1162 commits
to develop
since this release
What's Changed
- Internalcachefix by @ankitpws in #121
- added help apis in mentor by @nevil-mathew in #124
- Done with big blue button by @ankitpws in #125
- Form Data changes by @ankitpws in #126
- added email to help email template by @nevil-mathew in #127
- added api doc and updated postman collection by @ankitpws in #123
- 799 template update by @nevil-mathew in #128
- apidoc fix by @nevil-mathew in #129
- fixed session details api response by @nevil-mathew in #130
- Updated response message by @nevil-mathew in #131
- reported issue response change by @nevil-mathew in #132
- added base64 decoding by @ankitpws in #133
- Ansible by @rakeshSgr in #134
- deployment folder by @rakeshSgr in #135
- ansible script syntax issue fixed by @rakeshSgr in #136
- Ansible by @rakeshSgr in #137
- multiple instance by @rakeshSgr in #138
- ansible permission fix by @rakeshSgr in #139
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #140
- Update report template by @nevil-mathew in #141
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #142
- anible fixes by @rakeshSgr in #144
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #145
- ansible fix by @rakeshSgr in #146
- ansible fix by @rakeshSgr in #147
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #148
- ansible screate token path changed by @rakeshSgr in #149
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #150
- ansible screate token path changed by @rakeshSgr in #151
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #152
- env space fix by @rakeshSgr in #153
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #154
- added file exclusions by @nevil-mathew in #155
- fixed exclusions path by @nevil-mathew in #156
- added migration data for form and notificationTemp by @nevil-mathew in #158
- session get fix by @rakeshSgr in #159
- oci intigration by @rakeshSgr in #160
- added integration tests by @nevil-mathew in #143
- apidoc fix by @rakeshSgr in #162
- apidoc fix by @rakeshSgr in #163
- added lean plugin to all services by @ankitpws in #161
- mongo replica set changes by @rakeshSgr in #164
- kafka js fixes by @rakeshSgr in #166
- Codefix by @ankitpws in #165
- Dev by @rakeshSgr in #167
- added readAll to form read api by @nevil-mathew in #168
- form cache fix by @nevil-mathew in #169
- gcp fixes by @rakeshSgr in #172
- api doc fix by @rakeshSgr in #173
- added logging by @nevil-mathew in #171
- removed ENABLE_LOG by @nevil-mathew in #174
- updated logger by @nevil-mathew in #175
- added test notification by @nevil-mathew in #176
- docker compose fix by @rakeshSgr in #179
- updated error middleware by @nevil-mathew in #177
- updated response messages by @nevil-mathew in #180
- query fix by @rakeshSgr in #191
- updated toast messages by @nevil-mathew in #193
- added session reschedule logs by @nevil-mathew in #194
- added ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED to en.json by @nevil-mathew in #195
- Bug 643 by @rakeshSgr in #197
- added session slot validation by @nevil-mathew in #196
- updated Session slot validation response message by @nevil-mathew in #198
- Session slot validation response message update by @nevil-mathew in #199
- added status check to getSessionByUserIdAndTime by @nevil-mathew in #200
- updated BBB create meeting query by @nevil-mathew in #201
- Bbb create session update by @nevil-mathew in #202
- updated session/completed endpoint response by @nevil-mathew in #203
- past session fix by @rakeshSgr in #204
- 684 and 683 fix by @nevil-mathew in #205
- api fixes by @rakeshSgr in #206
- Docker compose by @rakeshSgr in #178
- Develop by @rakeshSgr in #207
- kafka fix by @rakeshSgr in #210
- kafka fix by @rakeshSgr in #211
- health check fix by @rakeshSgr in #212
- updated apis to handle optional BBB by @nevil-mathew in #208
- updated session update api by @nevil-mathew in #213
- added extractEmailTemplate and updated other functions to use extractEmailTemplate by @nevil-mathew in #214
- Upcoming sessions endpoint fix by @nevil-mathew in #215
- Upcoming session fixes by @nevil-mathew in #216
- added bullmq schedule script by @nevil-mathew in #217
- Added update session status when meeting ne BBB by @nevil-mathew in #218
- updated BBB_PLATFORM by @nevil-mathew in #219
- updated api to return OFF in meetingInfo by @nevil-mathew in #220
- 2.4/config endpoint by @nevil-mathew in #222
- 920/updated email template to handle meta data by @nevil-mathew in #223
- 2.4/session mentees limit by @nevil-mathew in #221
- updated REPORT_EMAIL_SUBJECT by @nevil-mathew in #226
- updated SESSION_SEAT_FULL by @nevil-mathew in #227
- updated report issue template by @nevil-mathew in #228
- added release notes by @nevil-mathew in #224
- Release 2.4.0: Prod Deployment by @joffinjoy in #229
- added meetingInfo to mentorsUpcomingSession by @nevil-mathew in #230
- Develop by @nevil-mathew in #231
- updated ansible script by @nevil-mathew in #232
- Develop by @rakeshSgr in #234
- added admin delete api by @nevil-mathew in #233
- updated api docs by @nevil-mathew in #235
- fixed get getAllSessions by @nevil-mathew in #236
- removed isAMentor from userDelete by @nevil-mathew in #237
- 2.4/user delete flow by @nevil-mathew in #238
- updated roleValidationPaths by @nevil-mathew in #240
- added create issues to roleValidationPaths by @nevil-mathew in #241
- Release 2.4.1 by @joffinjoy in #243
- updated createMeeting to use encodeURIComponent by @nevil-mathew in #244
- Form API migration by @nevil-mathew in #246
- Question and Question Set migration by @nevil-mathew in #245
- Release 2.4.1 & 2.4.2 by @joffinjoy in #247
- updated failureResponse message by @nevil-mathew in #248
- updated failureResponse message by @joffinjoy in #249
- added script to update email headers by @nevil-mathew in #251
- Develop 2.4 by @joffinjoy in #252
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #254
- Merge for missing Kafka-fix in develop by @joffinjoy in #253
- 2.5/update to DEVELOP by @nevil-mathew in #259
- added mentor validation by @nevil-mathew in #263
- added script to update AP email templates by @nevil-mathew in #264
- updated apidoc by @nevil-mathew in #266
- updated api doc by @nevil-mathew in #268
- Add mentor validation by @nevil-mathew in #265
- updated api-doc by @nevil-mathew in #270
- KATHA-2339: Changes Related To Job Scheduling by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #269
- Develop for pr oct 5 by @joffinjoy in #273
- updated mentor, mentee and user APIs by @nevil-mathew in #271
- Set org policies by @joffinjoy in #275
- Set org policies by @joffinjoy in #277
- updated scheduler to not return the error by @nevil-mathew in #279
- added functions for entity/entity flow by @nevil-mathew in #280
- Removed form seeders by @nevil-mathew in #281
- KATHA-2372 Entity Type Inheritance api added by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #282
- removed data validation by @nevil-mathew in #284
- removed entities from form by @nevil-mathew in #285
- updated postman collection by @nevil-mathew in #286
- [mentoring]updated postman-doc by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #287
- updated models and migrations with new fields by @nevil-mathew in #290
- Updated utils functions by @nevil-mathew in #288
- fixed an issue with countEnrolledSessions function by @nevil-mathew in #291
- postman collection by @priyanka-TL in #292
- Updated Api-doc: Added Org Policies APIs by @joffinjoy in #293
- Project restructuring by @joffinjoy in #289
- Changed Query Param for Request by @joffinjoy in #296
- updated list api to get details from extension by @nevil-mathew in #295
- added commented out code by @nevil-mathew in #297
- fixed an issue with profile read service by @nevil-mathew in #298
- updated list api to return meeting_info as object by @nevil-mathew in #299
- org-admin apis fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #300
- updated scheduler request functions by @nevil-mathew in #301
- fixed an issue with ratingCalculation function by @nevil-mathew in #302
- api methods updated by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #303
- postman update by @priyanka-TL in #304
- fixed an issue with restructureBody by @nevil-mathew in #305
- Updated with await keyword by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #306
- roleChange api logic updated to general fn check by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #307
- model changes by @priyanka-TL in #308
- Form notification org by @joffinjoy in #309
- File Upload changes for existing user by @priyanka-TL in #310
- Commented Out SESSION_NOT_FOUND Response by @joffinjoy in #311
- Modified findUserEntityTypesAndEntities Interface by @joffinjoy in #313
- Notification template ap is by @joffinjoy in #315
- notification create, update and read by @priyanka-TL in #312
- Saas changes- by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #314
- Added Default Form Fetch by @joffinjoy in #316
- Fixing bug related to user role change (utils)- not related to SAAS by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #317
- en-json error fix happened due to resolving conflict by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #319
- Mentor listing api changes for SAAS by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #318
- added 'other' logic to restructureBody by @nevil-mathew in #320
- Update filtering logic to avoid invalid data by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #322
- SAAS by @priyanka-TL in #326
- docker compose and readme update by @rakeshSgr in #327
- docker compose fix by @rakeshSgr in #328
- compose file update by @rakeshSgr in #329
- saas changes after view merge test by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #333
- Saas with views merge by @nevil-mathew in #331
- Notification template selection related changes by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #330
- migration for alter extension table by @priyanka-TL in #335
- Migration for alter user and session tables by @priyanka-TL in #336
- update url by @nevil-mathew in #337
- made index creation unique by @nevil-mathew in #340
- added empty check to user response by @nevil-mathew in #342
- Saas changes new by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #338
- Modified RestructureBody Function by @joffinjoy in #332
- ProcessDbResponse Fix by @joffinjoy in #343
- Updated mentor and mentee delete query by @nevil-mathew in #344
- seeder for mentee enhancement questions by @priyanka-TL in #341
- expiry check for token by @priyanka-TL in #345
- Added Missing Other Case by @joffinjoy in #346
- Develop 2.5 deploy by @joffinjoy in #347
- Saas changes new by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #339
- feedback submit issue fix by @priyanka-TL in #348
- [1025]Fix getTimeZone for epoch timestamp by @nevil-mathew in #349
- Katha-issue-1005 fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #350
- sort issue by @priyanka-TL in #351
- session sort by start date by @priyanka-TL in #352
- Optimisation fixes 2394 2392 2390 by @nevil-mathew in #356
- Added job to mark sessions as COMPLETED by @nevil-mathew in #355
- updated org id get method by @nevil-mathew in #357
- removed error response on empty response by @nevil-mathew in #359
- Ka 1005 by @joffinjoy in #360
- Ka 1005 by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #361
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #362
- 1005 fix and changes for text type entityType by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #358
- Develop 2.5 deploy by @joffinjoy in #363
- add org details in mentoring by @priyanka-TL in #364
- Fixed an issue with getAttendedSessionsCountInDateRange and getEnrolledSessionsCountInDateRange query filter by @nevil-mathew in #365
- Fix for mentor list API by @aks30 in #367
- Fixes based on task 2407 by @nevil-mathew in #368
- Ka 1005 by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #371
- session deactivation by @priyanka-TL in #370
- updated internalAccessUrs by @nevil-mathew in #372
- fixed sessionCompleteEndpoint by @nevil-mathew in #373
- added related org mapping by @nevil-mathew in #374
- Renamed all fields from org to organization by @nevil-mathew in #376
- Optimisation fixes by @nevil-mathew in #377
- updated form seeder by @nevil-mathew in #378
- updated Sequelize schema by @nevil-mathew in #381
- Saas policy change fix- by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #383
- bug fix corrected nested AND condition by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #384
- role validation changes by @priyanka-TL in #385
- fixed an issue with sessions reschedule email by @nevil-mathew in #387
- Compeleted Session Only Done For Session That Has Started by @joffinjoy in #388
