All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.6.3 (2024-12-31)
- cdk:popper:
shouldn't change ref option param (#2023) (9d982d2) - cdk:popper: popper can't open when visible is updated by user (#2022) (b8bca6d)
2.6.2 (2024-12-12)
2.6.1 (2024-12-06)
- cdk:popper: visible shouldn't be updated when disabled (#2017) (8bc2f0d)
- comp:table: alert row shouldn't render when alert slot returns empty node (#2018) (8673395)
2.6.0 (2024-12-05)
- cdk:dnd: useDndMovable init doesn't work (#1997) (98298bd)
- comp:icon: modify branch icon (#2007) (867f0ba)
- comp:pagination: enter an incorrect page, the display is abnormal (#2005) (17a4df1)
- comp:pagination: size select text shouldn't overflow at 100 (#2010) (de8b856)
- set the correct api.json path (#2001) (5c52c55), closes #2000
- cdk:popper: popper visible supports fully controlled (#2012) (6c234a8)
- comp:*: overlay supports nested control (#2013) (413b37f)
- comp:date-picker: add shortcut support for dateRangePicker (#2004) (18b9d31)
- pro:search: add quickSelect item size theme tokens (#2008) (804e73b)
- pro:search: add shortcut support for dateRangePicker field (#2006) (d82fc7d)
- pro:search: expose
methods (#2014) (cff9e16)
2.5.0 (2024-10-15)
- comp:desc: ensure that the label and content are aligned at the top (#1996) (ae37a96)
- comp:table: selectable onChange doesn't emit cached records (#1991) (ee26db6)
- comp:textarea: the minRows in autoRows does not work (#1987) (31b98b9)
- pro:search: search item input text width measure incorrect (#1989) (8de7df7)
- cdk:dnd: add support for controlled offset prop (#1994) (5e982e5)
- comp:color-picker: add colorPicker component (#1995) (0c384d3)
- comp:input-number: add
prop to format number display (#1993) (003a180) - comp:timeline: support for timeline (#1992) (c35a883)
2.4.3 (2024-08-12)
- comp:control-trigger: padding right wtih suffix is incorrect (#1986) (b115908)
- comp:transfer: configuring virtual scrolling does not take effect (#1983) (f85d9f9)
- pro:search: component still interactable when disabled (#1984) (2b5dc09)
- pro:search: segment input width measure is incorrect (#1985) (8362f5d)
2.4.2 (2024-08-05)
2.4.1 (2024-08-02)
- cdk:scroll: simulated horizontal scrollbar is not displayed (#1980) (c23652f)
- pro:table: modify trigger padding of last column (#1981) (501b128)
- pro:textarea: row number is
when value is undefined (#1979) (2883576)
2.4.0 (2024-07-30)
- comp:contro-trigger: overlay closes when scrolling with virtual scroll (#1978) (c2944df)
- comp:control-trigger: add suffix size to padding right (#1975) (0bc7249)
- comp:modal: draggable of modal with custom header slot doesn't work (#1970) (e5ecfc5)
- comp:table: deselecting page removes all other selections (#1976) (9bdfe41)
- comp:theme: calculated hash of unhashed tokens should be different (#1973) (8bf3d66)
- pro:table: table has horizontal scroll when last column is resizable (#1972) (8456922)
- pro:textarea: optimize performance of row height collecting (#1971) (8ec17d2)
- comp:*: add
prop for all overlayed controls (#1977) (0778970) - comp:modal: add
support for modal (#1974) (32ac59c)
2.3.3 (2024-07-22)
- pro:search: input is formatted incorrectly after deselecting last option (#1967) (9eccfcb)
- pro:textarea: optimize performance (#1968) (0fade99)
- pro:transfer: optimize tree transfer performance (#1969) (31ab1a0)
2.3.2 (2024-07-17)
- comp:tree: optimize tree performance with large data (over 1w) (#1965) (f9b511d)
- pro:table: layout tool btn covers column trigger when has scroll (#1966) (d76e65a)
2.3.1 (2024-07-12)
2.3.0 (2024-07-12)
- cdk:scroll: simulated scrollbar blinks after data change (#1943) (4b25a18)
- cdk:scroll: virtual horizontal scroll triggers scrolledBottom (#1948) (d39c7e8)
- cdk:scroll: virtual list render error after dataSource change (#1949) (491d5aa)
- cdk:scroll: virtual scroll couldn't scroll under firefox (#1946) (9c81358)
- cdk:scroll: virtual scroll start offset should deduct size of prepended items (#1950) (28a6724)
- comp:*: focusing in control overlay causes it to close unexpectedly (#1952) (67a2f82)
- comp:modal: modal draggable is now refactored with
(#1954) (39fe969) - comp:table: initial selectedRowKeys absent from dataSource is removed after check change (#1951) (22698bf)
- pro:textarea: error tooltip isn't displayed when one row has multiple lines (#1959) (82a756b)
- cdk:dnd: add dnd lib for dnd sortting and moving (#1953) (7eaa878)
- comp:image: add dnd sortable support for image viewer (#1956) (d2638c3)
- comp:popconfirm: popconfirm supports showArrow global config (#1960) (63deaf5)
- comp:select: add support for dnd sortable (#1955) (6281bc2)
- comp:tabs: add dnd sortable support for tabs (#1958) (7d70cf7)
- pro:table: add dnd sortable support for proTable (#1957) (9b59fb2)
2.2.3 (2024-06-12)
- comp:select: selector input value should be emptied after blur (#1941) (502d8ce)
- comp:table: pagination should render but hide when empty (#1940) (e2f7a65)
- comp:table: table selection emptyed after data change and select (#1939) (373b434)
- comp:tree-select: panel shakes after scrolling at bottom (#1942) (2ef737d)
2.2.2 (2024-06-11)
- cdk:virtual: items render incorrectly after datasource change (#1937) (2511d1a)
- comp:table: select all check state isn't displayed correctly (#1936) (d1fb275)
- comp:table: selection should not be emptied after dataSource change (#1938) (aa97b68)
- pro:search: selecting option after remote search overides value (#1935) (708f1f7)
2.2.1 (2024-05-20)
- cdk:scroll: pool item not recycled index isn't right (#1926) (c177f36)
- comp:*: overlay border color token is invalid (#1924) (f1ac247)
- comp:popconfirm: content padding should be diferent when no header icon rendered (#1929) (cd02157)
- comp:table: select all shouldn't be checked when empty (#1928) (dd13848)
- comp:tabs: line type bar offset error after tab title updates (#1927) (2ec613a)
- comp:tree-select: removing item in selector doesn't work (#1923) (134992f)
- pro:table: check in layout tool after search doesn't work (#1925) (19078ee)
- pro:tag-select: modify theme colors (#1922) (5256ad1)
- pro:tag-select: tag data edit and create should be validated (#1931) (fe649cc)
2.2.0 (2024-05-09)
- cdk:popper: arrow position is incorrect after shift (#1917) (a4072a5)
- cdk:virtual: render pool item with same item key is not reused (#1910) (df3a961)
- comp:alert: modify alert info type icon to info-circle (#1916) (e08e100)
- comp:table: fixed column shadow are displayed after resize (#1909) (0ea197a)
- comp:tabs: all tabs panel should have selected state (#1921) (b883501)
- comp:theme: store theme style reference count on style element (#1907) (ff062cd)
- pro:search: input is formatted incorrectly after tree select leaf option unchecked (#1914) (5e44824)
- comp:alert: add theme tokens for typed alert text and bg colors (#1918) (114e26f)
- comp:table: support cascaderStrategy for tree table (#1911) (e05e6af)
- comp:tabs: rewirte tabs component to support new features (#1913) (3c34eba)
- comp:theme: add gold, silver and bronze color to base colors (#1915) (1946e26)
- pro:transfer: supports tree-table type transfer (#1912) (06a8263)
2.1.3 (2024-04-25)
- cdk:virtual: render pool item reuse doesn't take effect (#1900) (514b2dd)
- comp:table: refactor table column width measure logic (#1899) (425def0)
- comp:table: rowSpan and colSpan param error (#1908) (2aebaec)
- pro:search: setting value before select option loaded throws error (#1906) (5f00488)
- pro:table: column sequence should change after fixed changed (#1901) (daba3f6)
- pro:tag-select: change creation option input font-weight to xl (#1903) (03f67c3)
- pro:tag-select: modify tag edit panel style (#1904) (3a87226)
- pro:tag-select: tag data remove confirm should be configuarable (#1905) (659b1f7)
- pro:tag-select: tag min width should be auto (#1902) (d80987d)
2.1.2 (2024-04-17)
- cdk:resizable: position should be set at start of resizing (#1889) (aaf85b6)
- comp:*: theme token css var getter is not supported in safari (#1897) (8166a03)
- comp:*: update colorInfo and colorOfflineText token (#1896) (8a10fc8)
- comp:breadcrumb: modify breadcrumb fontSize to fontSizeMd (#1893) (6d51cf9)
- comp:modal: modal title should have word break (#1888) (62b606a)
- comp:select: module import error (#1885) (bae7eb7)
- comp:table: fixed end column z-index should be above fixed start columns (#1892) (4941867)
- comp:table: table cell border missing when row span included (#1890) (76d77b6)
- comp:table: table cell border missing when row span included (#1895) (f8aedce)
- comp:tree-select: search input shouldn't be cleared after option checked (#1886) (28f70c1)
- comp:tree: checkedChange should be called after cascaderStrategy change (#1887) (a122a31)
- pro:table: layout tool tree shouldn't show empty (#1891) (b122426)
- pro:textarea: add rows prop (#1518) (562314c)
- pro:textarea: height isn't correct when rows is set (#1894) (f9737fd)
2.1.1 (2024-04-08)
- comp:carousel: pre and next arrow should hide when item count is 0 (#1871) (e8a6d6e)
- comp:collapse,empty: margin size css var reference error (#1872) (dca4899)
- comp:input: select style component within input addon isn't correct (#1873) (73c4f11)
- comp:spin: spin mask backgroun color isn't correct (#1874) (f2fcf2d)
- comp:table: clicking expand icon shouldn't trigger row select (#1875) (818722e)
- comp:tooltip: tooltip content should wrap on line break (#1876) (ab4a449)
- comp:tree-select: removing item from selector doesn't uncheck tree node (#1877) (ce4f477)
- pro:search: quickselect search input shouldn't hide when option selected (#1883) (e9d8517)
- pro:tag-select: max exceeded alert content error (#1882) (c6eef62)
- pro:tag-select: removing unselected tag data shouldn't emit tagRemove (#1880) (c3703a8)
- pro:tag-select: supports beforeRemoveConfirm and beforeSelectConfirm (#1879) (4f48690)
- pro:tag-select: tag creation option should hide when input fully matched (#1881) (fb6116f)
- pro:tag-select: tag text shouldn't overflow when overlayMatchWidth is true (#1878) (d2fcdbf)
2.1.0 (2024-03-27)
- comp:input: input theme hashId isn't correctly bound (#1863) (bf11379)
- comp:textarea: textarea color isn't correct under dark theme (#1864) (17fa41f)
- comp:tour: async appended steps doesn't work (#1866) (0c6c54d)
- add control trigger (#1862) (899f796)
- comp:theme: supports prefix for token register (#1865) (094f62a)
- comp:tour: supports
(#1869) (5c48d01) - comp:tour: supports outline and mask container (#1868) (5c25eb3)
- comp: add selector component (#1861) (a50147b)
- pro: add proTagSelect component (#1867) (9b50004)
2.0.1 (2024-03-05)
- comp:config:
should be included in TimeConfigType (#1850) (405b050) - comp:date-picker: range start and and date cover full range (#1851) (8174c4f)
- comp:select: clicking an option created by input selects undefind (#1855) (fa02551)
