Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- New:
- Add client.sendChatRaw to send raw text to chat window
- Add #UNMACRO/#UNKEY to delete macros from command input
- Status: Add color aura's to reflect buffer/fortify state
- Composer now properly checks if you are in edit mode to avoid sending mail
- Add
Set Default MXP on state to true
preference, Set the default state for mxp line state, when true it works more like MUSHclient and Mudlet and requires all < and > to be encoded from the mud - Expand #TRIGGER/#BUTTON/#EVENT options to allow explicit true/value support of option=true|false
- Fixed:
- Fix issue with MXP image maps not correctly appending ?x,y to command
- Fix status not removing separator between party/combat bars when party members removed
- Preferences: Fix
Log gagged lines
not being settable - Backup:
- Reset state on disconnect/reconnect
- Fix load not displaying error messages always
- Fix broken resize when client first used
- Fix command input auto size when html tags in text
- Disable MXP parsing when echoing text as echo should always be raw text and ignore MXP commands
- Fix MXP TempSecure line mode
- Fix MXP Reset line mode
- Fix bug in #trigger/#action when creating new trigger
- Fix #IF and %{if} not allowing optional else argument
- Fix XTerm set title to properly handle other commands
- Remove dead protocols from url detection
- Changed:
- Change client.sendChat to parse text then send to chat window, works like #chat now
- Update electron 32.2.2 to 34.2.0
- Update mathjs 13.2.0 to 14.2.0
- Update yauzl 3.1.3 to 3.2.0
- Update yazl 3.1.0 to 3.3.1
- Update better-sqlite3 11.5.0 to 11.8.1
- Update chokidar 4.0.1 to 4.0.3
- Update fs-extra 11.2.0 to 11.3.0
- Update electron-updater 6.3.9 to 6.5.0
- New:
- Code editor:
- Update the area and virtual area wizards to better explain paths
- Add option to hide open files on recent menu
- Area Designer:
- Add ctrl+click selection system
- Fix code generation of room sounds and smells
- Add hover previews to display monster look/item longs for room preview and monster preview panels
- Add includes and defines to area properties
- Add functions, inherits, includes, and defines to room editor
- Add standard object support to add money, gems, and standard objects
- Add argument support to objects and monsters to allow passing arguments when object is created
- Hide water properties unless waterdrink flag enabled
- Add monster type basic vendor and barkeep property support
- Allow x,y format for exit destination if z is 0
- Virtual area editor: Add ctrl+click selection system
- Fix where data could be lost when closing window and datagrid/property editor open
- Add normal, advanced, and expert view modes to room, monster, and object wizards to show/hide more complex pages and properties
- Add
Simple Alarms
preference, disables using moment duration when alarm pattern matching, may give a minor speed boost if lots of alarms - Add #testfiler works similar to #testfile but will simulate as if the data was sent from a mud
- Add
Select Last Command
preference to control if text is selected or not when keep last command enabled
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Increase progress dialog height
- Fix issue when using non default theme and button bar hidden
- Fix always on top for child windows opened outside of client
- Fix datagrid body height issue not accounting for horizontal scroll bar
- Advanced editor/Mail composer:
- Fix inserted text defaulting to bold white
- Fix YELLOW code not correctly formatting when combined with bold
- Fix issue with stacked formats being ignored
- Code editor:
- No longer generate function stubs if invalid function names in (: :) values
- Fix creating duplicate function stubs in generated code
- Fix collection dialog editor not comparing arrays correctly
- Fix issue when trying to read include files for peek/goto define
- Fix formatting of mappings in generated code
- Do not autocomplete pairs when in a string
- Area Designer:
- Fix type in monster resistances code
- Room editor now remembers collapsed state
- Fix issue where base rooms lose room types on load
- Fix usage of advanced editor in text edit dialogs
- Fix advanced edit text drop downs being cut off when used in a dialog window
- Fix error tooltips not displaying correctly
- Dialogs that validate data will no longer close until error is corrected
- Fix new monster/room wizard titles when launched from file menu
- Fix invalid formatting of >>= and <<= operators
- Fix issue not respecting escape when parsing " and ' quoted strings when parse quoted enabled
- Fix typo in MSP protocol URL parameter
- Fix #GAG when removing multiple lines
- Fix #PROFILELIST not correctly showing enabled state
- Fix %state("name|pattern", "profile") profile argument evaluated
- Fix issue when converting background pinkfish codes to html
- Fix sorting profile priorities with default profile
- Fix sort profiles by alpha when priorities are the same
- Changed:
- Make chat capture selective line mode ignore case
- Code editor:
- Hide items that only should appear when text is selected in context menu
- Area Designer: Room property groups now sort advanced at the bottom
- Update electron 31.1.0 to 32.2.2
- Update better-sqlite3 11.2.1 to 11.5.0
- Update chokidar 3.6.0 to 4.0.1
- Update mathjs 13.1.1 to 13.2.0
- Update electron-updater 6.3.4 to 6.3.9
- Update yazl 2.5.1 to 3.1.0
- New:
- Code editor:
- Add include path support for Go To/Peek Definition
- Add Insert Comment Header to formatting menu to allow adding a comment header at the start of file with current date and logged in username
- Add resistance page to monster wizard/editor
- Area Designer:
- Add monster preview pane to monster editor
- Alt + numpad when auto walking enabled will clone the previous room data into the destination room
- Virtual area editor:
- Added explored marker for room states
- Parse external room code better to capture more data
- Alt + numpad when auto walking enabled will clone the previous room data into the destination room
- Backup: Add option to back up character database and related setting files Warning this does not backup mapping data due to size of maps
- Added client.getVariable(name), client.setVariable(name, value), client.setVariables(Object), client.hasVariable(name), client.removeVariable(name), these should be used to access client.variables in case client.variables is ever changed to support more complex types
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Fixed child windows not correctly setting new window when tab un-docked
- Profile manager: Fixed not updating the menu bar after profile added or removed
- Immortal tools: Fix bug in remote delete of deeply nested folders
- Mapper: properly encode ' when used in an area name
- Code editor:
- Area Designer:
- Fix bug min encumbrance not being correctly set for armors when created or edited in wizard
- Fix monster/object editor tooltips and display previews of data
- Fix monster editor not saving reputation data
- Fix an issue when undoing a single room change
- Fixed paste for Linux
- Fixed an issue with auto resize when auto walking and not grouping undo as one action
- Fix room counting
- Fixed a bug in diff view not correctly setting the height
- Fixed datagrid tooltips not updating when value changed and fall back to value formatting when customized
- Fixed virtual area creation wizard
- Fixed bold black and nested bold colors when generating color previews
- Fixed virtual area 3d map adding invalid exits when created from wizard
- Fixed resize dialog when changing level anchor
- Fixed when closing cancel from save not preventing close
- Fixed room/monster property code generation place temp properties as permanent properties
- Fixed Go to Definition and Peek Definition
- Fixed editor font list not allowing selection of system fonts
- Fixed issue with progress dialog if completed before shown
- Virtual area editor:
- Change code in generation of external room to use BASEROOM define
- Fixed extra map codes being added to rooms when building raw map files
- Fixed terrain/state files not having correct sizes when maps resized
- Fixed issue when opening map it would lose sub file data
- Fixed drag and drop of text when dealing with raw text editors
- Fixed changing external exits not correctly updating visual map
- Fixed adding new external exit breaking last added external exit
- Fixed an issue when undoing a single room change
- Fixed paste for Linux
- Area Designer:
- Changed:
- Update electron 31.1.0 to 32.0.1
- Update better-sqlite3 11.1.1 to 11.2.1
- Update mathjs 13.0.1 to 13.1.1
- Update electron-updater 6.2.1 to 6.3.4
- Update fswin 3.24.524 to 3.24.829
- New:
- Allow opening character manager from tray and tabstrip context menus
- Active tab now has a larger top border to make it stand out and easier to know which tab is active
- Add
trigger events to allow executing triggers when tray icon is clicked - Optimize auto login and chat triggers for better performance
- Add
Skip more prompt
system to allow auto paging after a set amount of time - Add
Minimum number of lines