- Change Success Response To Error Response For Sessions Not Started by @joffinjoy in #389
- Started_at Fix by @joffinjoy in #390
- Views fix by @nevil-mathew in #392
- removed type sub-type uniqueness by @nevil-mathew in #393
- invalidated allow_filtering in request by @nevil-mathew in #394
- dRating fix by @joffinjoy in #395
- Debug Logs 2 by @joffinjoy in #396
- First Time Feedback Fix by @joffinjoy in #397
- Rating fix by @joffinjoy in #398
- Rating Calculation Complete Fix + Code Clean-up by @joffinjoy in #400
- Fix for Bug#1094 by @nevil-mathew in #399
- Error Throw For Missing Mentee Extension by @joffinjoy in #401
- Relogin on Role Mismatch by @joffinjoy in #402
- Reverting Role Change Re-Login Flow by @joffinjoy in #403
- removed email from auth token by @nevil-mathew in #404
- Added Question QuestionSet Migrations & Model Changes by @joffinjoy in #391
- Feedback fix by @joffinjoy in #405
- RoleChange On Homefeed Fix by @joffinjoy in #407
- Reversing Homefeed Fix by @joffinjoy in #408
- session deactivation mutiple userIds by @priyanka-TL in #406
- Role Change Proper Response by @joffinjoy in #409
- Corrected Response With Organization Name by @joffinjoy in #410
- Minor Fix by @joffinjoy in #411
- Feedback Value->Response Fix by @joffinjoy in #413
- fixed an issue with BBB mentor and mentee passwords by @nevil-mathew in #414
- optimized mentor list api by @nevil-mathew in #412
- added TEXT mapping for views by @nevil-mathew in #415
- updated api doc by @nevil-mathew in #416
- Develop 2.5 list changes by @joffinjoy in #417
- fixed an issue with mentor profile update api by @nevil-mathew in #418
- fix feedback by @priyanka-TL in #419
- update /complete endpoint to work with BBB by @nevil-mathew in #420
- added additional status to session by @nevil-mathew in #421
- undo UNFULFILLED_STATUS by @nevil-mathew in #422
- [#1121]updated profile update response to handle cases where no update was done by @nevil-mathew in #423
- added invalid response to homefeed api by @nevil-mathew in #424
- updated filterSessionsBasedOnSaasPolicy by @nevil-mathew in #425
- fixed an issue with updateEnrollmentCount by @nevil-mathew in #426
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #430
- Change Org When Org_admin Assign Fixed by @joffinjoy in #433
- OrgId Related Fixes by @joffinjoy in #434
- Added Debug Logs by @joffinjoy in #435
- session reschedule mail time bug fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #436
- Bug-1133 fixed: time zone variable change [timeZone -> time_zone] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #437
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #438
- migration added to update notification template by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #439
- Updated unenroll api to do a hard delete and changed the pkey in session_attendees table. by @nevil-mathew in #440
- Made Saas Check Optional For Mentor & Their Sessions by @joffinjoy in #441
- Permissions and Modules API by @sumanvpacewisdom in #429
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #442
- Merge back to develop-2.6 from master by @joffinjoy in #444
- Query optimisation by @nevil-mathew in #443
- Develop 2.6 by @joffinjoy in #445
- Develop 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #283
- When user clicks on view details in manage request tab,tags of all fields showing wrong on the UI popup by @priyanka-TL in #432
- [Do not Merge] Hotfix 2.5: Issue-1157 by @joffinjoy in #452
- [Task#2448] Changes required to enable mentor listing cards by @nevil-mathew in #446
- Story#1066 attributes of session list by @nevil-mathew in #451
- Bug-1157 Partial Fix: Setting The Original Array In The Request Body … by @joffinjoy in #450
- Added Migration To Ansible Script by @rakeshSgr in #456
- added migration to populate mentor name by @nevil-mathew in #454
- removed logic to modify sessions column by @nevil-mathew in #457
- Search functionality: Mentee : Katha 1065 by @adithyadinesh0412 in #448
- pm2 command changes by @rakeshSgr in #458
- Search functionality: Mentor - Katha 1064 by @adithyadinesh0412 in #459
- Hotfix 2.5 mentor directory by @joffinjoy in #461
- fixed an issue with isTimeSlotAvailable by @nevil-mathew in #462
