IncrementalInference v0.25.0
Closed issues:
- Replace all instances of
(#1233) - on-manifold covariance estimation (#1280)
- Basic on-manifold example with
and one prior fail (#1293) - ccw.params::Vector --> .params::NamedTuple (#1321)
- calcFactorResidualTemporary doc and function does not agree (#1332)
function for manififolds (#1336)- update
to manifolds (#1355) - Upgrade to RealCircleGroup (#1365)
- Remove tuple requirement from
(#1371) - _solveLambdaNumeric for AbstractManifoldMinimize does not work for deconv (#1374)
- solveTree! should return just one value, tree (#1379)
- Check differential factors use correct approxDeconv result (#1386)
Merged pull requests:
- WIP on manifold optimization and factors (#1292) (@Affie)
- fix null hypo partials (WIP) (#1295) (@dehann)
- towards passthrough 'sampling', (#1297) (@dehann)
- varType in _solveLambdaNumeric and translation and broken SE2 tests (#1299) (@Affie)
- FND w/ typeof(ccw) (#1300) (@dehann)
- bugfix for ProductRepr and include SE(2) test (#1301) (@Affie)
- fix nullhypo mask bug in evalPotentialSpecific (#1302) (@dehann)
- ccw points Any to fix mixed manifolds bug (#1303) (@Affie)
- assertion manifold point type, try calcZDim (#1304) (@dehann)
- fix null and partial tests (#1307) (@dehann)
- restore testPartialNH.jl (#1308) (@dehann)
- improve API, towards infoPerCoord (#1309) (@dehann)
- Use getManifold on factors (#1310) (@Affie)
- Update SE2 manifold test with test_broken (#1311) (@Affie)
- update deprecation in API from AMP v0.4.5 (#1312) (@dehann)
- add _evalFactorTemporary, new test, and fixes (#1313) (@dehann)
- add a small comment (#1314) (@dehann)
- fast-forward dfg integrationt testing (#1315) (@dehann)
- refactor calcFactorResidualTemporary, add _slack (#1316) (@dehann)
- upgrade to FactorGradientsCached! (#1317) (@dehann)
- move MKD serialization downstream to IIF (#1318) (@dehann)
- fix solveTree SE2 (#1319) (@dehann)
- Towards infoPerCoord fix for partials (#1320) (@dehann)
- test SE2 hex (#1322) (@Affie)
- Manifold factors change to return coordinates (#1323) (@Affie)
- Fix approxDeconv for manifold (#1324) (@Affie)
- fix tests on joint relatives (#1325) (@dehann)
- add calcHelix_T and testing (#1326) (@dehann)
- conv belief partials on AbstractPrior (#1327) (@dehann)
- Adding getFactorOperationalMemoryType for NoSolverParams (#1328) (@GearsAD)
- wip toward ipc via perturbation on relative (#1329) (@dehann)
- fast-forward dfg integration testing (#1330) (@dehann)
- towards partial IPC on relative via gradients (#1331) (@dehann)
- swap arg order calcFactorRe.. and _evalFactorTemp... (#1333) (@dehann)
- better organize factor ops memory as entities (#1334) (@dehann)
- mv EvalFactor ApproxConv GenericMarginal (#1335) (@dehann)
- add AbstractManifoldMinimize to factor gradients (#1337) (@Affie)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Manifolds" to "0.6" (#1338) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix identity to identity_element for Manifolds 0.6 (#1339) (@Affie)
- file cleanup and standarization, towards propagateBelief (#1340) (@dehann)
- fix propagateBelief N, more testing, passThru fix (#1342) (@dehann)
- consolidate solveFactorParametric, and deprs (#1343) (@dehann)
- some cleanup (#1344) (@dehann)
- Standardize to TranslationGroup (#1345) (@dehann)
- Mutating function in _solveLambdaNumeric cost (#1346) (@Affie)
- fix getManifolds -> getManifold (#1347) (@Affie)
- fix solveFactorParametric as coordinates only (#1349) (@dehann)
- more cleanup, rm getManifolds (#1350) (@dehann)
- mv approxConvCircular, depr printSummaryGraph, approxConvCircular (#1351) (@dehann)
- comments for future work (#1352) (@dehann)
- change to hyporecipe and better names (#1354) (@dehann)
- fix calcVariableDistanceExpectedFractional (#1356) (@Affie)
- refactor hyporecipe (#1358) (@dehann)
(#1359) (@Affie)- Merge sampleTangent and samplePoint to master (#1360) (@Affie)
- Remove N-number of samples from
and change toVector{T}
(#1361) (@Affie) - ccw.params is now a NamedTuple (#1362) (@dehann)
- fast-forward dfg integration test branch (#1364) (@dehann)
- update API getPointPartial! (#1366) (@dehann)
- update heatmap sampler for new API tangents (#1367) (@dehann)
- Try getManifold fall back to getManifoldPartial to get the manifold used in partial priors (#1368) (@Affie)
- Remove getSample tuple (#1373) (@Affie)
- remove ccw.specialzDim (#1375) (@dehann)
- consolidate to ccw.partialDims, not cpt_.p (#1376) (@dehann)
- depr CSMOccuranceUtils and bug fix (#1377) (@dehann)
- move MsgLikelihoods services (#1378) (@dehann)
- Fix and test manifold approxDeconv (#1380) (@Affie)
- solveTree! only returns tree (#1381) (@dehann)
- fast-forward DFG integration testing (#1384) (@dehann)
- differential factors from deconv tangents to points (#1387) (@dehann)
- simplify localProduct (#1388) (@dehann)
- Update to RealCircularGroup (#1389) (@Affie)
- isapprox on ProductRepr (#1390) (@dehann)
- fix bug in _checkVarByRef (#1392) (@dehann)
- better IPC on ARel partial, (#1395) (@dehann)
- bump Julia compat to 1.5 (#1396) (@dehann)
- fsat-forward dfg integration testing IIF v0.25.0 (#1397) (@dehann)
- restore test #1305 (#1398) (@dehann)