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852 lines (500 loc) · 48.6 KB

File metadata and controls

852 lines (500 loc) · 48.6 KB

v1.5.0 [2025-02-15]


v1.4.0 [2025-02-12]


  • Added column billing_information to gcp_organization_project and gcp_project tables. (#665) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_cloud_run_job table to correctly return data from the service supported regions instead of returning a permission denied error. (#713)


  • The project column in the gcp_billing_account table is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. (#665) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)

v1.3.0 [2025-02-05]

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the unsupported region northamerica-south1 error while querying the gcp_cloud_run_service table. (#707)
  • Fixed the akas column of gcp_redis_cluster and gcp_redis_instance tables to correctly return data instead of null. (#687)

v1.2.0 [2024-11-04]

What's new?


  • Added labels and tags columns to the gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule table. (#678) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)
  • Added database_installed_version and maintenance_version columns to the gcp_sql_database_instance table. (#677) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_compute_instance_group table to correctly return values for the instances column of regional instance groups. (#670) (Thanks @pdecat for the contribution!)
  • Fixed the kubernetes_node_pool table to correctly return data instead of an error for node pools with auto-pilot disabled. (#668) (Thanks @multani for the contribution!)

v1.0.0 [2024-10-22]

There are no significant changes in this plugin version; it has been released to align with Steampipe's v1.0.0 release. This plugin adheres to semantic versioning, ensuring backward compatibility within each major version.

Breaking changes

  • The credential_file argument in the configuration file has now been removed. We recommend using the credentials argument instead, which can take the same file path as the credential_file argument. (#672)

v0.57.0 [2024-09-13]

What's new?


  • Added connection_info column to the gcp_alloydb_instance table. (#651)

Bug fixes

  • Removed the name column from the gcp_bigquery_table table since the API response does not include this field. (#648)


v0.56.0 [2024-07-31]

Breaking changes

  • Removed the following columns in gcp_cloudfunctions_function table to align with the new API response structure: (#612)
    • environment_variables
    • source_upload_url
    • version_id

What's new?

  • Added the impersonate_access_token config argument to support plugin authentication by using a pre-generated temporary access token. (#621)


  • Added 17 new columns to the gcp_cloudfunctions_function table. (#612)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the cache key issue in the SecretManager service client creation. (#624)

v0.55.0 [2024-07-22]


  • Added column create_time to gcp_sql_database_instance table. (#615)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_alloydb_cluster and gcp_alloydb_instance tables to correctly return values for project column instead of null. (#617)

v0.54.1 [2024-07-04]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the export tool of the plugin to return a non-zero error code instead of 0 whenever an error occurred. (#79)

v0.54.0 [2024-07-01]

Bug fixes

  • Reverted the Export CLI behaviour to return <nil> for null values instead of empty. (#77)

v0.53.0 [2024-06-14]

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_sql_database table to skip SQL database instances that are not in the running state. (#586)
  • Fixed the gcp_kubernetes_node_pool table to skip clusters that have autopilot mode enabled. (#591)

v0.52.0 [2024-05-13]


  • The project column has now been assigned as a connection key column across all the tables which facilitates more precise and efficient querying across multiple GCP projects. (#564)
  • The Plugin and the Steampipe Anywhere binaries are now built with the netgo package. (#580)
  • Added the version flag to the plugin's Export tool. (#65)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the table gcp_cloudfunctions_function to list gen2 cloud functions. (#568) (Thanks @ashutoshmore658 for the contribution!)


v0.51.1 [2024-04-12]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the plugin's Postgres FDW Extension crash issue.

v0.51.0 [2024-04-05]

What's new?

v0.50.0 [2024-03-29]

What's new?


  • Added support for quota_project config arg to provide users the ability to set the project ID used for billing and quota. (#556)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the retry_policy_maximum_backoff and retry_policy_minimum_backoff columns of gcp_pubsub_subscription table to correctly return data. (#552) (Thanks to @mvanholsteijn for the contribution!)

v0.49.0 [2024-02-02]

What's new?

v0.48.0 [2024-01-22]

What's new?