- comp:table: height of checkbox or radio in selectable column cell isn't right (#1859) (690fab8)
- comp:table: selectable column showIndex doesn't work (#1858) (654ad1a)
- comp:theme: base color turquoise not correct (#1852) (70e75eb)
- comp:theme: optimize global token update logic (#1853) (b89990c)
- comp:time-picker,date-picker: missing parts from input format should be applied by prop value (#1857) (6a75ae2)
- date-picker: range panel onSelect should be triggered when panel not visible (#1856) (c82e28b)
- pro:tree: optimize collapse transition apperance (#1854) (98d0595)
2.0.0 (2024-02-01)
- cdk:form,comp:icon: fix suspected memory leak (#1846) (43581b1)
- cdk:scroll: optimize virtual scroll render pool resuage (#1837) (4a37a0a)
- comp:alert,tag: replace rgba bg color with color with no alpha (#1840) (458b070)
- comp:button: button is not vertical center when it has icon (#1830) (cefdc0d)
- comp:cascader: remote search is error (#1832) (8d1e463)
- comp:drawer: destroyOnHide drawer doesn't destroy if visible is set false before enter transition (#1836) (773fb38)
- comp:header: header bar should be aligned top (#1842) (592fc8b)
- comp:popconfirm: change style (#1823) (fc63a44)
- comp:popover: remove content padding top (#1822) (6b29646)
- comp:select: search input should be cleared after option selected (#1843) (15daf1c)
- comp:select: when input change multiply model input width is error (#1829) (91c1f34)
- comp:table: inconsecutive fixed columns are not fixed (#1835) (9a8332b)
- comp:table: tree table line doesn't appear normally (#1844) (2405527)
- comp:table: virtual table scroll sync should be done by virtual scrollTo API (#1834) (383ca7d)
- comp:tree: modify tree line spacing (#1839) (f091062)
- pro:table: hovering layout tool trigger shouldn't show resize handle (#1838) (ba1b33e)
- cdk:scroll: scrollTo option index is deprecated, use rowIndex instead
- cdk:scroll: scrollTo option offset is deprecated, use verticalOffset instead
- cdk:scroll: scrollTo option key is deprecated, use rowKey instead
- cdk:scroll: scrollTo option align is deprecated, use verticalAlign instead
2.0.0-beta.6 (2024-01-17)
- cdk:popper: arrow size not properly calculated (#1813) (f7abe16)
- comp:*: modify all overlay default placement to bottomStart (#1815) (4189049)
- comp:alert: change alert icon marigin-right to marginSizeXs(#1802) (4df6f97)
- comp:collapse: change header prefix margin right to marginSizeMd (#1811) (6bf6655)
- comp:header: change bar height (#1804) (972bd64)
- comp:select: theme token optionGroupMargin unit error (#1821) (c1c2906)
- comp:tag: change tag padding x to 8px, use box-shadow instead of border (#1801) (371c61d)
- comp:tag: reset bordered style from box-shadow to border (#1817) (7154ca5)
- pro:search: quick select panel search bar overflows (#1819) (c6824ea)
- cdk:scroll: add simulated scroll support to VirtualScroll (#1812) (17ccefa)
- pro:search: select field supports caching selected data (#1814) (6e80276)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2024-01-08)
- cdk:drag-drop: remove user-select none style (#1743) (d76dcda)
- cdk:forms: interactions trigger dosen't work (#1770) (fc44cbf)
- cdk:popper: modify default placement to
(#1785) (5d9ddc4) - comp:button: pointer events sholud be none when disabled (#1744) (2ca124d)
- comp:cascader: the value is incorrect after clicking the clear icon (#1774) (0134f36)
- comp:checkbox: button theme not registered (#1758) (1c68326)
- comp:collapse: modify header font-size to fontSizeHeaderSm (#1790) (664c34b)
- comp:desc: header component does not take effect (#1742) (dd1aab8)
- comp:desc: use div to wrap header slot (#1752) (dd31ee4)
- comp:head: modify header bar style (#1781) (12278ef)
- comp:input: sufix click does not effect (#1745) (4769dcd)
- comp:modal: adjust the icon of the modal that confirm the mode (#1763) (6227d4a)
- comp:modal: fix adjust modal icon height (#1762) (019674d)
- comp:pagination: change lg size font size to fontSizeSm (#1761) (5669abc)
- comp:popover,tooltip: replace paddings with theme variables (#1780) (0c2be7b)
- comp:radio: gap behaves abnormally when configured without 0px (#1740) (9ecd14a)
- comp:select: selectOptionFontSize theme var reference error (#1777) (0e0db55)
- comp:table: pagination should hide when data empty (#1782) (85d80e1)
- comp:table: scroll classes is determined by scroll overflowed (#1798) (dfbaec7)
- comp:table: table header not visible when width not collected (#1794) (7a1cd70)
- comp:tabs: tabs segment mod nav font-weight should be normal (#1788) (7a8a89f)
- comp:tag: modify tag normal bg color (#1792) (5990a28)
- comp:timeline: modify contentMarginBottom to marginSizeLg (#1791) (bc3b27f)
- comp:tree: update tree line style (#1783) (ca64a1e)
- comp:tree: virtual treeNode slots not passed (#1799) (f9361f7)
- comp:upload: file is not uploaded when maxCount is 1 (#1786) (400a0b4)
- comp:upload: file remove icon should be 'close' (#1787) (f862fdf)
- comp: modify offline color token (#1789) (00cd10c)
- pro:layout: dark theme overlay menu style error (#1771) (64169d2)
- pro:layout: logo title color theme var reference error (#1759) (8fced5c)
- pro:layout: style error when theme style not injected (#1769) (e216b08)
- pro:search: click is correct when key is zero (#1748) (9d996ce)
- pro:search: container zIndex shouldn't be set when not focused (#1795) (613079d)
- pro:search: non-multiple field created state should be overwritten by new state (#1778) (617c192)
- pro:search: replace spacing with theme tokens (#1793) (6505440)
- pro:search: searchable fields should keep search text after value change (#1796) (97cf777)
- pro:table: layoutool checkbox shouldn't be checkable when disabled (#1741) (0905872)
- pro:transfer: maximum recursive updates exceeded under vue 3.4 (4d8e1c8)
- pro:transfer: maximum recursive updates exceeded under vue 3.4 (e511253)
- style dependencies missing in on-demand import entries (#1755) (4b97958)
- add dark theme (#1751) (415f07f)
- add theme entries for on-demand import (#1756) (093641f)
- cdk:forms: add
trigger (#1766) (83c60e7) - cdk:scroll: virtual scroll supports horizontal (#1775) (77a0411)
- cdk:theme: add cdk theme support (#1739) (ab9cb89)
- comp:drawer: distance is configurable and determined by drawer size (#1767) (4420e37)
- comp:table: add insetShadow to horizontal overlowed container (#1768) (2d51ad6)
- comp:table: add virtualHorizontal support (#1776) (23a8484)
- comp:table: change rowHeight theme tokens to paddings (#1760) (c9b4ef7)
- comp:table: column align supports cell and title (#1784) (7a69ea1)
- comp:tag: support compact group tags (#1779) (318d8ef)
- comp:theme: root level IxThemeProvider is no longer needed (#1765) (bd5603e)
- dynamic theme with theme tokens is now supported (#1737) (5976f6d)
- modify disable color theme tokens (#1764) (33b3d4d)
- remove typography support (#1738) (5d06267)
- cdk:scroll: itemHeight is deprecated, use rowHeight instead
- cdk:scroll: itemRender is deprecated, use rowRender instead
- typography is removed
- original css vars and less vars are removed
- original default theme is removed, seer is now default theme
- original style entries is removed, now only index is provided
2.0.0-beta.4 (2023-12-27)
- cdk:drag-drop: remove user-select none style (#1743) (d76dcda)
- cdk:forms: interactions trigger dosen't work (#1770) (c099b1a)
- comp:button: pointer events sholud be none when disabled (#1744) (2ca124d)
- comp:cascader: the value is incorrect after clicking the clear icon (#1774) (337c894)
- comp:checkbox: button theme not registered (#1758) (534cf7e)
- comp:desc: header component does not take effect (#1742) (dd1aab8)
- comp:desc: use div to wrap header slot (#1752) (dd31ee4)
- comp:input: sufix click does not effect (#1745) (4769dcd)
- comp:modal: adjust the icon of the modal that confirm the mode (#1763) (142a0ef)
- comp:modal: fix adjust modal icon height (#1762) (e248941)
- comp:pagination: change lg size font size to fontSizeSm (#1761) (076d924)
- comp:radio: gap behaves abnormally when configured without 0px (#1740) (9ecd14a)
- comp:select: selectOptionFontSize theme var reference error (#1777) (3cd5982)
- pro:layout: dark theme overlay menu style error (#1771) (98c6d98)
- pro:layout: logo title color theme var reference error (#1759) (f44039d)
- pro:layout: style error when theme style not injected (#1769) (f7bbf20)
- pro:search: click is correct when key is zero (#1748) (9d996ce)
- pro:table: layoutool checkbox shouldn't be checkable when disabled (#1741) (0905872)
- style dependencies missing in on-demand import entries (#1755) (0bd7cc9)
- add dark theme (#1751) (a4540ec)
- add theme entries for on-demand import (#1756) (aa0eaaa)
- cdk:forms: add
trigger (#1766) (dcdbfb3) - cdk:scroll: virtual scroll supports horizontal (#1775) (4b39705)
- cdk:theme: add cdk theme support (#1739) (6616ebc)
- comp:drawer: distance is configurable and determined by drawer size (#1767) (949e855)
- comp:table: add insetShadow to horizontal overlowed container (#1768) (65a1aca)
- comp:table: add virtualHorizontal support (#1776) (bb77f91)
- comp:table: change rowHeight theme tokens to paddings (#1760) (48f0394)
- comp:theme: root level IxThemeProvider is no longer needed (#1765) (3565d49)
- dynamic theme with theme tokens is now supported (#1737) (f587f3a)
- modify disable color theme tokens (#1764) (29566d5)
- remove typography support (#1738) (65a9c6c)
- cdk:scroll: itemHeight is deprecated, use rowHeight instead
- cdk:scroll: itemRender is deprecated, use rowRender instead
- typography is removed
- original css vars and less vars are removed
- original default theme is removed, seer is now default theme
- original style entries is removed, now only index is provided
2.0.0-beta.3 (2023-12-11)
- cdk:forms: interactions trigger dosen't work (#1770) (c099b1a)
- comp:checkbox: button theme not registered (#1758) (534cf7e)
- comp:modal: adjust the icon of the modal that confirm the mode (#1763) (142a0ef)
- comp:modal: fix adjust modal icon height (#1762) (e248941)
- comp:pagination: change lg size font size to fontSizeSm (#1761) (076d924)
- pro:layout: dark theme overlay menu style error (#1771) (98c6d98)
- pro:layout: logo title color theme var reference error (#1759) (f44039d)
- pro:layout: style error when theme style not injected (#1769) (f7bbf20)
- style dependencies missing in on-demand import entries (#1755) (0bd7cc9)
- add dark theme (#1751) (a4540ec)
- add theme entries for on-demand import (#1756) (aa0eaaa)
- cdk:forms: add
trigger (#1766) (dcdbfb3) - cdk:theme: add cdk theme support (#1739) (6616ebc)
- comp:drawer: distance is configurable and determined by drawer size (#1767) (949e855)
- comp:table: add insetShadow to horizontal overlowed container (#1768) (65a1aca)
- comp:table: change rowHeight theme tokens to paddings (#1760) (48f0394)
