v31.2.1 (#1102) (598de99)
- geoloc modal (#1156) (2216ac1)
- provide dynamic titles for pages (#1153) (fc1daa1)
- remove double wraping of main (#1149) (c3ae649)
2.17.0 (2024-04-15)
- update license at settings page (#1115) (ec0ad24)
- use builder modal for new item with map (#1147) (27155c6)
2.16.0 (2024-04-12)
- display interpolation data on mouse hover for chatbox name (#1142) (1c154fc)
- favicon (#1134) (8d83261)
- update graasp ui to use improved font scale (#1144) (fbba563)
2.15.0 (2024-04-05)
2.14.0 (2024-04-04)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.108.0 (#1103) (afc15ef)
- set redirection for auth signin (#1113) (083c071)
- update notifs and dismiss uppy status (#1120) (571ddc2)
2.13.0 (2024-03-26)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v3.0.1 (#1091) (a487532)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/sdk to v4.2.1 (#1048) (fcbb627)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.25.3 (#1092) (65e7209)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.107.0 (#1078) (4247b52)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.6.8 (#1093) (b38bb1e)
- deps: update dependency date-fns to v3.6.0 (#1105) (a12bedd)
- deps: update dependency filesize to v10.1.1 (#1097) (3b93b2b)
- deps: update dependency i18next to v23.10.1 (#1073) (b4a5b0d)
- deps: update dependency katex to v0.16.10 (#1107) (63c9d66)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v14.1.0 (#1070) (4f766d0)
- deps: update dependency react-toastify to v10.0.5 (#1098) (277a409)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.22.3 (#1072) (04e9ace)
- deps: update uppy packages (#1079) (3c8ed96)
- rename chatbox title (#1094) (4cef3af)
2.12.1 (2024-03-21)
2.12.0 (2024-03-19)
2.11.0 (2024-03-12)
- italian: translations and add missing phrases (#1056) (0456c3c)
- update hover state of icons (#1075) (73bab05)
2.10.0 (2024-03-07)
2.9.4 (2024-03-07)
2.9.3 (2024-03-06)
2.9.2 (2024-03-06)
2.9.1 (2024-03-06)
2.9.0 (2024-03-05)
- move the description in ItemsToolbar to display it directly below the title (#1045) (06c895a)
- update mode button, refactor (#1030) (1ee57ef)
- deps: update ag-grid monorepo to v31.1.1 (#1035) (27bb94d)
- deps: update dependency @emotion/react to v11.11.4 (#1036) (e053640)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.105.0 (#1037) (5158738)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (#884) (6009375)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.22.2 (#1023) (0432e8f)
- remove duplicate none doc flavor (#1055) (8dde1db)
- remove qs dependency (#1041) (09abf3e)
2.8.1 (2024-02-27)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.25.2 (#1033) (63456ca)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.6.7 (#979) (200bb3f)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v14 (#1025) (ad75ab9)
- deps: update dependency react-toastify to v10 (#1026) (37ff834)
- update deploy to use VITE_GRAASP_ASSETS_URL variable (#1018) (827c402)
- update un-publish process to reflect changes (#1002) (3eedc45)
- use esm modules for graasp dependencies (#1032) (9bf4348)
2.8.0 (2024-02-20)
- merge metadata and settings, add tags and geoloc (#996) (1e31079)
- use new graasp UI (#997) (dfaba0a)
- cant remove flavor (#1011) (621dd88)
- chore: set FormControlLabel max width to limit show only me switch (#1024) (c6ce11e)
- configure merge queue (#1017) (3cd54d5)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v2.6.2 (#1019) (35af95a)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.24.0 (#1020) (5001afd)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.101.1 (#1007) (f9b9a01)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.22.0 (#1008) (485500c)
- update readme values (#1015) (6cdab81)
2.7.0 (2024-02-09)
- hide none-folder in the move modal (#984) (dbe6886)
- migrate Copy and CreateShortcut modals to ItemSelectionModal (#988) (d11d13f)
- ui: create separate pages for item share, publish and settings (#971) (8489787)
- update showonlyme checkbox to switch (d11d13f)
- improve item thumbnails in grid view (#992) (08548d5)
- refetch queries on mount and update selection modal (d11d13f)
- some loaders to display data first and pagination bugs (#967) (392a736)
- use 100% for crop (#991) (0abb860)
