Log viewer: display your logs as if from the mud, supports html, raw ansi, and text files
Code Editor:
Add upload and upload as system
Add open remote
Drag and drop local or remote files from immortal tools
Add new virtual area creation dialog for quick and easy virtual area creation, either for a current area or an entire new area
Add new monster using wizard for selection different properties and options
Add new room using wizard for selection of properties and options
Immortal tools:
Edit remote files directly using internal editor using the editor save to upload changed file
Immortal tools: Only allow drag out of files not paths
Update chokidar to 2.0.4
Rename x32 to ia32 for windows installer/portable to match standard arch naming
Advanced editor: Do not add sent to mud buttons when in editor only mode
Profile editor: editor did not properly resize when advanced panel was toggled
When split scroll enabled would toggle scroll when preferences reloaded
When searching it would not correctly refocus when you reversed search
When loading the width of display and command box are incorrect leaving them very narrow when status display was hidden
Code editor:
Fixed test system for changed/new files, before it only uploaded data saved to disk unsaved files
When closing editor it would not correctly remember new files that where saved
Remove errors when dragging non tab over editor
Fixed issues with menus not being correctly enabled/disabled globally
Fixed paste advanced not being enabled when allowed
Fixed opening files on load that no longer exist
Fixed change event firing when new files created
Immortal tools: Fix issues when using with code editor
Advanced editor:
Some colors where broken when codes where pasted in or sent from other windows
Link window to code editor when in editor only mode so the window stays on top and closes when the editor closes
You can’t perform that action at this time.