- comp:theme: root level IxThemeProvider is no longer needed (#1765) (3565d49)
- dynamic theme with theme tokens is now supported (#1737) (f587f3a)
- modify disable color theme tokens (#1764) (29566d5)
- remove typography support (#1738) (65a9c6c)
- typography is removed
- original css vars and less vars are removed
- original default theme is removed, seer is now default theme
- original style entries is removed, now only index is provided
2.0.0-beta.2 (2023-12-01)
- comp:checkbox: button theme not registered (#1758) (64bb7a3)
- style dependencies missing in on-demand import entries (#1755) (48b7e73)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2023-11-29)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2023-11-23)
- cdk:theme: add cdk theme support (#1739) (f34f0e5)
- dynamic theme with theme tokens is now supported (#1737) (ea22a8f)
- remove typography support (#1738) (ed6462a)
- typography is removed
- original css vars and less vars are removed
- original default theme is removed, seer is now default theme
- original style entries is removed, now only index is provided
1.12.4 (2024-01-02)
- cdk:drag-drop: remove user-select none style (#1743) (d76dcda)
- comp:button: pointer events sholud be none when disabled (#1744) (2ca124d)
- comp:desc: header component does not take effect (#1742) (dd1aab8)
- comp:desc: use div to wrap header slot (#1752) (dd31ee4)
- comp:input: sufix click does not effect (#1745) (4769dcd)
- comp:radio: gap behaves abnormally when configured without 0px (#1740) (9ecd14a)
- pro:search: click is correct when key is zero (#1748) (9d996ce)
- pro:search: non-multiple field created state should be overwritten by new state (#1778) (617c192)
- pro:table: layoutool checkbox shouldn't be checkable when disabled (#1741) (0905872)
1.12.3 (2023-12-05)
- cdk:drag-drop: remove user-select none style (#1743) (d76dcda)
- comp:button: pointer events sholud be none when disabled (#1744) (2ca124d)
- comp:desc: header component does not take effect (#1742) (dd1aab8)
- comp:desc: use div to wrap header slot (#1752) (dd31ee4)
- comp:input: sufix click does not effect (#1745) (4769dcd)
- comp:radio: gap behaves abnormally when configured without 0px (#1740) (9ecd14a)
- pro:search: click is correct when key is zero (#1748) (9d996ce)
- pro:table: layoutool checkbox shouldn't be checkable when disabled (#1741) (0905872)
1.12.2 (2023-11-06)
- comp:table: tree cell with no siblings should show indent line (#1735) (bb75c13)
- pro:search: rest count should hide when no item is overflowed (#1736) (a436e92)
1.12.1 (2023-11-03)
- comp:table: expandable cell text not vertial aligned (#1729) (4589e83)
- comp:text: ellipsis doesn't work when there're line breaks (#1730) (ed78fe3)
- comp:text: text component should inherit attrs (#1731) (75b49bf)
- pro:search: overflowd item count is incorrect (#1732) (2e8fc95)
- pro:search: select in quickselect panel shouldn't have active value (#1733) (a967f9b)
1.12.0 (2023-10-30)
- pro:search: remote search not working (#1727) (0d306ac)
- pro:search: segment input title should be placeholder when empty (#1724) (8902bb9)
- pro:search: unconfirmed item sequence should change when update (#1725) (34f9669)
- comp:*: all input components with overlay support focus and blur event (#1714) (7b739aa)
- comp:drawer,header,message,modal,notification: all VNode props support render function now (#1717) (69013e8)
- comp:table: add
slot (#1716) (b653faf) - comp:table: support
for tree data (#1718) (4504c0f) - pro:search: add
api for value parsing (#1721) (d96bed4) - pro:search: support
for select field (#1726) (5e4c7e1) - pro:search: tree field supports
(#1728) (8120fdf)
1.11.2 (2023-10-23)
- comp:upload: controlled update should trigger upload and abort (#1715) (c068cd4)
- comp:upload: remove unecessary console log statement (#1723) (c7b4c1f)
- pro:search: segment input delete doesn't work after selecting all (#1722) (1a34c13)
1.11.1 (2023-10-17)
- pro:search: placeholder not vertially centered (#1713) (f05cc48)
- pro:search: select activeValue shouldn't change on mouse leave (#1712) (a6d539a)
1.11.0 (2023-10-07)
- comp:radio: radio dot size and position shouldn't be constant (#1707) (840eefe)
- comp:text: native tooltip should show when not ellipsised (#1709) (8513cd9)
- comp:text: text blinks when content doesn't exceed one row (#1706) (5afea2f)
- comp:text: use css ellipsis at one row to improve performance (#1705) (271ef83)
- pro:search: key duplication after controlled value change (#1708) (3ae8dd2)
- pro:textarea: readonly not working (#1704) (6e82eb4)
- comp:card:
supports global config now (#1696) (d3672cc) - pro:search: quickSelect prop supports object option (#1697) (5259671)
- pro:search: searchField supports
option (#1698) (430c740)
1.10.2 (2023-09-25)
- comp:text: copy icon of default global config error (#1700) (7c26c81)
- comp:text: expand icon shouldn't render when not ellipsised (#1699) (43d489b)
1.10.1 (2023-09-18)
- comp:config: modify seer global config (#1695) (63878a5)
- comp:icon: three icon are added (#1685) (bdb7ba1)
- comp:radio: remove unnecessory console statement (#1691) (f779ea2)
- comp:stepper: modify size config to
for seer theme (#1694) (51ae0b2) - comp:tree: change content horizontal padding to
(#1686) (231a6ee) - pro:search: name input width shouldn't exceeds container (#1693) (fe42021)
- pro:search: name select overlay data blinks after closed (#1692) (34034a3)
- pro:search: proSearch input shouldn't be auto focused in safari (#1689) (e211465)
- pro:search: segment input scroll event doesn't work in safari (#1690) (1caabb8)
1.10.0 (2023-09-11)
- comp:table: supports record for customCell of selectable column (#1681) (b80ba68)
- comp:tabs: customTitle supports
paramater (#1682) (5da8900) - comp:text: rewrite component to provide better ellipsis support (#1680) (fb1adb2)
- comp:upload: add
(#1673) (8faddc1) - pro:search: add
prop (#1667) (e8068bd)
1.9.5 (2023-09-04)
- comp:alert: modify warning icon to
(#1676) (3d9c265) - comp:card: footer button style should use class but not button (#1677) (cf91774)
- comp:tree: tree select disabled not right (#1675) (c6b1bb3)
- comp:upload: default icon config not right (#1674) (0bf4f6b)
1.9.4 (2023-08-28)
- comp:input: addon select should remove box-shadow when invalid (#1665) (bb26dbb)
- comp:pagination: sizeChanger should be supported for simple mode (#1663) (23178ed)
- comp:tree: tree node disabled should be cascade (#1666) (c57dfb3)
- pro:search: search states should update when field changes (#1662) (a564dd3)
1.9.3 (2023-08-21)
- cdk:popper:
display: none
reference is not treat as hidden (#1659) (830be33) - comp:alert: alert content not aligined with pagination (#1658) (f691999)
- comp:card: add css class to footer button (#1660) (54f2c7f)
- comp:drawer: content first render should be delayed till visible (#1657) (4e4542b)
- pro:search: onItemConfirm value is empty when item is removed (#1661) (84f95d1)
- pro:search: segment should init only when it's set inactive (#1656) (6ae11ea)
- pro:search: segment with default value shouldn't be set active (#1655) (97a40d6)
1.9.2 (2023-08-14)
- cdk:forms: the status of control is incorrect with async validators (#1645) (fa591b5)
- cdk:popper: popper shouldn't update if reference is display none (#1653) (cf83513)
- cdk:popper: reference is hidden when ancestors are not visible (#1648) (db00adb)
- comp:*: overlay options update should watch deep (#1652) (e6f5fa2)
- comp:date-picker: panel header font-size not right (#1640) (e7895a1)
- comp:drawer: translate transition error when container is set (#1642) (a4dc760)
- comp:dropdown: dropdown border-radius not working (#1632) (4817f09)
- comp:modal: header size should be sm when header has no content (#1634) (ca74b62)
- comp:select: responsive maxLabel size calculation error (#1647) (468a749)
- comp:select: select grouped options indent not working (#1636) (8807a31)
- comp:table: gap between expand trigger and text not working (#1637) (0183341)
- comp:table: header sort and filter trigger size not right (#1649) (2697bb8)
- comp:tag: tag content not aligned center (#1650) (02c5043)
- comp:tour: step title should be optional (#1628) (ecd1b7c)
- comp:transfer: transfer header clear icon error (#1633) (73eab86)
- pro:search: empty value set by quick select should be removed (#1646) (eab7c44)
1.9.1 (2023-08-05)
- comp:*: hide password input eye in edge with reset style (#1626) (a0dddbd)
- comp:*: overlay arrow size misculated after rendered null (#1627) (8c36d26)
- comp:button: text and link should be user selectable (#1624) (4ca9283)
- comp:tour: active step incorrect when async (#1621) (cb6d0bf)
- comp:tour: tour closable should be configurable (#1622) (409c280)
- pro:search: add min-height to select panel in quickselect (#1625) (b019804)
- pro:search: chinese couldn't be input (#1620) (1e4a1c7)
1.9.0 (2023-07-27)
- comp:select: pressing enter after chinese input (#1611) (62d53e7)
- comp:table: the customMenu of filterable add parameters (#1619) (079df65)
- docs: add loadingBar to show progress (#1615) (9f643b2), closes #1538
- pro:search: each segment should have ellipsis separately (#1614) (ffc85a1)
- pro:search: empty state should be determined by search states (#1613) (25e755f)
- pro:search: segment input mousedown doesn't change selection (#1612) (eec8158)
- pro:table: the layout tree enable checkOnClick (#1609) (fdda882)
- comp:*: support virtualItemHeight for VirtualScroll (#1618) (b1a5801)
- comp:checkbox,radio: support fieldset slot (#1608) (53c9131)
- comp:tag: support css variable and add status prop (#1600) (4c2d506)
- comp:tour: add tour component (#1610) (79335e3)
- comp:tree-select: add searchPlaceholder prop (#1617) (3a2687e)
- pro:search: bluring segment with no panel triggers update now (#1616) (294884e)
1.8.1 (2023-07-14)
- comp:icon: update icon assets (#1597) (cffe08c)
- comp:input: sync design and update css variable (#1602) (5a5eaea)
- comp:textarea: boxsizing data parse error in firefox (#1599) (f68df61)
- comp:text: the lineClamp does not work (#1596) (f9a33e5)
- pro:search: shortcut compont should provide comp name (#1598) (12bf691)
1.8.0 (2023-07-06)
- comp:carousel: dot clickable area is too small (#1590) (7138b40)
- comp:date-picker: start and end cell calculation error (#1591) (d66c71b)
- pro:table: the checkbox logic in the layout tool tree is incorrect (#1593) (799ac59)
- comp:text: add text component (#1595) (9df3f1b)
- comp:tree: expandIcon prop supports render function now (#1586) (f4b1a38)
- pro:search: add
field (#1574) (90a1a8a) - pro:search: add IxProSearchShortcut comp and shortcut slots (#1594) (c605be2)
- pro:transfer: add layoutTool support to table transfer (#1579) (6c6d41b)
1.7.2 (2023-06-28)
- comp:*: overlay animating cls should be set only at leaving (#1552) (c0d2e9c)