2.6.3 (2024-02-02)
2.6.2 (2024-01-31)
2.6.1 (2024-01-29)
- test: accessible url test (5b15fb7)
- test: remove waits (5b15fb7)
- update crop modal (#966) (5b15fb7)
- use medium thumbnail size (5b15fb7)
2.6.0 (2024-01-24)
- add duplicate item action (#932) (175f173)
- filter memberships for same member to render highest permission only (#936) (8cf22c2)
- add key prop to duplicate item main menu (#965) (43a3c87)
- deps: update dependency @emotion/react to v11.11.3 (#945) (1f1a285)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v2.3.2 (#970) (456902e)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/ui to v4.3.1 (8da10f0)
- fix visibility select lang translations (#959) (5492143)
- only show admin and write accessible in move modal (#960) (94063f7)
2.5.0 (2024-01-16)
- disable options for downgrading the only admin (#931) (a7da8b9)
- move menu items tree (#910) (f014f13)
- refactor move modal, use accessible with pagination (#951) (1f18249)
2.4.1 (2024-01-11)
- ar: update (#942) (54efe96)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.93.0 (#927) (f16a0d4)
- de: update (#938) (dedc367)
- es: add spanish (#937) (e84c78b)
- fix reorder in table (#944) (7b1adb7)
- fr: update (#940) (55f6f76)
- it: update (#939) (6050742)
2.4.0 (2023-12-22)
2.3.1 (2023-12-19)
- allow apps to resize (#922) (c24b633)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.21.1 (ce872cf)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.89.0 (#918) (311fb5a)
- udpate release-please condition (8c13717)
2.3.0 (2023-12-08)
- improve the responsivity of the skeletons (#906) (3f0d653)
- navigate to the item on short link click (#908) (a30b801)
- replace shorten link icon by a pen (#907) (1c81284)
- avoid multiple library links in short links (#896) (226673c)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v2.1.1 (5d5d3b9)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/ui to v4.1.1 (#894) (d1a81bd)
- deps: update dependency @sentry/react to v7.86.0 (#909) (7777fa6)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.20.1 (427b0d5)
- link: allow all non-whitespace chars in urls (#757) (4833e9d)
2.2.0 (2023-12-04)
- add short links feature (graasp/graasp#664) (#861) (946d8d8)
- prevent move on shared page (#855) (39b7314)
- autofocus search field in appform and fix box shrinking (#882) (bfbf2d6)
- fr: update translations (#883) (14ecbee)
- upgrade deps (#885) (bd19680)
2.1.0 (2023-11-16)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/query-client to v2.0.2 (#863) (d3275ee)
- upgrade deps (#869) (1ce60f8)
2.0.1 (2023-11-06)
2.0.0 (2023-11-03)
- remove immutable (#849)
1.11.0 (2023-10-25)
- create a dialog to downgrade own membership (#822) (7baf7b8)
- freeze sentry user feedback (#843) (1a53ffa)
- update app cards to list in new item modal (#844) (740d567)
- alt-text reset bug (9098142)
- cant edit an item twice without reloading (#842) (9098142)
- deps: update dependency katex to v0.16.9 (75811dd)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9.0.1 (2b6879e)
- revert usage of short links in QRcode and displayed link (#834) (cda2071)
- s3Files should now show icons based on item type (9098142)
- use
instead of||
for skeleton inAppCard.tsx
(#833) (356ef76) - use upload icon on import file tab item (9098142)
1.10.0 (2023-10-16)
- add qr share link to share an item (#797) (046bc5e)
- add report a bug button using sentry and add a fallback page using error boundaries (#800) (785beba)
- build create app cards (#792) (cd8e5f7)
- enhance app card style (#812) (33dd377)
- integrate websockets updates (#802) (3cff148)
- shorten item link (#793) (87ecd32)
- translate ar.json via GitLocalize (#801) (244ca85)
- use item feedback updates (3cff148)
- add a confirmation message when deleting membership (#790) (1f3ab01)
- bump ui and re-enable chrome tests (#805) (a4a023e)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.19.2 (#778) (58abaae)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (389230b)
- prevent adding new item blank spaces (#784) (0f02a64)
- style: improve ThumbnailSettings view #706 (#819) (fe828a5)
- trans: use 'My Graasp' instead of 'My Items' (#815) (5aa0a2f)
- ui: add a loading state to app list cards (b496d59)
