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@icewolfz icewolfz released this 16 Aug 20:34
· 4467 commits to master since this release
  • New:
    • Added function doc file to explain functions and list predefined variables
    • Add intern corner support for overlays (selection, find)
    • Preference: Enable rounded overlays, disable or enable rounded corner effect for selection and find highlighting
    • ${eval(expression)} to allow evaluation a math expression when ${expression} is disabled
    • Add proper escape system with parser changes, characters: $%"'{\ and command stack character, to escape a character simply just do \CHARACTER
    • Expressions now allow the function dice to be used as if normal math function, eg: ${5 + dice(2d6) * 5} is the same as ${5 + ${dice(2d6)} * 5}
    • Functions:
      • ${dice(xdy+n)}, roll a dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
        • example: ${dice(2d6+5)}, rolls 2, 6 sided dice and returns the sum + 5
      • ${diceavg(xdy+n)} the avg roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
      • ${dicemin(xdy+n)} the minimum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
      • ${dicemax(xdy+n)} the maximum roll of dice, x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
      • ${dicedev(xdy+n)} return standard deviation of dice sqrt((y^2-1)/12 * x), x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
      • ${zdicedev(xdy+n)} return zMUD/cMUD standard deviation of dice sqrt(((y-1)^2-1)/12 * x), x is the # of dice, y is the # of sides, with optional +,-,*,/ modifier
    • Verbatim system, you can now start a line of text with a ` and all text after that to a newline will be sent as is to the mud with no parsing or manipulation
    • Preferences:
      • Escape character, allows changing which character is used for escaping
      • Command character, allow you to change the # character for commands
      • Enable commands, disable command system
      • Verbatim character, change which character is used to mark the start of a verbatim block
      • Enable verbatim, control if verbatim system is enabled
    • Updated command doc to list all test commands
    • Inspect item for button bar, input, display default, and status bar context menus when enable debug is on or when --debug has been set to allow easier debugging of GUI
    • Chat gag preference to control if you want the lines gagged from the main client window or not
  • Change:
    • Context menu is now cached when profiles are loaded, this may increase load time/memory by small amount but allows context menu to open nearly instantly where before it had a minor delay when rebuilding the menu each time.
    • Remove experimental tags for scroll and scroll live preferences
    • Preferences:
      • Move allow escape, command stacking, and speed path preferences to scripting > special characters
    • Test commands now follow standard format of #Test????? where ??? is the different test name, use #TestList to see a list of all test commands
  • Fixed:
    • Alias, context, triggers, button, and macro sort order was not correct, most noticeable when using context menus
    • ${i}/${repeatnum} always returning 0
    • ${expression} was not working correctly with repeatnum/i
    • one letter named arguments where not processed correctly
    • %/${name} where not being processed
    • #show was converting text into binary
    • #show was trying to decompress string when MCCP was enabled
    • Parsing was re-coded to properly handled ${}, %{}, %*, and %# variables with proper stack tracking
    • #wait would have broken %# values, fixed with new proper parsing and stack
    • selected, selectedword, selword, selectedline, selline, selectedurl, selurl, and copied now return the correct values when used outside of context menus
    • Mapper persistance setting was not correctly restored always
    • Tray toggle was not correctly done when using #toggleclient
    • Backup:
      • Loading would break when trying to load settings from main using a dev connection
      • Profile buttons where not being correctly restored and being appended to triggers
      • Profile context items whre not being restored
      • Profile default context option was not being restored
    • Onload focus on main window instead of chat/mapper/editor windows