- Hotfix 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #464
- Single entity type fix by @joffinjoy in #465
- Hotfix 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #466
- org filter list by @priyanka-TL in #449
- fix for related org is empty by @priyanka-TL in #467
- fix for related org is empty by @priyanka-TL in #468
- added mentor_id to the createdSessions response by @nevil-mathew in #469
- issue fix for post call by @priyanka-TL in #470
- Hotfix 2.5 by @joffinjoy in #471
- Search functionality: Mentor - Katha 1064 - issue fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #472
- Develop by @rakeshSgr in #473
- Public sessions are searchable by mentee/mentor #1061 by @adithyadinesh0412 in #476
- added enrolledMentees list api by @nevil-mathew in #475
- mentee mentor list qa issue fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #478
- fixed an issue with session create api by @nevil-mathew in #477
- mentee mentor list qa issue fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #479
- mentee mentor list issue in Qa by @adithyadinesh0412 in #481
- mentee mentor list qa issue fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #482
- Manager create session flow changes [NF] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #474
- duplicate migrationfile removed by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #483
- change in way of import and added missed code due to merge conflict r… by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #484
- Modified Validator by @joffinjoy in #486
- Develop by @joffinjoy in #487
- Minor Fix by @joffinjoy in #488
- Develop by @joffinjoy in #489
- RolePermissionMapping API by @sumanvpacewisdom in #447
- mentees mentors count issue by @adithyadinesh0412 in #490
- Staging by @adithyadinesh0412 in #493
- cleaned utils.js by @adithyadinesh0412 in #494
- fixed an issue with forms.js by @nevil-mathew in #495
- fixed circular dependency issue by @nevil-mathew in #496
- New develop 2.6 by @sumanvpacewisdom in #501
- updated multiple apis to work properly with new entity types by @nevil-mathew in #502
- added session manager form by @nevil-mathew in #505
- Fix for readProfile request_types & update on permissions validation by @sumanvpacewisdom in #508
- Entity type validation by @nevil-mathew in #491
- Entity type validation by @nevil-mathew in #509
- env variable clean up by @priyanka-TL in #511
- added session manager name by @nevil-mathew in #512
- enrollment type in mentee list by @priyanka-TL in #514
- removed all mongo related dependencies by @nevil-mathew in #503
- added index to getEnrolledMentees by @nevil-mathew in #518
- made queryParams.csv comparison truthy by @nevil-mathew in #519
- added new migrations for all api's by @sumanvpacewisdom in #515
- fixed an issue with CSV download by @nevil-mathew in #523
- migrations changes to delete existing data by @sumanvpacewisdom in #522
- add enrollment type in homefeed api by @priyanka-TL in #524
- Initialise newDuration variable. by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #527
- added manager_name for invited mentees by @nevil-mathew in #528
- Avoiding modification of partition value[BUG:1169] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #525
- added mentee list to session details api by @nevil-mathew in #529
- Made Internal APIs Exclusive To Internal Access Tokens by @joffinjoy in #507
- [BUG: 1193]made changes to pass internal access token to user/read API call by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #535
- [Tech Debt] : responses Helper Added In The Service by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #532
- [TASK:2425 : Spill Over] saas policy check added in enrol API by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #530
- Minor Fix For Responses In Mentee Service by @joffinjoy in #537
- Org extension create by @joffinjoy in #500
- [Bug - 1187]Round off Applied To Session Duration Passed to the Mail by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #539
- List RolePermissions API by @sumanvpacewisdom in #538
- response changes 1/2/24 by @sumanvpacewisdom in #540
- changed response 1/2/24 by @sumanvpacewisdom in #542
- Removed Session Completed API From Internal Access by @joffinjoy in #543
