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927 lines (670 loc) · 37.5 KB

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927 lines (670 loc) · 37.5 KB


Servo is an Open Source framework supporting Continuous Optimization of infrastructure and applications via the Opsani optimization engine. Opsani provides a software as a service platform that optimizes the resourcing and configuration of cloud native applications to reduce operational costs and increase performance. Servo instances are responsible for connecting the optimizer service with the application under optimization by linking with the metrics system (e.g. Prometheus, Thanos, DataDog, etc) and the orchestration system (e.g. Kubernetes, CloudFormation, etc) in order to apply changes and evaluate their impact on cost and performance.

Servo is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

This changelog catalogs all notable changes made to the project. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. Releases are versioned in accordance with Semantic Versioning.

[25.3.0] "ollyander" - 2025-03-03


  • Support for Cisco O11y authentication
  • Switched to --groups for managing dev dependency with Poetry
  • Dependency updates

[24.3.0] "speedwagon" - 2024-03-11


  • Dependency updates

[24.1.0] "speedwagon" - 2024-01-18


  • Update to python 3.12.1


  • Servo reentrant run invocation occuring after shutdown 562

[23.12.1] "speedwagon" - 2023-11-28


  • Updated to python 3.12
  • Miscellaneous dependency updates

[23.12.0] "speedwagon" - 2023-11-08


  • Added labels to the helm chart to make it easier to locate the servo for a given optimization

[23.10.0] "speedwagon" - 2023-10-04


  • Adopt year.month base version numbering to align with the rest of Appdynamics portfolio

[2.2.8] "genesis" - 2023-08-14


  • When running in kubernetes, the NO_PROXY environment variable will automatically be set to include the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST 548
  • Errors that occur during describe are now reported to the CO backend 549
  • RangeSetting validations now log warnings instead of raising validaiton errors 554


  • Deployment.check_conditions was causing attribute errors when handling certain conditions 552

[2.2.7] "genesis" - 2023-07-27


  • Progress reporting queue is cleared on command completion to prevent stale progress from being sent when pileup occurs 544
  • Memory parsing logic treats unitless decimal strings as GiB (aligns with existing float parsing) per the servo protocol 546

[2.2.6] "genesis" - 2023-07-10


  • A unique identifier for each servo deployment is now supported in configuration and sent with every request to the backend
  • A unique identifier for each command received from the backend is now retrieved from the response to the WHATS_NEXT request and included on all servo requests for the given command (progress and completion)

[2.2.5] "genesis" - 2023-06-15


  • 404 no longer considered fatal status code
  • Checks now support exponential backoff
  • Checks delay configuration now defaults to exponential backoff
  • Diagnostics reporting disabled by default
  • Connector discovery now done with importlib.metadata.entry_points instead of deprecated pkg_resources.iter_entry_points


  • Measurement delay (wait driver only)

[2.2.4] "genesis" - 2023-04-14


  • Default interval of progress updates changed from 5 seconds to 60
  • Updated API path used for servo endpoint of optimize solution

[2.2.3] "genesis" - 2023-03-31


  • Update ID of appD config to use optimizerID instead of workloadID

[2.2.2] "genesis" - 2023-03-20


  • Updated third party libraries

[2.2.1] "genesis" - 2023-02-17


  • Modify Opsani dev connector to work with Appd configuration
  • Support for agent management sidecar


  • Fix servo crash on connection error

[2.2.0] "subtle rhapsody" - 2023-01-24


  • Appdynamics authentication
  • Add helm chart

[2.1.1] "subtle rhapsody" - 2022-08-23


  • Servox preliminary support for optimization of StatefulSets 439


  • and checks documentation updated to reflect changes to CLI executions of checks 445


  • Kubernetes metrics server connector returning tuning memory request/limit from main workload 449
  • Invalid operation error when comparing NaN values against configured SLO mimimums 450


