- Use go-mod-messaging updated
functions (689d11e…) - Pass a callback function to
method (b6bb7df…) - Enhance the authentication hook function to support external JWT (7262530…)
- Remove unused DeviceServiceCallbackClient (7b366ed…)
- Add new go build tag no_openziti to reduce build size (#795) (84aca22…)
- Add EDGEX_USE_COMMON_APP_SERVICE_SECRET_KEY for service key overwrite (f50d47c…)
- Remove consul dependency (f96ab66…)
BREAKING CHANGE: Remove consul dependency
- Add new env to support -o flag (e434cfd…)
- Add Core-Keeper support (080e5c8…)
- Add service key to HTTP Server (#679) (29e6be3…)
- Allow clients to be zero trust (#678) (8d0240b…)
- Initial implemention of openziti to go-mod-bootstrap (#659) (4121a9d…)
- Update go module to v4 (6033f3b…)
- Obtain the updated configuration provider client to handle configuration changes (a102aaa…)
- Add the security-proxy-auth svc client (8b40366…)
- Call the next handler function in the auth_middleware (f48dd5b…)
- Define SecretStoreAuth in the separate file (46f501e…)
- Add the missing import in auth_middleware_no_ziti (d68de5a…)
- Remove unit tests related to redis pub/sub (#793) (1eae02d…)
BREAKING CHANGE: Remove redis pub/sub
- The env should override flags (fe8b0f6…)
- Upgrade to go-1.23, Linter1.61.0 (3a67eaa…)
- Add EnableNameFieldEscape config (b63a581…)
- Add new -rsh/--remoteServiceHosts flag and corresponding env override (#596) (1d77273…)
- Add wrapper func to wrap http handler for Echo (e1ab269…)
- Move the common middleware to go-mod-bootstrap (#567) (8addaa2…)
- Replace gorilla/mux router with echo (#557) (d7c12cc…)
- Add better error handling when common config is missing (#566) (dcdd37f…)
- Move all the common APIs into go-mod-bootstrap (#562) (40eb783…)
- Use loadfile that allows reading from local file or uri (#558) (b171584…)
- Implement reusable load file function (#555) (d15a138…)
- Expand DevMode flag to set values for external access (#601) (db3759c…)
- Rename SecretPath to SecretName (#551) (2d38a8b…)
- Add support for wildcard in secret updated callback and rename RegisteredSecretUpdatedCallback (#d335988)
BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed RegisteredSecretUpdatedCallback to RegisterSecretUpdatedCallback
- Apply env overrides only when config loaded from file (#99b3ee9)
BREAKING CHANGE: Overrides are no longer applied to values pulled from Configuration Provider. Configuration Provider is now the system of record for configuration, when used.
- Load common configuration (#e74b4a8)
BREAKING CHANGE: calls to bootstrap.RunAndReturnWaitGroup must include the service type
- Rename environment variables for the sake of consistency (#402) (#ff25685)
- Support /api/v3/secret endpoint in non-secure mode (#542) (#77722ae)
- Add Metrics for getting secret token and getting secret (#8d6813b)
- Add -d/--dev common command-line flag to put service in Dev Mode (#516) (#0c0b475)
- Add command line/environment flag for commonConfig (#487) (#fed18d9)
- Implement watch for common config writable (#456) (#f5fe044)
- Implement new IsRegistered API for MetricsManager (#446) (#8ddd9e2)
- Add go-mod-bootstrap hooks for JWT generation and verification (#a31da98)
- Add go-mod-bootstrap hooks for JWT generation and verification (#8d2d623)
- Check nil pointer in
(#495) (#02bbd1b) - InsecureSecrets change detection (#525) (#a09e027)
- Don't attempt to wrap error to LoggingClient (#3bc6273)
- metrics: do not use shared DefaultRegistry and fix wg.Done call (#543) (#4aa258a)
- Rework SecretProvider interface so App/Device Services have limited API (#d95cec14)
BREAKING CHANGE: Services that need full SecretProvider API now use SecretProviderExt. Extra APIs have been removed for App/Device Services.
- Change Database timeout to a duration string (#0c6b57a)
BREAKING CHANGE: Database Timeout type has changed from `int` to duration`string`. Update configuration appropriately.
- Rework to remove use of TOML package (#4f2cfc7)
BREAKING CHANGE: OverrideTomlValues changed to OverrideConfigMapValues and GetConfigLocation changed to GetConfigFileLocation
- Switch to loading configuation files as YAML (#9d98d1e)
BREAKING CHANGE: All configruation file must now be in YAML format. The default file name has changed to be configuration.yaml
- Remove unused AuthModeKey and SecretNameKey (#91df2ca)
BREAKING CHANGE: AuthModeKey and SecretNameKey public constants have been removed
- Refactor all usages of path to be secretName in APIs (#7449463)
BREAKING CHANGE: path parameter has been renamed to secretName in all APIs
- Replace topics from config with new constants (#45461fa)
BREAKING CHANGE: Topics no longer in configuration
- Rework MessageBus configuration for all services to use consistently (#3599fd1)
BREAKING CHANGE: MessageQueue renamed to MessageBus and fields changed. See v3 Migration guide.