- comp:button: fix icon not vertically centered (#1542) (cf269a5)
- comp:config: the weekStartsOn does not work in the enUS locale (#1570) (0ce5cf4)
- comp:empty: the ids in svg should be only (#1539) (40d25f5)
- comp:form: the disabled color using css variable (#1572) (850a1db)
- comp:image: fix comp:image issue: icon [file-image] load failed (#1581) (cc81151), closes #1580
- comp:modal: the size of button should be 'md' (#1582) (00c7c6c)
- comp:popconfirm: sync design (#1565) (08e1821)
- comp:select: the onSearch should be called when the intput is clear (#1577) (ab4e4b0)
- comp:select: the placeholder in overlay can't setting (#1571) (7388dc4)
- comp:style: lost the style file of the watermark component in seer.less (#1575) (d8b9aed)
- comp:table: fixed column background color error is selected (#1543) (7448e38)
- comp:tabs: incorrect offset of the selected bar with dynamic tabs (#1563) (15be909)
- comp:tabs: more pane should hidden when empty data (#1547) (13013b3)
- comp:tooltip: visible is not work when destroyOnHide is true (#1550) (05fdb30)
- comp:tree-select: async loading is invalid when getKey is set (#1541) (6cd6155)
- comp:tree: change drop node box-shadow to border (#1584) (5b73101)
- comp:tree: improve browser compatibility (#1585) (9949124)
- comp:upload: accept does not ignore case (#1544) (b7e9b89)
- pro:search: all items triggered by quickselect should be updated (#1559) (2385ed8)
- pro:search: clicking search button should trigger value change (#1557) (324d74f)
- pro:search: input searchField trim not working (#1560) (9f2232a)
- pro:search: item created by shortcut shoule be set active (#1554) (31e433c)
- pro:search: remove name input min-width (#1551) (04e2500)
- pro:search: segment states should be reset after blur (#1553) (b8cada3)
- pro:table: the empty is not rendered in the layout tool (#1562) (ea62fd1)
- comp:modal: add
global config (#1558) (0e82271) - comp:style: add min scroll and css variable support (#1564) (d425a6f)
- comp:tabs: support addIcon slot (#1566) (dcd9c1a)
- pro:search: add custom icon renderer for treeSelect and cascader (#1556) (bec5772)
1.7.1 (2023-06-05)
- comp:config: the weekStartsOn does not work in the enUS locale (#1570) (0ce5cf4)
- comp:form: the disabled color using css variable (#1572) (850a1db)
- comp:select: the placeholder in overlay can't setting (#1571) (7388dc4)
1.7.0 (2023-05-29)
- comp:*: overlay animating cls should be set only at leaving (#1552) (c0d2e9c)
- comp:button: fix icon not vertically centered (#1542) (cf269a5)
- comp:empty: the ids in svg should be only (#1539) (40d25f5)
- comp:popconfirm: sync design (#1565) (08e1821)
- comp:table: fixed column background color error is selected (#1543) (7448e38)
- comp:tabs: incorrect offset of the selected bar with dynamic tabs (#1563) (15be909)
- comp:tabs: more pane should hidden when empty data (#1547) (13013b3)
- comp:tooltip: visible is not work when destroyOnHide is true (#1550) (05fdb30)
- comp:tree-select: async loading is invalid when getKey is set (#1541) (6cd6155)
- comp:upload: accept does not ignore case (#1544) (b7e9b89)
- pro:search: all items triggered by quickselect should be updated (#1559) (2385ed8)
- pro:search: clicking search button should trigger value change (#1557) (324d74f)
- pro:search: input searchField trim not working (#1560) (9f2232a)
- pro:search: item created by shortcut shoule be set active (#1554) (31e433c)
- pro:search: remove name input min-width (#1551) (04e2500)
- pro:search: segment states should be reset after blur (#1553) (b8cada3)
- pro:table: the empty is not rendered in the layout tool (#1562) (ea62fd1)
- comp:modal: add
global config (#1558) (0e82271) - comp:style: add min scroll and css variable support (#1564) (d425a6f)
- comp:tabs: support addIcon slot (#1566) (dcd9c1a)
- pro:search: add custom icon renderer for treeSelect and cascader (#1556) (bec5772)
1.6.1 (2023-05-08)
- comp:button: fix icon not vertically centered (#1542) (cf269a5)
- comp:empty: the ids in svg should be only (#1539) (40d25f5)
- comp:table: fixed column background color error is selected (#1543) (7448e38)
- comp:tabs: more pane should hidden when empty data (#1547) (13013b3)
- comp:tree-select: async loading is invalid when getKey is set (#1541) (6cd6155)
- comp:upload: accept does not ignore case (#1544) (b7e9b89)
1.6.0 (2023-04-17)
- comp:tabs: supoort dataSource, removable, onAdd (#1536) (0dad84b)
- pro:search: add quick select panel support (#1529) (daa39da)
1.5.4 (2023-04-13)
- cdk:scroll: the onScrolledBottom is not triggered (#1535) (cee4685)
- comp:cascader: onChange not working (#1528) (c045d47)
- comp:select: panel active value couldn't be set as undefined (#1533) (7949a28)
- comp:select: searchable with multiple works abnormally (#1530) (8240c44)
- pro:tree: the header don't render when it is empty (#1531) (64f6e33)
1.5.3 (2023-04-04)
- cdk:popper: reference hidden popper are no longer updated (#1515) (9552ef3)
- comp:*: animating overlay are not hidden anymore (#1516) (3d4ce98)
- comp:icon: 'info' and 'exclamation' are exchanged (#1525) (dc98fae)
- comp:icon: ellipsis icon not right (#1522) (615f483)
- pro:search: add animation to overlay (#1517) (a781bb9)
1.5.2 (2023-03-27)
- cdk:forms: disabled according to status (#1503) (88a6d3f)
- cdk:scroll: content is blank when re-activated in keepalive mode (#1505) (2d74862)
- comp:button: disabled btn when group's
is true (#1508) (6e44b98) - comp:date-picker: disabledDate error on year and month panel (#1514) (06c546c)
- comp:date-picker: prevent elements with class name
set tocontent-box
(#1511) (3fe76f2) - comp:select: compositionEnd can't trigger (#1513) (33a2cf6)
- comp:timeline: modify timeline style according to design (#1509) (b9db622)
- pro:table: triggers of last column is covered by layout tool (#1507) (d2654f2)
- pro:textarea: placeholder color for textarea (#1512) (521ac8d)
1.5.1 (2023-03-14)
- comp:*: the control type of all form components is incomplete (#1495) (ace2a1e)
- comp:cascader: group height should be same as panel height (#1500) (dfb5d0b)
- comp:spin: btn under
can be clicked (#1499) (3463cea) - pro:search: segmentState should init only when item key changes (#1496) (70f947c)
- pro:search: select panel virtual not working (#1501) (5def0ab)
1.5.0 (2023-03-07)
- comp:cascader: searchValue not working after CascaderPanel added (#1487) (42b408b)
- comp:modal: style update and css variable support (#1479) (f45776d)
- comp:table: the indent not work and selected records not cached (#1484) (a3d5bb7), closes #1482
- comp:textarea: measureTextarea removeChild error (#1492) (e489e8e)
- pro:search: empty input segment should be invalid (#1494) (168620e)
- pro:search: name select label not rendering (#1493) (cb4b86a)
- cdk:forms: formArray supports clearControls (#1490) (1cd4dcc)
- comp:cascader: add
component (#1481) (e044390) - comp:desc: add Descriptions component (#1470) (a7faf13)
- comp:rate: add color prop for rate (#1420) (31c29e0)
- comp:select: add
prop for select component (#1439) (3289784) - pro:search:
now (#1444) (79a7acc) - pro:search: add
searchField (#1485) (88b751b) - pro:search: add
(#1491) (1be87e8) - pro:table: the layout tool support visible, changeSize, resetable (#1488) (950f1b1)
1.4.3 (2023-02-27)
- comp:alert: alert icon should always be aligned top (#1467) (c71ee04)
- comp:icon: update icons, add
icon (#1468) (78918ae) - comp:rate: control not work (#1471) (0b2dfa1)
- comp:slider: slider marker color error when disabled (#1457) (d215935)
- comp:spin: spin container blured opacity should be 0.3 (#1464) (f88ad9a)
- comp:stepper: stepper tail dashed style isn't working (#1458) (c688624)
- comp:table: virtual + fixed column abnormal display with chrome83 (#1473) (4523705)
- comp:transfer: pagination should enable quick jumper, meanwhile fix header suffix style (#1459) (499ae90)
- pro:search: change proSearch overlay vertical offset to 8px (#1463) (2da284d)
- pro:search: mutiple search filed validation error (#1475) (b961c4e)
- pro:search: panel onkeydown should only be called when opened (#1477) (76a1bac)
- pro:tree: tree content horizontal padding (#1466) (ec8c61d)
1.4.2 (2023-02-20)
- comp:carousel: when items is dynamically reduced to 1, layout error (#1450) (2e37c44)
- comp:carousel: when scaled, the component layout error (#1448) (58ee991)
- comp:empty: resolve id conflicts in svg (#1451) (8ca7a08)
- comp:upload: upload list card status text isn't centered (#1461) (afeb80e)
- component style update (#1452) (c07ef31)
- pro:search:
panel height is unset (#1445) (388da6a) - pro:search: remove transition for overlay (#1447) (4c28a78)
1.4.1 (2023-02-13)
- comp:*: use a smarter slide animation (#1422) (33fb35f)
- comp:card: remove footer padding and click effect (#1418) (0612164)
- comp:select: blur event make span render bad (#1437) (b15fedd), closes #1431
- comp:select: call blur after 'enter' envent (#1441) (391c526)
- comp:table: onScroll not work (#1428) (79136b5)
- comp:table: the size of pagination cannot be overridden (#1440) (b647883)
- comp:transfer: select all status error (#1442) (ff3bcf9)
- pro:search: segment panel overlay shouldn't blink (#1424) (7829ca1)
- pro:transfer: tree transfer count error under
strategy (#1443) (e0f9597) - pro:tree: expandAll button state is wrong (#1429) (2d2d7ca)
1.4.0 (2023-01-16)
- comp:badge: the count should support non-numeric types (#1399) (5400b29)
- comp:tree: correct param
(#1404) (2858da6) - comp:tree: incorrect style when node is selected (#1416) (b112049)
- comp:tree: lines are not aligned (#1393) (0dd030d)
- pro:table: width calculation problem after resize (#1417) (d7ef42c)
- pro:transfer: optimze tree expanded keys sync logic (#1414) (fec5fee)
- pro:transfer: overide transfer tree node selected bg color (#1407) (477ac44)
- pro:tree: empty state is not centered (#1394) (2c58ca2)
- cdk:forms: the disabled of ValidatorOptions support function (#1395) (d633174)
- cdk:forms: the setMessages supports setting locale for i18n (#1398) (0a8b116)
- cdk:utils, pro:search: add tree utils, add pro search
field (#1391) (4bf719d) - cdk:utils: add tree utils, fix data param of getAllSelectedKeys, fix filtered or paginated tree data value error (#1406) (56035c1)
- comp:badge: add processing prop (#1400) (ba15f33)
- comp:badge: add status prop and support css variable (#1390) (da3905e)
- comp:cascader: add disableData to dynamically disable options (#1408) (65328e7)
- comp:stepper: add dot prop (#1401) (aa90a7e), closes #1082
1.3.3 (2023-01-09)
- comp:cascader: selected and expanded status is display incorrectly (#1386) (847f139)
- comp:header: remove breakground-color (#1392) (55bb758)
- comp:input-number: buttons of inc and dec are not hidden by default (#1385) (b77fac6)
- comp:select: can't select other options when there are input values (#1387) (59fc80e)