  • httpx updated to version 0.23.0 446

[2.1.0] "subtle rhapsody" - 2022-07-25


  • Native MacOS support 422
  • Container logs are now included in rejections caused by restarting pods 383
    • Test coverage for container logs 394
  • Added Black code formatter 398
  • Added MyPy code scans and inline linting 402
  • no_tuning configuratibility to allow external drivers to leverage Opsani Dev orchestration without being required to launch a Saturation or Tuning optimization 404
  • Combined CI coverage reports from Unit tests and Integration tests 425


  • Pinned certain dependencies for improved stability:
    • Kubectl 425
    • aws-iam-authenticator 425
  • Response bodies are now included in the logging of unretryable HTTP responses 400
  • Updated dependencies:
  • Remedies from multiple failing checks are now applied in the same check iteration. Previous behavior was to apply a single remedy from the first failing check then rerun all checks, rinse and repeat until passing 411
  • Fast Fail metric thresholds that are close to 0 will be skipped instead of counting as failures 412
  • Updated kubernetes connector container resources logic to return limits in place of requests in cases where requests are not set 426


  • Improved CI test stability 388
  • Resolved edge case where timeouts would run indefinitely if set to a duration of 0 392
  • Resolved error in connector logic that could have caused the wrong target resource to be referenced as the target or failed to locate the target resource altogether 422


  • Private repository mirroring 389
  • Eager Metrics Observer 397

[2.0.0] "electric orchestra" - 2021-12-18


  • Kubernetes metrics connector for reporting Pod metrics from kubernetes metrics server #369
  • Ability to upload logs and configuration for tech support #373
  • Support for describing and adjusting kubernetes container environment variables #375


  • Updated project to python 3.9.7 #367
  • No longer using custom kubernetes_asyncio package #368
  • The Opsani Dev connector attaches the Kubernetes Metrics connector if we're able to list pod metrics #379


  • Relaxed python version dependency requirements #372

[0.11.1] "preposterous ports" - 2021-11-19


  • Kubernetes connector logical error in check for argo rollout permissions #358
  • Opsani Dev connector configuration mathematical error in prometheus queries for success_rate and error_rate #357

[0.11.0] "preposterous ports" - 2021-11-01


  • Prometheus connector fast-fail support; short-circuit long running measurements when SLO violations are detected #330
  • Kubernetes connector Argo Rollouts WorkloadRef support #337
  • Opsani Dev connector support for configuration of image and tag used for envoy sidecar injection #341
  • Kubernetes connector support for injecting static environment variables into the tuning Pod #343


  • Kubernetes Deployment optimizations (Saturation Mode) destroy error behavior changed to shutdown; the Deployment resource is no longer destroyed and is scaled to zero replicas instead #317 it to zero replicas instead
  • Kubernetes adjustment values no longer raise validation errors when outside the configured range (eg. falling back to initially observed/baseline values) #279


  • Checks running on multiple connector assemblies were only processing checks for the first connector to respond #351
  • Prometheus connector reliance on implicit importing of servo.cli #355

[0.10.7] "baseless allegation" - 2021-09-02


  • Updated opsani Dev connector metrics to remove confusing _avg metric name #331

[0.10.6] "baseless allegation" - 2021-08-20


  • Update forked kubernetes_asyncio dependency to use PyPI package source instead of github #315

[0.10.5] "baseless allegation" - 2021-08-16


  • Improved messaging of unschedulable adjustment rejections #285
  • Test suites now treat warnings as errors #288
  • Relaxed validation of account names to support accounts that don't adhere to DNS naming convention #302
  • Updated calculation and naming of Opsani Dev prometheus metrics to use averages #305


  • Beta support for optimizing Argo Rollouts #303
  • Simple telemetry to report run environment details to the backend #261
  • Existing kubernetes resource requests/limits are now validated #282


  • Opsani Dev p99 latency metrics #306
  • Opsani Dev main_pod_avg_request_rate redundant metric #305

[0.10.4] "baseless allegation" - 2021-07-09


  • The Optimizer base_url is now normalized to strip a trailing slash to ensure that computed paths are deterministically correct.
  • Cancellation requests from the optimizer were not being properly respected, resulting in unnecessary delays to cancel operations from the console.
  • Enforce settlement time user-config parameter.

