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Sage Combinat Roadmap
This page is an attempt at drawing a road map for Sage-Combinat, starting with the migration from MuPAD-Combinat.
Please feel free to edit this page to add more items, or add your names for topics you contributed to or would be interested in contributing to (this helps knowing who does what and who to contact for further collaborations).
Topic | Progress | Comments |
Basic enumerative combinatorics | 75% | 2007-08 by Mike |
Decomposable objects / Species | 75% | #10662 |
Trees | 30% | |
Posets | 100% | |
Words | 100% | |
Symmetric functions | 90% | |
k-Schur & the like | 90% | |
Root systems / ... | 90% | |
Crystals | 90% | |
Category framework | 100% | |
Hopf algebra framework | 80% | |
Free modules & such | 80% | |
Algebra (desosseur, ...) | 50% | |
Operads | 15% | #15633, #15634 |
Linbox interface | 100% | (compares to 10% in MuPAD) |
GAP interface | 80% | (compares to 1% in MuPAD) |
Interface for fast Gröbner basis | 100% | (compares to 0% in MuPAD) |
Nauty | 100% | (compares to 50% in MuPAD |
Symmetrica | 60% | |
lrcalc | 95% | #10333, #11563, #14107 |
GLIP | 50% | #6812 |
graphviz / dot2tex | 80% | #7004, #10518 |
Database access | 100% | |
MachineIntegerListsLex | 0% | Will be easy via cython |
Basic abstract data structures | 100% | (fast stacks, AVL, dancing links) compares to just the basic ones in MuPAD + no real way to implement some with serious speed ourselves |
Hopf algebras, Symmetric functions, and generalizations
- Symmetric Functions
- Multisymmetric Functions (Paul Bryan, Emmanuel Briand)
- #11979 (prototype): Divided power algebras (Bruce)
- #6629 (prototype) Implement Schubert polynomials (Viviane Pons, AdrienBoussicault, Nicolas Borie)
- #6889 (prototype): Invariant rings of permutation group (Nicolas Borie)
- Implement more generic algorithms:
- Antipode defined recursively
- Product and coproduct defined by duality
- Group like elements from primitive idempotents
- #14901 (prototype): Lie algebras, Kac-Moody algebras, quantum groups (Travis Scrimshaw)
- Planar algebras
- Operads (#15633, #15634, basic support, partially depends on #10662) (FlorentHivert, FredericChapoton)
Monoids, algebras, and their representation theory:
- Finite dimensional algebras:
- Decomposition of the center, construction of minimal idempotents (as in MuPAD-Combinat)
- Quiver, Cartan matrix, radical filtration (as in MuPAD-Combinat)
- Finite monoids and semigroups
- Calculus on modules (direct sums, tensor products, induction, restriction, quotients, radical, ...) (in progress for semigroups)
- Tower of algebras: representations, Grothendieck rings, ...
- Group algebras:
- #10305: Add rings for the center of the symmetric group algebras Mathieu Guay-Paquet, Valentin Feray
- Quivers and path algebras:
- #9889 (prototype): A new module implementing Monomial Algebras (Quimey Vivas)
- Interface to QPA in GAP? http://sourceforge.net/projects/quiverspathalg/ Authors: Green, Solberg, ... Based on Gröbner package GBNP by Cohen and Knopper
- Experiment with KBMAG / PLURAL / Letterplace (see #4539) to easily implement algebras like affine nilCoxeter algebra, affine nilTemperley Lieb algebra, affine local plactic algebra).
- Finite dimensional algebras:
Root systems, Coxeter groups, Hecke algebras:
- #8906 (needs finalization): Optional package for gap3
- Integrate/interface PyCox
- Root systems:
- Constructing a root/coroot lattice realization from a pair of matrices Christian Stump
- Coxeter groups, reflection groups:
- Automatic finite Coxeter/(affine)Weyl type recognition, using graph isomorphism with predefined cartan types (complex reflection group is harder)
- Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras (through pyCox, ...)
Geck, Franco,
- Port over the character tables
- Representations/character tables of the Hecke algebras
- Port Specht (AndrewMathas)
- Implement data structures for character tables / use it systematically in Sage (Volunteers? Nicolas has some design notes about this):
- of groups in Sage / GAP
- of semi-simple algebras (in Sage / GAP)
- of a coset
- See also #7555: fix Cayley tables, add operation tables
- Further improve root systems, Coxeter groups and the like, getting features, inspiration, code, doc, tests, developers from Chevie (...)
