Tray: added profile manager and preference to menu
Auto connect delay - new option to allow control how of long to wait before auto connecting
Add -v/version to command line to print version
Immortal tools: updated the window icon
Default profile is now the first in list instead of alpha order based on priority first
Only load the spellchecker if enabled
Tray: Tooltip now list if connected to dev and better display format
Change how allowNegativeNumberNeeded is applied
Reverse needed xp progress bar fill
Preference dialog
Select dropdowns in wrong location
Optimize load times to speed up opening dialog
Profile manager: advanced panel visible states where not being saved
Dynamic windows: save options better so it can properly restore windows
Some windows would try and send commands after the main window was closed, now all remote commands test to make sure main window is there
Scroll area size was not correctly being restored when using display scroll system
When connection is reset it will now properly close connection and attempt to reconnect if auto connected enable
Backup: remote backup should now save all settings
Bug with display window size
Chat capture: fix some issues causing it not to display text
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