[0.10.3] "baseless allegation" - 2021-06-06


  • The port option is now respected by the sidecar injection remedy.
  • Introduced the scripts connector that supports attaching arbitrary shell commands to be run before, on, or after an event is dispatched by the servo. #245
  • Add ImagePullBackOff error for target service (tuning or mainline) #248
  • Improve K8s Deployment updates and error handling. #253


  • Dynamically named ports are now supported by resolving the port name against the Pod spec template #246
  • Use correct process for determining current active pods #247
  • Support settlement command correctly in ServoX k8s connector #240
  • Remove token exposure in TRACE log #239
  • When checks fail and are rerun, the tuning pod is no longer rebuilt unnecessarily.
  • Eliminated cases where the KubernetesConnector could fail to report progress due to Kubernetes API availability, timeouts, etc. resulting in errant Servo disconnected events being emitted by the optimizer.
  • Improved test resiliancy and removed name collisions in automated test namespaces

[0.10.2] "baseless allegation" - 2021-05-20


  • Port was not being accepted as input on inject_sidecar cli command #241

[0.10.1] "baseless allegation" - 2021-05-11


  • Flexible support for pod template resource specifications #182
  • Aligned memory unit display with the expected Kubernetes output


  • Allowed min=max in range settings
  • Correctly use selector labels to locate deployment #202

[0.10.0] "baseless allegation" - Unreleased


  • Opsani Dev checks for traffic flows are faster.
  • Service check errors now include the missing labels.
  • Container resources are now checked against the optimizable range before optimization begins.
  • Introduced pub/sub transformers for filtering, splitting, and aggregating messages across channels. #191
  • Added --no-poll and --interactive options to the servo run command. #192
  • Enjoy a random start-up banner in a random color palette. #193
  • TRACE logging from the servo.api module now includes cURL commands. #194


  • Traffic checks no longer require a 2xx status code to pass.
  • Load testing hints using Vegeta now include kubectl exec stanza to run remotely rather than on the local workstation.
  • Resource requirements now output a sensible error message rather than raising a KeyError when cpu or memory are not defined.


  • Updated to httpx v0.17.0
  • Updated uvloop to v0.15.2
  • Optimizer is now a member of the Configuration object.


  • HTTP connection errors could result in unbound references to response in the servo.api module. (SOL-292)

[0.9.5] "serenity now" - 2021-02-24


  • Added support for deploying Opsani Dev on Kubernetes NodePort Services.
  • Range setting that are out of step alignment now suggest alternative values to consider.
  • Normal operational logging is less verbose.


  • Container restarts due to CancellationError in response to Kubernetes adjustment failures are now avoided.
  • Kubernetes ContainersNotReady status upon timeout are now handled as adjustment failures.
  • HTTP status code 4xx responses are no longer retried.

[0.9.4] "serenity now" - 2021-02-17


  • Use the bound logger for reporting Prometheus query errors in publisher. refs SOL-238

[0.9.3] "serenity now" - 2021-02-16


  • Fixed an asyncio crash in the ServoRunner.
  • Gracefully handle query errors from Prometheus.
  • Support asyncio cancellation within pub/sub publisher decorator.

[0.9.2] "serenity now" - 2021-02-16


  • Include colorama package in release builds.

[0.9.1] "serenity now" - 2021-02-16


  • Include toml package in release builds.

[0.9.0] "serenity now" - 2021-02-16


  • Opsani Dev v2.0 integrated for rapid service optimization.
  • Incorporated uvloop for faster async event loops.
  • Initial release of Wavefront Connector.
  • Support for marking adjustments as failed or rejected via exceptions.
  • Multiple servos can now be run within a single assembly. If the config file is a compound YAML document, multiple servos will be instantiated allowing the concurrent optimization of multiple applications.
  • Introduced emulator connector, which pretends to take measurements and make adjustments with randomly sampled data but does not do any real work.
  • New servo configurations can be generated and added to the assembly via servo generate --append.
  • New command servo list for viewing the active servos in the assembly.
  • Introduced new top-level option --name/-n for targeting a specific servo in the assembly when running in multi-servo mode.
  • In multi-servo configurations, concurrency can be constrained via the new top-level --limit option.
  • Connector details for a particular servo instance can now be displayed via the servo show connectors CLI command.
  • Extensive new development and testing tooling.
  • Introduced servo.pubsub module providing publisher/subscriber capabilities.
  • The test suite now runs extensive integration and system tests under CI.
  • All aspects of the Opsani Dev installation experience are now covered by checks.
  • Introduced the attach and detach lifeycle events for handling setup and teardown concerns that need to execute when a Servo or Connector is added or removed from am Assembly/Servo.
  • Added automated checks.
  • Introduced pub/sub module.


