Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- Changed:
- Updated electron to 1.8.0
- Updated spell checker and sqlite
- Fixed:
- Copy was not working on linux
- Fix command argument parsing
- Mapper: Zone/level not updating when active room
- Verbatim was failing to append new line characters
- Profile manger: Fix display of html characters in tree view
- Fixed a bug in parsing %# arguments
- New:
- Add new Windows 10 color scheme
- Added Current color scheme to reset colors back to original colors
- Add --disable-gpu command line arg
- Add linux Categories
- Changed:
- Changed how copy system works for main client
- Fixed:
- When picking a predefined color scheme it was not saving
- Display scrolling in split view or scroll lock when new text added
- #TestSize size was broken when new display added
- Mapper will now send a room request for current every time it is loaded/reloaded/importing fixing the mapper from getting lost when connected and changing mapper settings
- Client saving was not correctly getting mapper data when in memory option was enabled
- Added function doc file to explain functions and list predefined variables
- Add intern corner support for overlays (selection, find)
- Preference: Enable rounded overlays, disable or enable rounded corner effect for selection and find highlighting
- ${eval(expression)} to allow evaluation a math expression when ${expression} is disabled
- Add proper escape system with parser changes, characters: $%"'{\ and command stack character, to escape a character simply just do \CHARACTER
- Expressions now allow the function dice to be used as if normal math function, eg:
${5 + dice(2d6) * 5}
is the same as${5 + ${dice(2d6)} * 5}
- Functions:
- ${dice(xdy+n)}, roll a dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- example: ${dice(2d6+5)}, rolls 2, 6 sided dice and returns the sum + 5
- ${diceavg(xdy+n)} the avg roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- ${dicemin(xdy+n)} the minimum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- ${dicemax(xdy+n)} the maximum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- ${dicedev(xdy+n)} return standard deviation of dice
sqrt((y^2-1)/12 * x)
, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier - ${zdicedev(xdy+n)} return zMUD/cMUD standard deviation of dice
sqrt(((y-1)^2-1)/12 * x)
, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- ${dice(xdy+n)}, roll a dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
- Verbatim system, you can now start a line of text with a ` and all text after that to a newline will be sent as is to the mud with no parsing or manipulation
- Preferences:
- Escape character, allows changing which character is used for escaping
- Command character, allow you to change the # character for commands
- Enable commands, disable command system
- Verbatim character, change which character is used to mark the start of a verbatim block
- Enable verbatim, control if verbatim system is enabled
- Updated command doc to list all test commands
- Inspect item for button bar, input, display default, and status bar context menus when enable debug is on or when --debug has been set to allow easier debugging of GUI
- Chat gag preference to control if you want the lines gagged from the main client window or not
- Context menu is now cached when profiles are loaded, this may increase load time/memory by small amount but allows context menu to open nearly instantly where before it had a minor delay when rebuilding the menu each time.
- Remove experimental tags for scroll and scroll live preferences
- Preferences:
- Move allow escape, command stacking, and speed path preferences to scripting > special characters
- Test commands now follow standard format of #Test????? where ??? is the different test name, use #TestList to see a list of all test commands
- Alias, context, triggers, button, and macro sort order was not correct, most noticeable when using context menus
- ${i}/${repeatnum} always returning 0
- ${expression} was not working correctly with repeatnum/i
- one letter named arguments where not processed correctly
- %/${name} where not being processed
- #show was converting text into binary
- #show was trying to decompress string when MCCP was enabled
- Parsing was re-coded to properly handled ${}, %{}, %*, and %# variables with proper stack tracking
- #wait would have broken %# values, fixed with new proper parsing and stack
- selected, selectedword, selword, selectedline, selline, selectedurl, selurl, and copied now return the correct values when used outside of context menus
- Mapper persistance setting was not correctly restored always
- Tray toggle was not correctly done when using #toggleclient
- Backup:
- Loading would break when trying to load settings from main using a dev connection
- Profile buttons where not being correctly restored and being appended to triggers
- Profile context items whre not being restored
- Profile default context option was not being restored
- Onload focus on main window instead of chat/mapper/editor windows
- Change:
- When window shown it will now focus on command input
- Window now receive focus when tray show is triggered
- Fixed:
- Backup: attempt to fix paths when imported when defaults are used
- Immortal tools:
- Not correctly ignoring fswin node module
- Set a min size for panel size when loading
- When loading window was not correctly passing options
- When saving options, options not correctly applied to active window
- Remote drag and drop on linux was broken
- New:
- Auto login system if using character manager, allows you to store a password encrypted using aes, this is basic encryption and nothing else.
