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Releases: INTO-CPS-Association/DTaaS

DTaaS v0.6.0

10 Nov 20:36
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🚀 New Features

  • Tighter integration of Gitlab with the DTaaS
  • An experimental integration of Gitlab DevOps with ability to perform automated execution of digital twins.
  • Both HTTP and HTTPS installation possibilities
  • Update to runner package for limiting the execution to permitted commands (as specified in the configuration)
  • New recorded videos showcasing the capabilities of DTaaS for general, and technical users. There is also a dedicated video on showcasing the examples.
  • Updates to documentation as per the new release files
  • Library microservice previously had problems working on Windows. That bug is fixed.
  • Improved code quality by refactoring and better testing. The end-to-end tests on client website are now functional
  • Updates to all the third-party library package used in the software

🪡 What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0-pre-release

DTaaS v0.5.0

11 Jun 11:13
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🚀 New Features

  • Docker version of the application
  • Available for installation on your laptop/desktop (localhost ) and servers
  • A pip package named dtaas to support user addition and deletion to running DTaaS platform
  • OAuth authorization for backend
  • A new runner package to create REST API interface to digital twins
  • Release of independent packages that are reusable outside of DTaaS platform
  • Adds file browser capability to library microservice
  • Six new examples demonstrating a) composition of digital twins and b) run-time monitoring of digital twins
    • Incubator
    • Firefighters in Emergency Environments
    • Mass Spring Damper with NuRV Runtime Monitor
    • Incubator with NuRV Runtime Monitor
    • Incubator with NuRV Runtime Monitor Service
    • Water Tank Fault Injection with NuRV Runtime Monitor
  • Updates to documentation

⚒️ Missing Features

  • TLS (https) installation of the application.
  • Multiple installations of DTaaS on one server.

🪡 What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

DTaaS v0.4.0

05 Mar 10:30
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The documentation for this release is available online.

Improvements in this release:

For users:

  • Available for localhost installation. You can experience the DTaaS software right on your computer without the need for a web server.
  • The pre-installed packages in user workspaces have been reduced. The net result is improved execution speed of programs in user workspaces.
  • The landing page for different library assets has been same in the previous releases. The latest release customizes the library page to show only the relevant assets.
  • This release comes with three new examples. They are:
    • The industrial PLCs use OPC UA protocol extensively. Water treatment plant with OPC-UA example showcases the use of OPC-UA protocol for a digital twin running inside DTaaS.
    • The composition of DT assets is a powerful idea leading to building more complex twins. The three water tank example showcases the use of Maestro co-simulation tool to build new tools and use them in new digital twins. This example uses DTManager framework also demonstrates the possibility of using third-party DT frameworks inside DTaaS.
    • The flex cell example also uses DTManager to create a digital twin of two collaborative robots. The example demonstrates use of configuration, save and analyze lifecycle phases.

For Administrators:

  • Simplified trial and production installation. The installation time is significantly reduced.
  • The library microservices is now available as a dedicated npm package. You can install and use the same as a standalone software package. You can run multiple instances of library microservice on a single server. (NOTE: The gitlab mode of library microservice has become non-functional due to changes in the API of the upstream Gitlab. The problem has not been fixed as of this release date. Hence, the gitlab mode of library microservice has been removed in this release.)
  • Updates the third-party software dependencies used in the DTaaS software. These updates have removed twenty high and medium risk security vulnerabilities identified by the code analyzers.
  • The virtual machine installation using vagrant has been improved to include recent software updates.
  • Adds MongoDB as a new platform service.

For Developers:

  • Adds pre-commit framework to improve git hooks.
  • Makes the yarn commands cross-platform so that developers can work on Windows and Linux Operating Systems .
  • Publishes library microservice directly from the github actions

Ongoing Development

The ongoing development activities present an opportunity for collaboration in research and software development spheres. The currently active areas of work are:

  • Secure digital twin platforms
  • A dedicated microservice named digital twin runner (DT Runner) for providing API interface to digital twins. This software component has the potential to turn a DT into a dedicated set of services.
  • Development of run-time monitoring enabled digital twins in DTaaS.
  • Integrate execution of digital twins on the DevOps infrastructure of Gitlab.
  • Fully functional-installation of DTaaS in docker and kubernetes environments.