- pro:search: overlay zIndex should be larger than container (#1389) (81ff47e)
- pro:transfer: tree transfer with 'off' stategy target error (#1388) (796bfaf)
1.3.2 (2023-01-03)
- comp:alert: style update (#1377) (30d1ab3)
- comp:anchor: style update and css variable support (#1379) (3a106d9)
- comp:anchor: style update and css variable support (#1380) (f83ccc8)
- comp:back-top: style update and css variable support (#1381) (cb97fd0)
- comp:overlay: quick switch visible causes positioning error (#1384) (5d13977)
- comp:progress: decimal numbers are display error (#1382) (e474fa5)
- comp:table: can't reverse select, when multiple of selectable is false (#1383) (1300c13)
- comp:table: sort and filter not work with async columns (#1376) (9163d69)
- pro:table: emptyCell is not declared in props (#1378) (edb23d4)
1.3.1 (2022-12-23)
- comp:modal: reading contains after onmounted causes an exception (#1371) (de416c1)
- comp:table: incorrect serial number (#1370) (f19efbe)
- comp:textarea: lineheight error when not rendered initially (#1372) (627e018)
- comp:time-picker: range with empty array shouldn't be clearable (#1365) (e6800a7)
- comp:tree: indeterminateKeys shouldn't check disabled state (#1373) (0607e5c)
- failed to import style file, in webpack project (#1369) (c2288d5)
- pro:search: search items covers dom content when bluerd (#1374) (bda0db2)
- pro:search: searchItem mousedown doesn't trigger focused (#1368) (14637be)
1.3.0 (2022-12-16)
- cdk:breakpoint: query unexpectedly destroyed (#1357) (2b45f6b)
- cdk:popper: update floating-ui to fix position error under scale (#1362) (8aeb214)
- comp:*: opening overlay once triggers two zIndex changes (#1355) (7cec4ec)
- comp:*: the font size under seer theme is incorrect (#1343) (5c74fcf)
- comp:*: the text color variable update (#1358) (49c8743)
- comp:button: display to inline-block and remove focus style (#1354) (107c03e)
- comp:carousel: only two items and arrow is true, the switch appears blank (#1346) (6a5f46b)
- comp:cascader: when children changed,the scrollbar should be pinned (#1353) (031834e), closes #1316
- comp:checkbox: style error when disabled (#1344) (55b0be8)
- comp:date-picker,comp:time-picker: opening picker shouldn't scroll to window top (#1342) (cce0c0e)
- comp:empty: style update with icon (#1349) (69ec9f9)
- comp:input: the transition was inconsistent (#1352) (9950e6f)
- comp:progress: trailColor not work (#1347) (f448714)
- comp:upload: customRequest allows optional and async (#1340) (52250a5)
- pro:layout: the dom still renders without the logo (#1348) (375c691)
- pro:search: zIndex should be updated only when focused change (#1356) (61a51fd)
- pro:table: wrong type of ellipsis (#1345) (86c59f8)
- scripts: remove min.css (#1359) (20f04f4)
- comp:button,checkbox,radio: add waveless prop (#1303) (4881414)
- comp:table: selectable supports showIndex (#1360) (19e6f68)
- comp:tabs: add size props, default value is md (#1361) (41eb8d9)
- pro:search: search btn triggers search change now (#1321) (e44673f)
- pro:search: support searchField placeholder (#1322) (84d0e66)
- pro:table: support layoutable (#1364) (2e7533c)
1.2.4 (2022-12-10)
- comp:*: the font size under seer theme is incorrect (#1343) (5c74fcf)
- comp:carousel: only two items and arrow is true, the switch appears blank (#1346) (6a5f46b)
- comp:checkbox: style error when disabled (#1344) (55b0be8)
- comp:date-picker,comp:time-picker: opening picker shouldn't scroll to window top (#1342) (cce0c0e)
- comp:empty: style update with icon (#1349) (69ec9f9)
- comp:progress: trailColor not work (#1347) (f448714)
- comp:upload: customRequest allows optional and async (#1340) (52250a5)
- pro:layout: the dom still renders without the logo (#1348) (375c691)
- pro:table: wrong type of ellipsis (#1345) (86c59f8)
1.2.3 (2022-12-07)
- cdk:popper: shift middleware does not work on the arrow (#1337) (3f7afbd)
- comp:*: overlayContainer adds callback parameter (#1336) (70e0d34)
- comp:*: via getter to manage overlayZIndex (#1341) (ad3445d)
- comp:header: remove the default padding (#1330) (236f691)
- comp:table: align not work with selectable (#1339) (be9e814)
- pro:layout: stype update and remove useless code (#1335) (a4ba26a)
- pro:search: all tags should be displayed when focused (#1331) (05478ab)
- pro:table: resizable not work (#1334) (b3a568d)
- pro:tree: expandIcon style error without header (#1332) (bf03db5)
1.2.2 (2022-12-02)
- cdk:popper: use shift middleware to keep popper in view (#1329) (8152be1)
- comp:*: overlay should be initialized before calling show (#1320) (a93231d)
- comp:tooltip: style update and css variable supports (#1323) (3c305a7)
- dropdown,header,tree-select: update style with design (#1319) (145865c)
- pro:table: column visible change should be trigger onColumnsChange (#1327) (d0fb7fd)
- pro:table: the sorter should not be triggered on resize end (#1324) (57c5a7f)
1.2.1 (2022-12-01)
- cdk:drag-drop: invalid handle (677b163)
- comp:*: footer buttons aren't aligned when loading (#1306) (521f9fb)
- comp:*: overlay destory on hide caused popper position error (#1288) (0d5fe4e)
- comp:*: overlay offset with arrow should consider arrow size (#1255) (81802c6)
- comp:*: update components style (#1238) (68435df)
- comp:alert: style update and css variable support (#1283) (3ce5024)
- comp:button: button-group style error when nesting itself (#1299) (af018fb)
- comp:button: for text and link mode, the min-width is auto (#1278) (36411e2)
- comp:button: remove height for text and link mode (#1282) (d4653bb)
- comp:button: style problems caused by line-height with loading (#1308) (23aeeed)
- comp:button: text and link mode remove padding and bg color (#1275) (6082a15)
- comp:button: the radius of button group always hidden (#1290) (714f588)
- comp:cascader: set expandedKeys with default value (#1315) (1d8aa5f), closes #1192
- comp:checkbox: style update and css variable support (#1291) (b378ef2)
- comp:date-picker: range panel date select shouldn't swap time (#1258) (9622758)
- comp:dropdown: style update and css variable support (#1301) (0a59283)
- comp:dropdown: update style with dark menu (#1313) (6878994)
- comp:input-number: check whether value is a number (#1250) (75c9fe1)
- comp:input,input-number: style update and support css variable (#1289) (5a9eb9d)
- comp:input: input suffix is
icon size
only when it's icon (#1233) (5d3f260) - comp:layout: style update and css vaiable support (#1302) (3d8a5c3)
- comp:modal: update modal content with
doesn't work (#1270) (38f130a) - comp:radio: style update and css variable support (#1293) (e438cb3)
- comp:select: clicking selector when opened should trigger focus (#1271) (bd34155)
- comp:slider: slider thumb tooltip shouldn't blink (#1256) (fe6a533)
- comp:space: empty item should be hidden (#1263) (7fed8bc)
- comp:spin: compatible with the resize of target, when useSpin is used (#1273) (bb2b4fd)
- comp:stepper,comp:slider: fix stepper and slider styles (#1243) (d07e914)
- comp:table: resize column width with percentum not work (#1254) (ae21248)
- comp:table: scrollbar always appear, when scroll.width is set (#1274) (2d8c9c4)
- comp:table: style update and ellipsis conflicts with column type (#1245) (44a5353)
- comp:table: the head is hidden when with autoHeight and not scroll (#1317) (bf088c3)
- comp:tabs: offset error when setting selectedKey (#1236) (050a1f7)
- comp:textarea,pro:textarea: scrollHeight miscalculated on firefox (c61d7b2)
- comp:time-picker: resolve time-range-picker console error (82ce400)
- comp:transfer: empty suffix node shouldn't be rendered (#1267) (4ab1ebb)
- comp:transfer: update transfer style and demo (#1234) (d93b815)
- comp:tree: all nodes should be hidden when search not matched (#1305) (fd3fae2)
- comp:tree: height not working in non-virtual mode (#1244) (fa4d0f3)
- comp:tree: leafLineIcon style not alignment (#1287) (6f77ada)
- pro:search: name segment overlay isn't automatically opened now (#1260) (da4de16)
- pro:table: resize one column to make the other columns too narrow (#1276) (cd4e08c)
- update components style according to UI design (#1232) (4bf61fb)
- *:transfer: add transfer searchPlaceholder prop; add table transfer max selected count demo (#1230) (2d47151), closes #1213
- comp:*: export provider token (#1310) (bc482bd)
- comp:alert: default to worring, add offline type, support banner (#1298) (9ca13db)
- comp:button: style update and group support gap (#1235) (7613c7d)
- comp:button: the ButtonGroup extends Space (#1279) (46e65b1)
- comp:collapse: update style and add size prop (#1252) (f3aa234)
- comp:config: add seer config (#1295) (db38d14)
- comp:date-picker: add dateRangePicker
event (#1248) (b263b79) - comp:empty: add simple mode and support css variable (#1268) (4d5e770)
- comp:form: prevent the default submit event (#1296) (edca00d)
- comp:header: update style and support css variable (#1251) (be94528)
- comp:menu: add overlayDelay prop and menu item support custom suffix (#1300) (f1dde91), closes #1292
- comp:pagination: add large size and update style (#1249) (a05d7b7)
- comp:select,comp:tree-select,comp:cascader: add selectedItem slot (#1257) (9651a8d)
- comp:spin: add IxSpinProvider (#1222) (42491a9)
- comp:table: enhancement for icon of expandable and ellipsis (#1280) (9587f15)
- comp:tooltip,comp:tree,comp:tree-select: add offset prop (#1221) (f99028f)
- pro:layout: add logo prop and update style (#1307) (1d47a0c)
- pro:search: temp state is now cleared after blur, add merge items demo (#1253) (775901e)
1.2.0 (2022-11-28)
- cdk:drag-drop: invalid handle (677b163)
- comp:*: footer buttons aren't aligned when loading (#1306) (521f9fb)
- comp:*: overlay destory on hide caused popper position error (#1288) (0d5fe4e)
- comp:*: overlay offset with arrow should consider arrow size (#1255) (81802c6)
- comp:*: update components style (#1238) (68435df)
- comp:alert: style update and css variable support (#1283) (3ce5024)
- comp:button: button-group style error when nesting itself (#1299) (af018fb)
- comp:button: for text and link mode, the min-width is auto (#1278) (36411e2)
- comp:button: remove height for text and link mode (#1282) (d4653bb)
- comp:button: style problems caused by line-height with loading (#1308) (23aeeed)
- comp:button: text and link mode remove padding and bg color (#1275) (6082a15)
- comp:button: the radius of button group always hidden (#1290) (714f588)
- comp:checkbox: style update and css variable support (#1291) (b378ef2)
- comp:date-picker: range panel date select shouldn't swap time (#1258) (9622758)
- comp:dropdown: style update and css variable support (#1301) (0a59283)
- comp:input-number: check whether value is a number (#1250) (75c9fe1)
- comp:input,input-number: style update and support css variable (#1289) (5a9eb9d)
- comp:input: input suffix is
icon size
only when it's icon (#1233) (5d3f260) - comp:layout: style update and css vaiable support (#1302) (3d8a5c3)
