Brett Melbourne 21 Jan 2022
KNN for the regression case illustrated with the ants data. This code is
much the same as ants_cv.R
but instead of using a smoothing spline as
the model algorithm we use KNN.
Forest ant data:
forest_ants <- read.csv("data/ants.csv") %>%
K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for 1 new value of x, translating our pseudocode to R code.
# Set k = number of nearest neighbors
k <- 4
# Input (x, y) = x, y data pairs
x <- forest_ants$latitude
y <- forest_ants$richness
# Input x_new = x value at which to predict y_new
x_new <- 42.25
# Calculate d = distance of x_new to other x
d <- abs(x - x_new)
# Sort y data ascending by d; break ties randomly
y_sort <- y[order(d, sample(1:length(d)))]
# Predict new y = mean of k nearest y data
y_pred <- mean(y_sort[1:k])
The predicted value for richness of 10.5 makes sense.
## [1] 10.5
forest_ants %>%
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x=latitude, y=richness)) +
geom_point(aes(x=x_new, y=y_pred), col="red") +
geom_text(aes(x=x_new, y=y_pred, label="Predicted"), col="Red", hjust=-0.2) +
Now as a function that can accept a vector of new x values and return a vector of predictions.
# KNN function for a vector of x_new
# x: x data (vector, numeric)
# y: y data (vector, numeric)
# x_new: x values at which to predict y (vector, numeric)
# k: number of nearest neighbors to average (scalar, integer)
# return: predicted y at x_new (vector, numeric)
knn <- function(x, y, x_new, k) {
y_pred <- NA * x_new
for ( i in 1:length(x_new) ) {
# Distance of x_new to other x
d <- abs(x - x_new[i])
# Sort y ascending by d; break ties randomly
y_sort <- y[order(d, sample(1:length(d)))]
# Mean of k nearest y data
y_pred[i] <- mean(y_sort[1:k])
Test the output of the knn function.
knn(forest_ants$latitude, forest_ants$richness, x_new=42:45, k=4)
## [1] 14.25 6.50 5.75 6.50
Plot. Use this block of code to try different values of k (i.e. different numbers of nearest neighbors).
grid_latitude <- seq(min(forest_ants$latitude), max(forest_ants$latitude), length.out=201)
pred_richness <- knn(forest_ants$latitude, forest_ants$richness, x_new=grid_latitude, k=8)
preds <- data.frame(grid_latitude, pred_richness)
forest_ants %>%
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x=latitude, y=richness)) +
geom_line(data=preds, aes(x=grid_latitude, y=pred_richness)) +
k-fold CV for KNN. Be careful not to confuse the k’s!
# Function to partition a data set into random folds for cross-validation
# n: length of dataset (scalar, integer)
# k: number of folds (scalar, integer)
# return: fold labels (vector, integer)
random_folds <- function(n, k) {
min_n <- floor(n / k)
extras <- n - k * min_n
labels <- c(rep(1:k, each=min_n),rep(seq_len(extras)))
folds <- sample(labels, n)
# Function to perform k-fold CV for the KNN model algorithm on ants data
# k_cv: number of folds (scalar, integer)
# k_knn: number of nearest neighbors to average (scalar, integer)
# return: CV error as RMSE (scalar, numeric)
cv_ants <- function(k_cv, k_knn) {
forest_ants$fold <- random_folds(nrow(forest_ants), k_cv)
e <- rep(NA, k_cv)
for ( i in 1:k_cv ) {
test_data <- forest_ants %>% filter(fold == i)
train_data <- forest_ants %>% filter(fold != i)
pred_richness <- knn(train_data$latitude,
e[i] <- mean((test_data$richness - pred_richness) ^ 2)
cv_error <- mean(e)
Test the function
cv_ants(k_cv=10, k_knn=8)
## [1] 12.60286
cv_ants(k=nrow(forest_ants), k_knn=7) #LOOCV
## [1] 12.75046
Explore a grid of values for k_cv and k_knn
grid <- expand.grid(k_cv=c(5,10,nrow(forest_ants)), k_knn=1:16)
## k_cv k_knn
## 1 5 1
## 2 10 1
## 3 22 1
## 4 5 2
## 5 10 2
## 6 22 2
## 7 5 3
## 8 10 3
## 9 22 3
## 10 5 4
## 11 10 4
## 12 22 4
## 13 5 5
## 14 10 5
## 15 22 5
## 16 5 6
## 17 10 6
## 18 22 6
## 19 5 7
## 20 10 7
## 21 22 7
## 22 5 8
## 23 10 8
## 24 22 8
## 25 5 9
## 26 10 9
## 27 22 9
## 28 5 10
## 29 10 10
## 30 22 10
## 31 5 11
## 32 10 11
## 33 22 11
## 34 5 12
## 35 10 12
## 36 22 12
## 37 5 13
## 38 10 13
## 39 22 13
## 40 5 14
## 41 10 14
## 42 22 14
## 43 5 15
## 44 10 15
## 45 22 15
## 46 5 16
## 47 10 16
## 48 22 16
cv_error <- rep(NA, nrow(grid))
set.seed(6363) #For reproducible results in this text
for ( i in 1:nrow(grid) ) {
cv_error[i] <- cv_ants(grid$k_cv[i], grid$k_knn[i])
result1 <- cbind(grid,cv_error)
Plot the result.
