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FusionAD Coordinate Frames

Joey Zhu edited this page Jan 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

FusionAD Frames

GPS and Lidar Frame

The control module utilizes a front-axle tracking control law used in Stanford University's 2007 entry to the DARPA Grand Challenge: Stanley. Therefore, it is necessary for the localization and master_transforms modules to transform from each sensor's own coordinate frame to the front-axle frame defined as odom.

The GPS frame from the geodesy module is declared as gps and the Lidar frame from the loam_velodyne utility is show declared as /camera_init. The homogeneous transforms are applied using the tf library.

The robot_localization package has been utilized to perform state-estimation.

IMU Frame

Because the razor_9_dof driver does not adhere to REP-105, there a rotation has been applied. Originally, the driver outputs yaw = 0 when the IMU is pointing towards Magnetic North. However, the modules within this repo require yaw = 0 when the IMU is pointing East.

The pitch angle has also been multiplied by -1 to adhere to REP-105.

Figure of tf Tree