  • The Kubernetes connector now recovers from and reports on numerous failure modes such as unschedulable configurations.
  • The Prometheus connector now exposes a Prometheus HTTP API client library.
  • The Envoy sidecar can now be automatically injected via the CLI.
  • The Opsani Dev connector now exposes a very simple configuration surface.


  • The __codename__ support has been generalized as cryptonym attribute for all connectors.
  • Version output now includes the cryptonym.
  • Updated Pydantic to v1.7.3
  • Updated httpx to v0.16.1
  • Updated orjson to v3.4.6
  • Updated the servo.errors module with numerous new error types.
  • The method now always returns a list of EventResult objects when return_exceptions is True. Exceptions are caught and embedded in the value attribute.
  • Exceptions raised by an event handler are decorated with a object on the __event_result__ attribute.
  • When an event is cancelled by a before event handler by raising a servo.errors.EventCancelledError, an empty result list is now returned.
  • The servo.api.Mixin class is now an abstract base class and requires the implementation of the api_client_options method.
  • Configuration of backoff/retry behaviors has been reimplemented for clarity and simplicity.
  • The servo.assembly.Assembly class now maintains a collection of servos rather than a singleton.
  • The optimizer settings are now part of the configuration.
  • All CLI commands are now multi-servo aware and enabled.
  • The servo.Runner class has been split into servo.AssemblyRunner and servo.ServoRunner to support multi-servo configurations.
  • The Docker image entry point is now multi-servo aware.
  • Servos are now named. The default name is adopted from the Optimizer ID if one is not directly configured.
  • The top level servo connectors command now displays info about all available connectors rather than those that are currently active. servo show connectors now reports instance specific connector info.
  • Migrated the current* family of methods off of model classes and into module level functions be more Pythonic.


  • The duration attribute of the Vegeta Connector configuration is now private as the optimizer or operator always provide the value.
  • The method was removed as it was seldom used and the functionality is easily replicated in downstream code.
  • API client options including base URL, proxies, and timeouts are no longer duplicated across connectors as an extra attribute.


  • Local versions are now resolved via the pyproject.toml file to accurately reflect pre-release versioning and local work in progress.
  • Exceptions are now chained within the Kubernetes Connector, ensuring that traceback context is not lost.
  • An invalid key was referenced during adjustment of Kubernetes container memory request/limits.
  • Scalar servo.types.DataPoint objects are now serialized for processing by the optimizer service rather than raising an exception.
  • The ConnectorCLI class now supports aliased connector instances.
  • Test coverage gaps have been plugged throughout the CLI module.
  • Scalar data points can now be handled by the CLI.
  • Invalid keys in the connectors field of a config file will no longer trigger an unhandled exception.
  • Step values of range settings are now validated to ensure that a step of zero is not configured.
  • Setting values are now validated appropriately upon being changed. This prevents invalid values from being externally applied to a running optimization (e.g., an external deployment or manual change is made).
  • Fixed exception in Prometheus mutltichecks due to unescpaed format characters in interpolated Prometheus queries.
  • Fixed connector lifecycle issue with Opsani Dev connector preventing use in several of the CLI commands.
  • Corrected an entry points discovery issue affecting the latest versions of Python.

[0.8.4] "pass the calamari" - 2021-02-05


  • Containers are no longer accessed positionally by index instead of by name at any time. This was resulting in broken adjustments when the Deployment contained an init container, the main container was not the first container, or during installation the Envoy proxy was injected at the beginning of the container list instead of the end.

