All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add safety factor sRated calculation #629
- Re-implemented ResultEventListener in akka typed #343
- Add additional test cases from references for PvModelTest #590
- Instantiation of Heat Pump Agents #253
- Output of accompanying thermal result models
- Added JDK installation, Scala Plugin + SDK in usersguide #324
- Squants scalatest matchers #715
- Energy Management capabilities:
- Enhance output quotes of
#743 - Printing logs of failed tests #747
- Models for measurements within the grid structure #89
- Config possibility for transformer control groups #90
- Implemented scaling of all relevant input parameters #764
- Consider scaling factor with flex options #734
- Implementation of Energy Management Agents #204
- Providing documentation for EmAgent protocols and algorithms #774
- Option to flush out
#826 - Printing the directory of log to terminal upon simulation failure #626
- Implementation of StorageAgent #309
- Enhanced Newton-Raphson-PowerFlow failures with more information #815
- Update RTD references and bibliography #868
- Add gradle application plugin for command line execution with gradle run #890
- Additional tests to check flexibility options of thermal house and storage #729
- EmAgents should be able to handle initialization #945
- Added option to directly zip the output files #793
- Added weatherData HowTo for Copernicus ERA5 data #967
- Add some quote to 'printGoodbye' #997
- Add unapply method for ThermalHouseResults #934
- Implemented GitHub Actions Pipeline #939
- Added
to differentiate between different power types #794 - Update/enhance config documentation #1013
- Create
#1035 - Introduce ThermalDemandWrapper #1049
- Added Marius Staudt to list of reviewers #1057
- Throw exception if the slack node is not directly conected to a transformer. #525
- Added support for topologies without transformers and slack grids with multiple nodes #1099
- Checking the number of slack nodes #1122
- Enhance exception message in case of InvalidGridException #1124
- Integration test for thermal grids #1145
- Added
#1133 - Introducing new ParticipantAgent and ParticipantModel #1134
- Using new
messages everywhere #1195 - Implementing consideration of
into new participant #1200 - Replace
with its new implementation #1150 - Replace
with its new implementation #1152 - Replace
with its new implementation #1149 - Replace
with its new implementation #1154 - Replace
with its new implementation #1153
- Adapted to changed data source in PSDM #435
- Improved initialization of weather based agents #145
- Changed from ComparableQuantity to squants fast and typesafe calculations #490
- Changed from ComparableQuantity to squants in power flow #554
- Reduce log level on missing diffuse irradiance #629
- Updated to gradle 8.4 #648
- Introducing new scheduling infrastructure:
- Replaced akka with pekko #641
- Use
to calculate thermal environment of a heat pump #315 - Enable windows path as config parameters #549
- Unified consideration of scaling factor when simulating system participants #81
- Small improvements in
#738 - Converting
to pekko typed/terminating SimonSim when initialization fails #210 - Converting the
and theDBFSAlgorithm
topekko typed
#666 - Validation of grid will throw exception instead of just logging errors #463
- Refactoring of
messages #736 - Rewrote PVModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Making configuration of
via config optional #769 - Updated PSDM to version 5.1.0 #835
- Refactor
#180 - Remove unnecessary dependency
#857 - Rewrote RefSystemTest from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote FixedFeedModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote WecModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote FixedLoadModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote SystemComponentTest from groovy to scala #646
- Converting remaining rst files to markdown #838
- Merging both
tests #870 - Rewrote ThermalHouseTest from groovy to scala #646
- Updated dependabot reviewers #888
- Merged
#872 - Harmonised both methods that check the inner temperature of thermal house against the boundaries #880
- Changed implementation of actor naming for unique name generation #103
- Convert all
instances in rtd to myst syntax #901 - External simulation should provide information about next tick of MobSim #776
- Reverted temporary workaround in
#681 - Updated #904
- Updated
to version V8.10 #829 - Updated #905
- Rewrote BMModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Refactoring EM messages #947
- Simplifying ThermalHouse #940
- Prepare ThermalStorageTestData for Storage without storageVolumeLvlMin #894
- Renamed
in UML Diagrams#675 - Simplifying quantity integration in QuantityUtil #973