  • Added column iam_policy to gcp_cloud_run_service table. (#531)
  • Optimized the gcp_logging_log_entry table result or result timing by applying a timestamp filter. (#508)
  • Added the json_payload, proto_payload, metadata, resource, operation, and tags columns to gcp_logging_log_entry table. (#508)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the addons_config, network_config and network_policy column of gcp_kubernetes_cluster table to correctly return data instead of null. (#530)
  • Fixed the end_time column of the gcp_sql_backup table to return null instead of an error when end time is unavailable for a SQL backup. (#534)
  • Fixed the enqueued_time, start_time and window_start_time columns of the gcp_sql_backup table to return null instead of an error when timestamp is unavailable for a SQL backup. (#536)

v0.47.0 [2023-12-12]

What's new?


  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v5.8.0 that includes plugin server enacapsulation for in-process and GRPC usage, adding Steampipe Plugin SDK version to _ctx column, and fixing connection and potential divide-by-zero bugs. (#521)

v0.46.0 [2023-11-16]

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the retention_policy column of gcp_storage_bucket table to correctly return data instead of null. (#502)

v0.45.0 [2023-10-04]

What's new?


v0.44.0 [2023-10-02]


v0.43.0 [2023-08-24]

What's new?

v0.42.1 [2023-08-17]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_compute_machine_type table to correctly return the supported machine types of all the zones. (#480)

v0.42.0 [2023-08-07]

What's new?


  • Added prefix as an optional list key column in gcp_storage_object table. (#475) (Thanks to @villers for the contribution!)

v0.41.0 [2023-07-20]

What's new?

v0.40.0 [2023-06-29]

What's new?

v0.39.0 [2023-06-20]


  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v5.5.0 which significantly reduces API calls and boosts query performance, resulting in faster data retrieval. (#453)

v0.38.0 [2023-06-15]

What's new?

v0.37.0 [2023-05-19]

Breaking changes

  • Removed columns private_key_data, private_key_type and public_key_data from gcp_service_account_key table as they consistently returned null. (#449)


  • Added columns public_key_data_pem and public_key_data_raw to gcp_service_account_key table. (#449)

v0.36.0 [2023-05-11]


  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v5.4.1 which fixes increased plugin initialization time due to multiple connections causing the schema to be loaded repeatedly. (#446)

v0.35.0 [2023-04-05]

What's new?


v0.34.0 [2023-03-13]


  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v5.2.0 which includes fixes for query cache pending item mechanism and aggregator connections not working for dynamic tables. (#438)

v0.33.1 [2023-03-06]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the plugin failing to detect when an active project is not set in the connection config, environment variables, or the gcloud CLI.

v0.33.0 [2023-02-10]

What's new?

  • Added ignore_error_codes config arg to provide users the ability to set a list of additional GCP error codes to ignore while running queries. For instance, to ignore some common access denied errors, which is helpful when running with limited permissions, set the argument ignore_error_codes = ["401", 403"]. With the addition of this config argument, it must be noted that the plugin will no longer return an empty row, when querying for services that have their APIs disabled, instead an error will be returned mentioning that the API has been disabled. To ignore this error, set the argument ignore_error_codes = ["403"]. For more information, please see GCP plugin configuration. (#432)


v0.32.0 [2023-01-11]

Breaking changes

  • Renamed column name to key_name in gcp_kms_key_version table to reflect that it displays the name of the KMS key rather than the name of the crypto key version. (#424)


  • Added column id to gcp_kubernetes_cluster table. (#422)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the id column in gcp_compute_instance_template, gcp_compute_network, gcp_compute_target_https_proxy and gcp_compute_target_pool tables to be of INT datatype instead of DOUBLE. (#426)
  • Fixed the title column of gcp_kms_key_version table to return the KMS crypto key version appended to the KMS key name (for e.g. my-key-name/1) instead of returning only the key name (my-key-name). (#424)

v0.31.1 [2022-12-08]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed gcp_kubernetes_cluster and gcp_kubernetes_node_pool tables always using application default credentials instead of user configured credentials. (#420)

v0.31.0 [2022-12-06]


  • Updated docs/ to include better and more detailed multi-project configuration examples. (#414)
  • Updated the Credentials section of docs/ to include information about authenticating with Cloud Shell and Cloud Code. (#395)

v0.30.0 [2022-12-02]