- comp:modal: update modal content with
doesn't work (#1270) (38f130a) - comp:radio: style update and css variable support (#1293) (e438cb3)
- comp:select: clicking selector when opened should trigger focus (#1271) (bd34155)
- comp:slider: slider thumb tooltip shouldn't blink (#1256) (fe6a533)
- comp:space: empty item should be hidden (#1263) (7fed8bc)
- comp:spin: compatible with the resize of target, when useSpin is used (#1273) (bb2b4fd)
- comp:stepper,comp:slider: fix stepper and slider styles (#1243) (d07e914)
- comp:table: resize column width with percentum not work (#1254) (ae21248)
- comp:table: scrollbar always appear, when scroll.width is set (#1274) (2d8c9c4)
- comp:table: style update and ellipsis conflicts with column type (#1245) (44a5353)
- comp:tabs: offset error when setting selectedKey (#1236) (050a1f7)
- comp:textarea,pro:textarea: scrollHeight miscalculated on firefox (c61d7b2)
- comp:time-picker: resolve time-range-picker console error (82ce400)
- comp:transfer: empty suffix node shouldn't be rendered (#1267) (4ab1ebb)
- comp:transfer: update transfer style and demo (#1234) (d93b815)
- comp:tree: all nodes should be hidden when search not matched (#1305) (fd3fae2)
- comp:tree: height not working in non-virtual mode (#1244) (fa4d0f3)
- comp:tree: leafLineIcon style not alignment (#1287) (6f77ada)
- pro:search: name segment overlay isn't automatically opened now (#1260) (da4de16)
- pro:table: resize one column to make the other columns too narrow (#1276) (cd4e08c)
- update components style according to UI design (#1232) (4bf61fb)
- *:transfer: add transfer searchPlaceholder prop; add table transfer max selected count demo (#1230) (2d47151), closes #1213
- comp:*: export provider token (#1310) (bc482bd)
- comp:alert: default to worring, add offline type, support banner (#1298) (9ca13db)
- comp:button: style update and group support gap (#1235) (7613c7d)
- comp:button: the ButtonGroup extends Space (#1279) (46e65b1)
- comp:collapse: update style and add size prop (#1252) (f3aa234)
- comp:config: add seer config (#1295) (db38d14)
- comp:date-picker: add dateRangePicker
event (#1248) (b263b79) - comp:empty: add simple mode and support css variable (#1268) (4d5e770)
- comp:form: prevent the default submit event (#1296) (edca00d)
- comp:header: update style and support css variable (#1251) (be94528)
- comp:menu: add overlayDelay prop and menu item support custom suffix (#1300) (f1dde91), closes #1292
- comp:pagination: add large size and update style (#1249) (a05d7b7)
- comp:select,comp:tree-select,comp:cascader: add selectedItem slot (#1257) (9651a8d)
- comp:spin: add IxSpinProvider (#1222) (42491a9)
- comp:table: enhancement for icon of expandable and ellipsis (#1280) (9587f15)
- comp:tooltip,comp:tree,comp:tree-select: add offset prop (#1221) (f99028f)
- pro:layout: add logo prop and update style (#1307) (1d47a0c)
- pro:search: temp state is now cleared after blur, add merge items demo (#1253) (775901e)
1.1.2 (2022-11-15)
- comp:button: text and link mode remove padding and bg color (#1275) (6082a15)
- comp:modal: update modal content with
doesn't work (#1270) (38f130a) - comp:transfer: empty suffix node shouldn't be rendered (#1267) (4ab1ebb)
- pro:table: resize one column to make the other columns too narrow (#1276) (cd4e08c)
1.1.1 (2022-11-13)
- comp:select: clicking selector when opened should trigger focus (#1271) (bd34155)
- comp:spin: compatible with the resize of target, when useSpin is used (#1273) (bb2b4fd)
- comp:table: scrollbar always appear, when scroll.width is set (#1274) (2d8c9c4)
- comp:tree: height not working in non-virtual mode (#1244) (fa4d0f3)
- pro:search: name segment overlay isn't automatically opened now (#1260) (da4de16)
1.1.0 (2022-11-08)
- cdk:drag-drop: invalid handle (677b163)
- comp:*: overlay offset with arrow should consider arrow size (#1255) (81802c6)
- comp:*: update components style (#1238) (68435df)
- comp:date-picker: range panel date select shouldn't swap time (#1258) (9622758)
- comp:input-number: check whether value is a number (#1250) (75c9fe1)
- comp:input: input suffix is
icon size
only when it's icon (#1233) (5d3f260) - comp:slider: slider thumb tooltip shouldn't blink (#1256) (fe6a533)
- comp:space: empty item should be hidden (#1263) (7fed8bc)
- comp:stepper,comp:slider: fix stepper and slider styles (#1243) (d07e914)
- comp:table: resize column width with percentum not work (#1254) (ae21248)
- comp:table: style update and ellipsis conflicts with column type (#1245) (44a5353)
- comp:tabs: offset error when setting selectedKey (#1236) (050a1f7)
- comp:time-picker: resolve time-range-picker console error (82ce400)
- comp:transfer: update transfer style and demo (#1234) (d93b815)
- update components style according to UI design (#1232) (4bf61fb)
- *:transfer: add transfer searchPlaceholder prop; add table transfer max selected count demo (#1230) (2d47151), closes #1213
- comp:button: style update and group support gap (#1235) (7613c7d)
- comp:collapse: update style and add size prop (#1252) (f3aa234)
- comp:date-picker: add dateRangePicker
event (#1248) (b263b79) - comp:header: update style and support css variable (#1251) (be94528)
- comp:pagination: add large size and update style (#1249) (a05d7b7)
- comp:select,comp:tree-select,comp:cascader: add selectedItem slot (#1257) (9651a8d)
- comp:spin: add IxSpinProvider (#1222) (42491a9)
- comp:tooltip,comp:tree,comp:tree-select: add offset prop (#1221) (f99028f)
- pro:search: temp state is now cleared after blur, add merge items demo (#1253) (775901e)
1.0.2 (2022-10-29)
- cdk:drag-drop: invalid handle (677b163)
- comp:input: input suffix is
icon size
only when it's icon (#1233) (5d3f260) - comp:tabs: offset error when setting selectedKey (#1236) (050a1f7)
- comp:time-picker: resolve time-range-picker console error (82ce400)
- comp:transfer: update transfer style and demo (#1234) (d93b815)
- update components style according to UI design (#1232) (4bf61fb)
1.0.1 (2022-10-21)
- cdk:drag-drop: focus problem with pointer backend (#1202) (#1203) (e46d5cb)
- cdk:popper: vue warning when watch on non-reactive options (#1197) (f311dc3)
- comp:carousel: gotTo doesn't work after item dynamic change (#1196) (1ca7f6e)
- comp:cascader: modify selected option text color (#1207) (5fd11e1)
- comp:modal: prevent ok & cancel from triggering while animating (#1190) (3e7083c)
- comp:select: selector suffix should stay on top (#1205) (de86a17)
- comp:slider: change dot to scale line (#1208) (90651fd)
- comp:switch: remove box-shadow for seer theme (#1209) (953d5ce)
- comp:table: change filterable dropdown footer button size to xs (#1218) (6c6411a)
- comp:textarea: fix line-height to ensure height calculation (#1214) (2d4ffa4)
- comp:watermark: flickering problem (#1206) (49863e9)
- pro:textarea: disabled not working (#1215) (8dc1f8d)
- pro:transfer: strategy parent with flat-target-data not working (#1204) (54d197b)
- cdk:popper: migrate popperjs to floating-ui (#1191) (d4c582e)
- comp:icon: update arrow icons (#1216) (7940bc5)
- cdk:popper: modifiers is now changed to middlewares
- cdk:popper: forceUpdate is now removed
- cdk:popper: onFirstUpdate is now removed
1.0.0 (2022-10-14)
- cdk:popper: vue warning when watch on non-reactive options (#1197) (123e62f)
- comp:carousel: gotTo doesn't work after item dynamic change (#1196) (1406d27)
- comp:modal: prevent ok & cancel from triggering while animating (#1190) (e207465)
- cdk:popper: modifiers is now changed to middlewares
- cdk:popper: forceUpdate is now removed
- cdk:popper: onFirstUpdate is now removed
1.0.0-rc.9 (2022-10-09)
- comp:button: update the link button style (#1174) (d21cdaa)
- comp:date-picker: inputs should check disabled dates (#1165) (c122215)
- comp:select: input shouldn't trigger when allowInput is false (#1168) (43b0802)
- comp:table: th with center align not work (#1183) (fe7482b)
- comp:table: the pageIndex and pageSize should be controlled (#1167) (648f832)
- comp:table: the scroll body is incorrect, when virtual enabled (#1175) (295c9ad)
- comp:tabs: adaptive width when title changes (#1177) (a066a19), closes #1163
- comp:time-picker: inputs should check disabled time (#1164) (d0d4191)
- comp:upload: fix incorrect class name when has not status (#1126) (464ca5b)
- pro:layout: correct router-link's path (#1179) (#1181) (fd24ccf)
- pro:layout: remove [display: flex] from [menu-vertical] (#1178) (#1180) (b839427)
- pro:search: fix onVisibleChange and segment state initialization (#1162) (d8ea09c)
- pro:search: pro search btn click shoudn't trigger foucs (#1185) (bbb1e41)
- comp:*: all input components support setting status (#1171) (c0935b2), closes #1099
- comp:*: overlay is now hidden as trigger overflows scroll parents (#1173) (3ee8e86)
- comp:table: add
support (#1169) (464bf40) - comp:textarea: autoRows supports setting min and max separately (#1166) (3829665)
- comp:transfer: export IxTransferList component (#1143) (fba1a5d)
- comp:tree: cascaderStratery instead of cascade and checkStratety (#1172) (aedf5d8)
- comp:upload: actions and files are optional (#1128) (7e9bee3)
- pro:transfer: add cascade strategy
(#1186) (1df412f) - pro:transfer: add tree transfer
support (#1155) (470bf8d)
- comp:tree:
are deprecated, please usecascaderStrategy
instead. - comp:transfer: '.ix-transfer-list' class now changed to '.ix-transfer-content'
1.0.0-rc.8 (2022-09-23)
- cdk:scroll: virtual scroll scrolledBottom event (#1148) (64f1e07)
- pro:transfer: modify treeProps and tableProps type (#1149) (93509fd)
- pro:transfer: transfer tree should show scrollbar (#1156) (fc16803)
- comp:table: the selectable column supports custom cell (#1153) (787f3f1)
- comp:tooltip: supports closeOnDeactivated (#1158) (38c8e03)
- comp:watermark: add custom props for canvas (#1154) (16c9df3)
- pro:search: add focus and blur support (#1151) (da8d6db)
- pro:table: layout tool supports setting size and searching (#1157) (667a392)
1.0.0-rc.7 (2022-09-16)
- comp:cascader: update overlay position after edging (#1135) (ef352a8)
- comp:icon: update viewBox of all icons (#1146) (140aaac)
- comp:table: autoHeight not working when data changes (#1136) (121b612)
- comp:table: trigger scroll when column widths changes (#1142) (ee57728), closes #1140
- pro:search: clickside should exclude overlay container (#1137) (bd2d1b9)
- pro:table: pining the position of the layout tool (#1147) (d0b82d5)
- pro:transfer: remove icon isn't displayed (#1144) (9fe89d6)
- cdk:forms: standardize English words for form verification (#1132) (37fe693)
- comp:popconfirm: support custom content (#1138) (50a1d00)
- comp:transfer: add controlled searchValue support (#1141) (ba9fe6b)
- pro:search: add container zIndex support (#1145) (ceda7be)
1.0.0-rc.6 (2022-09-13)
