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Ant data: boosted regression tree

Brett Melbourne 15 Feb 2022

Boosted regression tree illustrated with the ants data.


Ant data with 3 predictors of species richness

ants <- read.csv("data/ants.csv") %>% 
    select(richness, latitude, habitat, elevation) %>% 

Boosting can be viewed as an ensemble prediction method that fits successive, potentially shrunk, models to the residuals. The final prediction is the sum of the models (we can alternatively view it as a weighted average of the models).

A boosted regression tree algorithm:

load y, x, xnew
set parameters: d, ntrees, lambda
set f_hat(xnew) = 0
set r = y (residuals equal to the data)
for b in 1 to ntrees
    train d split tree model on r and x
    predict residuals, r_hat_b(x), from trained tree  
    update residuals: r = r - lambda * r_hat_b(x)
    predict y increment, f_hat_b(xnew), from trained tree
    update prediction: f_hat(xnew) = f_hat(xnew) + lambda * f_hat_b(xnew)
return f_hat(xnew)

Code this algorithm in R

# Boosted regression tree algorithm

# load y, x, xnew
y <- ants$richness
x <- ants[,-1]
# xnew will be a grid of new predictor values on which to form predictions:
grid_data  <- expand.grid(
    latitude=seq(min(ants$latitude), max(ants$latitude), length.out=201),
    elevation=seq(min(ants$elevation), max(ants$elevation), length.out=51))
# or it could be set to the original x data:
# grid_data <- ants[,-1]

# Parameters
d <- 1 #Number of splits
ntrees <- 1000
lambda <- 0.01 #Shrinkage/learning rate/descent rate

# Set f_hat, r
f_hat <- rep(0, nrow(grid_data))
r <- y

ssq <- rep(NA, ntrees) #store ssq to visualize descent
for ( b in 1:ntrees ) {
#   train d split tree model on r and x
    data_b <- cbind(r, x)
    fit_b <- dtree(r ~ ., data=data_b, d=d)
#   predict residuals from trained tree
    r_hat_b <- predict(fit_b, newdata=x)
#   update residuals (gradient descent)
    r <- r - lambda * r_hat_b
    ssq[b] <- sum(r^2)
#   predict y increment from trained tree
    f_hat_b <- predict(fit_b, newdata=grid_data)
#   update prediction
    f_hat <- f_hat + lambda * f_hat_b
#   monitoring

# return f_hat
boost_preds <- f_hat

Plot predictions

preds <- cbind(grid_data, richness=boost_preds)
ants %>% 
    ggplot() +
              aes(x=latitude, y=richness, col=elevation, group=factor(elevation)),
              linetype=2) +
    geom_point(aes(x=latitude, y=richness, col=elevation)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(habitat)) +
    scale_color_viridis_c() +

Here’s how the algorithm descended the loss function (SSQ)

qplot(1:ntrees, ssq, xlab="Iteration (number of trees)")

Boosted regression trees are implemented in the gbm package

boost_ants1 <- gbm(richness ~ ., data=ants, distribution="gaussian", 
                  n.trees=1000, interaction.depth=1, shrinkage=0.01)
boost_preds <- predict(boost_ants1, newdata=grid_data)
## Using 1000 trees...
preds <- cbind(grid_data, richness=boost_preds)
ants %>% 
    ggplot() +
              aes(x=latitude, y=richness, col=elevation, group=factor(elevation)),
              linetype=2) +
    geom_point(aes(x=latitude, y=richness, col=elevation)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(habitat)) +
    scale_color_viridis_c() +