- Implement more models of Crystals?
Cluster algebras (Christian Stump, Gregg Musiker, Hugh Thomas):
- #10819: Implementation of the cluster complex
- #11010: Implementation of the SubwordComplex as defined by Knutson and Miller
The complete implementation of the core features are merged in Sage-5.9 . A further road map can be found at http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/clusteralgebras.
Modules and vector spaces:
Categories & coercion: See also the Categories Road Map
Analytic combinatorics:
- Support for lazy/infinite posets
Enumerative combinatorics
- #10662: Improve combinatorial species / decomposable classes
- Refactoring
#12955, #12956: let categories override
- #12957: Categories for finite (enumerated) sets
- #12913: Deprecate CombinatorialClass in favor of the EnumeratedSet's categories
- #5268: Further cleanup of Enumerated sets
- #10194 (needs review): Set factories (Florent Hivert)
- Fix everything from: http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Weirdness In particular cleanup permutations!!!!
#12955, #12956: let categories override
- Optimization
- use ClonableIntArray and friends for all combinatorial object: permutations, partitions, compositions...
- Trees (Florent Hivert):
- #13987 Combinatorial m-ary trees
Dynamics (Vincent Delecroix)
- Rauzy fractals, ...
- Flat surfaces, origamis
- Interval exchange transforms
Words and languages (Vincent Delecroix, Thierry Monteil, ...):
- Languages
- Categorification
Automorphic Forms, Combinatorial Representation Theory, and Multiple Dirichlet Series ICERM http://icerm.brown.edu/sp-s13/
- Merge in Sage as many of our tutorials
- Notebook and help (is this a tutorial or a primer?)
- Programming in Sage and Python
- Calculus and Linear algebra
- Combinatorics (to be taken from «Calcul Mathématique Avec Sage») NicolasThiery and Hugh Thomas
- Merge in Sage as many of our tutorials
Sage-Combinat workflow:
- Write down the properties we want our workflow to have, and improve it!
- Modules & vector spaces:
- Categories & coercion:
- #10963: More functorial constructions (Nicolas Thiéry)
- Quivers and path algebras:
- #12630: Representations of quivers and quiver algebras (Jim Stark)
- Refactoring:
- #10534: Optimizations for the generation of subwords, subsets, and set partitions (VincentDelecroix)
- Posets:
- #12916: Dedekind-MacNeille completion of finite posets
- Trees:
- Symmetric functions and generalizations:
- #9194: Expose and extend the thematic tutorial on symmetric functions
- #7980: Refactor SymmetricFunctions using «multiple realizations» and deprecate SFASchur and friends
- #11563: Make lrcalc a standard package
- #12924: SchubertPolynomialRing causes symmetrica and Sage to crash on bad input
- #12525: SFAHomogeneous does not work with RealField
- #11929: Implement quasi-symmetric functions (JasonBandlow, Franco Saliola, Chris Berg, Mike Zabrocki)
- #8899: Implement Non Commutative Symmetric Functions (JasonBandlow, Franco Saliola, Chris Berg, LenniTevlin, MikeZabrocki)
- #15150: Implement NCSym (Travis Scrimshaw, Mike Zabrocki, Franco Saliola)
- Monoids, algebras, and their representation theory:
- Root systems, Coxeter groups, and Hecke algebras:
- Crystals:
- #11305: Bijection between Rigged Configurations and Crystal Paths (Travis Scrimshaw)
- #12251: Implementation of Littelmann path model for crystals (Anne Schilling, Mark Shimozono, Reda Chhaibi)
- #13872: All affine type bijections between rigged configurations and tensor products of KR tableaux (Travis Scrimshaw)
- #14130: Implementation of generalized Young wall model for affine type A crystals (Lucas Roesler, Ben Salisbury, Travis Scrimshaw)
- #14192: Implementation of marginally large Young tableaux model for crystals of type A, B, C, D, and G (Ben Salisbury, Travis Scrimshaw)
- #14413: Implementation of elementary crystals (Ben Salisbury)
- #14759: Implementation of modified Nakajima monomial model for crystals (Arthur Lubovsky, Ben Salisbury)
- Cluster algebras (Christian Stump, Gregg Musiker, Hugh Thomas):
- #13425: Implementation of mutation type checking
