Releases: icewolfz/jiMUD
Releases · icewolfz/jiMUD
- New:
- Added Hide trailing line display preference to hide trailing empty line.
- Added Enable colors enable or disable colors.
- Added Enable background colors enable or disable background colors
- Added new Zen theme
- ANSI Parser: Added backspace character support
- Changed:
- Remove clean and default scroll track rounded corners to properly hide background text
- Update electron from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7
- Update electron-updater 3.1.5 to 3.1.6
- Change show split button disabled look for all themes to not light up
- Logger:
- Re-coded HTML logger to use classes and style blocks to reduce file sizes
- Convert write system to use a stream to batch write to improve write speeds
- Preferences: Move display font selection to own sub section under display
- Fixed:
- Display:
- Detect changes to display better to handle theme changes
- Calculate split bar movement using current split bar height
- Use current scroll bar height/widths instead of fixed #s to allow for better theme support
- Correctly factor in current theme display padding into available character width and height
- Fixed vertical scroll bar when split button shown
- Fixed show split button being shown after turning off split scroll
- Re-add -(minus) and _(underscore) as selectable characters for double click and context menu word selection
- Fixed selection when dragging below display window
- Fixed split scroll window bottom padding spacing for all themes
- Fixed MXP image align=right
- Fixed getting wrong character for mouse position
- Fixed matching whole Unicode words on context
- ANSI Parser: Always append line fragment when parsing, better fix to the previous missing raw data issue
- Window size not correctly sent to mud when maximizing window, broken in v0.6.5
- Logger:
- Fixed MXP hr style effects
- Flush When closing, clearing screen or logging options changed to ensure last line is saved when required
- Fixed When path changed in the middle of logging it failed to correctly move current logs to new path
- Display:
- New:
- Added copy support as HTML format to allow copying colors and formats and paste into applications that support HTML markup
- Logger: Added support for MXP images
- Display:
- Added basic MXP image support, limits height to line height
- Added more color attributes for color tag: hidden, strikeout, overline, and doubleunderline
- Added a split toggle button at the bottom right corner for quick off/on, similar to clicking scroll lock button
- Expanded client.writeClipboard added html argument to add formated html as well as plain text
- Expanded client.writeClipboardHTML write HTML markup to clipboard to produce formated text for applications that support HTML pasting
- Expanded client.readClipboardHTML read HTML markup from clipboard if clipboard has HTML support
- Added total time to #testspeed command
- Added #testspeedfile to load a file and run timed test
- Added #testfile to load a file
- Preference:
- Added Show split button, Show or hide split toggle button in split scroll to allow for quick toggling
- Added display sub area for chat display preferences
- Chat:
- Added split scroll support, allow enabling of split scrolling for chat window
- Added Independent buffer size preference instead of using the same one as main display
- Added flashing preference
- Changed:
- Update electron from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
- Update electron-updater 3.1.2 to 3.1.5
- Log viewer uses simpler HTML generation
- Fixed:
- Auto updater: Attempt to preserve command line arguments when restarted
- Status:
- Fixed sleet weather overlay for all themes
- Fixed issue with lost right spacing when status display is hidden
- Display:
- Not correctly clearing text
- Improve performance by generating cleaner HTML markup
- MXP:
- Fixed horizontal rulers display
- Fixed selection highlighting of horizontal rulers
- Fixed copying horizontal rulers and use --- on own line in text
- Fixed closing of custom defined tags
- Fixed MXP send tags
- Fixed HTML property to return correct HTML markup
- Match whole unicode words on context or double click
- Debounce selection mouse dragging to improve performance
- Fixed split view selection performance issues
- Fixed split position on resize
- Fixed scrolling issues with large amount of lines
- Fixed resize issues when status display/button bar hidden
- Fixed scroll lock scrolling to end when not in split screen mode
- ANSI Parser:
- Fixed extra characters being added after : in raw text, fixes raw ansi logging
- Fixed loss of some raw data when line only contains ansi control characters resulting in loss of blank lines
- Chat:
- Fix display not using URL detection settings and MXP settings
- Fix zoom reset not being saved
- New:
- Code editor: Add hover effects to tabs to make it easier to know what your clicking
- Changed:
- Update electron from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
- Fixed:
- Display:
- Fixed selection width for Unicode fonts
- Fixed paste and paste special not correctly replacing selected text in command input box
- Status: Fix sleet weather overlay
- Display:
- Changed:
- Update better-sqlite from 4.1.4 to 5.0.1
- Update fs-extra from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0
- Update yargs-parser from 10.1.0 to 11.0.0
- Update electron from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
- Fixed:
- Display:
- Fixed a font spacing issue when using em font size
- Fixed a Unicode display issue by converting spaces to non-breaking spaces
- Fixed bug when selection the first letter of a line of text
- Fixed command input context menu copy/cut actions not working when display has selected text
- Improved load times
- Preferences: Sort fonts by alphabetic
- Display:
- Fixed:
- Fixed Unicode corruption when receiving split packets when UTF-8 or charset telnet option is enabled
- Fixed Telnet charset option being on even if server did not turn it on
- Fixed properly parse Client.GUI GMCP
- Backup: Fixed serializing of profiles not ignoring new profile key
- New:
- #notify - add icon argument {icon}
- Add search box to help browser
- Add edit button context menu when right clicking a button on the button bar
- Add title bar to paste special dialog to identify what the dialog is for
- Paste special, when hitting enter it will move to the next input box, if in last last input will run paste special
- Changed:
- #notify - make silent
- client.notify - make silent by default, add silent: false to options argument, eg: client.notify('test', 'test2', {silent: false})
- Update electron from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
- Fixed:
- Code editor:
- Area designer:
- Room preview:
- Fix displaying climbs as normal exits.
