Releases: vttred/ose
Releases · vttred/ose
What's Changed
- Encumbrance penalties to movement now don't degrade until you are over the limit by @anthonyronda in #160
- New German translation by @HerrSquash in #157
- Updated Italian translations by @sanviler in #161
Utility Changes
- A new feature of the repository that allows code contributors to have multiple builds of the game system installed in Foundry at the same time by @anthonyronda in #154
- The game system is now easier to translate! Sign up for a free Crowdin account and join the project on Crowdin. Thanks Crowdin for donating your service to open source gaming!
Full Changelog: 1.4.4...1.4.5
What's Changed
- containers can't contain each other anymore by @anthonyronda in #142
- Contained items are no longer hidden or left behind when dropped from one sheet to another by @anthonyronda in #149
- Mac users can now Cmd + click to skip the modifier dialog on ability/attack rolls (the same as Ctrl + click on other platforms) by @anthonyronda in #143
- Settings no longer fail to change when adjusting multiple settings at a time by @RabidOwlbear in #145
- Fixed a typo that prevented the tweaks menu button from showing for non-GM users who own the actor by @RabidOwlbear in #148
- fix: added manualTags and autoTags to system template by @anthonyronda in #150
Full Changelog: 1.4.2...1.4.4
What's Changed
- Armor, treasure, and miscellaneous items can now be tagged by @RabidOwlbear in #135
- Item quantity is once again editable in the character sheet after squashing a bug that made them not update correctly by @anthonyronda in #138
- Container styling is now a bit more intuitive by @anthonyronda in #139
Keep an eye out for a brand new character sheet redesign beta coming next week
Full Changelog: 1.4.1...1.4.2
What's Changed
- Fixed actors not getting dropped into the actor sheet by @RabidOwlbear in #128
- Updated a deprecated variable name that broke Maestro compatibility for V9 by @anthonyronda in #130
- Monsters no longer have useless equip toggles in their inventories by @anthonyronda in #129
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.4.1
What's Changed
This release fixes all of the problems introduced by release 1.3.7 yesterday. Big thanks to @freohr for their quick turnaround in fixing these issues. You may safely update your system.
- Weapon attack rolls from character sheet are possible again by @freohr in #118
- Item tags are once again displayed in the item directory by @freohr in #119
- Abilities may once again be dragged and dropped within and between character sheets by @freohr in #120
- Non-ability, non-weapon items no longer show on the monster sheet abilities tab (if you want to see these, go to the inventory tab) by @anthonyronda in #122
Full Changelog: 1.3.7...1.4.0
What's Changed
- A new setting toggle allows the GM to choose an additional method to apply damage to token actors from the damage button in the chat card. It now works for targeted tokens in addition to the default selected tokens. By @RabidOwlbear in #70
- Squashed a bug where the seldom used "equals"-type ability test always failed by @engleback in #68
- Weapons now correctly show in the monster inventory tab when it's enabled by @anthonyronda in #88
- Spanish updates by @WallaceMcGregor in #79
Full Changelog: 1.3.5...1.3.6
What's Changed
This is an off-schedule release due an unexpected styling breakage introduced by Foundry VTT Version 9 Stable 2.
- Actor sheet tabs are no longer made hard to read by a core change in sheet CSS by @RabidOwlbear in #66
- Fixed a very old individual initiative bug (pre-1.3.x) where player characters rolled initiative with the wrong modifiers, even though the initiative bonus on the sheet showed the correct number by @anthonyronda in #58
- All of the open source/trademark licenses that apply to this repo are now more accurately/precisely documented in this repo
- The README looks a bit nicer
- New CONTRIBUTING documentation
Full Changelog: 1.3.4...1.3.5
What's Changed
- Individual Initiative Combat Overhaul by @RabidOwlbear in #44
- Individual Initiative Combat now supports Slow weapons going last in initiative order
- Individual Initiative roll now creates a single collapsible chat message instead of many separate chat messages
- Dice So Nice now rolls initiative dice all at the same time instead of slowly rolling one-by-one
- Initiative rolls now respect your preferred Dice So Nice "Max Number of 3D Dice" setting
- Add FVTT Bug Reporter module support by @anthonyronda in #50
- To use this feature, install Bug Reporter, enable it in your world, and you will get access to an in-client bug reporting tool
- Group initiative flags now correctly default to the corresponding colors for friendly, neutral, and hostile in combat tracker (Issue #6) by @engleback in #43
- Monster Actors can no longer invisibly get added and "lurk" in the party overview sheet by @freohr in #40
- The Notes tab of the character sheet no longer disappears when you enable Spellcaster in non-English languages in FVTT 0.8.x by @anthonyronda in #54
- Squashed a new bug introduced in 1.3.3 where new Automated Animations support made it impossible to roll improvised attacks by clicking MEL or MIS buttons by @anthonyronda in #55
- Text on the settings tab updated, now correctly links to this GitHub repo's Issues page by @anthonyronda in #52
- Spanish updates by @WallaceMcGregor in #46
New Contributors
- @engleback made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: 1.3.3...1.3.4
What's Changed
- Party Sheet refactor by @freohr in #36
- The actor selection modal has been replaced. You must now drag and drop from the Actor directory to the Party Sheet.
- Added a small button to remove an Actor from the Party Sheet.
- GM may now drag actors from the Party Sheet onto the scene.
- Fix the rendering synchronization of the party sheet when updating who is in the party on all currently connected clients. The now obsolete "sync" button has been removed.
- Small refactor of the XP modal by @freohr in #36
- Auto calculate XP shares on input (instead of having to click on the button, which has been removed).
- The XP modal automatically closes on submit.
- Weapon rolls may now be utilized by third party modules such as Automatic Animations due to new weapon roll flags by @RabidOwlbear in #29
- Hovering over items in your containers no longer cause the right sidebar to jump to the middle of the screen by @anthonyronda in #22
- Added missing tooltips to combat flags by @anthonyronda in #38
- Combat tracker fixes by @RabidOwlbear in #29
- Fixed situations in which rerolling a single combatant would not update the combatant's initiative
- Fixed situations in which large combats would cause Foundry to become unresponsive when re-rolling initiative, such as when beginning a new round
- Spanish updates by @WallaceMcGregor in #23
- Brazilian Portuguese updates by @IGALEGOI in #28
New Contributors
- @WallaceMcGregor made their first contribution in #23
- @IGALEGOI made their first contribution in #28
- @RabidOwlbear made their first code contribution in #29
Full Changelog: 1.3.2...1.3.3
- Foundry VTT V9 compatability (by @anthonyronda with help from Discord users OwlbearAviary, archibael, and eegag)
- Uses Foundry's Document model for Actors instead of the deprecated entity model