- #13424: Implementation of mutation classes
- #13369: Implementation of the class ClusterSeed (reviewed by Salvatore Stella)
- #10538: Implementation of the class ClusterQuiver (reviewed by Dylan Rupel)
- #10527: Implementation of the class QuiverMutationType
- #12587: Simplicial complexes lack hash function
- #11523: Implementation of Cohen-Macaulay test for simplicial complexes
- Categories and coercion:
- Analytic combinatorics:
- #11641 (prototype): guesser of combinatorial statistics, http://www.findstat.org (Chris Berg, Franco Saliola, Christian Stump)
- #10358 (needs_finalization): The sloane_find command is now completely broken (Thierry Monteil)
- Posets:
- Enumerative combinatorics:
- #11407: Add normalization to clonable lists (Florent Hivert)
- #8703: Improve Trees (Florent Hivert)
- #10193: graded/... enumerated sets
- #6538: Reimplement from scratch IntegerListsLex, fixing its 8-year old bugs
- #6812: Enumerate integer vectors modulo to the action of a Permutation Group (Nicolas Borie)
- #12250: Combinatorics of k-tableaux and the like (Anne Schilling, Mike Zabrocki)
- #14141: Implementation of Knutson-Tao puzzles (Franco Saliola, Anne Schilling, Allen Knutson, Avi Dalal)
- #11688 graded modules
- Trees:
- #15121 (a quick way to create trees)
- Symmetric functions and generalizations:
- Optimizations:
- #11115: Rewrite cached_method in Cython
- Symmetric functions and generalizations:
#10333: An interface to Anders Buch's Littlewood-Richardson Calculator
#10333: An interface to Anders Buch's Littlewood-Richardson Calculator
- Categories: #9469, #8119, #12527, #12877, #11943
- #4539: Plural wrapper for skew commutative Gröbner bases
- Coercion: #11250, #11257
- Enumerated sets: #11118
- Posets: #10998 (Categorification), #12476, #12677, #10670, #11382, #12536 (Linear extensions), #12831 (products)
- Modules and vector spaces: #12464, #12484, #12489, #12528
- Root systems:
- Quivers: #10349, #10347
- Sphinx, Documentation: #9128, #12717, #12849, #12490
- #7980: Implement generic support for parents with (multiple) realizations
- Optimizations:
- #8702: Fast datastructure for (combinatorial) objects with prototype (clone) design pattern (Florent Hivert)
- #11290: Implementation of non-commutative k-Schur functions in the nilCoxeter algebra (Anne Schilling, Chris Berg)
- Documentation: #11251, #11282
- Debugging, profiling: #11287
- Installation: #11296
- Posets: #10065, #11293
- Combinatorics: #11300, #11301, #11314
- Certainly many more!
- Crystals:
- The road map in May 2010 (Sage Days 20.5, Toronto)
- Symmetric functions:
- Root systems, crystals, ...
- Categories, parents, elements:
- Modules and vector spaces:
- #8876: Triangular morphisms with domain and codomain having different index sets
- #7914: Triangular isomorphisms of free modules
- #7938: swap_term_and_monomial
- #9651: Addition on CombinatorialFreeModule directly on dictionaries (closed: fixed)
- #9648: ModulesWithBasis allows module_morphism's to a wider class of ... (closed: fixed)
- Graphs:
- Enumerated sets:
- Words:
- words bug : #8095 (word morphism is primitive), #8140 (sturmian words definition), #8186 (length handling), #8215 (empty word), #8232 (cmp bug), #7520 (word construction)
- words enhancement : #8187 (equality of words), #8268 (speed up christoffel words), #8287 (_check function), #8289 (word morphism call function), #7619 (pickle for word defined by callable or iterator), #8233 (concatenation), #8266 (documentation)
- words new functions : #8093, #8127, #8227
- #8595, #8618, #8574, #8673 and #8674 (misc defect fixes)
- #8429 (Split word.py file into 4 files)
- #8604 (Add a class for factor-enumerable words)
- #8407 and #8670 (new methods for word paths)
- #8287 (_check makes it slower)
- #8431 (Rauzy fractal (discrete planes and broken lines)
- Category framework (#5891, #7251, #7443) (NicolasThiéry, ...)
- Cleanup and refactoring of root systems and Coxeter groups (#4326, #4327, #4608, #7753, #7754), Weyl characters (#5794) and crystals (#4311,#5729,#3663, #5002, #5729, #5879) (AnneSchilling, DanBump, NicolasBorie, StevenPon, NicolasThiéry, ...)
