EBIO5460 Machine Learning for Ecology Spring 2022
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado, Boulder
Instructor: Dr Brett Melbourne
Pronouns: he, him, his
For more up to date materials see Spring 2024 version of this class
Timetable: what topics when
Locations: Ramaley N183; Zoom: 927 3597 8440
Google Drive: texts and reading that are not open access, audio and zoom recording links, collaborative notes etc
Slack: help, questions, discussion
Zotero library: collection of papers
This is the second semester in a graduate-level "data science for ecology" sequence. Semester 1 is here.
The repository includes lecture slides (pdf) and code. For the most part, where code is concerned you want to view the .md
files in your web browser from GitHub. These are knitted from the R code. You can also run the R code on your computer from the .R
Awesome papers that started as machine learning projects in this class:
Martin O, Nguyen C, Sarfati R, Chowdhury M, Iuzzolino ML, Nguyen DMT, Layer RM, Peleg O (2024). Embracing firefly flash pattern variability with data-driven species classification. Scientific Reports 14: 3432. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53671-3.
Ramoneda J, Stallard-Olivera E, Hoffert M, Winfrey CC, Stadler M, Niño-García JP, Fierer N (2023). Building a genome-based understanding of bacterial pH preferences. Science Advances 9: eadf8998. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adf8998.