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed gcp_compute_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_* table docs to use the correct value of average in queries checking for CPU utilization. (#416)

v0.29.0 [2022-11-23]


v0.28.1 [2022-11-11]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the ip_address column in gcp_compute_forwarding_rule and gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule tables to be of INET data type instead of IPADDR data type. (#409)
  • Fixed the gcp_cloudfunctions_function table to correctly return data instead of an error when specifying the name column in the where clause. (#403)
  • Fixed the Credentials section of the docs/ to include the correct permission scope for querying the tables.


v0.28.0 [2022-10-24]


  • Added name as optional ListConfig key column to gcp_compute_disk_metric_* and gcp_compute_instance_metric_* tables to improve query performance when filtering on disk or instance name respectively. (#397) (Thanks to @JoshRosen for the improvements!)
  • Updated examples for project config argument to use PROJECT_ID instead of PROJECT_NAME to better reflect the expected value. (#398) (Thanks to @ashishsecdev for the updates!)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed gcp_compute_disk table queries panicking when querying the iam_policy column for a disk name that doesn't exist.

v0.27.0 [2022-09-06]



  • Added column self_link to gcp_dataproc_cluster table. (#386)

v0.26.0 [2022-08-16]

What's new?


  • Added column access_approval_settings to gcp_project table. (#381)
  • Added column essential_contacts to gcp_organization table. (#380)

v0.25.0 [2022-07-13]


v0.24.0 [2022-07-01]


v0.23.1 [2022-05-23]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the Slack community links in README and docs/ files. (#363)

v0.23.0 [2022-04-27]


v0.22.1 [2022-03-25]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the gcp_compute_resource_policy table to correctly return the compute resource policies instead of an error (#352)

v0.22.0 [2022-03-23]

What's new?


v0.21.0 [2022-03-17]


  • Added the autopilot_enabled column to the gcp_kubernetes_cluster table (#344)

Bug fixes

  • The gcp_project table now correctly returns projects that have a project name different from their project ID

v0.20.0 [2022-01-19]


  • Added additional optional key quals, filter support, and context cancellation handling to BigQuery, Cloud Functions, Compute Engine, DNS, KMS, Logging, Monitoring, Project, Pub/Sub and SQL tables (#337)
  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v1.8.3 (#339)

v0.19.0 [2021-11-23]


v0.18.0 [2021-10-26]

What's new?

  • Added: The credentials argument can now be specified in the configuration file to pass in either the path to or the contents of a service account key file in JSON format (#318)


  • Updated: Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v1.7.0 (#317)
  • Updated: Add additional optional key quals to gcp_iam_role, gcp_compute_image and gcp_compute_instance tables (#298)
  • Updated: Add WithCache functionality for hydrate functions across all the tables (#298)


  • The credential_file argument in the configuration file is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. We recommend using the credentials argument instead, which can take the same file path as the credential_file argument. (#318)

v0.17.1 [2021-10-12]


v0.17.0 [2021-09-23]


  • Added the self_link column to gcp_bigtable_instance, gcp_cloudfunctions_function, gcp_monitoring_notification_channel, gcp_pubsub_snapshot, gcp_pubsub_subscription, gcp_pubsub_topic and gcp_project tables (#304)
  • Added the labels column to gcp_compute_instance_template and gcp_kms_key tables (#301)
  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v1.6.1 (#309)

Bug fixes

  • Column name selfLink has been correctly renamed to self_link in the gcp_kubernetes_node_pool table (#308)

v0.16.1 [2021-09-13]


Bug fixes

  • If the Google service API is disabled, then the corresponding table will now return zero records (#287)

v0.16.0 [2021-08-26]

What's new?


v0.15.0 [2021-07-08]

What's new?


  • Updated: Add columns location and project to all metric tables (#279)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: timestamp column type in all metric tables is now TIMESTAMP instead of STRING (#277)
  • Fixed: Typo in table name and invalid key column definition for gcp_dns_record_set table

v0.14.0 [2021-07-01]

What's new?


  • Updated: Add support for service account impersonation credentials (#249)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: List and get calls should not error in gcp_sql_database table for stopped databases (#244)

v0.13.1 [2021-06-17]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: id column type in gcp_compute_disk table (#228)
  • Fixed: Example query in gcp_compute_address table doc (#224)

v0.13.0 [2021-05-27]

What's new?

v0.12.0 [2021-05-20]

What's new?

v0.11.0 [2021-05-13]

What's new?