- updated session manager form by @nevil-mathew in #546
- [BUG:1212]migration added to edit email template by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #548
- added session_mentee_limit and enrolment_type to appropriate APIs by @nevil-mathew in #549
- [BUG-1216] Bug Fix For Passing Session Type by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #553
- Permissions fork by @joffinjoy in #554
- Name changes and conflicts by @sumanvpacewisdom in #556
- fixed an issue with /enroll API by @nevil-mathew in #559
- fixed an issue with enroll() by @nevil-mathew in #561
- fix for migrations and login api for dev by @sumanvpacewisdom in #562
- updated session manger form by @nevil-mathew in #557
- updated session manger form by @nevil-mathew in #563
- Notify user in sessions by @adithyadinesh0412 in #564
- Permissions and Modules Enhancement 6/2/24 by @sumanvpacewisdom in #565
- Migration for updating the lable in entity for value Published to Upcoming by @adithyadinesh0412 in #567
- fixed an issue with session/completed by @nevil-mathew in #569
- Permissions with migrations and notify user changes by @adithyadinesh0412 in #570
- frontend requested form update by @adithyadinesh0412 in #571
- Permissions by @rakeshSgr in #566
- Task to change current event workflow to proposed format by @adithyadinesh0412 in #555
- mentee list fix by @priyanka-TL in #572
- Mentor deisgnation added in session details by @priyanka-TL in #574
- session list empty csv without header by @priyanka-TL in #575
- Bug fixes in session/update service [1241,1226,1216] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #576
- added sorting in mentor and mentee list by @adithyadinesh0412 in #573
- issue #1237 by @adithyadinesh0412 in #580
- added migration to update header and footer if email templates by @nevil-mathew in #581
- Katha #1237 -Session Mentor added as mentee in session creation - error fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #582
- [Bug 1233] -Fix Made Changes In sessionOwnership table by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #584
- Enhancement changes for profile api by @sumanvpacewisdom in #579
- Katha #1208 fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #585
- Check for permissions and fix for request_type column by @sumanvpacewisdom in #586
- updated session manger form by @nevil-mathew in #588
- [Bug 1245] Related fix by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #591
- [BUG-1258] - Edited session- mentor email send condition change for manager created session by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #595
- Katha #1168 - fix for question order in forms. by @sumanvpacewisdom in #593
- [Bug-1266] : Processing Entity Types To Add Value Labels by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #596
- Katha #1205 - mentee mentor list fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #592
- fixed an issue with entityTypes by @nevil-mathew in #598
- mentee mentor list fix by @adithyadinesh0412 in #599
- mentee mentor list issue fixed by @adithyadinesh0412 in #600
- mentee mentor list issue fixed by @adithyadinesh0412 in #601
- updated index.js by @nevil-mathew in #545
- mentee mentor list issue fixed by @adithyadinesh0412 in #602
- mentee mentor list issue fixed by @adithyadinesh0412 in #603
- filter list added in apidoc and postman by @priyanka-TL in #605
- mentee mentor list issue fixed by @adithyadinesh0412 in #604
- fix for undefined in get signed url by @priyanka-TL in #608
- [BUG-1196]: response changes requested by front end for 1156 by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #597
- added meeting link for session creator by @nevil-mathew in #609
- Katha #1216 - In the update session email 'Duration' is updating in t… by @adithyadinesh0412 in #610
- [Bug-1233]- mentor/reports Changes For Front-End by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #611
- migration edit [ error coming for fresh setup due to empty table ] by @VISHNUDAS-tunerlabs in #613
- added new migration for platform form update by @nevil-mathew in #642
- removed BBB from form migration by @nevil-mathew in #643
New Contributors
- @sumanvpacewisdom made their first contribution in #429
Full Changelog: release_2.1.1...Release_2.6.52