Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- New:
- Code editor:
- Use enter key to begin editing of currently focused row when data grid is focused
- Enter in active editor in a data grid will accept current changes and move to next and begin editing or add a new row
- Add preferences to control how enter works in data grids, either move on to next cell, or close editor
- Code editor:
- Changed:
- Code editor:
- Changed how multi-line text editor works in room editor advanced item and data grids, enter now always accepts, ctrl+enter will insert a new lines if allowed, if not will accept like normal enter
- Escape now truly cancels editors with out changing values
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Replace localstroage for connection state with a global variable, removes major slowdown when loading jimud
- Immortal tools:
- Fixed undefined/undefined error when uploading folders, now correctly displays error or ignores error if required
- Fixed bug when downloading a folder with multiple sub folders, was not correctly storing related local folder destination
- Fixed open in editor button state when option is changed from preferences dialog
- Code editor:
- Fixed enter accept for editable dropdowns and checkbox dropdowns
- Fixed when adding new external exit did not update changed state when starting with no exits
- Fixed editing items in dedicated item editor
- Changed:
- Code editor: light range for virtual editor room/descriptions is not -15 to 15 instead of default
- Fixed:
- Code editor:
- Virtual editor:
- External exits was displaying empty always after multiple room support was added
- Fixed cut/deleting of descriptions, was doing smallest to largest index, throwing off later #s, now reversed and does largest to smallest fixing the issue
- Fixed cut/deleting descriptions was formatting terrain file wrong
- Fixed shift click selection for room editor
- Fixed status bar better supported in virtual editor
- Fixed issues parsing external room files in virtual editor
- Do not display terrain text for external rooms
- Fixed display of external file name in room editor
- Ignore comments embedded in mappings when parsing external room code
- Add room states to external room generation
- Corrected code formatting of generated external room
- Fixed when used in split views
- Update terrain color scale after using short customs +/- or when new descriptions added
- Fixed room editor/room preview breaking when no items
- Fixed removing northwest exit of connected room when room deleted or cut
- Fixed room edits when switching selected rooms, was updating new selection instead of previous
- Make diff navigation buttons visible but disabled when not in use as you can not hide the menu due to a limitation in election not allowing hiding of separators
- Virtual editor:
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Data grid:
- Fix position and width of advanced editors for datagrid on smaller windows, as data grid advanced editors are not true floating windows and must fit inside the window for full visibility.
- Readd focus outline to advance editor buttons to know when focused from tab
- Code editor:
- Virtual editor:
- When deleting a description from the description editor it was using width instead of height for adjusting room terrain indexes
- Deleting descriptions where being saved to the wrong file
- Room terrain indexes where not saved when changed from deleting a description
- Room editor would throw an error when switching rooms with a property is in active edit.
- When hitting enter after editing a number in a number editor did not cause the editor to close and save
- Virtual editor:
- Data grid:
- New:
- Code editor:
- Virtual area editor now supports multi room selection by clicking and dragging mouse to form a selection box, all rooms inside the box will be selected or by clicking one room then shift click in a 2nd one and all rooms that form a rectangle using the 2 rooms as corners will be selected.
- You can edit multiple rooms at once with the room editor, just selection them all in a block using drag selection and then change the option, Note if values for a property are all different the property will be set to blank until edited.
- Unused terrains in the description editor will have their index # in bolded in red
- Diff navigation, use previous or next buttons to move between changes when viewing in diff mode
- Diff editor is better supported, menu items and context menus should now effect focused editor or supported editor
- Code editor:
- Changed:
- Code editor:
- Change how commas are formatted following a }
- When deleting a room it will now set terrain and item indexes to 0
- Changed default settings for show colors/terrains to on
- Code editor:
- Fixed:
- Code editor:
- Virtual area editor
- Did not update terrains when raw terrains map is edited
- Did not update descriptions when raw file was edited
- Did not save changes to terrain or state files when changed from the visual map
- Reverting map did not refresh the visual map
- Fixed x axis numbers not being displayed correctly
- Correctly highlight row or column of rooms when map has been scrolled
- When using arrow or numpad to move around map, it would not correctly scroll the newly selected room if you have scrolled off the old room
- Fixed mouse hover room while scroll, as old x/y they are now invalid
- When after editing a room property and clicking on a read only field it would allow you to edit the field
- Fixed advanced editors for single lines to wrap text
- Fixed issue when split view and scrolling tabs not correctly setting scroll width
- String blocks where not correctly terminated and formatted text in side
- Save file as would not correctly clear the previous file name data
- Would open files sent from immortal tools always in remote edit mode if code editor is not already open
- Fixed context menus for data grid editors
- Fixed toolbar buttons being covered when width is small
- Virtual area editor
- Fixed window save state system, correctly saves restore state so when un-minimized it returns to previous size instead of max size
- Fixed data grid editors closing dialogs when pressing escape to exit editor
- Code editor:
- New:
- Log viewer: display your logs as if from the mud, supports html, raw ansi, and text files
- Code Editor:
- Add upload and upload as system
- Add open remote
- Drag and drop local or remote files from immortal tools
- Add new virtual area creation dialog for quick and easy virtual area creation, either for a current area or an entire new area
- Add new monster using wizard for selection different properties and options
- Add new room using wizard for selection of properties and options
- Immortal tools:
- Edit remote files directly using internal editor using the editor save to upload changed file
- Changed:
- Immortal tools: Only allow drag out of files not paths
- Update chokidar to 2.0.4
- Rename x32 to ia32 for windows installer/portable to match standard arch naming
- Advanced editor: Do not add sent to mud buttons when in editor only mode
- Fixed:
- Profile editor: editor did not properly resize when advanced panel was toggled
- Display:
- When split scroll enabled would toggle scroll when preferences reloaded
- When searching it would not correctly refocus when you reversed search
- When loading the width of display and command box are incorrect leaving them very narrow when status display was hidden
- Code editor:
- Fixed test system for changed/new files, before it only uploaded data saved to disk unsaved files
- When closing editor it would not correctly remember new files that where saved
- Remove errors when dragging non tab over editor
- Fixed issues with menus not being correctly enabled/disabled globally
- Fixed paste advanced not being enabled when allowed
- Fixed opening files on load that no longer exist
- Fixed change event firing when new files created
- Immortal tools: Fix issues when using with code editor
- Advanced editor:
- Some colors where broken when codes where pasted in or sent from other windows
- Link window to code editor when in editor only mode so the window stays on top and closes when the editor closes
- New:
- Code Editor:
- Add a remote caching system to save remote paths and data for local files, allowing diff remote/debug systems to work with out having to ask for remote path every time
- Clear remote caching from preferences dialog or remove all files from %appdata%\jiMUD\editor
- Performance tweaks and fixes
- Formatting will now auto strip trailing white space
- Remote diff - browse and select a file from the mud if connected and compare it to open file
- Remote test - allows you to select a remote location to test your local file by uploading it to a temporary name in the same folder as the real remote file.