- ui: scroll in app-list and put app name field bellow list (b496d59)
- update document validation (#788) (09a317e)
- various app list fixes and refinements (#830) (b496d59)
- wrapping long item name (#786) (d0add75)
1.9.1 (2023-09-07)
1.9.0 (2023-09-01)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.5.0 (#772) (85d8b1c)
- deps: update dependency react-i18next to v13.2.0 (#677) (55b0587)
- deps: update sentry packages to v7.66.0 (#774) (74ead51)
1.8.1 (2023-08-28)
1.8.0 (2023-08-22)
1.7.0 (2023-08-11)
- add env for cypress to get the api host (9f96a14)
- deps: update mui (non-major) to v5.14.3 (#719) (b116bf9)
- increase cypress build step node memory (9f96a14)
- update workflow names and content (9f96a14)
- upgrade prettier (#728) (848b776)
- use preview instead of dev server (9f96a14)
1.6.0 (2023-07-31)
- add published tab and fix flickering in main menu (#695) (a187372)
- edit name etherpad (#727) (382750e)
1.5.1 (2023-07-26)
1.5.0 (2023-07-26)
- release 1.5.0 (399be79)
1.4.0 (2023-07-21)
- add information when item is already published in parent (efce7b2)
- allow to omit https in new link dialog (#713) (1213db1)
- clear new form on submit (#703) (d14a3a1)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/ui to v3.2.4 (#699) (cee6fae)
- deps: update dependency react-toastify to v9 (#681) (5030b37)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (#682) (421ebbb)
- deps: update uppy packages (#671) (cfa8ee0)
- deps: update uppy packages (#700) (37d0d51)
- password error shown in helpertext (#709) (3673d51)
- removing categories in publishing dialog (#704) (efce7b2)
- update deps and test fixtures for unpublished error (1213db1)
1.3.0 (2023-06-29)
1.2.0 (2023-06-26)
- ci: skip flaky test (#669) (a731c7e)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/translations to v1.15.0 (#668) (b6269b0)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.13.0 (#651) (571811d)
- deps: update sentry packages to v7.56.0 (#670) (8b3d642)
1.1.1 (2023-06-23)
- deps: update dependency @graasp/ui to v3.0.0 (#665) (2f96940)
- deps: update mui (non-major) (7458c1a)
- deps: update react-router monorepo to v6.11.2 (f009159)
- deps: update uppy packages (e5ab13e)
1.1.0 (2023-06-21)
1.0.0 (2023-06-20)
- typeorm (#629)
- release 1.0.0 (066cff6)
0.12.0 (2023-05-10)
- adds required symbol for name of folder, document and etherpad (#620) (0d09736)
- improve cc selection (#596) (64659bc)
0.11.2 (2023-04-24)
- add new collapsible and showchatbox (ffb6cc5)
- check if status column is empty and don't show it (ffb6cc5)
- improve status column display (#611) (ffb6cc5)
- remove duplicated
in release property (#618) (d07d093)
0.11.1 (2023-04-05)
- close caption on click cancel (#606) (604318b)
- update publishing icon to use the library logo with the settings cog (#609) (aae3842)
0.11.0 (2023-03-24)
0.10.0 (2023-03-17)
0.9.0 (2023-03-16)
- favoriteItem screen shows error (080d24f)
- fix condition to use default settings (e0ff7da)
- fix tests (93c7860)
- profile picture does not show (#592) (080d24f)
- update packages' version (5ff89eb)
- update yarn.lock (666c544)
- use
on first load (#588) (822383e) - use translation for the text in tooltip (7651325)
- add tests for enable analytics toggles (b3983cf)
0.8.0 (2023-03-06)
- ci: sentry version uses
(#581) (6dea58c) - quill: save empty string when content is empty (#578) (c62de5d)
- remove player button from item header actions (#575) (c7ec487)
0.7.0 (2023-02-24)
- add admin chat settings (export and clear) (2fd5a36)
- move types to
and export chat (#440) (2fd5a36) - ui: change
icon and improve layout of item header actions (#566) (5238321)
- add scrollable tabs to new item modal (#565) (12e3a2f)
- move a lot of files to TS (2fd5a36)
- possible null item in editItemModalContext (2fd5a36)
- test: add item-memberships public stub (2fd5a36)
- test: remove waits (2fd5a36)
- test: signed out user should not be able to open publish settings (2fd5a36)
- use enums from sdk (2fd5a36)
- use ItemRecord as the default type for items inside the app (2fd5a36)
- use sdk types instead of query-client (2fd5a36)
0.6.1 (2023-02-17)
0.6.0 (2023-02-16)
0.5.0 (2023-02-14)
- add tutorial footer menu item (#546) (9454fdc)
- improve accessibility for mainmenu and table (#555) (9cdac8d)