- cdk:scroll: scrollTop error caused by miscalculation (#1120) (f16c97b)
- comp: overlay: first vnode is comment node (#1116) (d0d1e8e)
- comp:locales,pro:locales: update the english locale for all components (#1115) (6e18697)
- comp:select: fix selector item text overflowed style (#1113) (86e625c)
- comp:select: onSearch not work with searchable='overlay' (#1118) (96aa237)
- comp:table: style sync design (#1123) (141e05e)
- comp:table: sync design and add class to all table elements (#1117) (474c91c)
- comp:textarea: textarea autoRows max not working (#1129) (367e0bc)
- comp:tree-select: cannot get node through getNode (#1121) (ab22a93)
- pro:search: error when deleting previsous item with backspace (#1130) (670033c)
- pro:tree: collapse icon style error (#1114) (af647b0)
- cdk:scroll, comp:transfer, pro:transfer: add autoHeight support for virtualScroll, refactor transfer style (#920) (5eb8553)
- comp:*: container is supported for all overlay related components (#1122) (fe92709)
- comp:table: support for rendering empty cells (#1127) (5168bf8)
- comp:upload: add file status about upload cancel (#1125) (0fa37e9)
1.0.0-rc.5 (2022-09-02)
- cdk:utils: fix useControlledProp defaultValue behavior (#1090) (0ac224c)
- comp:alert: cannot change pagination.pageindex through button (#1102) (1669639)
- comp:input: the clear icon should cover the suffix icon (#1103) (18f8795)
- comp:pagination: sync design (#1101) (44de517)
- comp:select: fix searchable select input focus error (#1109) (f78d3ea)
- comp:select: fix select height error when empty (#1105) (c0ea8aa)
- comp:select: fix select height error with size 'sm' (#1110) (aba2e4f)
- comp:select: multipleLimit not work (#1108) (41327d9)
- comp:table: sync design (#1111) (c59d4de)
- comp:tree: expanded keys no longer clears after search is cleared (#1100) (79d23ea)
- comp:tree: fix tree unit tests (#1106) (8507a51)
- comp:upload: action's type is wrong (#1095) (06c02b6)
- pro:search: onChange triggered timing (#1097) (32cd2bd)
- pro:search: onItemRemove should emit searchValue (#1094) (5fc5ea1)
- pro:tree: add height prop supports, update proTree header height and container padding (#1112) (69fa736)
- cdk:click-outside: add component and composition API usages (#1092) (9e65136)
- comp:select: set first option active on search and options change (#1096) (5aa2d82)
- comp:table: sync design (#1107) (b40fcb3)
- pro:table: support scrollTo (#1093) (023f57a)
1.0.0-rc.4 (2022-08-23)
- comp:form: the content of form-item is block (#1019) (#1088) (aef12af)
- comp:table: the fixed column not work with ellipsis (#1081) (#1084) (c6f3ea0)
- pro:textarea: fix index column cell align-items (#1085) (f8a58fc)
- pro:textarea: textarea el shouldn't show scrollbar (#1080) (de7cc60)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2022-08-17)
- comp:date-picker: fix date picker active value validation (#1076) (e07eb87)
- comp:table: bordered not work with spin (#1079) (924c5bf)
- comp:tree-select: do not deselect when reclicked (#1065) (8c670d0)
- comp:tree-select: do not deselect when reclicked (#1070) (1a11051)
- cdk:forms: setError supports path param (#1073) (35dcddc), closes #1071
- pro:textarea: add IxProTextarea compoent (#1074) (e4ae522)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2022-08-08)
- cdk:forms: the second argument to setValue is optional (#1061) (6756bf7)
- comp:*: update style of suffix icon (#1053) (3496d08), closes #1005
- comp:table: fix layout tool conflicts (#1051) (07d6719)
- comp:transfer: removing items absent from datasource works now (#1054) (1abf7e9)
- cdk:forms: abstractControl support add or remove the validators (#1055) (60f9796), closes #1037
- cdk:forms: formAccessor's setValue supports setting dirty and blur (#1059) (dc40ed9)
- comp:tree: add checkOnClick prop (#1052) (5aa4be4)
- pro:search: add validate function (#1056) (79c2d09)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2022-07-29)
Note: Version bump only for package idux
1.0.0-rc.0 (2022-07-29)
- comp:form: repair the form-item-input-content centering (#1032) (785abb5), closes IDuxFE#1019 #1019
- comp:menu: hover event cannot be triggered when animating (#1041) (7582c6c), closes #1013
- pro:search: fix overflowed style to be overlap with elements below,fix overlay position update on item deleted (#1030) (a6190aa)
- pro:tree: onSearch cannot get the latest searchValue value (#1043) (29adb34)
- cdk:utils: add zIndex manager (#1015) (03e6aa5), closes #998
- comp:date-picker: timeFormat is now infered from format by default (#1045) (0bb2f8e)
- comp:form: support for displaying message in tooltip (#1047) (67222d1)
- comp:loading-bar: add LoadingBar component (#971) (#1023) (f948786)
- comp:notification: support contentProps (#1014) (#1046) (0057697)
- comp:table: ellipsis supports hidden the title (#1044) (70a6d4a), closes #1035
- comp:watermark: add anti-tamper feature (#1022) (c301d95)
- scripts: add dynamic theme vite-plugin (#1034) (556a4df)
1.0.0-beta.21 (2022-07-21)
- cdk:forms: add useuseAccessorAndControl, useAccessor, useControl (#1012) (6f4d3af)
- cdk:forms: setValue of AbstractControl supports triggering blur (#1018) (8d38177)
- cdk:forms: useFormGroup support nested objects (#1021) (bdb96df)
- pro:form: add ProForm component (#1028) (a385711), closes #981
- pro:transfer: add tree loadChildren support (#1009) (9d43fb2)
- cdk:forms:
was deprecated
1.0.0-beta.20 (2022-07-11)
- comp:card: hoisted vnode cannot be hot updated in dev mode (#997) (9576f58)
- comp:date-picker: fix panel view display error when type changes (#1003) (12af8ee)
- comp:input-number: update control style (#1007) (ce081ba)
- comp:select: when over multiplelimit, the option can still be selected (#1001) (41da36a), closes #1000
- comp:textarea: @focus and @blur will be triggered twice (#1002) (f65ed17)
- pro:table: not working with customAdditional (#1004) (036a691)
- comp:alert: add onAfterClose (#1008) (2c0e301)
- comp:transfer: label slot renders source and target seperately (#1006) (604e8d9)
- comp:transfer: label slot params change to { item, isSource }
1.0.0-beta.19 (2022-07-05)
- comp:list: remove the gutter of ListGridProps and extends RowProps (#995) (9c316d4)
- comp:tree: style error after global showline is configured to true (#991) (310360a)
- pro:transfer: fix overflowed text style (#996) (ef26025)
- cdk:forms: add validator: range, rangeLength and update messages (#987) (d52f864)
- comp:date-picker: add DatePickerPanel & DateRangePickerPanel (#964) (2a343c1)
- comp:input-number: replace old control (#970) (#994) (1fad46a)
- pro:search: add ProSearch component (#989) (ed16c45)
1.0.0-beta.18 (2022-06-28)
- cdk:portal: remove targetHashMap (#980) (5f1e637)
- comp:carousel: after click the same dot repeatedly, will not work (#986) (33e136e)
- comp:carousel: stop onTransitionend from bubbling (#984) (f2c8347)
- comp:select: fix selected options display when filtered (#977) (ddd67e3)
- comp:tree: node cannot be checked when its key is 0(Number type) (#978) (5497f20)
- pro:layout: update the scroll style on the dark theme (#982) (756c38b)
1.0.0-beta.17 (2022-06-23)
- comp:button: style error (#968) (9db8c9f)
- comp:menu: update hover style (#967) (4bda54b)
- comp:modal: the default header size should be 'md' (#969) (437a6ce)
- comp:checkbox,comp:radio: add group vertical props (#975) (d0710d6)
- comp:modal: add draggable props (#905) (#966) (d81b99f)
- comp:tabs: add onBeforeLeave prop (#965) (9a792e3)
1.0.0-beta.16 (2022-06-17)
- cdk:resize: performance problem (#963) (52e2eb8)
- comp:button: danger mode style error (#957) (6fef486), closes #955
- comp:header: prefix or suffix is empty str, expect no render vnode (#954) (f9fb28b)
- comp:modal: fix loading stop before hide (#961) (8f3f696)
- comp:table: calculate the scroll postion when container resize (#956) (5fffb9b)
- comp:table: set expandable trigger button type (#962) (a59b764)
- comp:time-picker: fix time range input (#959) (56bd1b2)
- comp:tree: data display error after search clearing (#952) (2f502f6)
- pro:transfer: fix flat tree transfer render when labelKey provided (#958) (8319ac0)
- pro:transfer: TransferBindings provide getKey as ComputedRef instead of getRowKey
1.0.0-beta.15 (2022-06-13)
- comp:slider: add control props to support forms api (#946) (0a86160), closes #942
- comp:watermark: prop content type error (#944) (ae91476)
- cdk:resize: add CdkResizable and CdkResizableHandler (#943) (58bab1b)
- comp:tree*: add draggableIcon prop (#948) (28b7031)
- pro:table: support resizable column (#945) (47b90dd)
1.0.0-beta.14 (2022-06-07)
1.0.0-beta.13 (2022-05-30)
- comp: pagination: pageSizes input width error (#931) (3e91b33)
- comp: pagination: Showquickjumper does not work in simple mode (#928) (2955e7f)
- comp: table: auto height not works with spin (#935) (5b770a9)
- comp: tree: expand the node being hover, when dragging (#927) (ae8fdef)
- comp:all: fix CI lint error (#925) (2aa0e91)
- comp: tree: Don't show irrelevant nodes during search (#904) (b176cda)
- comp: watermark: add watermark component (#930) (79b6435), closes #924
- pro: table: add IxProTable and IxProTableLayoutTool (#936) (688627f)
1.0.0-beta.12 (2022-05-24)
1.0.0-beta.11 (2022-05-23)
- comp: select: search error when group exists (#908) (ddbfc5e)
- comp: table: controled filter works (#919) (fff5022)
- comp: tabs: error style when nesting tabs (#918) (ee41c7a), closes #913
- comp:stepper: padding problem of left&right (#912) (25a2aac)
- cdk: resize: add useResizeObserver and CdkResizeObserver (#909) (c20fe45)
- comp: table: support multiple sort (#917) (a407920), closes #915
- comp: tree,tree-select,pro-tree: add getNode method (#910) (#916) (82c929d)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2022-05-16)
- comp: select: Add number to the type of label (#901) (5875e2d)
- comp: table: update style with sticky and bodered (#898) (ff75f3e)
- comp: tag: if value of number over 9 and show '9+' (#841) (#896) (645301c)
- cdk: forms: getValud support skip disabled control (#897) (9ba3eca)
- pro: tree: add collapseIcon prop (#900) (e9bb42b)
- cdk: forms:
was deprecated, please usetrim
1.0.0-beta.9 (2022-05-09)
- cdk:click-outside: not working when click target has @click.stop (#887) (a400cba)
- comp: button: update style with icon (#885) (1377fff)
- comp: table: update style with empty data (#888) (44c67aa)
- comp:affix: fix the problem of dynamic display (#893) (dbb69a5), closes #849
- comp:select: value key of select is 'value' by default (#892) (582cd4a)
- comp:time-picker,date-picker: refactor code and fix z-index (#886) (8d2133b)
- comp: tree-select: add expandAll and collapseAll methods (#895) (772e039)
- comp: tree: expandIcon add array type (#883) (1342e66)
- pro: tree: add pro tree component (#891) (ffd80de)
- comp: tree-select: setExpandAll was deprecated, please use collapseAll and expandAll instead.
