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SutandoTsukai181 edited this page Jun 23, 2021 · 3 revisions

This article contains info about importing XFBINs to Blender.

Importing XFBINs

First, make sure the XFBIN you want to import has been decompressed correctly, and that it contains actual models.

Then, from the menu bar, go to File -> Import -> XFBIN Model Container and a file dialog will open. Browse to and select the XFBIN file you want to import and click Import XFBIN.

There are some options you can choose when importing, displayed on the right side of the file browser window. To understand what each option does, hover with the mouse cursor over the checkbox and the description will be displayed.

Importing Textures

Although NUT textures included in XFBINs are not currently supported, textures can still be previewed on imported models, but they have to be loaded manually into Blender. The easiest way to do this would be extracting the textures from the XFBIN, converting them to .dds or .png, and loading them into Blender.

Extracting textures from XFBIN

For extracting textures, Noesis can be used. Note that Noesis will extract the textures without their proper names, which means you will have to either rename the files manually, or rename the textures after they are loaded into Blender.

Another method would be using xfbin_parser with the -d and -s options to extract all textures with .nut extension, and proper names, into a single folder. After that, .nut textures can be converted to .dds/.png by opening them in Smash Forge (normal version, not the CC2 fork) and exporting the textures to another format.

Loading textures

To load multiple textures into Blender, simply switch to a Workspace that supports loading images (UV Editing, Texture Paint, Rendering, etc), click on the Open button, and select all textures you want to load (by Shift+Click to select multiple), and click Open Image.

Open Image

Previewing textures

If the textures were loaded correctly with the proper names, like this:

Then simply importing the model XFBIN will attach the textures to the model's material, which will make them show correctly after switching to Material Preview or Rendered modes:

Material Preview