Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- Fixed:
- Chat capture: fix ignore captures for stores and lockers, use a counter instead of a simple flag
- Fix spaces in skill/weapon ids to convert to - so large sword and small sword icons work
- Mapper:
- auto walk buttons not correctly set to enabled when current room is different from selected room
- Re-coded draw timing to be synced with core drawing system to try and lower cpu
- New:
- Preference: can now disable file watcher for profile manager.
- Backup all profiles: allow all profiles to be saved when using client save
- Fixed:
- Chat capture: ignore all lines between ------ for stores/lockers
- Backup: make sure room id is a number when saving
- Mapper: make sure room id is a number when exporting
- New:
- Experimental gamepad support
- Mapper: Added zoom in, zoom out, zoom reset, toggle developer tools, and toggle full screen
- Fixed:
- Chat capture: Capture all lines no matter what characters they may contain when capture all lines is enabled
- Mapper: Fix zones not assigning right when moving to a new area
- Immortal button not being hidden on disconnect then relogin with a non immortal login
- Backup system was not having the correct map file set when character was changed.
- Fixed:
- Profile manager:
- Where not correctly reloading deleted ones from memory.
- New profiles enabled checks where set to disabled, yet where
- Removed profiled, then re-added new with same name didnt save correctly
- Linux: Was not correctly removing profile data files due to casing issues
- Chat capture: capture name that include a ' and spaces
- Profile manager: