This repository provides various utility packages created at Southwest Reseach Institute's Intelligent Vehicle Systems section for working with Robot Operating System(ROS). This branch adds support for ROS 2 Dashing and newer releases. Most packages from ROS 1 have been ported, but a few have been removed due to being unnecessary or redundant, and some functionality is not implemented yet.
What's changed in the ROS 2 port?
Removed packages:
Nothing used this and it only contained a linked listswri_nodelet
Obsolete due to ROS 2's component mechanismswri_rospy
Unnecessary in ROS 2swri_string_util
Equivalent functionality is provided by boostswri_yaml_util
This package only existed in order to bridge nodes between ROS Hydro and ROS Indigo; useyaml-cpp
directly now
Package migration notes:
has not been ported from ROS 1 yet due to extensive changes in how ROS parameters work
If you have installed ROS 2, you can install any of the packages in this repository with apt-get:
sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-<package>
These directions assume you have already set up rosdep. See the rosdep documentation on the ROS wiki for help setting up rosdep.
If you don't have a colcon workspace, create one:
mkdir $HOME/workspace/src cd $HOME/workspace/src
Check out the source code
cd $HOME/workspace/src git clone
Install dependencies:
# (In the root of this repository) rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src
cd $HOME/workspace colcon build