- New area dialog now allows you to browse and select remote destination if connected to the mud
- Virtual area editor:
- Description editor that allows you to view all terrains, add, delete, cut, copy descriptions and related items
- Item editor to edit,add, delete, cut, copy any item group or items in a group
- Exit editor destination allows remote file selection if connected to mud
- Add a remote caching system to save remote paths and data for local files, allowing diff remote/debug systems to work with out having to ask for remote path every time
- Character manager: Allow more then # and letters for name, strip any invalid characters and set as login
- Immortal tools: Error dialogs should appear for all non upload and download errors, as upload and download errors will appear in the queue list next to the item that caused the error
- Backup: more debugging output
- Code Editor:
- Changed:
- Code Editor:
- Changed formatting rule for semicolon (;), no long can be on a line alone, mostly happened when following a catch or time_expression block
- Change how catch is formatted, before it used to be put on its own line, it is now treated more like a function, as catch acts more as a function then a keyword
- Changed how {} are formatted after catch, leave { on the same line as catch as catch is treated more like a function
- Moved diff clear, diff local, and diff original into a new sub menu folder to help cleanup file menu
- Immortal tools: prefix all immortal tool remote commands with a unique prefix to allow it to know what commands it has sent compared to other window operations
- Code Editor:
- Fixed:
- Code Editor:
- Fixed empty editor on first load if no files opened
- New area dialog now properly disables menu bar when open
- Fixed formatting of 'char' blocks, most noticeable when '' wrapped a none alpha numeric character
- After saving new files it should now mark the tab as no longer new
- Running diff local again on a different file cleared the diff instead
- Recent list was cleared when trying to open a file that has been moved, deleted or renamed
- Remove spaces between ! and :: when formatting
- Display errors found when formatting
- Virtual area editor: room external/item editor would update value even if cancel was selected
- Character manager:
- Prevent running OK event multiple times after adding/renaming/copying more then one or canceling
- Renaming lost login, password, and development setting
- Copying did not copy login, password, and development setting
- When requesting the client reload the character database, when no character load it would create an invalid character named null
- Attempt to refocus on command input after disconnect, paste special, and progress dialogs are closed
- Code Editor:
- New:
- Add a limit to how many times to try to auto login in a row
- Do not attempt to login using character name if ShadowMUD says it does not exist
- Code Editor:
- Diff file with original if changed or local file
- Immortal tools:
- Compressed dir systems to allow receiving of compressed dir file list to send data for larger folders faster
- Dir performance tweaks to improve loading and changing directory speeds
- Fixed:
- Backup: map file was not correctly updating when new character was loaded when connected to mud
- Code Editor:
- Fix output window display
- Fix dock change asking to save new files
- Fix file save cancel
- Validate split layout better to ensure it is restored to a usable state
- Properly update tab state for save all/ revert all
- Tabs resetting editors every time they are clicked
- Fix tab context menu
- Formatting :: operator when following keywords and constants stripping spaces
- Do not add a space between -- or ++ and text
- Remove all spaces after * when in a variable declaration statement
- New:
- Code Editor:
- Code complete for ShadowMUD inheritable files, simple begin to type inherit and it will suggest a list of predefined inherits
- Drag and drop reorder opened files
- Drag and drop side by side viewing for up to 3 files at once with ability to resize each splitter area.
- Backup: add debug output when doing client save
- Code Editor:
- Fixed:
- Code Editor:
- Editor did not correctly resize when output window resized
- Formatting :: directly after a (: was incorrect
- Mapper:
- Adding new rooms was broken when normalizing was added by mistake in v0.4.44
- Fixed issues with area names with single quotes (')
- Fixed issues with rooms with no exits being ignored
- Code Editor:
- Changed:
- Switch workers to es2017
- Mapper:
- New database index to try and improve performance
- Other adjustments and changes to database settings to try and improve performance
- Changed import code to streamline and improve performance
- Fixed:
- Mapper:
- When window hidden for persistent/enabled data was not flushed to disk correctly when using in memory
- When switching characters was not correctly closing old windows
- Child windows show state not being correctly saved
- Mapper: