Releases: vttred/ose
Releases · vttred/ose
Fixes (contributed by @freohr)
For Basic encumbrance
- Armor correctly reduces your movement speed.
- Max encumbrance is based on the "Tweaks" value (1600 by default as per the rules), not based on the "Significant Treasure" option value.
- Speed is correctly negated when at or above the max encumbrance.
- The "Significant Treasure" value is shown as an encumbrance step (smalls arrows, like for Detailed Encumbrance).
For Detailed encumbrance
- Adventuring Equipment is correctly detected: the "package" encumbrance of 80cn is 0 with no equipment, and 80 with any kind of gear (that is not: Armor, Weapon, Container or Treasure).
For all
- Speed reduction weight brackets include the carried weight threshold.
Refactor (contributed by @anthonyronda)
Release Engineering
- New GitHub releases workflow eliminates zip files from the repo.