- Fix room and base room climbs being combined
- Fix flying monsters by append (flying) to monsters
- Fix some code generation not being generated right
- Room preview:
- Area designer:
- Only display copy url text if different from url for link context menu
- Fixed #notify displaying the word null when no message body
- Fixed MSP system not correctly clearing previous file url
- Fixed Paste special error when trying to open the dialog when already open
- Profile manager:
- Fixed add button to create new item based on currently selected item
- Fixed add button tool tip shows type of new item to be created
- Display:
- Fixed overlay and selection highlighting for unicode half and full width characters
- Fixed pasting or cutting text into find search box
- Fixed unicode spacing issues when different colors or font styles are used
- Fixed split section not firing click event
- Preferences dialog:
- Fixed drop down font selection height not being correct
- Fixed color scheme drop down width
- Code editor:
- New:
- Code editor:
- Virtual area editor:
- Improve open times
- Add new hidden external exit support
- Add support for older virtual areas in external exits that ise VV define
- Wizards: Add autocomplete suggestions to all editable dropdowns
- Virtual area editor:
- New about dialog logo, clean and more simple
- Events:
fired when backup has finished loadingbackup-saved
fired when backup has finished saving
- Code editor:
- Changed:
- Update electron from 2.0.10 to 3.0.2
- Update jquery from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1
- Update bootstrap select from 1.12.4 to 1.13.2
- Update bootstrap treeview to 2.1.7
- Update zlib to 0.3.1
- Update datatables from 1.10.16 to 1.10.18
- Remove ResizerObserver polyfill as electron 3 includes native support
- Update tinymce from 4.8.1 to 4.8.3
- Update ace editor to 1.4.1
- Fixed:
- Code editor:
- Changed how files are tested if they exist in so directories are not counted as files
- More error catching when opening a file
- Fixed remote editing file icon
- Fixed reopening of remote edited files
- Area designer:
- Fix monster alignment not being correctly saved when using string word
- Advanced editor: fix spacing and border issues
- Fixed window ready checks for chat, editor, code editor, and progress dialogs to make sure they are 100% loaded before processing any data
- Profile manager: fix syntax highlighting when changing styles
- Code editor:
- New:
- Code editor:
- Area designer:
- Allow ctrl+click to append items for object editor limb selections
- Area designer:
- Code editor:
- Changed:
- Update fswin to 3.18.918, and use package instead of custom builds for easier electron upgrades
- Update electron from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
- Cut blot from install package by more then 50%
- Fixed:
- Correctly disable check for update menu item while in the middle of a check
- Immortal tools: Fix show hidden files/folders preference
- Fix mapper default zoom scale from 25% to 100%
- Code editor:
- Fix drawing focused room indicator for virtual area and area designer when clicking on axis number
- Fix room wizard clipboard data grids so they are compatible with area designer data grids
- Fix wizard data grids to correctly restore default data
- Fix wizard paste button states
- Fix output window space when disabled
- Area designer:
- Fix room preview to support comma delimited item list
- Fix room preview item underline casing display
- Fix code generation of long/short if empty and base not empty
- Fix room preview to use base long/short if selected long/short is empty
- Fix room preview when long/short starts and ends with a quote
- Fix code generation and not correctly handling quotes in certain places
- Fix drop downs in object editor
- Fix ctrl+click opening multiple editor windows when using drop down list
- Fix quality value for object editor not being set correctly
- Fixed:
- Auto login: delay sending the character name by a small amount to ensure the client has finished processing the incoming text
- Make test commands case insensitive like all other #commands
- Fix sending text that starts with # and is not a function
- Mapper: Fix clear current area not updating the drop down navigation correctly
- Code editor: Fix editor losing editor options when using save as
- New:
- Code editor:
- Colorize syntax hover help line
- Add hover tool tips for all FluffOS defined constants
- Code editor:
- Changed:
- Update spellchecker
- Update electron from 2.0.8 to 2.0.9
- Fixed:
- Auto update: disable manual check for updates when checking
- Code editor:
- Fixed memory leak with code formatting systems
- Fixed set_reactions code generation in monster wizard and area designer