- add dialexo as a contributor for code (#553) (3ebef91)
- add pyphilia as a contributor for code (#551) (e858257)
- add spaenleh as a contributor for code (#552) (c70e240)
0.4.2 (2023-01-31)
- fix file drop placement depending on mainmenu (#536) (879ffaa)
- replace broken default image (9d9a60f)
- update @graasp/query-client (#541) (2b680b0)
0.4.1 (2023-01-19)
0.4.0 (2023-01-16)
- case-insensitive autocomplete comparison (#529) (2f496bb)
- filtering option in app auto-complete (80795c9)
- show isResizable setting on app item only (2f496bb)
- adapt tests to item settings refactor and types (80795c9)
0.3.0 (2023-01-11)
0.1.2 (2022-08-17)
0.1.1 (2022-08-17)
- minor change, remove toSeq (935d8b1)
- solve small errors (dfe89cb)
- solve Thumbnail issue, refactor extra props, and minor changes (223c172)
- solve Thumbnail visualization (1d176f2)
- add ci caller workflow to graasp-deploy (e4ec129)
- add aasa page (f3a01fd), closes #231
- add action dashboard (010b45c)
- add app (cd5c793)
- add button to copy multiple files at once (38b9d5e)
- add button to move multiple files at once (5ed9692)
- add button to show/hide item in perform (340b04d)
- add category selection (ccd7f24)
- add CC License (b9ba24b)
- add cdelivery caller workflow to graasp-deploy (8dc7b11)
- add cdeployment caller workflow (ce8d488)
- add chatbox (e9f219d)
- add clear chat prop (090b508)
- add close button in item panels (a9babd1)
- add co-editor settings (4810c06)
- add Collapse item option (4f8586f)
- add Collpase button to item menu (248ea23)
- add confirmation dialog to cc license (9e0125c)
- add cookies banner (2fcaa07)
- add download button (376c56a)
- add drop down between apps in header (#323) (e8d3992)
- add email notification checkbox (bd87388)
- add favorites items (2c986ae)
- add field to edit folder's description (9ce4bcb)
- add fr and en translations (1f37da0)
- add hooks, refactor files (eb39c56)
- add import zip tab (b61a1b2)
- add isItemPinned method to check tag (ea2b9c2)
- add item caption (a6e8a72)
- add item search to both grid and table views (51ae774)
- add item settings page (82069ed)
- add language selections (69584ef)
- add left sidebar (2815432)
- add linters and other config (a65d743), closes #2
- add list layout mode (f2b5347)
- add materialUI and materialUI scaffolding (ffa52f7), closes #3
- add member page profile (fe80c8a)
- add memberships avatar and badges (075e569)
- add message when multiple files are moved or copied (2767189)
- add navigation and move (9895cca)
- add new tab for publish item (eef97dd)
- add pagination to grid view (baf6137)
- add pinButton with icon (c1ca3ab)
- add public setting (d18acb8)
- add quick pin button in list to match grid (42658e8)
- add recycle bin (3d17344)
- add restore buttons (49dcd31)
- add s3 upload files (b63c8a1)
- add settings page (32606c3)
- add sign in, register component (e9f9170)
- add thumbnail setting (96902e3)
- add thumbnail setting (0929131)
- add toastr and logger middlewares (e979494)
- add UI to delete account (a1d0b01)
- add upload file component (ee03f9f)
- add validation hooks, improve interface (bb4b3ff)
- add ws hook calls for shared items and children updates (d42927a)
- add, edit and delete memberships from settings (bf9d1fc)
- allow users to put custom url when adding apps (cfeb8c0)
- apply small fixes (#386) (6cfb528)
- build basic elements of the UI (d6b2ed3), closes #7
- change public/index.html to display graasp info (40e924a)
- check user authorization, redirect from sign pages to home (ba1e188)
- choose what to display in Items header (2cbb2a9)
- clear document forms after submit (fca3605)
- clear document forms after submit (5b66340)
- create and edit document (2860ae8)
- create shortcut (8f97320)
- display metadata in right sidebar, tests (de2d968)
- display shared items (806ca56)
- edit item (8134a34)
- enable apps to change their settings (4a1c692)
- enable document edition (05b867f)
- fix canEdit for category, add customized tag (99d832a)
- handle item order in folders (9d2f73c)
- hide publish config if publish not selected (726b296)
- implement item flagging (27545fc)
- implement item login and tags (42d0b0f)
- implement redirect to last url (67d1034)
- include required scripts to use standard-version (09f44d3)
- move item and copy item (c0905ac)
- move select to right, refactor to functional component, add missing translation (5329d26)
- new env variables (6bbed7b)
- preview tags (6f77202)
- refactor share tab publish item layout (189d452)
- replace url textfield by dropdown (22ac4e9)
- show favorite item button in table/grid view (2d0f481)
- show more info in share modal about accesses (8ba07b1)
- show no search results found message (3cede4f)
- show shared link in share modal (db6c465)
- update add item modal, add links, update edit form (63c81d3)
- update chatbox (#365) (a46d9e6)
- update chatbox props (125a1e4)
- update member password (4dca7de)
- update member password (26113d4)
- update query-client to new file plugin and remove unused s3 stuff (2dc441c)
- update staging versions in graasp deploy (0294050)
- use ag-grid library for items table (9efa92d)
- use edit item to change isPinned property (682712e)
- use edit item to pin items (6cdc85c)
- use react-query (4044a50)
- use tags to add / remove pinned (7562a99)
- view, delete and add item (23211e3)
- imports for constants inside the tests (f4c85d0)
- add a force reload when item get validated (7a796ba)
- add array type for not-selectable items (c9f2ac4)
- add details to message of validation result (c3dfd67)
- add disabled published option (9734372)
- add missing comma (b271e84)
- add missing files to fix tests (1c1963a)
- add more tests for categories and tags (9d707e6)
- add parentheses removed by formatting (2212609)
- add refresh button (29b5a57)
- add team app id prefix (148c875)
- add translations and fix tests (2173dee)
- add wait for tests (6d5e989)
- apply type when resetting add item form (fdf0092)
- avoid popup blocking when redirecting (554a91a)
- bug fix (ae1aa43)
- change header button size to
for consistency (dab1dc0) - change mutation name (558f0a2)
- changed by review (49edce0)
- changed by review (f050747)
- changes by review (a8473b4)
- changes by review (6394198)
- changes by review (acf899f)
- changes by review (98f6b7f)
- changes by review (d89c773)
- changes by review (d3999d9)
- changes by review (2e0d060)
- changes by review (26d7d64)
- changes by review, disable related tests (677246c)
- changes due to table refactor (aabd75b)
- changes suggested by review (f1cef8c)
- Create const for username's div max width (19376b6)
- disable cypress cache (4cc8624)
- discard changes when the modal is closed (71daa12)
- due to changes in query client (8c4046d)
- empty email field after invite completes (994df52)
- enabled publish button all the time (1f9156a)
- factor out selectors and index (22ba7c7)
- factor out url (6f7adf5)
- fix after rebase (1595560)
- fix bugs (c7e4ff5)
- fix bugs after rebase (5f406a0)
- fix code after rebase (d2d291c)
- fix conflict (c4e4992)
- fix dependency and test (082f77e)
- fix erroralert (d9c5685)
- fix public items memberships (07d6b3d)
- fix style issues after rebase (544a5cb)
- fix tests (7bcecb4)
- fix typo (a29522c)
- fix undefined (206dd5b)
- fix variable names (578ea8f)
- fix yarn (23c0211)
- fix yarn (7355528)
- fix yarn lock file (c02e548)
- fixtures use constants string instead of env var (b5af0eb)
- improve table header by passing searchinput in elements (ccf817d)
- improve tags preview, fix placeholder text (ad1519d)
- include changes after review (aa00716)
- include changes after review (7d276e4)
- include changes after review (8bbdf64)
- make remove cc license an option (fd44bf6)
- minor bug fix (7b2c382)
- minor changes (0be87c5)
- minor fix (e641ff8)
- minor fix (6c49802)
- minor fix according to comments (4db2389)
- minor fix after review (0ced8bd)
- minor fix and simple test (9f851f5)
- minor fixes (e829bec)
- new commit sha (c677325)
- null check on nullable itemSearch prop (8792947)
- on error favorite items shows header and mainmenu (d797b61)
- only show search input if no item is selected (3ddde52)
- pass member as prop to MenuItem in ItemsTable to avoid render loop (29f9a4e)
- prevent spam click of confirm button which creates many same items (4d3f56f)
- rebase branch (36f459f)
- rebase fix yarn (d21e040)
- refactor & fix by review (6d59133)
- refactor implementations (d07a0fe)