- Replace SecretStore service config with default values and overrides (#4709c62)
BREAKING CHANGE: SecretStore config no longer in service configuration file. Changes must be done via use of environment variable overrides of default values
- Rename command line flags for the sake of consistency (#010e84a)
BREAKING CHANGE: - `-c/--confdir` to `-cd/--configDir` - `-f/--file` to `-cf/--configFile`
- Don't add version to Config Stem (#6cf9e04)
BREAKING CHANGE: Service configuration location in Consul has changed
- Update module to v3 (#608b320)
BREAKING CHANGE: Import paths will need to change to v3
- Use updated config provider function for isCommonConfigReady (#450) (#e72e993)
- Move configuration location code to public helper function (#422) (#7c7ee01)
- Config processor createProviderClient from receiver to helper (#421) (#a9675b9)
- Adjust to MessageBus config with single broker host info (#407) (#cd249ec)
- Add capability to use messaging based Command Client (#384) (#9ad12a8)
- Add Consul security metrics (#383) (#a43e448)
- Add service metrics for Secrets requested and stored (#376) (#42c52e2)
- Added SecretUpdated API (#373) (#f58aa0b)
- Redact logging of insecure secrets env override (#367) (#9565883)
- Added HasSecret API (#364) (#61f5503)
- Add new 'Topics' field and external MQTT BootstrapHandler (#365) (#6dab13b)
- Add common Messaging bootstrap handler (#360) (#aaf2123)
- Add Histogram to supported metric types (#346) (#57130b2)
- Put CA cert into MessageBusInfo for all AuthModes (#324) (#4dbfa01)
- Add capability to override config provider settings with "none" (#381) (#3493ca4)
- Run WatchForChange in a new thread (#362) (#9c98e1c)
- Ensure exit with non-zero code when error occurs (#358) (#816d4c9)
- Upgrade to Go 1.18 (#1361f04)
- Add RequestLimitMiddleware for Service.MaxRequestSize config (#321) (#42b690d)
- Implement service metrics bootstrap and common capability (#313) (#8132711)
- Location of client service obtained from the registry (#305) (#78c5fc9)
- security: Use go-mod-secrets version that includes the capability of using non_delayedstart go build tags (#317) (#2a6ac6a)
- security: Integrate runtime spiffe token provider client from go-mod-secrets (#4bf6376)
- Generate proper Consul basepath on Windows (#0cfe34c)
- config: ignore first change notification in ListenForCustomConfigChanges (#315) (#6332299)
- Use Http Request timeout handler (#267) (#4da2238)
- security: Add Access Token callback Vault token reload (#285) (#64217dd)
- security: Add optional capability to seed service secrets (#276) (#a4676a4)
- security: Add func to process CORS (#288) (#c292656)
- security: Create CORS related config struct (#286) (#4ec4738)
- v2: Add Subscribe config to MessageQueue config (#240) (#ac14ba0)
- v2: Add bootstrap handler to create Messaging Client with secure options (#225) (#ae196fc)
- v2: Use SecretProvider to get Config/Registry access tokens (#202) (#5d19aa5)
- v2: Enable use of Registry & Config client access token (#195) (#f9d06ec)
- v2: Add overwrite capability for custom configuration (#185) (#90b8a51)
- v2: Add support for load/listen custom configuration (#180) (#f277873)
- v2: Add config client in DIC (#178) (#ecde49d)
- v2: Add helper to query DIC and returns the DeviceServiceCommandClient instance (#162) (#c087e44)
- v2: Create Helper functions to retrieve client library instances through DIC (#158) (#3d89601)
- Use /api/v2/ping for Registry healthchecks (#196) (#7d55b1a)
- Add conditional for error message and return false on error (#f4390fe)
- Replace hyphen with underscore in override names (#216) (#9f3edfd)
BREAKING CHANGE: Overrides that have hyphens will not longer work and must be updated replace hyphens with underscores.
- Remove messaging handler to avoid implicit ZMQ dependency (#235) (#9df977d)
- Fix Secure MessageBus Secret validation for non-secure mode (#233) (#f6c98ef)
- Generate mock for latest SecretProvider interface (#206) (#359809f)
- Use V2 Ping for health check (#5bb40c1)
- secuirty: remove retry config items from SecretStore config (#248) (#6002097)
- Update ServiceInfo struct to be used by all services and add MaxRequestSize (#9e3af34)
BREAKING CHANGE: Service configuration has changed for all services
- Update calling GenerateConsulToken (#212) (#e295a6e)
- Replace use of BurntSushi/toml with pelletier/go-toml (#6c8f2b4)
- Expose ConfigVersion so services can use if needed (#204) (#e966ad5)
- Set the Config Version when creating Config Client (#201) (#615e600)
BREAKING CHANGE: Configuration in Consul now under the `/2.0/` path
- Refactor ListenForCustomConfigChanges to avoid use of channel (#187) (#cffb2fe)
- Updated go.mod for tagged go-mod-secrets and fixed unittest (#05db8a1)
- Add comment for new Type setting. (#d2e6caa)
- LoggingClientFrom handle nil case properly (#c95d24f)
- Allow service to pass in initial logging client (#3651de7)
- Accept argument lists with a -r substring (#dc0e6ea)
- Handle env override values which have the '=' character (#4846fb7)
- Increase default startup duration to 60 seconds (#0761e33)
- Startup Duration and Interval never updated from default values (#c35f13c)
- config: Remove ClientMonitor from the ServiceInfo struct (#efe9cb9)
- Changed from using blank hostname to (#38f87ec)
- Don't use hostname for webserver ListenAndServe (#6dbe24f)
- Allow overrides that have empty/blank value (#5497010)
- config: Ignore first config changes notification on start-up (#2834834)
- environment: Perform case insensitive comparision for override names (#3d7becb)
- config: Change UpdatedStream to be defined as
chan struct{}
- logging: Logger not configured properly (#017c944)
- Add Self seeding, env var overrides, cmd-line options per ADR 0005-Service-Self-Config.md (#59) (#e56334c)
- registry: Integrate new Configuration & Registry clients (#915c058)