[0.8.3] "pass the calamari" - 2020-10-21


  • Initialize Kubernetes optimizations before taking a measurement. This ensures that the Kubernetes Connector has an opportunity to set up the environment before a measurement is taken that is reliant on the setup (e.g. all canaries have been created).

[0.8.2] "pass the calamari" - 2020-10-16


  • Connectors can now be dynamically added and removed from the servo via the servo.servo.Servo methods add_connector and remove_connector.
  • Individual checks can now be run by ID or name via the servo.checks.BaseChecks.run_one method.
  • Developer Makefile tasks format, lint, and test.
  • Introduced pre-commit hooks for enforcing style guides and engineering standards.


  • Code across the library is now referenced by package and module rather than importing individual classes and functions. This reduces the amount of boilerplate code in any given module and makes the code more accessible by making implicit references explicit and unambiguous.
  • Simplified servo.logging.ProgressHandler implementation with an asyncio queue and producer/consumer pattern.
  • Renamed servo.checks.BaseChecks.run_ method to servo.checks.BaseChecks.run_all.
  • Renamed the filter_ argument of check runners to matching.
  • Millicore values are now serialized to strings as simple integers when evenly divisible by 1000 (e.g., str(Millicore(3000)) == "3").
  • The canonical coding style for the project has been evolved to directly import packages and modules instead of class and functions.


  • servo show components now includes the setting names instead of naked values.
  • Type resolution (used in eventing and checks) is now able to flexibly handle arbitrary imports path and type aliases.
  • Settlement time can now be supplied to adjust operations by the optimizer via the servo.types.Control type.
  • Before and after event handlers are no longer invoked with extraneous arguments from the on event definition.

[0.8.1] "pass the calamari" - 2020-10-02

Maintenance release to remove development packages from Docker images.


  • Reworked Docker build automation to decouple from release process.
  • Fixed breakage in production builds.
  • Updated Poetry dependency to v1.1.0 in Dockerfile.

[0.8.0] "pass the calamari" - 2020-10-02


  • servo.__codename__ constant now contains the release codename.
  • Extensive docstring comments for all members of the servo.types module.
  • Kubernetes Containers can be aliased to set explicit Compomnent names rather rather than automatically deriving names from Deployment/Container.
  • Kubernetes Optimization Strategy classes can now accept options from the config file (currently supports alias for canaries).
  • Integrated orjson to gain control over JSON/YAML serialization for classes that inherit from built-in types (e.g., str, int, float).
  • The ProgressHandler now handles exceptions and optionally notifies an external exception handler.
  • Servo will now interrupt operations when it detects losing sync with the backend by encountering unexpected operation errors.
  • Critical checks can be declared via the require decorator.
  • Added the warn decorator for creating checks that emit warnings rather than failing.


  • Subprocess methods have been removed from servo.connector.Connector in favor of directly importing the subprocess module from the utilities module.
  • The required attribute from the servo.checks module in favor of severity.


  • The servo.logging module has been generalized for use outside of the servo.connectors.Connector inheritance hierarchy.
  • The active connector is now managed via a ContextVar just as the active event is. This enables logging to correctly be attributed to the active connector without having to pass a specific logger object around everywhere.
  • The servo.types.Setting class has been significantly overhauled:
    • Setting is now an abstract base class
    • RangeSetting models range settings
    • EnumSetting models enum settings
    • Introduce CPU, Memory, Replicas, and InstanceType settings for special optimizer settings
    • Validate numerous behaviors (range inclusion, enum inclusion, type agreement, etc)
  • JSON and YAML serializations now favor human readable representations by default whenever possible.
  • Multicheck methods now yield more readable IDs based off the parent multicheck method name (e.g., check_resource_requirements_item_0).
  • Checks now have a severity described by the servo.checks.Severity enumeration, replacing required.
  • Required check nomenclature has been replaced with the critical severity level to clarify expectations and eliminate ambiguity in check behavior.


  • Progress tracking now handles zero length durations appropriately (e.g., in warmup, settlement, etc).
  • Model objects that inherit from builtin classes can now be serialized to custom representations.
  • Kubernetes configuration values now serialize to human readable values instead of numerics.
  • Multicheck expanded methods are now filterable and taggable.
  • Progress logging and reporting will no longer trigger unhandled exceptions.
  • Adjust operations now return a state descriptor rather than parroting back the requested state.
  • Kubernetes Connector is now aware of out of band changes such as those made by Horizontal Pod Autoscalers.

[0.7.0] "nice for what?" - 2020-09-09


  • servo run --check can now be controlled via the SERVO_RUN_CHECK environment variable.
  • The servo.logging module now provides the set_colors function for programmatically enabling or disabling coloring.
  • The CLI accepts a —no-colors argument that will explicitly disable coloring.
  • The SERVO_NO_COLOR and NO_COLOR environment variables are respected to disable coloring.
  • The API URL can be now be overridden via the hidden --url CLI option or the OPSANI_URL environment variable.
  • Introduce the multicheck decorator for use in checks implementations. A multicheck is method that returns an iterable collection of checkable objects and a CheckHandler callable that can evaluate each item. Each item in the iterable collection is wrapped into an individual check and run independently. This provides a simple mechanism for checking configurations that have a mix of settings that need to be handled specifically and homogenous collections that can be handled iteratively. The generated checks are filterable and fully integrated with the CLI.
  • Checks and multichecks now support templated string inputs. The self and item arguments are made available as format variables, enabling the names and descriptions given to the decorators to produce dynamic, contextual values from the configuration. This enhances the readability and diagnostic context of the checks output.
  • The Prometheus connector now exposes a rich set of checks.
  • The Prometheus connector now accepts an optional list of targets that are expected to be scraped.


  • Log coloring is now conditionally enabled via TTY auto-detection.


  • Handle measure command responses that include metric units (oco-e compatibility).
  • Prometheus can now connect to localhost URLs.
  • The get_instance_methods utility function now returns instance methods that are bound to a specific object instance

[0.6.2] - 2020-09-03


  • Switched Docker base image to python:3.8-slim.

[0.6.1] - 2020-09-03


  • Logging when connecting via a proxy.


  • Handled null annotations and labels when cloning a Deployment in order to create a Pod.
  • Servo runner now honors proxy settings (previously only honored within connectors).
  • servo check servo now works as expected (previously not handled as a connector name).


  • Updated to httpx v0.14.3.

[0.6.0] "woke up like this" - 2020-08-30


  • The checks subsystem has been rearchitected to streamline the development of checks and provide a better operational experience for running and debugging checks.


  • servo run --check will run all configured checks before starting the servo runloop.
  • servo check now supports filtering by name, id, and tags. Failure mode handling is configurable via --halt-on-failed=[requirement,check,never]
  • servo run now applies exponential backoff and retry to recover from transient HTTP errors.
  • Introduce associations mixin for managing off-model support objects that don't make sense to model as attributes.
  • ServoConfiguration class for applying settings to the servo itself.
  • HTTP proxy support (configured on ServoConfiguration).
  • Timeout configuration (configured on ServoConfiguration).
  • Support for configuring backoff and retry behaviors (configured on ServoConfiguration).
  • Baseline set of checks on the Kubernetes Connector.


  • Attempting to connect to an invalid or unavailable optimizer backend now triggers exponential backoff and retry rather than crashing.
  • Encountering an unexpected event error from the optimizer now aborts the operation in progress and resets rather than waiting for the operation to complete.

[0.5.1] - 2020-08-23


[0.5.0] - 2020-08-22


  • The capabilities of the logging module have been significantly enhanced with supporting for changing the logging levels, performing timed logging around methods, and attaching backtraces.
  • Log messages are now annotated with the event context when logging occurs during an event handler.
  • The metadata decorator now accepts a tuple for the name parameter for providing an explicit default name for connectors of the decorated type, overriding the name inference.
  • Progress can be automatically reported to the Opsani API by annotating log messages with a "progress" key.
  • Introduced general utilities for executing subprocesses including streaming output, timeouts, etc.
  • Added integration testing infrastructure for testing the servo in Docker, Minikube, and EKS.
  • Integrated complete implementation of Kubernetes connector on top of kubernetes_asyncio.


