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Classification in machine learning

Brett Melbourne 26 Jan 2022

This example is from Chapter 2.2.3 of James et al. (2021). An Introduction to Statistical Learning. It is the simulated dataset in Fig 2.13.


Orange-blue data:

orbludat <-  read.csv("data/orangeblue.csv")

orbludat %>% 
    ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(x=x1, y=x2, col=category), shape=1, size=2) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("blue","orange")) +

We’ll start by expanding the capability of our KNN function to handle multiple x variables and the classification case with 2 categories. We’ll also handle the case where different categories have identical estimated probabilities by choosing the predicted category randomly, a standard strategy in NN algorithms.

# KNN function for a data frame of x_new
# x:       x data of variables in columns (matrix, numeric)
# y:       y data, 2 categories (vector, character)
# x_new:   values of x variables at which to predict y (matrix, numeric)
# k:       number of nearest neighbors to average (scalar, integer)
# return:  predicted y at x_new (vector, character)
knn_classify2 <- function(x, y, x_new, k) {
    tol <- .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5 #Tolerance for floating point equality
    category <- unique(y)
    y_int <- ifelse(y == category[1], 0, 1) #Convert categories to integers
    nx <- nrow(x)
    n <- nrow(x_new)
    c <- ncol(x_new)
    p_cat2 <- rep(NA, n)
    for ( i in 1:n ) {
    #   Distance of x_new to other x (Euclidean, i.e. sqrt(a^2+b^2+..))
        x_new_m <- matrix(x_new[i,], nx, c, byrow=TRUE)
        d <- sqrt(rowSums((x - x_new_m) ^ 2))
    #   Sort y ascending by d; break ties randomly
        y_sort <- y_int[order(d, sample(1:length(d)))]
    #   Mean of k nearest y data (gives probability of category 2)
        p_cat2[i] <- mean(y_sort[1:k])
    y_pred <- ifelse(p_cat2 > 0.5, category[2], category[1])
    # Break ties if probability is equal (i.e. exactly 0.5)
    rnd_category = sample(category, n, replace=TRUE) #vector of random labels
    y_pred <- ifelse(abs(p_cat2 - 0.5) < tol, rnd_category, y_pred)

Test the output of the knn_classify2 function.

nm <- matrix(runif(8), nrow=4, ncol=2)
## [1] "blue"   "blue"   "orange" "blue"

Plot. Use this block of code to try different values of k (i.e. different numbers of nearest neighbors). There are some important properties of KNN that you’ll notice. Smaller, even values of k will more often have equal numbers of each category in the neighborhood, leading to random tie breaks. These zones will show in the plot as speckled intermingling of the two categories. Since these tie breaks are random, repeated runs will produce slightly different plots.

grid_x  <- expand.grid(x1=seq(0, 1, by=0.01), x2=seq(0, 1, by=0.01))
pred_category <- knn_classify2(x=as.matrix(orbludat[,c("x1","x2")]),
preds <- data.frame(grid_x, category=pred_category)

orbludat %>% 
    ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(x=x1, y=x2, col=category), shape=1, size=2) +
    geom_point(data=preds, aes(x=x1, y=x2, col=category), size=0.5) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("blue","orange")) +

k-fold CV for KNN. Be careful not to confuse the k’s!

# Function to partition a data set into random folds for cross-validation
# n:       length of dataset (scalar, integer)
# k:       number of folds (scalar, integer)
# return:  fold labels (vector, integer)
random_folds <- function(n, k) {
    min_n <- floor(n / k)
    extras <- n - k * min_n
    labels <- c(rep(1:k, each=min_n),rep(seq_len(extras)))
    folds <- sample(labels, n)

# Function to perform k-fold CV for the KNN model algorithm on the orange-blue
# data from James et al. Ch 2.
# k_cv:    number of folds (scalar, integer)
# k_knn:   number of nearest neighbors to average (scalar, integer)
# return:  CV error as error rate (scalar, numeric)
cv_orblu <- function(k_cv, k_knn) {
    orbludat$fold <- random_folds(nrow(orbludat), k_cv)
    e <- rep(NA, k_cv)
    for ( i in 1:k_cv ) {
        test_data <- orbludat %>% filter(fold == i)
        train_data <- orbludat %>% filter(fold != i)
        pred_category <- knn_classify2(x=as.matrix(train_data[,c("x1","x2")]),
        e[i] <- mean( test_data$category != pred_category )
    cv_error <- mean(e)

Test the function

cv_orblu(k_cv=10, k_knn=10)
## [1] 0.1305263
cv_orblu(k=nrow(orbludat), k_knn=10) #LOOCV
## [1] 0.1356784

Explore a grid of values for k_cv and k_knn

grid <- expand.grid(k_cv=c(5,10,nrow(orbludat)), k_knn=1:16)
cv_error <- rep(NA, nrow(grid))
set.seed(6456) #For reproducible results in this text
for ( i in 1:nrow(grid) ) {
    cv_error[i] <- cv_orblu(grid$k_cv[i], grid$k_knn[i])
    print(round(100 * i  /nrow(grid))) #monitoring
result1 <- cbind(grid, cv_error)

Plot the result.

result1 %>% 
    ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x=k_knn, y=cv_error, col=factor(k_cv))) +

We see a lot of variance in all choices for k in the cross validation, which is partly due to randomly breaking ties in the KNN algorithm and partly due to random folds of the data. This run of LOOCV (k_cv = 199) identifies the KNN model with k_knn = 4 nearest neighbors as having the best predictive performance but if we repeat the above with a different random seed, we get different answers. Let’s look at LOOCV and 5-fold CV with many replicate CV runs with random folds. This will take about 30 minutes.

grid <- expand.grid(k_cv=c(5,nrow(orbludat)), k_knn=1:16)
reps <- 250
cv_error <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(grid), ncol=reps)
set.seed(8031) #For reproducible results in this text
for ( j in 1:reps ) {
    for ( i in 1:nrow(grid) ) {
        cv_error[i,j] <- cv_orblu(grid$k_cv[i], grid$k_knn[i])
    print(round(100 * j / reps)) #monitor
result2 <- cbind(grid, cv_error)
result2$mean_cv <- rowMeans(result2[,-(1:2)])

Plot the result.

result2 %>%
    select(k_cv, k_knn, mean_cv) %>%
    rename(cv_error=mean_cv) %>%
    ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x=k_knn, y=cv_error, col=factor(k_cv))) +
    labs(title=paste("Mean across",reps,"k-fold CV runs"), col="k_cv")

and we could use the following code to print out the detailed numbers:

result2 %>% 
    select(k_cv, k_knn, mean_cv) %>%
    rename(cv_error=mean_cv) %>%

A very interesting thing we discover, most clear in the 5-fold CV, is that even numbers for k_knn have a higher error rate. This is because of randomness in breaking ties. There are few, if any, ties for odd values of k_knn. Which value for k_knn to choose is not super clear cut with several possible choices arising. LOOCV continues to look a bit unstable. I would probably err toward the 5-fold CV because of its larger test set holdout. We could choose k_knn = 3 or 5, which are essentially equal. I would probably go for 5 nearest neighbors given the overall shape of the performance curve.

The result here differs from Fig. 2.17 in James et al. Here, we estimated the error rate as the CV error rate, which is the best we can do given a set of data. In Fig. 2.17 the error rate is the theoretical error rate from the underlying “true” categories of the simulated model. Hence the CV error rate has underestimated the true error rate and identified a different k_knn than the “true” optimal value.