- Reorganized Jenkins pipeline to separate build and test stages for better efficiency #938
- Rewrote SystemParticipantTest and MockParticipant from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote ChpModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Rewrote CylindricalThermalStorageTest Test from groovy to scala #646
- Replace mutable var in ChpModelSpec #1002
- Move compression of output files into
#965 - Rewrote StorageModelTest from groovy to scala #646
- Updated
#898 - Refactoring of
to distinguish between demand of house and storage #928 - Refactoring to use zeroKW and zeroKWH in thermal grid unit tests #1023
- Refactor
#1031 - Removing logs in
#1017 - Fix implausible test cases of HpModelSpec #1042
- Refactoring to only use 'lastHpState' and 'relevantData' for 'ThermalGrid' calculations #916
- Refactor thermal calcRelevantData #1051
- Removed Deployment stage from Jenkinsfile #1063
- Prepare 'ChpModelSpec' and 'CylindricalThermalStorageSpec' for Storage without storageVolumeLvlMin #1012
- Fixed SonarQube quality gate using the correct parameter '-Dsonar.qualitygate.wait=true' #1072
- Updated
to version0.6.0
#1080 - Enhanced title in
#1088 - Refactor ThermalEnergyDemand definitions #917
- Rewrote PvModelIT from groovy to scala #646
- Fix negative required energy demand for thermalHouse #1127
- Refactored EM messages #1138
should extendRightOpenInterval
#1142- Enhance EmAggregate of SelfOpt to cope with other targetLimits #1131
- Switched to
#608 - Removing generated methods and cleaning up in config #1170
- Changed
values inPvInputTestData
to more realistic values #1144 - Refactor
#1172 - Renamed some methods and variables within
#1193 - Replaced Java Durations with Scala Durations #1068
- Typo and format of
ScalaDocs #1196 - Refactor
#1181 - Based
calculations on irradiance (power per area) instead of irradiation (energy per area) #1212
- Fix rendering of references in documentation #505
- Removed a repeated line in the documentation of vn_simona config #658
- Removed version number "2.0" from the logo printed to console #642
- Fixed PV Model documentation #684, #686
- Removed
workaround #702 - Logging wrong duration in the first simulation hour #705
- Fixed some compiler warnings #657
- Fixing false negative in ref system voltage validation #706
- Fixing randomly failing test in
etc. #709 - Fixed config start and end datetime parsing hint #767
- ConfigFailFast after making configuration of
via config optional #797 - Default RefSystem using the unit
for low voltage grids #811 - Fixed grid within GridSpec test #806
- Fixed log entry after power flow calculation #814
- Delete "Indices and tables" on the index page #375
- Fixed provision of controllingEms within buildParticipantToActorRef #841
- Simulation stopping at unhandled messages in
#821 - Not stopping correctly on failed power flow if configured to stop #800
- Finally fixing
#849 - Fixed result output for thermal houses and cylindrical storages #844
- Fixed FixedFeedModelSpec #861
- Fixing duration calculation in result events #801
- Handle MobSim requests for current prices #892
- Fix determineState of ThermalHouse #926
- Fix activation of Hp when not under control of an EM #922
- Fix expected secondaryData in baseStateData #955
- Improve code quality in fixedloadmodelspec and other tests #919
- Fix power flow calculation with em agents #962
- Fix scheduling at Evcs with more than one Ev at a time without Em #787
- Fix CheckWindow duration #921
- Fixed ThermalStorageResults having multiple entries #924
- Fix filter for thermal result checking for lastTick not for currentTick #1008
- Fixed
entry for issue (#103) #941 - Fix grammar and spelling in docs and comments #1022
- Fix some minor issues and findings from inspections #1019
- Fix initialisation freezing on empty primary data #981
- Shallow fetch in CI #1041
- Correct wrong use of term "wall clock time" #727
- Fixed Deployment of
toMaven Central
in new GHA Pipeline #1029 - Fixed SonarQube quality gate using the right link for PRs or Branches #1061
- Fixed ignored EM strategy #1091
- EM should output flex option results even if it has no parent #1112
- Rename
#1140 - Refactoring of
to fix thermal storage recharge correctly when empty #930 - Move
out ofRegistrationResponseMessage
#1143 - Check for runningHp when handling infeed to thermalGrid #1167
- Send
to EM #1202 - Fix test timeouts for all tests #1222
- Fix handling of states in
#1228 - Fix input data handling in
- Removed
and related code #1205
3.0.0 - 2023-08-07
- Implement SQL source for primary data #34, #101
- Relevant scientific papers have been added to the documentation #139
- Add troubleshooting section to Users guide #160
- Added Kafka sink for results #24
- Added Kafka sink for runtime events, re-implemented RuntimeEventListener in akka typed #242
- Added listeners to DBFS tests to check the result output and check the handling of failed power flows #269
- Added DBFS test with participant load and added testing for FinishGridSimulationTrigger #281
- Added Dependabot updates to sphinx/readthedocs dependencies #448
- Check for grid validity with PSDM
#460 - Enhancing dev's guide #363
- Support PF calculation with closed switches #474
- Re-organizing test resources into their respective packages #105
- BREAKING: Using snapshot version of PSDM and PSU
- Simplified PrimaryServiceProxy due to changes in PSDM #120
- Improved handling of weights and their sum in determination of weather data #173
- Improving code readability in EvcsAgent by moving FreeLotsRequest to separate methods #19
- Ignore dependabot snapshot dependencies #27
- Sending termination message to external simulation on expected and unexpected shutdowns of SIMONA #35
- Change transformer calculation since changes in PSDM #99
- Adapt to changed PvInputModel of PSDM (elevationAngle) #100
- Consolidate csv parameterization in config #149
- Change weather scheme to COSMO PR#154
- Adapt documentation to changed simonaAPI #191
- Implementing a new plugin framework for external simulations #195
- Improved implementation of
#212 - Include missing images into Documentation #151
- Changing the export methode for diagrams #156
- Change references implementation in Documentation to bibtex #174
- Update Model descriptions (Documentation) #122
- Changes of Getting Started Section (Documentation) #124
- Update gradle #176
- Setting java version to 17 #58
- Made SimonaConfig.BaseRuntimeConfig serializable #36
- Adapt to new simonaAPI snapshot #95
- Update Sphinx to 4.5.0 as well as extensions #214
- Improved code quality in and around DBFS algorithm #265
- Adapt test to new PowerSystemUtils snapshot #294
- Simplified ParticipantConfigUtil #273
- Consolidated and enhanced SimScheduler tests #285
- Renaming sub-package directories #141
- Updated authors in #301
- Added faster data structures to SimScheduler #282
- Adaption of abbreviations in PVModel and adjacent classes to naming convention #326
- Fixed Latex equations #264
- Documentation of the simulation configuration #334
- Adapted to changes of Quantity units in PSU and PSDM #419
- Adapted entry in Done message and deleted parallel window #159
- Added ConfigFailFast check for invalid dateTime configuration #344
- Changed simulation duration format #429
- Updated sphinx dependencies and fixed sphinx warnings #444
- Updated authors in and #452
- Updating
#201 - Speeding up additionalActivationTicks in participant's BaseStateData #421
- Changed format of example grid
#216 - Renamed ChpData to ChpRelevantData #494
- Updated gradle to 8.2.1, cleaned up
- Location of
test grid (was partially in Berlin and Dortmund) #72 - Let
die after failed registration with secondary services (prevents stuck simulation) #76 - Fix default resolution of weather source wrapper #78
- Fix invalid thread allocation in GridAgent #111
- Fixed config auto-generation #130
- Fixed genConfigSample gradle task#148
- Fixed some unreachable code #167
- Fix treatment of non-InitializeTrigger triggers in initialization within SimScheduler #237
- Fix breaking SIMONA caused by introducing temperature dependant load profiles in PSDM #255
- Respect for voltage angle in DBFS slack voltage exchange protocol #69
- Adapted to changed time series interfaces in PSDM #296
- Fix handling of multiple connections between subgrids #22
- Consolidate request replies for different sub grid gates in one message
- Await and send responses for distinct pairs of sender reference and target node
- Removed deprecations from
and addedTestGridFactory
#304 - Removed grid config for vn_146_lv_small #290
- Adapted to changes of EvcsInput in PSDM #377
- Fix breaking SIMONA caused by changes in simonaAPI [#384] (#384)
- Fixed awaiting departed EVs in ExtEvDataService #392
- Fixed missing ModelBaseStateData generation for random load profiles #399
- Fixed non-random first days of random load profiles #401
- Fixed groovy formatting #110
- Fixed configuration reference in user's guide #224
- Fixed ResultEventListener exiting too early with high volumes of results #350
- Fixed tests that unreliably fail #359
- Support for three winding transformers #63
- Handle incoming slack voltage accordingly
- Allow multiple sub grid gates at one node (also allows multiple two winding transformers at one node)
- Perform power flow calculation in the highest grid, if a three winding transformer is apparent
- Write out results
- Fixed broken layout in RTD documentation #500
- Corrected tests in RefSystemTest #560
- Take log file event filters from
when defining the run log appender #108