- Cleanup and refactoring of combinatorics (#4549, #5200, #5308, #5487, #5534, #5551, #5781, #5600, #6000, #7403, #7395, #7396, #7397) (FlorentHivert, NicolasThiéry, ...)
- #6136: Implementation of FreeModule / Hopf algebra framework
- Refactoring of symmetric functions (#5457, #6137, #7777) (NicolasThiéry, JasonBandlow)
- #6138: Refactoring of the SymmetricGroupAlgebra to use categories and free modules
- Words, ...
- Families: #5538, #7208, ... (FlorentHivert)
- TestSuites: #6097, #6809, #6343, #7478 (NicolasThiéry)
- Technical patches: #5120, #5405, #5449, #5598, #5783, #5843, #5920, #5967, #5979, #5985, #5986, #5991, #6000, #6097, #7420, #7421, #7776, #7928, #7842 (NicolasThiéry, ...)
- Partial support for Iwahori Hecke algebras for all types: #7729 (DanielBump, AnneSchilling, NicolasThiéry)
- July: FPSAC'09 (RISC, Linz, Austria)
- Goal: Most features ported
- Goal: Most of the research done with Sage-Combinat
- Goal: All new users can start directly with Sage
2008: Switching to Sage!
October: Sage Days 10 (Nancy, France)
Get the core MuPAD-Combinat developers started with Sage
Design, prioritization, planning
Design of the categories and (Hopf) algebra framework using the new coercion system
September: announcement that Sciface is purchased by Mathworks (Matlab).
MuPAD does not qualify anymore as a "reasonably priced high quality computer algebra system".
Sciface cancels its formerly liberal licence policy for MuPAD-Combinat developers.
Plan for a final stable release of MuPAD-Combinat dropped.
Port of decomposable objects (from MuPAD-combinat) / species (from aldor-combinat) by Mike Hansen, funded by Google Summer of Code
June 24th, FPSAC (Valparaiso, Chile):
Official announcement of the migration
Goal: elementary combinatorics users can start directly with Sage
June 19th: Visit of Florent to Davis. Final decision to migrate!
May: Fixed several of the Weirdness issues (#3286, JasonBandlow)
Spring, in particular at MSRI (Berkeley, USA):
Long discussions within the community about the opportunity to switch
Port of root systems (#2808, #2809, #2864, #2868, #2874, #2964, #3660, #3664, NicolasThiéry, DanBump, JustinWalker, MikeHansen, TomDenton)
Further port and extensions to the crystals library (#2868,#3032,#3417,#3418,#3660, AnneSchilling, DanBump, JustinWalker, BrantJones)
Basic setup for FreeModule's
Posets (FrancoSaliola)
Created the 'Weirdness' web page
February: Sage Days 7 (Los Angeles)
Technical experimentation with Sage to see how fit it is for our purposes.
Partial port of the crystals library (#2742, AnneSchilling and NicolasThiéry)
Implementation of Xin's Omega algorithm by Jason and Greg #10669
January: presentation of MuPAD-Combinat at the AMS meeting in San-Diego; meeting and discussions with the Sage team
2007: Early contacts with Sage
June: design discussions between Nicolas and Mike at the Axiom Workshop 2007
February: First contact with Mike Hansen who wanted to port some features of MuPAD-Combinat, which we very much encouraged. In the following month, Mike translated 30k lines of code, which accounts for most of the basic combinatorics (tableaux, permutations, ...), and symmetric functions.
2006-2008: Aldor-Combinat
- Species (Martin Rubey, Ralf Hemmecke)
2000-2008: 100k lines of code in MuPAD-Combinat, 20 contributers, 25+ papers
- Symmetric functions (François Descouens, NicolasThiery, ...)
- NCSF, QSym, Hopf algebras, Kac algebras (Florent Hivert, NicolasThiery)
- Operads (Frédéric Chapoton)
- Quivers and path algebras (Patrick Le Meur)
- Crystals (Anne Schilling, ...)
- Root systems, Weyl groups (NicolasThiery, ...)
- Representation theory of algebras (Florent Hivert, ...)
- Enumerative combinatorics (tableaux, compositions, integer vectors, trees, ...)
- Decomposable classes/species (NicolasThiery, FlorentHivert, Sébastien Cellier, Paul Zimmermann...)
- Coercion system (NicolasThiery)
- Categories for algebraic combinatorics (NicolasThiery)
- Graph & Graphviz (Teresa Gomez Diaz)
December 2000: Birth of MuPAD-Combinat