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@insights-engineering-bot insights-engineering-bot released this 28 Feb 15:56
· 1 commit to main since this release


  • Added teal.logger functionality for logging changes in shiny inputs in all modules.
  • Introduced ylim parameter for tm_g_km module that controls width of y-axis.
  • Added functionality to tm_t_events_patyear to split columns by multiple (nested) variables via the arm_var argument.
  • Added arguments arm_var_labels to template_summary and show_arm_var_labels to tm_t_summary to allow user to display arm variable (arm_var) labels in table header.
  • Added argument stats to modules tm_g_forest_rsp and tm_g_forest_tte to allow users to specify statistics to include in the table.
  • Added argument riskdiff to modules tm_g_forest_rsp and tm_g_forest_tte to allow users to add a risk difference table column.
  • Added the count_dth and count_wd parameters to tm_t_events_summary to select/deselect the "Total number of deaths" and "Total number of patients withdrawn from study due to an AE" rows, respectively. These options correspond to the "Count deaths" and "Count withdrawals due to AE" checkboxes available when the module is run.
  • Added the title_text argument to tm_t_mult_events to allow for more customization of the module's dynamic title.
  • Introduced transformators and decorators argument to modules.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in creating modules with delayed_data and teal.transform::all_choices.
  • Fixed bug in tm_g_forest_tte and tm_g_forest_rsp to resolve delayed data loading variables.


  • Removed Show Warnings modals from modules.
  • Clarified the documentation specifying whether multiple values can be selected in the arm_var argument for each module.
  • Replaced use of the rtables::add_colcounts() function with the show_colcounts argument to basic_table().
  • Began deprecation cycle for the show_labels argument of template_summary which has no effect on the tm_t_summary module.
  • Replaced instances of deprecated strata argument to tern::control_lineplot_vars() with group_var.
  • Added an assertion to tm_t_events_summary() to check whether all datasets used have the same treatment variable levels.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0