The minimum # of lines to display in command prompt, min of 1, max of 30 or 50% of the display screen - Preferences: Add a search to the advanced view for preference
- Code editor: Add a basic session system to allow saving/opening a session for restoring groups of tabs
- Mapper:
- Auto walk/highlight path now support up/down directions
- Add copy path systems to allow copying full path, as command stacked, or as a speedpath
- Add auto walk highlighted path
- Fixed:
- Prevent double close issues if saving window layout takes time
- Fix issue with hidden windows and not correctly restoring bounds when maximized
- Clear window title bar text when tab text is empty
- Fix color dialog size in advanced editor in windows
- Center color dialog contents in case OS makes window larger then contents
- Fix closing clean up when tab closed
- Fix layout loading when invalid parent window
- Fix broken tabs from being hidden in the background when loading saved layout
- Code editor: Fix issue when no tabs and ui trying to update
- Mapper:
- Fix bug in mouse wheel zooming out
- Fix area drop down not updating when opening new map
- Fix invalid area selection if area no longer exist in map, defaults to first found area
- Correctly focus on first found text as input is typed into find dialog
- Changed:
- Update electron 29.3.0 to 31.1.0
- Convert BrowserView to WebContentsView
- Update monaco-editor 0.47.0 to 0.50.0
- Update mathjs 12.4.1 to 13.0.1
- Update better-sqlite3 9.5.0 to 11.1.1
- Update fswin 3.23.311 to 3.24.524
- Update electron-updater 6.1.8 to 6.2.1
- Fixed:
- Preferences: Fix color changing erroring when colors have never been set
- Fix focus and resize issues with new KDE 6
- Reduce resize white border on resize for linux
- Changed:
- Update electron 28.2.4 to 29.3.0
- Update tmp 0.2.1 to 0.2.3
- Update yauzl 3.1.0 to 3.1.3
- Update monaco-editor 0.46.0 to 0.47.0
- Update mathjs 12.4.0 to 12.4.1
- Update markdown-it 14.0.0 to 14.1.0
- Update better-sqlite3 9.4.3 to 9.5.0
Alpha linux release for testing
- New:
- #WINDOW Add 'map' as supported short version of mapper window
- Profile manager: Add simple search to allow searching for item/profile names/trigger patterns and similar item text
- Code editor:
- Add column selection mode menu toggle
- Add waterdrink room template
- Area designer: Add basic water drink property to side property room editor
- Fixed:
- Help: Hide find in selection button as not implemented
- Fix issue with moving items on menubars
- Code editor:
- Fix remote diff options not being correctly applied on first use
- Fix remote browsing icon alignments
- Changed:
- Code editor:
- Change WATERSOURCE to WATERDRINK to avoid naming issues in code complete
- Add waterdrink doc references to pier
- When uploading file use current remote path + file name if no valid remote path or upload as option set
- Update mathjs 12.2.0 to 12.4.0
- Update electron 28.0.0 to 28.2.4
- Update moment 2.29.4 to 2.30.1
- Update better-sqlite3 9.2.2 to 9.4.3
- Update @electron/remote 2.1.1 to 2.1.2
- Update monaco-editor 0.45.0 to 0.46.0
- Update chokidar 3.5.3 to 3.6.0
- Update electron-updater 6.1.7 to 6.1.8
- Update yauzl 2.10.0 to 3.1.0
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Fix progress dialog text not updating when first shown
- Immortal tools:
- Fix being stuck on errored downloads or uploads
- Fix permission denied breaking downloading of folders
- Fix download override failing to sanitize file names when checking remote names to local
- Fix file exist dialog overriding when bulk downloading or uploading
- Fix file exist dialog source date and path when bulk downloading
- Fix linux snap packages by moving to core22
- Mapper: Fix options load bug
- Triggers: clear regex cache when profiles are saved to prevent old ones from staying in memory
- Profile manager:
- Scroll to new item in treeview when added
- When item deleted select the item before it instead of the main profile
- Code editor: Update diff navigation to new monaco-editor systems
- Command input:
- Correctly insert newline at cursor position instead of at end of text
- Fix resize when escape hit
- Paste/Paste special no longer break undo/redo
- Fix window tab drag over effects to highlight which tab it will be inserted at
- Changed:
- Immortal tools: Make unknown download/upload error messages more verbose
- Update fs-extra 11.1.1 to 11.2.0
- Update electron 27.1.2 to 28.0.0
- Update better-sqlite3 9.1.1 to 9.2.2
- Update mathjs 12.1.0 to 12.2.0
- Update markdown-it 13.0.2 to 14.0.0
- Update monaco-editor 0.44.0 to 0.45.0
- Update @electron/remote 2.1.0 to 2.1.1