Releases: PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding
Release 2.15.1
What's Changed
2.15.1 Bug Fixes
- Fix Forbidden Flame/Flesh not working with Scion #4142 (Nostrademous)
Implemented Enhancements
- Add / updated all new league uniques (LocalIdentity)
- Add support for Delirium effect scaling (LocalIdentity)
- Add support for Elementalist's Primal Aegis (Wires77)
- Add support to show Life Recoverable when Life is reserved (Regisle)
- Add support for 2 new cluster jewel mods added in 3.17 (LocalIdentity)
User Interface
- Add colours to the sidebar, config page, and calcs page (LocalIdentity)
- Add option to hide Warnings (Nightblade)
- Add configuration option for IPv4/IPv6 connections (Lothrik)
- Improved formatting for eHP calc sections (Regisle)
New Calculations
- Add support for Holy Relic Nova trigger rate (Solofme)
Accuracy Improvements
- Fix Rigwald's Curse mod parsing (LocalIdentity)
- Fix uniques that used old Blood Magic wording (LocalIdentity)
Fixed Bugs
- Fix crash when activating Energy Blade buff (Nostrademous)
- Fix Dancing Dervish not working (LocalIdentity)
- Fix issue where General's Cry would set attack rate to 1 for certain skills (Sour)
- Fix issue when importing Forbidden Flame/Flesh (Nostrademous)
- Fix for culling strike on mirages adding extra damage (Nostrademous)
- Fix an issue where degens were not working with Mind Over Matter (Regisle)
- Fix issue where certain modifiers weren't being converted properly (e.g. Battlemage) (Wires77)
- Fix an issue where the chance to inflict an ailment on a critical strike could be lower than on a non-crit for alternate ailments (Wires77)
- Update display screenshots on GitHub (Nightblade)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.14.0...v1.15.0
Release 2.14.0
Install Information
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.14.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
What's Changed
Implemented Enhancements
- Add 3.17 skill tree #3972 (dbjorge)
- Update uniques with changes from 3.17 patch notes #3974 (ifnjeff)
- Add support to enable stages for multi-part skills at a per-part level #3859 (Nostrademous)
- Add support to show stat difference on anointed nodes #3827 (KillerMZE)
- Add support for Bow Mastery and Arcing Shot Notable #3543 (Peechey)
- Add support for new bow mastery mods #3978 (madinsane)
- Add Support for Elusive Claw Mastery modifier #3992 (Nostrademous)
- Add "Cursed Enemies are Hindered" Mastery #3919 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Energy Blade #3580 (PJacek)
- Add support for several spectres: Arena Master, Ruins Hellion (partial), Trial Windchaser, Aurid Synthete, Ancient Wraith, They of Tul, Ancient Suffering, Merveil's Retainer, Primal Crushclaw, and Primal Rhex Matriarch #3932 (Lothrik)
- Add support for new Precision Technique Keystone #4004 (Nostrademous)
- Add support for new wording on War Bringer Keystone #3976 (madinsane)
- Add support for Master of Fear Notable #3803 (LocalIdentity)
- Add support for Adder's Touch Notable #4002 (Nostrademous)
- Add support for Champion's Inspirational Banner Life Regen #3742 (mthjones)
- Add support for Brand Attachment Range #3896 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Lifetap's "20% increased Life Recovery from Flasks" modifier #3906 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Anomalous Vitality #3910 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Melding of the Flesh #3923 (Lexy)
- Add support for Leadership Price's conflux mod #3271 (PJacek)
- Add support for new "for spell damage" tree mod #4055 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Strength of Blood less damage taken #3983 (deathbeam)
- Add support for Elemental Hit area component #3926 (Lothrik)
- Add support for Cluster Jewel Corruptions #3848 (randomflyingtaco)
- Add Polaric Devastation ring #4001 (Nostrademous)
- Add race event uniques #3874 (pHiney)
- Add support for Black Zenith, The Gluttonous Tide, and Divine Inferno #4061 (Wires77)
- Add support for Crystallised Omniscience #3937 (Lexy)
- Add support for Atziri's Rule #4039 (Nostrademous)
- Add support for Amanamu's Gaze, Kurgal's Gaze, and Tecrod's Gaze #4020 (Lothrik)
- Add support for several veiled uniques: Paradoxica, Replica Paradoxica, Cane of Kulemak, and The Queen's Hunger #3985 (Prismateria)
- Add support for Mageblood #3883 (Nostrademous)
- Add support for Forbidden Flesh and Flame #3975 (Nostrademous)
- Add support for Willowgift #3763 (randomflyingtaco)
- Add partial support for Fleshcrafter #3956 (PJacek)
User Interface
- Add QoL improvements for import tab #3818, #4054 (Dullson, Peechey)
- Add to import website list #3942 (Dav1dde)
- Add to import website list #3732 (rasmuskl)
- Add support to import build codes from and #4042 (Wires77)
- Add support to export a build to #4017 (Peechey)
- Add Ctrl+I hotkey to import build code #3813 (pHiney)
- Add feature to remember your last used export site in settings #4053 (Dav1dde)
- Delete jewels, skills, and equipment by default on character import #3931 (raylu)
- Remove trailing and leading spaces from the character name when importing #3950 (pHiney)
- Relabel character import "Done" button to "Close" #3898 (raylu)
- Add ability to search skills using multiple tags #3921 (pHiney)
- Add feature to match gem level to character level #3917 (Lothrik)
- Add ability to show DPS for non-cooldown traps and mines #3907 (Lothrik)
- Add 'Delete Unused' button on the items tab #3949, #4057 (pHiney, Lothrik)
- Add E hotkey to edit equipped item #3876 (pHiney)
- Move delve mods to "Add modifier..." menu while crafting items #3213 (Tom Clancy Is Dead)
- Add more explanation to non-damaging ailment breakdown #4012 (Lilylicious)
- Add support to maximum animated weapon from gem level instead of configuration [#3935](
Release 2.11.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.11.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.9.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.9.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.7.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.7.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.6.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.6.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.5.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.5.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.4.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.4.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.1.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.1.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.
Release 2.0.0
These are new installers alongside the release of 2.0.0.
If you're already using Path of Building Community, you won't need these, since it will update itself.
If you're installing for the first time, or are reinstalling, we recommend you to use these versions.
The .exe
is the normal install wizard and the .zip
is the standalone version.