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pixi vn json

Black Ram edited this page Feb 19, 2025 · 2 revisions

Pixi’VN + Json Integration

Pixi’VN can be integrated with JSON files to create a visual novel. This method is useful for:

  • Add a new narrative to Pixi’VN (It was used to create the integration with ink and Ren'Py)
  • Create a external tool to create visual novels with Pixi’VN

( In both these cases it is advisable to notify the developers of Pixi’VN to add the new feature to be helped )

flowchart LR;
    K@{ img: "/renpy.svg", label: "Ren'py", pos: "b", w: 90, h: 90, constraint: "on" }---->Json;
    H@{ img: "/ink.svg", label: "ink", pos: "b", w: 90, h: 90, constraint: "on" }---->Json;
    I@{ img: "/twine.svg", label: "Twine", pos: "b", w: 90, h: 90, constraint: "on" }---->Json;
    J@{ img: "/yarn-spinner.svg", label: "Yarn Spinner", pos: "b", w: 90, h: 90, constraint: "on" }---->Json;
    Json@{ img: "/pixivn-json.svg", label: "Pixi’VN + Json", pos: "b", w: 140, h: 140, constraint: "on" }
    PixiVN@{ img: "/logo.webp", label: "Pixi’VN", pos: "b", w: 180, h: 180, constraint: "on" }
classDef img fill:none,stroke:none,borderRadius:50px
class Json,D,K,H,B,I,J,PixiVN img
click K "/renpy/renpy" _blank
click H "/ink/ink" "ink" _blank

How use Pixi’VN + Json?

First of all you need to install the following library:

::: code-group

npm install @drincs/pixi-vn-json
yarn add @drincs/pixi-vn-json
pnpm add @drincs/pixi-vn-json
bun add @drincs/pixi-vn-json


All you need to do to use this integration is create a object using the PixiVNJson Model and use the importPixiVNJson() function to import the object.

import { PixiVNJson, importPixiVNJson} from '@drincs/pixi-vn-json';

let obj: PixiVNJson = {
    labels: {
        back_in_london: [
                dialogue: "We arrived into London at 9.45pm exactly.",
                labelToOpen: {
                    label: "hurry_home",
                    type: "jump",
        hurry_home: [
                dialogue: "We hurried home to Savile Row as fast as we could.",
                end: "label_end",


After that you can run the back_in_london label with Pixi’VN functions.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

narration.callLabel(`back_in_london`, {})

PixiVNJson Model

You can see the PixiVNJson model in the PixiVNJson.ts file.

The following graph has been created purely for the purpose of making the json interface easier to understand.

::: warning This graph is not complete :::

<iframe height="800" style="width: 100%;" src=''> </iframe>
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