- remove console log (87ba089)
- remove local repo (96d1c54)
- remove log (fbacfbe)
- remove published from visibilityselect (7c21d18)
- removed unnecessary endpoints (5e5ab92)
- removes comment from json (293bd0d), closes #231
- rename pinned to item-pinned (27e7521)
- rename section to 'Tags' (277527e)
- rename variables, sort level options (d7ea738)
- render loop when pagination count is 0 (64004ef)
- restore the redicrectToSignIn function (7d88433)
- send only necessary properties when editing (eb26682)
- solve issue in test (7572bf6)
- solve test issue (d4205d5)
- try adjust timeout (8dd28d6)
- typo in caller workflow (b57dffe)
- typo in cintegration-s3-caller.yml (779c275)
- update commit sha (05720da)
- update package after rebase (eda2b08)
- update query-client branch, add checksumBehavior in yarnrc (e20cd48)
- update query-client reference in package.json (25dcc2c)
- update query-client reference in package.json (0c9b66e)
- update sha ref and secrets name (bd86a16)
- update sha workflow reference (64c967b)
- update sha workflow reference (ca0c325)
- update standard-version dependency (5a907ae)
- update to latest graasp-query-client (d6e8b3f)
- update translation (7852199)
- update translation (b1a2e67)
- update ui element (cc439bb)
- update yarn.lock (28179aa)
- update yarn.lock (4ea9b69)
- update yarn.lock (80e677a)
- url matching for getMembers intercept (2f44e0e)
- use main branch for query client (566b401)
- when search is performed on page bigger than number of results, should reset to first page (8ef8cc2)
- wrong secret names (0fa4aa7)
- add deploy to prod workflow (5dff033)
- deploy using docker with dynamic env vars (6ad7211), closes #38
- run cypress in quiet mode (94869a6)
- set up cypress in github actions (f12a0ce)
- update dependencies (dcbf5fe)
- update dependencies (e14f4ff)
- use graasp-query-client main branch (55771e6)
- add google analytics (dd06b6a)
- force clear yarn cache (7ffdea3)
- set up sentry (#384) (eb7e650)
- upgrade to yarn 3.0.1 (cf4423e)
- use branch 9/websockets for @graasp/query-client (1c87c30)
- add cypress tests for WS updates childItem, sharedWith (3e0b2ce)
- add hidden id in tests (0ca684e)
- add ids for copy and move buttons (dc8c279)
- add integration tests for search in grid and list (a2bcbe7)
- add mock endpoints for validation (c24f153)
- add more tests for apps dropdown (a72dfe6)
- add move and copy item test (f817a34)
- add regression for pagination reset on search (e890e1f)
- add simple tests for validation (a3b3a9d)
- add test for apps (55a0a48)
- add test for authentication, refactor (2845521)
- add test for chatbox (c172dfc)
- add test for new features (6cb331f)
- add test for pin button (3b004d0)
- add test when viewing links (3661d42)
- add tests for apps (2b84123)
- add tests for copy multiple files (20ed99a)
- add tests for delete, view and create item (868cbe4)
- add tests for hide button (6dc568a)
- add tests for import zip feature (538400c)
- add tests for moving multiple items (1ee402b)
- add tests for navigation involving settings and edition (f248b2d)
- add tests for public items (8d4c37a)
- add tests for settings (56b978f)
- add tests for share item modal (3294ff1)
- add tests to ensure add button doesn't exists (31bfcec)
- add upload tests (5a5af78)
- check order of items in folder with non-existing item in ordering (62a898d)
- fix and add tests for changes (316802a)
- fix pinned tests (a292e96)
- fix test and format code (dbac48d)
- fix test for category & tag (5f4c0aa)
- fix tests (b5703c2)
- fix tests (0bc7b88)
- fix tests and format (08c5606)
- fix tests to work with dropdown (1823b80)
- implement confirmation in item delete tests (fa6a368)
- improve test based on PR comments (0265fc8)
- include cypress test (54f59b1)
- include new test case (c4e4abd)
- move item (faf2a0c)
- redirect url in local storage (e8638de)
- refactor with new WS API (0c0fe8b)
- remove 'only' test case (4589a20)
- rename WS cypress tests file (a1c2d1d)
- reorder child items (5b57ac3)
- set retries for cypress (4f1c8d7)
- update test to use the multiple items functions (38fef57)
- update test, test card and list layouts (c2c4e2f)
- write tests for grid pagination, add own items fixtures generator (b14ebaa)