  • Updated: and docs/ now contain links to our Slack community (#202)
  • Updated: Add self_link column to gcp_dns_managed_zone table (#195)
  • Updated: Add self_link column to gcp_logging_sink table (#193)
  • Updated: Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 in /gcp-test (#197)

v0.10.0 [2021-05-06]

What's new?


  • Updated: Add disk_encryption_key and disk_encryption_key_type columns to gcp_compute_disk table (#185)
  • Updated: Remove disk_encryption_kms_key column from gcp_compute_disk table (#185)
  • Updated: Add metric_descriptor_type column to gcp_logging_metric table (#182)

v0.9.0 [2021-04-29]

What's new?

v0.8.0 [2021-04-22]

What's new?

v0.7.0 [2021-04-15]

What's new?

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Query example in gcp_dns_managed_zone table docs (#172)

v0.6.0 [2021-04-08]

What's new?


  • Updated: gcp_sql_backup, gcp_sql_database, gcp_sql_database_instance tables now use the sqladmin package instead of the sql package (#161)
  • Recompiled plugin with steampipe-plugin-sdk v0.2.7

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Backup configuration columns now return the correct data in the gcp_sql_database_instance table (#166)
  • Fixed: Removed unused root_password column in the gcp_sql_database_instance table (#166)

v0.5.1 [2021-04-02]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Table definitions & examples link now points to the correct location (#163)

v0.5.0 [2021-04-01]

What's new?

v0.4.0 [2021-03-25]

What's new?


v0.3.1 [2021-03-11]

Bug fixes

  • Removed use of deprecated ItemFromKey function from all tables

v0.3.0 [2021-03-04]

What's new?

  • New tables added
    • gcp_compute_region
    • gcp_compute_zone

v0.2.1 [2021-03-02]

Bug fixes

  • Recompiled plugin with latest steampipe-plugin-sdk to resolve issue:
    • Fix tables failing with error similar to Error: pq: rpc error: code = Internal desc = get hydrate function getIamRole failed with panic interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not *gcp.roleInfo(#129).

v0.2.0 [2021-02-25]

What's new?

  • New tables added
    • gcp_sql_backup
    • gcp_sql_database
    • gcp_sql_database_instance

Bug fixes

  • Updated gcp_compute_instance table network_tags field to display value correctly (#114)
  • Recompiled plugin with latest steampipe-plugin-sdk to resolve SDK issues:
    • Fix error for missing required quals #40.
    • Queries fail with error socket: too many open files #190

v0.1.1 [2021-02-22]

Bug fixes

  • Now union query for multiple projects will work if different credential files are used for project connection in config (#116)

  • Updated gcp_storage_bucket table labels field to display value correctly (#115)

v0.1.0 [2021-02-18]

What's new?

  • Added support for connection configuration. You may specify gcp project and credential_file for each connection in a configuration file. You can have multiple gcp connections, each configured for a different gcp project.

  • If the project id to connect to is not specified in connection configuration file or through CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT environment variable. Now plugin will use active project, as returned by the gcloud config get-value project command.


  • Added location column to gcp_compute_image, gcp_compute_snapshot and gcp_monitoring_notification_channel, gcp_pubsub_snapshot, gcp_pubsub_subscription and gcp_pubsub_topic tables.
  • Added iamPolicy column to gcp_compute_instance table.
  • Added disabled and oauth2_client_id columns to gcp_service_account table.

v0.0.6 [2021-02-11]

What's new?

v0.0.5 [2021-02-04]

What's new?

  • New tables added to plugin

    • gcp_compute_address (#29)
    • gcp_compute_disk (#47)
    • gcp_compute_firewall (#42)
    • gcp_compute_forwarding_rule (#53)
    • gcp_compute_network (#43)
    • gcp_compute_router (#51)
    • gcp_compute_snapshot (#60)


  • Added field location to resource tables that are not regional with value as global

v0.0.4 [2021-01-28]

What's new?

  • Added: gcp_cloudfunctions_function table

  • Added: gcp_compute_global_address table

  • Added: gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule table

  • Added: gcp_compute_instance table

  • Added: gcp_storage_bucket table

  • Updated: gcp_iam_role table. Added is_gcp_managed boolean field to distinguish between GCP managed and Customer managed roles.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: gcp_iam_role table. Updated included_permissions field to have details of role grants for list call.