1.0.0-beta.8 (2022-05-05)
- comp: alert: align icon with text (#881) (4b4f567)
- comp: menu: menu cannot show (#875) (2eaf920)
- comp: message: align icon with text (#865) (07475d2)
- comp: tree: the horizontal scroll bar does not appear (#861) (ac63edf)
- comp:carousel: modify onChange params order (#863) (d08b9f3), closes #862
- comp:data-picker: modify data-picker according to current desigin (#859) (7efdcb9)
- comp:table: fix table column width measure problem when data load is delayed (#860) (1204300)
- comp: cascader: add cascader component (#857) (50fb584), closes #797
- comp: menu: add customAdditional, getKey and overlayContainer (#871) (5064add)
- comp: select: add customAdditional, getKey and overlayContainer (#868) (d10f5e0)
- comp: table: add customAdditional to support cosutom row and cell (#866) (e79b55b)
- comp: transfer: add customAdditional (#872) (84c4e61)
- comp: tree-selct: add customAdditional,getKey and overlayContainer (#869) (593f86f)
- comp: menu:
was deprecated, please usecustomAdditional
was deprecated, please useoverlayContainer
instead. - comp: tree-selct:
was deprecated, please usegetKey
was deprecated, please useoverlayContainer
was deprecated, please usecustomAdditional
instead. - comp: select:
was deprecated, please useoverlayContainer
was deprecated, please usegetKey
was deprecated, please usecustomAdditional
instead. - comp: table:
are deprecated, please usecustomAdditional
1.0.0-beta.7 (2022-04-24)
- comp: select: sync width on opened (#853) (02d2769)
- comp: select: update overlay on selector resize (#851) (24f173e)
- comp: all: add seer themes (#850) (789a266)
- comp: form: add controlTooltip,controlTooltipIcon,labelTooltipIcon props (#852) (c3cd180)
- comp: tabs: first tab is selected by default when no selectedKey (#855) (5c6ee77)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2022-04-21)
- comp: select: sync width on opened (#853) (7b40e6f)
- comp: select: update overlay on selector resize (#851) (24f173e)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2022-04-18)
- comp:date-picker: add datetime type (#837) (6200d5a)
- comp:icon: update assets of svg (#848) (09e6ac3)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2022-04-11)
- comp: checkbox-group: invalid disabled in dataSource (#827) (0f43a09)
- comp: space: error color value in style (#832) (052aefe)
- comp: tree: Asynchronous loading node hierarchy error (#838) (1e41588), closes #835
- comp:anchor: should default active first item (#843) (84bf725)
- comp:input: update style with selector (#842) (39239be)
- comp:select: support setting autocomplete (#833) (583952d)
- comp:tag-group: add tagGroup component (#836) (b365f3e)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2022-03-27)
- comp: select: placeholder position are squeezed (#813) (a4d1933), closes #812
- comp:select: sync input width on composing (#821) (743328f)
- comp:slider: slid distance calculation error (#818) (322f755), closes #817
- comp:table: empty style (#820) (689437b)
- comp:comment: add comment component (#822) (e3f1e98), closes #358
- comp:table: support autoHeight (#816) (7a87569), closes #757
- comp:tooltip: support setting zindex (#825) (0a97e42)
- comp:tree-select: maxLabel support responsive (#814) (#823) (df82e5d)
- pro:transfer: add pro transfer compoennt (#815) (e367009)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-03-20)
comp:menu: cache expandedKeys when collapse changed (#805) (48bacb2)
comp:tab: tab content is not vertically centered (#809) (74b0dba)
component:message: message icon and content not align center when custom content (#807) (120390b)
feat(comp: select): maxLabel support responsive (#806) (115b5ec), closes #806 #756
- comp: timeline: rebuild with tsx (#803) (8677d61)
- comp:select: disable option when limited (#804) (aa6a5aa)
- comp:transfer: add transfer component (#794) (e861615), closes #782
was deprecated, please usemaxLabel
1.0.0-beta.1 (2022-03-14)
- cdk:forms: maxLength message (#800) (93231ab)
- comp: checkbox: onChange returned an error oldValue (#792) (2825def), closes #790
- comp: stepper: vertical style error without description (#784) (5ec4906)
- comp: tabs: when scrolling style is wrong (#785) (05cb864)
- comp:menu: remove stopPropagation (#799) (fedf778)
- comp:select: trigger handleInput when onCompositionEnd (#801) (d157f0c), closes #786
- comp:tree: The expanded state of the first layer node is wrong (#795) (aba661a)
- comp:form: api redesign and add test (#763) (825066e)
- comp:locales: use useGlobalConfig instead of useI18n (#764) (4f50728)
- comp:radio: use dataSource instead of options (#771) (25e85a3)
- comp:select: api redesign (#773) (934c0b2)
- comp: button: add xs and lg sizes (#780) (69f94c8)
- comp:select: add clearIcon (#798) (57e88f0)
- comp:table: add ellipsis and less variable (#778) (3d1f3fe), closes #769
- comp:tabs: add less variable (#777) (fa653f9), closes #768
- pro:layout: add siderHover and compress props (#759) (faf0913)
- comp:select:
was deprecated, please usecompareFn
was deprecated, please usedataSource
was deprecated, please usesearchFn
instead. - comp:radio:
was deprecated, please usedataSource
instead - comp:locales:
was removed. - comp:form:
was deprecated, please usestatusIcon
was deprecated, please useextraMessage
1.0.0-beta.0 (2022-03-01)
- comp:form: api redesign and add test (#763) (825066e)
- comp:locales: use useGlobalConfig instead of useI18n (#764) (4f50728)
- comp:radio: use dataSource instead of options (#771) (25e85a3)
- comp:select: api redesign (#773) (934c0b2)
- comp:table: add ellipsis and less variable (#778) (3d1f3fe), closes #769
- comp:tabs: add less variable (#777) (fa653f9), closes #768
- pro:layout: add siderHover and compress props (#759) (faf0913)
- comp:select:
was deprecated, please usecompareFn
was deprecated, please usedataSource
was deprecated, please usesearchFn
instead. - comp:radio:
was deprecated, please usedataSource
instead - comp:locales:
was removed. - comp:form:
was deprecated, please usestatusIcon
was deprecated, please useextraMessage
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2022-02-18)
- comp: radio: incomplete consideration of controlled mode (#744) (1a190bd)
- comp:select: filter option exception (#751) (96ed380), closes #750
- comp:space: remove default alian and justify (#749) (54456c6)
- comp:checkbox: use dataSource instead of options (#753) (ac2579a)
- comp:divider: add size prop (#742) (c6b4919)
- comp:space: add justify prop (#743) (9340796)
- comp:space: add justify prop (#746) (af525d9)
- comp:stepper: redesign api (#760) (623569d)
- comp:checkbox:
was deprecated, please usedataSource
instead - comp:layout:
was removed - comp:space:
was deprecated, please usevertical
instead. splitwas deprecated, please use
separator` instead. - comp:divider:
was deprecated, please uselabelPlacement
was deprecated, please usevertical
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2022-01-24)
- comp:select: add 'overlay' to searchable (#729) (68c6adc)
- comp:table: scroll support fullHeight (#739) (2255853)
- comp:upload: add file upload component (#669) (91f501a), closes #605
- pro:layout: suppor all slots of IxMenu (#738) (9745c32)
are deprecated, please usescroll.width
instead -
test(comp:table): add basic test
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2022-01-14)
- comp:image: fix image test error (#723) (329fc2c)
- comp:select: fix option style (#704) (45a9763)
- radio,checkbox: fix checkbox and radio aligin (#692) (cafa7ba)
- comp:menu: use customXxx instead of slots (#725) (f88ca6d)
- comp:select: use customLabel instead of slots (#726) (3a34fc4)
- cdk:forms: add option to remove space (#718) (be43870), closes #553
- cdk:scroll: show scrollbar when mouseenter (#722) (cfa48ce)
- comp:dropdown: support hideOnClick (#715) (fbbe478)
- comp:footer: swap confirm and cancel btn (#714) (78f3e06)
- comp:image: add image and imageViewer components (#706) (8b5212b), closes #698
- comp:menu: type of MenuItem is optional (#712) (5d1490a)
- comp:modal: add padding to padding next icon (#701) (e663401)
- comp:slider: unify trigger conditions for change events (#721) (a3209fa), closes #696
- comp:table: add TableColumn component (#702) (eb979a6), closes #650
- comp:table: redesign api of filter (#720) (c8078ea)
- comp:table: redesign TableColumn and support children in template (#708) (356faaf)
- comp:table: use
instead ofoptions
(#709) (71185fc) - table: modify table functions and style (#672) (05e6399)
- comp:select:
is deprecated, please use customLabel instead - comp:menu:
is deprecated, please usecustomIcon
instead - comp:table:
was deprecated, please usemenus
instead - comp:table:
have been deprecated, please useslots
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-12-30)
- comp:input-number: decimal precision calculation error (#688) (d863ad0)
- comp:menu: remove border-bototm on horizontal mode (#690) (be02417)
- comp:typography: fix typography disabled style (#687) (41d5225), closes #567
- cdk:forms: add default messages (#689) (22d45d6), closes #684
- comp: space: add size and block props (#670) (a1f895b)
- comp:modal: add prop to control transition (#674) (4b4d786), closes #623
- comp:pagination: remove itemRender and totalRender (#695) (e2dccc6), closes #658
- comp:pagination: itemRender and totalRender have been removed
- comp: space: size is used instead of gap
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-12-27)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-12-25)
- cdk:scroll: update scroll blocked style (#660) (4d7bbff), closes #586
- comp: select: incomplete readonly scenario (#649) (24da0a0)
- comp:all: add default.variable.less (#646) (9eced60)
- comp:button: button-group display: inline-flex (#661) (60dc8c3)
- comp:ixmenu: fix error when initialize settings expandKeys (#637) (131d95b), closes #636
- comp:message/notification: fix first animation (#639) (b9d1d19), closes #576
- comp:table: selectable header vertical alignment issue (#652) (e9f85e4)
- pro:layout: fix sider border-right style (#659) (bcdffdb)
- cdk: portal: support html selectors (#656) (1eafdf6)
- comp: tree-select: add tree-select comp (#606) (a8cc003), closes #557
- comp:breadcrumb: add breadcrumb component (#71) (#633) (18ef292)
- comp:carousel: add carousel component (#634) (4737191), closes #230
- comp:drawer,modal: add onBeforeClose event (#647) (a45e450), closes #645
- comp:private/input: add input component (#657) (efbfda1), closes #582
- comp:private/input: IxInput and IxInputNumber rebuild with _private/input
- comp:drawer,modal: onBeforeClose is used instead of onClose
- Hello @idux.