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USGS Data Browser

Navid Jadidoleslam edited this page Mar 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Recent advances the design of sensors and IoT (internet of Things) among other factors have facilitated deployment of new field sensors for measuring environmental data with lower cost and maintenance. Therefore, environmental field observation networks are growing rapidly. Visualization of the observations is a major part of the data life cycle. In this example, we provide an example visualization of USGS streamflow observation network in the state of Iowa.

Example implementation of HydroVisE for real-time USGS data browser.

Real-time USGS Data Browser

Here is an the corresponding config file for this web-based data browser deployed using HydroVisE.

    "title": "HydroVisE - Real-Time USGS Streamflow Data Browser"
  "data_part": {
    "min_val": 1980,
    "max_val": 2019,
    "step": 1,
    "initial": 2019
  "traces": {
    "t1": {
      "prod": "Q",
      "x_name": "dt",
      "y_name": "Q",
      "modEnabled": 1,
      "dynamic": 0,
      "ensemble": 0,
      "template": {
        "var": [
        "path_format": "./services/read_usgs.php?sid={0}&yr={1}&par=00060"
      "style": {
        "type": "scattergl",
        "mode": "lines",
        "name": "USGS",
        "line": {
          "width": 2,
          "color": "black"
  "modTrace": {
    "modJS": "./applications/plugin/modQ2S.js",
    "modMethod": "Q2Stage",
    "modEvnt": "evntQ2Stage",
    "customEval": "translate_id=true",
    "default": "flw",
    "mod": {
      "default": {
        "button": "Discharge",
        "pltPath": "yaxis.title",
        "val": "Q (m3/s)"
      "derived": {
        "button": "Stage",
        "pltPath": "yaxis.title",
        "val": "Stage (ft)"
  "horizontalGrid": {
    "filename": "./data/sig_stage_flow_usgs.csv",
    "comID": "usgs_id",
    "unit_convert": 0.0283168,
    "style": {
      "type": "line",
      "xref": "paper",
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      "line": {
        "color": "gray",
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    "lines": {
      "flw_action": {
        "color": "#ffff00"
      "flw_flood": {
        "color": "#f89500"
      "flw_moderate": {
        "color": "#ff0000"
      "flw_major": {
        "color": "#d836ff"
  "mapMarkers": {
    "fnPath": "lid_usgs.geojson",
    "comIDName": "usgs_id",
    "style": {
      "fillColor": "green",
      "color": "black",
      "fillOpacity": 1,
      "radius": 7
    "disabled_markerAttrs": {
      "template": {
        "var": [],
        "path_format": "./data/metrics.csv"
      "comID": "USGS_ID"
      "click": "clickFeature"
    "plotTitle": {
      "template": {
        "var": ["usgs_name","area"],
        "format": "{0}<br>Area: {1} km<sup>2</sup>"
    "tooltip": {
      "template": {
        "var": [
        "format": "USGS id: 0{0}<br>Area:{1} km<sup>2</sup>"
      "format": "",
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      "template": {
        "var": ["comID"],
        "format": "./services/get_boundary.php?id={0}"
  "controls": {
    "baseMapType": {
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        "size": 18,
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      "type": "date"
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      "title": "Q (m3/s)",
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  "mapLayers": {
    "ifc_rvr.geojson": {
      "fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/ifc_rvr.geojson",
      "fn": "ifc_rvr.geojson",
      "var_name": "IFC Bridge Sensor",
      "onEvent": "toggLyrStd",
      "selected": false
    "eqd_nexrad.kmz": {
      "fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/eqd_nexrad.kmz",
      "fn": "eqd_nexrad.kmz",
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      "onEvent": "toggLyrStd",
      "selected": false
    "nexrad_150_wgs84.kmz": {
      "fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/nexrad_150_wgs84.kmz",
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      "onEvent": "toggLyrStd",
      "selected": false
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      "fn": "wt_area_kml.kmz",
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      "fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/IACounties.geojson",
      "fn": "IACounties.geojson",
      "var_name": "IA Counties",
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  "map": {
    "center": [
    "defaultZoom": 8,
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        "url": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
        "attribution": "&copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, &copy; <a href=\"\">CARTO</a>",
        "subdomains": "abcd"
    "geoSearch": true
  "customBaseMap": {
    "url": "data/staticLayers/kmls/ifc_net3_simp.geojson",
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      "3": "#00e4ff",
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    "propoertyName": "h_order",
    "name" : "River Network"