Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- Application icon, temporary for now will create a better one in th future
- Profile manager
- Properly tracks all changes for future undo/redo stack
- Ask to save changes on cancel, with option to never ask again
- Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete now work
- Treeview context menu
- Import defaults will import and merge the default profile aliases, macros, triggers, and buttons if any
- Reset will reset current profile to empty profile with default settings
- Sidebar width should now be remembered
- Advanced option panel on each editor will remember show/hidden state
- When changing enable TYPE on profile editor it would not update treeview check state
- When saving profiles and closing, if invalid profile name supplied it would not save profile, now it will properly cancel save until name fixed
- When cloning a profile default macros where appended.
- Mapper Clear/Walk path are now disabled when no path highlighted
- Mapper vertical and horizontal scroll where not correctly being restored on load.
- Profile cloning was erroring do to calling the wrong collections
- Client was emitting wrong event when new text was added to display causing
- triggers and anything that relied on that event to fail