  • Enable parsing of extended Golang duration strings in Duration (days, weeks, months, years).
  • The base connector class has been renamed from Connector to BaseConnector to align with other inheritance patterns in the library.
  • Redesigned the Kuberenetes configuration to adopt familiar naming conventions and structure from Kubernetes.

[0.4.2] - 2020-07-24


  • The init command output formatting was broken when accepting defaults.

[0.4.1] - 2020-07-24


  • The respx mocking library was in the main project dependencies instead of dev dependencies.

[0.4.0] - 2020-07-24

The headline feature of this release is the adoption of asyncio as a core part of the architecture.


  • Docker image builds now correctly support excluding development dependencies via the SERVO_ENV build argument.


  • Docker images are now published to Docker Hub with README content from docs/
  • Introduced Duration class for modeling time durations as Golang style duration strings.
  • BaseConfiguration now provides a yaml method for easily to YAML.
  • BaseConfiguration now provides a json_encoders static method for easily accessing the default encoders.
  • The Vegeta connector now validates the target and targets settings.
  • The check command now supports a verbose and non-verbose modes for outputting multiple checks from a connector.
  • The version command can now output version data for connectors.
  • The connectors command now outputs names for displaying aliased configurations.
  • The servo now runs asynchronously on top of asyncio.
  • Added start-up banner to run command.


  • The durationpy package has been removed in favor of a local implementation.


  • Updated Docker and Docker Compose configurations to use /servo/opsani.token as the default path for API tokens mounted as a file.
  • Docker images pushed to Docker Hub are now built with SERVO_ENV=production to exclude development packages.
  • The reporting interval is now configurable VegetaConfiguration.
  • The check event now returns a list of checks instead of one result.
  • Removed the 'Connector' suffix from the default connector name attribute and introduced full_name.
  • The __config_key__ attribute has been renamed to __default_name__.
  • The identifier for connectors has been renamed to name for simplicitly and clarity.
  • The ServoAssembly class has been renamed to Assembly.

[0.3.1] - 2020-07-16


  • Eliminated secondary connectors package to eliminate Docker & PyPI distribution issues.

[0.3.0] - 2020-07-15


  • Config files can be outputted in Kubernetes ConfigMap format (servo config -f configmap).
  • All Connectors can now dispatch events (previously only available to the Servo class).
  • Optimizer now includes an api_url property.
  • Event accessor and Connector.get_event.
  • Project automation via GitHub Actions (Dependabot, release-drafter, PyPI release, Docker builds).


  • Removed ServoAssembly.default_routes from the API (usage eliminated).


  • Normalized naming of miscellaneous config methods.
  • Renamed ServoAssembly.all_connectors to ServoAssembly.all_connector_types for clarity.


  • Pydantic will no longer see self-references between connectors (avoids recursion sharp edge).

[0.2.5] - 2020-07-13


  • Dotenv was non-functional in PyPI release package.

[0.2.1] - 2020-07-13


  • Worked around package naming conflict.

[0.2.0] - 2020-07-13

Initial public release.

There is quite a bit of functionality available. Please consult the at the root of the repository for details. The major limitations at the moment are around porting of connectors to the new architecture. At the moment a connectfor for the Vegeta load generator and Kubernetes resource management are bundled in the distribution. The connector catalog will expand rapidly but porting does involve some effort in order to leverage the full value of the new system.


  • Configuration management. Generate, validate, and document configuration via JSON Schema.
  • Support for dispatching events for communicating between connectors.
  • Initial support for check, describe, measure, and adjust operations.
  • Vegeta and Kubernetes connectors for testing load generation and adjustments.
  • Init command for setting up an assembly.
  • Informational commands (servo show [metrics | events | components]).
  • Foundational documentation within the code and in the at the root of the repository.
  • Assets for running a containerized servo under Kubernetes or Docker / Docker Compose.

[Unreleased]: View Compare [0.2.0]: tag v0.2.0