result1 %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x=k_knn, y=cv_error, col=factor(k_cv))) +
LOOCV (k_cv = 22) identifies the KNN model with k_knn = 7 nearest neighbors as having the best predictive performance. We see again that there is a lot of variance in 5-fold and 10-fold CV and so we would not want to trust a single run of k-fold CV. For the KNN model, we probably don’t want to trust a single run of LOOCV either, since there is a random component to breaking ties in the KNN model. Let’s look at 5-fold CV and LOOCV with many replicate CV runs with random folds.
grid <- expand.grid(k_cv=c(5,22), k_knn=1:16)
reps <- 250
cv_error <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(grid), ncol=reps)
set.seed(7419) #For reproducible results in this text
for ( j in 1:reps ) {
for ( i in 1:nrow(grid) ) {
cv_error[i,j] <- cv_ants(grid$k_cv[i], grid$k_knn[i])
print(j) #monitor
result2 <- cbind(grid,cv_error)
result2$mean_cv <- rowMeans(result2[,-(1:2)])
Plot the result.
result2 %>%
select(k_cv, k_knn, mean_cv) %>%
rename(cv_error=mean_cv) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x=k_knn, y=cv_error, col=factor(k_cv))) +
labs(title=paste("Mean across",reps,"k-fold CV runs"), col="k_cv")
and print out to see the detailed numbers
result2 %>%
arrange(k_cv) %>%
select(k_cv, k_knn, mean_cv)
## k_cv k_knn mean_cv
## 1 5 1 26.41756
## 2 5 2 18.48430
## 3 5 3 15.31755
## 4 5 4 13.90081
## 5 5 5 13.41545
## 6 5 6 13.01379
## 7 5 7 13.02613
## 8 5 8 13.32905
## 9 5 9 13.75747
## 10 5 10 14.89716
## 11 5 11 15.52593
## 12 5 12 15.85196
## 13 5 13 16.09378
## 14 5 14 17.02255
## 15 5 15 18.02458
## 16 5 16 18.93897
## 17 22 1 27.65818
## 18 22 2 19.29545
## 19 22 3 16.17879
## 20 22 4 13.98970
## 21 22 5 13.40444
## 22 22 6 12.94657
## 23 22 7 12.62650
## 24 22 8 12.94886
## 25 22 9 12.69278
## 26 22 10 12.94079
## 27 22 11 13.62847
## 28 22 12 14.81282
## 29 22 13 15.40425
## 30 22 14 15.54777
## 31 22 15 15.53584
## 32 22 16 16.33452
We see (in both plot and table) that 5-fold CV identifies k_knn = 6 nearest neighbors as having the best predictive performance but k_knn = 7 has essentially the same performance. LOOCV averaged over multiple runs still picks k_knn = 7. Had we relied on a single run of LOOCV here, which identified k_knn = 7, we would still have made a good choice for k_knn since the models have similar performance.
What about the KNN model versus the smoothing-spline model? Which has the best predictive performance? Collating the results from our CV inference algorithms, we have the following estimated RMSEs:
Model | LOOCV | 5-fold CV |
KNN 6 | 12.95 | 13.01 |
KNN 7 | 12.63 | 13.03 |
Smoothing spline 3 | 12.52 | 12.77 |
We see that both LOOCV and 5-fold CV give the edge to the smoothing spline model. Nevertheless, for these data any of these three models has about the same predictive performance. It is worth noting that a single run of LOOCV would have picked KNN 7 as the best model with LOOCV = 12.48; this illustrates that one should be wary wherever randomness is involved, whether in the model, training, or inference algorithm.