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Satellite based Soil Moisture Assimilation in Hydrologic Model

Navid Jadidoleslam edited this page Mar 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

Soil moisture is a major control in the rainfall-runoff partitioning. Hydrologic models could misrepresent this variable due to uncertainty in their model structure, formulations that could lead to errors in runoff predictions. Emerging satellite-based soil moisture products such as SMOS and SMAP provide information in space and time. Satellite-based soil moisture data assimilation, as a viable approach, could be used for accounting the uncertainties in the model and observations. In this example, we test streamflow prediction performance using HydroVisE before and after satellite-based soil moisture assimilation using various assimilation schemes.

Example demo and config file for implemented HydroVisE web-app for visualization and evaluation of streamflow predictions by SMAP and SMOS satellite-based soil moisture data assimilation into a distributed hydrologic model.

As shown in animation below, user can examine the hydrologic model performance metrices for streamflow predictions and observations from USGS gauges.

Satellite-based soil moisture assimilation hydrologic model predictions

The config file for this demo is given below:

    "title": "HydroVisE - Hydrologic Assessment of Satellite-based Soil Moisture"
  "data_part": {
    "min_val": 2010,
    "max_val": 2018,
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    "initial": 2015
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