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Issue Time
Navid Jadidoleslam edited this page Mar 21, 2020
4 revisions
Similar to Lead Time case of streamflow forecasts, one may be interested in historical streamflow forecasts that are issued at different times. This analysis can help understand how streamflow forecast performance was in the past using different hydrologic models and rainfall products.
As shown in animation below, user can examine the hydrologic model predictions with respect to streamflow forecast issue times using HydroVisE.
The config file for this example is provided below:
"title": "HydroVisE - Hydrologic Forecast Visualization Issue Time"
"data_part": {
"min_val": 2016,
"max_val": 2018,
"step": 1,
"initial": 2016
"traces": {
"t1": {
"prod": "Q",
"x_name": "dt",
"y_name": "Q",
"modEnabled": 1,
"dynamic": 0,
"ensemble": 0,
"template": {
"var": [
"path_format": "./services/read_usgs.php?sid={0}&yr={1}&par=00060"
"style": {
"type": "scattergl",
"mode": "lines",
"name": "USGS",
"line": {
"width": 2,
"color": "black"
"t2": {
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"x_name": "dt",
"y_name": "Q",
"modEnabled": 1,
"dynamic": 1,
"ensemble": 0,
"template": {
"var": [
"path_format": "../services/read_tar.php?fn=/noaa_nws/issue_time/{0}_nwm_mrms/{1}/{2}.csv",
"argConv": {
"var": "sliderState",
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return String(moment.unix(v).format('YYYYMMDD_HH'));"
"style": {
"type": "scattergl",
"mode": "lines",
"name": "NWM(MRMS)",
"line": {
"color": "#004c00"
"t3": {
"prod": "nwm_ifc",
"x_name": "dt",
"y_name": "Q",
"modEnabled": 1,
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"ensemble": 0,
"template": {
"var": [
"path_format": "../services/read_tar.php?fn=/noaa_nws/issue_time/{0}_nwm_ifc/{1}/{2}.csv",
"argConv": {
"var": "sliderState",
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return String(moment.unix(v).format('YYYYMMDD_HH'));"
"style": {
"type": "scattergl",
"mode": "lines",
"name": "NWM(IFC)",
"line": {
"color": "#009900"
"t4": {
"prod": "hlm_mrms",
"x_name": "dt",
"y_name": "Q",
"dynamic": 1,
"ensemble": 0,
"modEnabled": 1,
"template": {
"var": [
"path_format": "../services/read_tar.php?fn=/noaa_nws/issue_time/{0}_hlm_mrms/{1}/{2}.csv",
"argConv": {
"var": "sliderState",
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return String(moment.unix(v).format('YYYYMMDD_HH'));"
"style": {
"type": "scattergl",
"mode": "lines",
"name": "HLM(MRMS)",
"line": {
"color": "#000066"
"t5": {
"prod": "hlm_ifc",
"x_name": "dt",
"y_name": "Q",
"modEnabled": 1,
"dynamic": 1,
"ensemble": 0,
"template": {
"var": [
"path_format": "../services/read_tar.php?fn=/noaa_nws/issue_time/{0}_hlm_ifc/{1}/{2}.csv",
"argConv": {
"var": "sliderState",
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return String(moment.unix(v).format('YYYYMMDD_HH'));"
"style": {
"type": "scattergl",
"mode": "lines",
"name": "HLM(IFC)",
"line": {
"color": "#0000b2"
"modTrace": {
"modJS": "./applications/plugin/modQ2S.js",
"modMethod": "Q2Stage",
"modEvnt": "evntQ2Stage",
"default": "flw",
"mod": {
"default": {
"button": "Discharge",
"pltPath": "yaxis.title",
"val": "Q (m3/s)"
"derived": {
"button": "Stage",
"pltPath": "yaxis.title",
"val": "Stage (ft)"
"timeSlider": {
"dynamicRange": {
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return parseInt(moment(v.format(systemState.yr)).format('X'))"
"min": "{0}-04-01 00:00:00 GMT",
"max": "{0}-12-01 00:00:00 GMT",
"step": 3600,
"value": 1,
"label": {
"arguments": "v",
"body": "return 'Issue time:' + String(moment.unix(v).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH'))"
"horizontalGrid": {
"filename": "./data/sig_stage_flow_usgs.csv",
"comID": "usgs_id",
"unit_convert": 0.0283168,
"style": {
"type": "line",
"xref": "paper",
"x0": 0,
"x1": 1,
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"color": "gray",
"width": 0.75
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"color": "#ffff00"
"flw_flood": {
"color": "#f89500"
"flw_moderate": {
"color": "#ff0000"
"flw_major": {
"color": "#d836ff"
"mapMarkers": {
"fnPath": "lid_usgs.geojson.gz",
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"template": {
"var": [],
"path_format": "./data/metrics.csv"
"comID": "USGS_ID"
"click": "clickFeature"
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"template": {
"var": ["usgs_name","area"],
"format": "{0}<br>Area: {1} km<sup>2</sup>"
"tooltip": {
"template": {
"var": [
"format": "USGS id: {0}<br>Area:{1} km<sup>2</sup>"
"format": "",
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"template": {
"var": ["comID"],
"format": "./services/get_boundary.php?id={0}"
"controls": {
"markerAttrs": {
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"var_id": "cc",
"var_name": "Correlation",
"onEvent": "selectMetric",
"selected": 0
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"var_name": "nRMSE",
"onEvent": "selectMetric",
"selected": 0
"v5": {
"var_id": "mae",
"var_name": "nMAE",
"onEvent": "selectMetric",
"selected": 0
"prod": {
"v1": {
"var_id": "ifc_hlm",
"var_name": "IFC (HLM)",
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"initMD": "-04-01 00:00:00",
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"fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/ifc_rvr.geojson.gz",
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"onEvent": "toggLyrStd",
"selected": false
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"fn": "eqd_nexrad.kmz",
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"fnPath": "data/staticLayers/kmls/IACounties.geojson.gz",
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"url": "data/staticLayers/kmls/ifc_net3_simp.geojson.gz",
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"fPath": "data/2dData/timestamps/SMAPL3v2.json",
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"fPath": "data/2dData/SMAPL3v2",
"extension": "geotiff"
- Tutorial 1
- More tutorials will be added soon
- Real-time and Historical USGS Streamflow Viewer
- Sensor and Satellite-based Soil Moisture Visualization
- Satellite-based Soil Moisture Assimilation in Hydrologic Model
- Hydrologic Model Streamflow Forecasts Visualization