Releases: swri-robotics/marti_common
Releases · swri-robotics/marti_common
What's Changed
- Removing version check on Kinetic for C++ standard by @danthony06 in #760
Full Changelog: 2.15.3...2.15.4
What's Changed
- Fall back to distutils.core.setup for swri_cli_tools by @rjb0026 in #687
- 683 add advertise apis to swri nodehandle by @rjb0026 in #684
- Removed auto_ptr from swri_yaml_util by @rjb0026 in #699
- Fully specifying return type by @danthony06 in #718
- Update Package Maintainers by @danthony06 in #719
- Update main.yml by @danthony06 in #720
- Adding Adelaide test case for UTM coordinate conversion by @danthony06 in #724
- Updating psutil call for new API by @danthony06 in #726
- Increase minimum CMake version to 3.16 by @daniel-dsouza in #732
- Updating for New Proj Versions by @danthony06 in #733
- Fixing Possible Problem with Latency Calculation by @danthony06 in #734
- Configure cmake policy CMP0167 for swri_nodelet by @daniel-dsouza in #758
Full Changelog: 2.15.2...2.15.3
What's Changed
- Adding Jazzy to README by @danthony06 in #750
- Fix badges by @danthony06 in #751
- Change Version Check Method by @danthony06 in #754
- Update origin params by @DangitBen in #752
New Contributors
- @DangitBen made their first contribution in #752
Full Changelog: 3.7.2...3.7.3
What's Changed
- Adding ros_environment Dependency by @danthony06 in #749
Full Changelog: 3.7.1...3.7.2
What's Changed
- Fully specifying type to avoid warnings on Arm platforms by @danthony06 in #717
- Improving CI by @danthony06 in #721
- Fixing Wrapping Latitude and Longitude Wrapping Calculations by @danthony06 in #722
- Adding Adelaide UTM <-> WGS84 test case by @danthony06 in #723
- Adding better initialization of origin (#632) by @danthony06 in #725
- Removing swri_prefix_tools by @danthony06 in #727
- Fix UTM Utils and Get Tests to Build in ROS 2 by @vknisley-swri in #729
- changed from python-transforms3d-pip dep to python3-transforms3d dep. by @rjb0026 in #730
- Add definitions for subscribers with unique_ptr callback arguments by @vknisley-swri in #731
- Sanity checking time before performing duration calculation by @danthony06 in #735
- Fix Unit Test Failures by @danthony06 in #740
- Replaced local projection math with geographiclib by @JayHerpin in #739
- Jazzy Pip Update by @danthony06 in #743
- Updating Tests With New Error Bounds by @danthony06 in #741
- Simplify Cmake by linking to the library target by @Rayman in #742
- CI Update by @danthony06 in #744
- Fix Test Failures by @danthony06 in #745
New Contributors
- @JayHerpin made their first contribution in #739
- @Rayman made their first contribution in #742
Full Changelog: 3.6.1...3.7.0
- Fixing issues preventing buildfarm from building packages. No functionality changes. (Thanks @danthony06)
- Build changes related to removing EOL distribution support and adding Rolling support. No functionality changes. (Thanks @danthony06)
- Updates to swri_roscpp to take advantage of QoS settings and other publisher and subscriber options. (Thanks @vknisley-swri and @danthony06)
- Various fixes for Iron to remove warnings and build errors (Thanks @danthony06)