This release has been made possible by contributions from:
Astitva Sehgal, Caroline Lei, Cesar Vela, Emre Temel, Huiqi Zhou, Mads Kelberg, Linda Nguyen, Nichlaes Sørensen, Nicklas Pedersen, Oliver Geneser, Ramon Bendinger, Santiago Gil Arboleda and Yohan Unver.

Legal Stuff

The DTaaS software is released under The INTO-CPS Association License. There are multiple third-party software integrated into the DTaaS. The list of third-party software and their licenses are available online.

DTaaS v0.3.0

08 Nov 11:46
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Single Sign On

This release of DTaaS supports third-party OAuth single sign on for the frontend React website. The default installation setup suggests a standalone Gitlab instance to provide OAuth. However, any OAuth provider supporting PKCE authentication flow can be integrated into the React website to provide the necessary user authentication.

Library microservice

Some improvements in this release are:

  • Commandline Interface (CLI): The library microservice has an intuitive CLI with an option to specify the configuration file. It is possible to save the configuration file in a private location and provide the file location at run-time to the microservice.
  • The code is more thoroughly tested in this release.
  • Updates all the libraries to latest versions in order to avoid any potential security vulnerabilities

The new release is API compliant with the previous release.


The documentation has been expanded based on the feedback from the existing users, developers and external collaborators. The updated documentation is available online for this release. The new release comes with three well-documented digital twin examples.


There is now documentation for examples. There is also a script to download examples into your user workspace. All these examples are self-contained and require neither external nor internal services to work.


Some significant improvements are:

  • Updates the docker containers to latest releases of dependencies. The versions of Traefik, and platform services have been brought inline with the latest releases.
  • Adds MQTT broker as new platform service.
  • Simplifies installation of the DTaaS platform services, namely RabbitMQ and MQTT brokers, Grafana and InfluxDB services. Adds a single installation script to install all the platform services.
  • Updates to the installation documentation for admins. Adds graphical illustrations to admin documentation setup to provide better insights into the installation setup.

Complete DTaaS Software

Similar to previous release, a single step install script is part of this release. This script installs DTaaS software with default credentials and users on a Ubuntu server OS. You can use it to check a test installation of DTaaS.


Select Components

The DTaaS software architecture, design and implementation follows microservices pattern. It is possible to install and use react client and library microservice separately.

Software Development

Major highlights are:

  • Adds code to publish the library microservice as an npm package.
  • Improve the software quality and document the development process.
  • Add documentation on the development process followed in the prohject to help the new developers participate in the software development.

What's Changed

New Contributors


@astitva1905 @OliverGeneser @lindot11 @MadsKelberg @Omarley7 @SyntaxXeror @DaloonOfDoom @ravvnen @KarstenMalle @Artin13 @prasadtalasila

DTaaS v0.2.0

30 Jun 10:34
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Multiuser support

The second release of DTaaS supports multiple users. Now all the users are presented with a landing page asking for their username. The client website is configured based on the username. All the tools at the disposal of users are presented in a new Workbench page.

Library microservice

This release also brings a new microservice for serving reusable assets from file system. The files can either be on local computer or exist on a remote gitlab instance. The microservice can provide listing of files or allow the users to download a file. The microservice API is GraphQL compliant.


The much desired documentation is available online for this release. The documentation is mostly directed towards users but there is some information for the DTaaS software administrators as well.


There is also a simpler installation setup vis-a-vis v0.1.0-alpha release.

It is now possible to install DTaaS in either a Linux machine or on vagrant virtual machines. A single step install script is part of this release. This script installs DTaaS software with default credentials and users on a Ubuntu server OS. You can use it to check a test installation of DTaaS.


Software Development

The developers have put in a lot of effort to improve the software quality and test coverage. There is now redux-based state management in the client website. This should enable client-side persistence and all the goodies it brings to the users.

What's Changed


@Omarley7 @SyntaxXeror @DaloonOfDoom @ravvnen @KarstenMalle @Artin13 @prasadtalasila

DTaaS - Digital Twin as a Service

08 Apr 10:55
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This first release of the software helps with the replication of DTaaS on their machines. You need to have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed on Ubuntu 20.04 to continue with the setup.

The helps you with creation of vagrant virtual machine.

It is our intent to release reusable components from this codebase. To support that goal, we are also releasing a configurable web client ( for the software.

All the feedback is welcome. We appreciate the efforts of current collaborators and welcome new contributors.

New Contributors

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