- Immortal tools: create new empty local file
- Event trigger type, you can now create triggers that will fire when events fire
- You can create custom events using #event or use a built in event name:
fired when client has finished openingclosed
fired when client is closingconnected
fired when client has been connecteddisconnected
fired when client has bene disconnectederror
fired when an error happens, first first argument is error messagefocus
fired when window focusedblur
fired when window loses focusnotify-clicked
fired when notification is clicked, argument 1 is title, argument 2 is messagenotify-closed
fired when notification is closed, argument 1 is title, argument 2 is message
- You can create custom events using #event or use a built in event name:
- Add #raisevent command to fire custom events
- Add #raisedelayed command to fire custom events with a delay
- Add #gag command to gag lines
- Add #ungag command to cancel #gag
- Add #showclient, #hideclient, #toggleclient commands to go with scripting functions
- Add #wait command to pause command execution for that command block
- Add #nnn command to repeat commands
- Add %{repeatnum}/${i} returns the current index during #nnn
- Add ${cr}, ${lf}, and ${crlf} for carriage return, line feed, and carriage return + line feed
- Add ${expression} evaluate the math expression and return the results
- Add client.raise('event', args, delay) function to emit custom events
- Add function to show the window
- Add client.hide() function to hide the window
- Add client.toggle() to toggle hide and show
- Added ${#}, %{#}, %{}, ${} formats to match {} variable format
- Added proper %{, ${ escape system
- New scripting setting scripting for allow expression/evaluate and moved parse double/single quote options there
value returned
- Change:
- Immortal tools: focusing on local or remote path text box will now auto select all text
- Profile manger
- Context items with parents will now appear under their parent item, if not found it will default to standard context location
- All item are now sorted by priority then by order, added this allows you to see the exact order items will be executed or loaded
- #notify now uses command line quote parse settings to build arguments, based on setting you can use ' or " to wrap title argument
- Parsing errors now stop parsing and display error
- Fixed:
- Windows meta data was not set for application
- Character manager was not reloading the loaded character when changes happened
- Character name was not being set when using character manager on initial load
- Profile manger: initial profile enabled checkbox in treeview where not being set
- Immortal tools:
- Select on finish now clears previous selected items
- A memory leak when running mkdir commands
- An issue when maximizing and un-maximizing window
- Queue no longer works from newest to oldest, it now correctly uploads oldest in queue first
- Auto connect will now correctly fire when changing character settings based on if connected or not
- Fixed a bug in echoing system and it restoring the previous ansi state
- New:
- Immortal tools:
- Focus files on finish upload/download
- Select files on finish upload/download
- Immortal tools:
- Fixed:
- When closing a dynamic window dialog it would error saying window destroyed
- Fixed saving dynamic window alwaysOnTop, alwaysOnTopClient, and persistent
- Fix window close states for all windows
- Backup was not correctly loading settings when using client load
- Fix MXP music, sound, gauge and stat tag argument parsing
- Immortal tools:
- Updated status bar to have more generic information
- Preference dialog now correctly sets and saves window settings
- Scroll position is no longer lost when local, remote, or queue list are updated
- Selection state is no longer lost when local or remote files are updated
- Remote list is now properly reinitialized when the mud sends init code
- Error when dropping files for remote upload
- New:
- Tray: added profile manager and preference to menu
- Auto connect delay - new option to allow control how of long to wait before auto connecting
- Add -v/version to command line to print version
- Change:
- Immortal tools: updated the window icon
- Default profile is now the first in list instead of alpha order based on priority first
- Only load the spellchecker if enabled
- Tray: Tooltip now list if connected to dev and better display format
- Change how allowNegativeNumberNeeded is applied
- Reverse needed xp progress bar fill
- Fixed:
- Preference dialog
- Select dropdowns in wrong location
- Optimize load times to speed up opening dialog
- Profile manager: advanced panel visible states where not being saved
- Dynamic windows: save options better so it can properly restore windows
- Some windows would try and send commands after the main window was closed, now all remote commands test to make sure main window is there
- Scroll area size was not correctly being restored when using display scroll system
- When connection is reset it will now properly close connection and attempt to reconnect if auto connected enable
- Backup: remote backup should now save all settings
- Bug with display window size
- Chat capture: fix some issues causing it not to display text
- Preference dialog
- New:
- Status: allow experience needed to be displayed as a progress bar
- Mapper
- Added menu bar for standard gui
- Add stable marker support and expanded trainer support to display for stat/skill/advance rooms
- Profile manager: added menu for standard gui
- Immortal tools
- Upload folder support
- Download folder support
- More file type icons
- Color some icons to try and make them stand out
- Expanded the client.notify function to have an optional options argument to pass more advanced notification options: dir (auto, rtl, ltr), icon (supports {variables}), lang, tag Notification Options
- Preference dialog
- Redesigned to allow easier organizing by replacing tab control with a treeview/panel
- New status section that now contains all preferences related to status display
- Added mapper/chat window sub areas for window related settings
- Change:
- Active icon is no longer triggered when zero length data is returned
- Updated to electron 1.7.5 beta
- #notify and client.notify will cut messages over 127 characters long to prevent abuse, if you want more text you can create raw notifications in javascript
- Update treeview control to 2.1.5
- Fixed:
- Set application id to 'jiMUD' instead of the default 'Electron'
- Dynamic windows when max/min tracking fix was added
- String parser where it was cutting off a character when parsing parameters
- #notify was not correctly parsing single word titles wrapped with ''
- New notifications should now trigger if old one is still displayed
- Tray: tray hide will now minimize if hide on minimize is not enabled
- Profiles where not correctly sorted by priority
- Immortal tools
- Remote drag and drop support
- Queue adding more then 1 item was displaying active item path for all items added
- Making a new remote directory was not correctly setting the path
- Issue when dragging and dropping remote files
- When running backup remote command from context or menu and bak folder did not exist was setting wrong path when created in remote list